Linked-j.jar, getConnections() method return null alway - linkedin-j

I am using linkedin-j.jar to get the get the LinkedIn Profile using getProfileById method but I am not able to fetch the Connections which comes from getConnection() method, it is always return null.
Can any one help me to come out this issue, below are the code snippet
Set<ProfileField> connectionFields = EnumSet.of(ProfileField.FIRST_NAME, ProfileField.LAST_NAME,ProfileField.CONNECTIONS)
Person person = client.methgetProfileById("id",connectionFields);
Connections conn = person.getConnections();
conn variable is coming as null.
Also I wanted to know that, why it is coming null.

Please check below code :
final LinkedInApiClientFactory factory = LinkedInApiClientFactory
final LinkedInApiClient client = factory
Set<ProfileField> fields = EnumSet.of(ProfileField.ID,
ProfileField.FIRST_NAME, ProfileField.LAST_NAME,ProfileField.CONNECTIONS);
Person profile = client.getProfileForCurrentUser(fields);
Person person = client.getProfileById(profile.getId(),fields);
Connections conn = person.getConnections();


Flutter/Dart set all fields in object to same object

simple question here but wondering if anyone can offer the right solution.
I want to take in an object of the same type as my current class, and set all my fields to that object's fields, without individually setting each out. Is there a way to do that easily or no?
User({required this.uid}) {
Database().getUser(uid).listen((User user) async {
displayName = user?.displayName;
email = user?.email;
phoneNumber = user?.phoneNumber;
photoURL = user?.photoURL;
The above works but isn't clean.
I want to be able to do the above in 1 line, eg., set
this.user = user
Not sure if this is possible. Thanks!

ASP.NET Core, where is FindByID?

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.0 application and I'm trying to attach a user to a model:
var user = _userManager.FindByIdAsync(Model.Author);
var promotion = new Promotion()
Title = Model.Title,
User = user //error here,
Created = DateTime.Now
The problem with this code is that I can't assign user to promotion.User as user is the result of an async operation. I'd prefer not to use FindByIdAsync but for some reason I can't find FindById.
UserManager contains only async API and FindByIdAsync actually returns Task<User> instead of User. So you need to make your code async also and use FindByIdAsync like this:
var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(Model.Author); // will return the User
Only if it is not possible leave your code synchronous, e.g. by calling Result property of the Task which will cause your thread to block until the result is available
var user = _userManager.FindByIdAsync(Model.Author).Result;

How do you get a syncfusion custom adapter to work with the feathers client

feathers-client 2.3.0
syncfusion-javascript 15.3.29
I have been trying for awhile to create a syncfusion custom adapter for the feathers version of it's client. I know I can use rest to get data but in order for me to do offline sync I need to use the feathers-offline-realtime plugin.
Also I am using this in an aurelia project so I am using es6 imports with babel.
Here is a code snippet I have tried, I can post the whole thing if needed.
I am also not sure if just using the Adapter vs UrlAdapter is correct as I need sorting and paging to hit the server and not just to do it locally. I think I can figure that part out if I can at least get some data back.
Note: Per Prince Oliver I am adding a clarification to the question I need to be able to call any methods of the adapter as well besides just proccessQuery such as onSort. When the datagrid calls the onSort method I need to be able to call my api using the feathers client since it handles in a special manner for offline capabilities.
import io from '';
import * as feathers from 'feathers-client';
const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3030';
const socket = io.connect(baseUrl);
const client = feathers.default()
const customers = client.service('customers');
export class FeathersAdapter {
feathersAdapter = new ej.Adaptor().extend({
processQuery: function (ds, query) {
let results
makeMeLookSync(function* () {
results = yield customers.find();
The result is undefined. I have tried several other ways but this one seems like it should work.
I am now getting data but also strange error as noted in the picture when I call
let results = await customers.find();
The process then continues and I get data but when the result variable is returned there is still no data in the grid.
async processQuery(ds, query) {
let baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3030';
let socket = io.connect(baseUrl);
let client = feathers.default()
let customers = client.service('customers');
let results = await customers.find();
var result = results, count = result.length, cntFlg = true, ret, key, agg = {};
for (var i = 0; i < query.queries.length; i++) {
key = query.queries[i];
ret = this[key.fn].call(this, result, key.e, query);
if (key.fn == "onAggregates")
agg[key.e.field + " - " + key.e.type] = ret;
result = ret !== undefined ? ret : result;
if (key.fn === "onPage" || key.fn === "onSkip" || key.fn === "onTake" || key.fn === "onRange") cntFlg = false;
if (cntFlg) count = result.length;
return result;
The processQuery method in the DataManager is used to process the parameter which are set in the ej.Query like skip, take, page before fetching the data. Then the data is fetched asynchronously based on these parameters and fetched data is processed in processResponse method to perform operations like filtering or modifying. The processQuery function operates synchronously and it does not wait for the asynchronous process to complete. Hence the returned data from the API did not get bound on the Grid and throws undefined error.
So, if you are using the to fetch the data from the API, then the data can be directly bound to the Grid control using the dataSource property. Once the dataSource is updated with the result, it will be reflected in Grid automatically through two-way binding.
<ej-grid e-data-source.bind="gridData" e-columns.bind="cols"> </ej-grid>
let baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3030';
let socket = io.connect(baseUrl);
let client = feathers.default()
let customers = client.service('customers');
let results = await customers.find();
this.gridData = results; // bind the data to Grid

Accessing user object across client application

I have installed the IS3/MR/IDM combination and everything is working fine. What I need to do now is make the the logged in user (ID, Name etc) available to all my MVC controllers so the obvious choice is to create a base controller so all others controllers inherit from it.
Could anyone advise if this is the best way to achieve this and perhaps provide some sample code?
Assuming you are already successfully authenticating against Identity Server 3, you should be all set already. If you look in the CallApiController you'll find this method
// GET: CallApi/UserCredentials
public async Task<ActionResult> UserCredentials()
var user = User as ClaimsPrincipal;
var token = user.FindFirst("access_token").Value;
var result = await CallApi(token);
ViewBag.Json = result;
return View("ShowApiResult");
the user variable should already contain claims for the user's name, Id and such. So
var id = user.FindFirst(Constants.ClaimTypes.Subject).Value;
var firstName = user.FindFirst(Constants.ClaimTypes.GivenName).Value;
var middleName = user.FindFirst(Constants.ClaimTypes.MiddleName).Value;
var lastName = user.FindFirst(Constants.ClaimTypes.LastName).Value;
Of course, that all assumes that you've got that information in your store of user information and I'm not checking for the errors that will occur if they are not there.

FB.AppRequest - Not able to parse the users who were invited

After doing a Fb.AppRequest, in my callback, I try to parse out how many users where invited by the user doing the invitation.
The problem I'm having, is that I'm parsing my result as follows:
var responseObject = Json.Deserialize(result.Text) as Dictionary<string, object>;
and when I try to access the "to" parameter, I cant get the value as an array. I tried the following, but it didnt work either.
object obj = 0;
if (responseObject.TryGetValue ("to", out obj))
Debug.Log("Sent to: " + ((string[])obj).Length);
Any help on how I can get the amount of users to which I sent the invite to?
Thanks a lot
If you only need to know how many objects do you have, you can cast that object to an IEnumerable for example:
IEnumerable<object> obj = (IEnumerable<object>)responseObject["to"];
int count = obj.Count();
or something like that.
Hope that helps !