Stopping the naked domain redirecting to www - redirect

i recently migrated my application to AWS and setup a cname for and a redirect for the to redirect to
The problem is, an external service was using a path on the naked (something like But with the redirect all HTTP POST data is being dropped with the redirect and i cant change the url that the external service is calling.
To fix this, i have setup my naked domain on route53 to point to my elastic load balancer where my app is located. I set up an A record pointed at my elastic load balancer using an alias.
Its been two days now and my naked domain still redirects to www. and therefore the external service is down. Any ideas on what i could do?

I am taking a long shot - there are different possible problems:
You are forwarding naked domain via A record to ELB, but your EC2 instace (say Apache) is still doing a redirect (not DNS, but http 301) back to www.
Check the DNS TTL. If the TTL is too large (say 48 hrs), then it takes that time. You need to wait longer.
Is Route53 fully managing your DNS? One possibility is that, somebody else like Godaddy is still doing the DNS for you - so nobody is contacting Route53 for the change to reflect.


Https redirect from DNS Host?

So I'm trying to figure out if this is something I can configure through my DNS host or if I need to set this up on my app server.
My situation
I have a heroku app and domain name (lets say which is set up for https on both www and root/apex. So and both work. I am also able to redirect any http requests (both www or root/apex) to domain to the https equivalent so in other words:
http://www. redirects to https://www. and http://root redirect to https://root.
My issue
I want all combinations of my urls (http or https and www or root) to direct to a single url (https://www or https://root). My aim is to just have consistency in the urls. I noticed that most redirects work EXCEPT when trying to redirect from to anything else.
What is the DNS host approach for this? And if it's not possible from DNS host the normal approach?
DNS provides translation from the domain name in a URL to an IP address that the client can contact. If your problem involves anything else whatsoever in the URL, it's not a problem DNS can solve.
The problem you describe involves the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. This is not part of the domain name in the URL. Therefore, DNS is not your problem.

Redirecting sub-domain to specific URI

I want to redirect my subdomain to specific URI without making any changes to my code.
I found the domain forwarding services from Bigrock, they have a sub-domain forwarding service which specifies all subdomains will be redirected as " to yourdestinationurl/subdomain/"
I replaced yourdestinationurl, with but it's not working.
Am I doing something wrong?Is there any alternative way to do this?
You may create the subdomain in the DNS Manager/Domain name zone file and point it to any URL using 'URL-Redirect' DNS record.
In other words, you need to login into the account of your domain name registrar (if the domain name is delegated to the default nameservers) or into your hosting cPanel (if you have a hosting plan). Then you need to find where to configure DNS records and configure URL-Redirect (also called URL-Forwarding) for your subdomain.
There is no need to have any plugins.

Pointing 1and1 domain to an S3 bucket

I've registered my domain about a month ago (It's a .com, so I need to wait 60 days before being allowed to transfer the domain, which I will do as I'm fed up with 1and1's service)
I created an Amazon S3 bucket with my domain name: and
All my Amazon S3 settings are in order, I've enabled website hosting, I have an index document...
In 1and1, I've set my redirect destination for to my S3 bucket endpoint.
When I hit save: "Operation Failed, The redirect URL is invalid."
What am I doing wrong?
You do not have to wait 60 days.
There are two different services that are commonly confused because providers often market then together: domain registrar services and domain hosting.
You can change your hosting provider at any time, by changing the configuration options with the current registrar. This change typically takes effect almost immediately, though conventional wisdom is that it may require up to 48 hours to take effect globally.
Create a new "hosted zone" in Route 53 for your domain. Take note of the four "awsdns" name servers that Route 53 assigns.
Log in to your registrar's admin portal and find the option the change your authoritative name server configuration. Replace the registrar's default name servers with the four provided by Route 53.
You will then use the Route 53 console to create your DNS records, including the appropriate "Alias" records pointing your domain to the S3 web site endpoint.
After the 60 days, you can change the registrar to Route 53, or any other registrar you like, continuing to use the authoritative name servers assigned to your domain by Route 53.
Route 53 is the simplest option for DNS hosting when you are using S3 for static website hosting (or CloudFront or Elastic Load Balancer) simply because of the tight integration provided by Alias records, which offer capabilities that CNAMEs can't and other DNS hosting providers can't, because they don't have direct access to the operational internals of AWS.
It sounds like you configured your domain name to use a Redirect instead of a CNAME record. Create a CNAME record to your AWS domain.
Here are some instructions:
Sometimes people don't want to create CNAMEs for their root domain and prefer to redirect from to

Subdomain redirect to subdirectory

I have a domain in which I want the subdirectory to be shown as a subdomain in the url.
I do not want it to be a subdomain because it'll cause problems with the integration of two cms's that I have.
I would like ->
to redirect to there but I would also like it to keep saying in the url and not change to /forum.
I do have access to the DNS zones but I am completely lost on how to do this. So far my is a website by itself in which I do not want it to be.
*Server Htaccess is running helicon ape.
This cannot be done purely through DNS. It's not hard, but it does involve your web server's configuration.
In DNS, create a CNAME (an alias) for to point to your server, probably
In your webserver's configuration, configure a new virtual host with that path as its document home. The way you do this will depend on whether you use Apache, Nginx, etc.

Redirect non www requests without redirecting sub-domains

To replace a legacy web site, a client has pointed their DNS at my server where a new version of the website exists.
However they still serve from their own server.
I have noticed that non-www requests, e.g. still point to their own server, therefore show the old web site.
How can I point non-www requests, at my server without breaking the functionality of their 'support' sub-domain?
The client's server is a Microsoft server, mine is Linux/Apache
Edit: Changing the DNS 'A' record will not break the existing sub-domain
I know I could add an index.html page to the front of the old site, but if it was ever deleted the page requests would cease to work
I can't use mod-rewrite because I don't have access to their web server files
On the client DNS, create an A
record for: – IP of the client's server – IP of my server - IP of my server
No need for any DNS changes on my server regarding this domain
Changing the A record for won't affect the A record for