Scala: Issue w/ sorting - scala

Sort of new to Scala.. Say I have an array:
And would like to get back all the numbers from 6
How would I achieve this in Scala?

I may be misunderstanding your request. Do you want all the numbers from 6 to 10? If so,
val nums = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
nums.filter(_ >= 6)

You can do it for example like this:
val l = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
l.sortBy(num => Math.abs(num - 6))
Take a look at documentation of sortBy method of List:
sortBy takes as argument a function which defines order. In our case the ordering function takes single argument which is num and maps it to distance from number 6. Distance is computed as absolute value of 6 substracted from the given number.


Convert an Int type to a tuple identifier in scala?

Is it possible to convert an Int to a tuple identifier (in scala)? So for a working example suppose I had this:
val testTuple = ("Hector", "Jonas", "Javi")
val id = 2
println(testTuple._id) // does not work as it tries 'num' as a name parameter
I can see that tuple elements can be accessed by the order in which they appear - much like an index (except the first value is 1 rather than 0), e.g. testTuple._1 // is Hector would work as described here among other places.
So how can this be done? Many thanks
You can use testTuple.productElement(id - 1). But note that this returns Any.
NO, You can not do this. _n is a member of tuple<n> and it automatically equals to the size of tuple. According to the notes:
For each TupleN type, where 1 <= N <= 22, Scala defines a number of
element-access methods.
val data = (4,3,2)
val sum = data._1 + data._2 + data._3
For more information, you can see Scala Tuples.

Scala - Use of .indexOf() and .indexWhere()

I have a tuple like the following:
(Age, List(19,17,11,3,2))
and I would like to get the position of the first element where their position in the list is greater than their value. To do this I tried to use .indexOf() and .indexWhere() but I probably can't find exactly the right syntax and so I keep getting:
value indexWhere is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String,
My code so far is:
val test =("Age", List(19,17,11,3,2))
test.indexWhere(_.2(_)<=_.2(_).indexOf(_.2(_)) )
I also searched the documentation here with no result:
If you want to perform this for each element in an RDD, you can use RDD's mapValues (which would only map the right-hand-side of the tuple) and pass a function that uses indexWhere:
rdd.mapValues(_.zipWithIndex.indexWhere { case (v, i) => i+1 > v} + 1)
Your example seems wrong, if you want the last matching item it should be 5 (position of 2) and not 4
You did not define what should be done when no item matches your condition, e.g. for List(0,0,0) - in this case the result would be 0 but not sure that's what you need

How to sort a list in scala

I am a newbie in scala and I need to sort a very large list with 40000 integers.
The operation is performed many times. So performance is very important.
What is the best method for sorting?
You can sort the list with List.sortWith() by providing a relevant function literal. For example, the following code prints all elements of sorted list which contains all elements of the initial list in alphabetical order of the first character lowercased:
val initial = List("doodle", "Cons", "bible", "Army")
val sorted = initial.sortWith((s: String, t: String)
=> s.charAt(0).toLower < t.charAt(0).toLower)
Much shorter version will be the following with Scala's type inference:
val initial = List("doodle", "Cons", "bible", "Army")
val sorted = initial.sortWith((s, t) => s.charAt(0).toLower < t.charAt(0).toLower)
For integers there is List.sorted, just use this:
val list = List(4, 3, 2, 1)
val sortedList = list.sorted
just check the docs
List has several methods for sorting. myList.sorted works for types with already defined order (like Int or String and others). myList.sortWith and myList.sortBy receive a function that helps defining the order
Also, first link on google for scala List sort:
you can use List(1 to 400000).sorted

Creating a range in Scala recursively

I am new to Scala and I am still trying to get used to its syntax and rules.
I have a method that takes two inputs and returns a list with the numbers in between, excluding the last number. For example:
int a = 2
int b = 5
The list would be {2,3,4}
I have a method that creates a list but also account for the last digit.
def fromTo(low:Int,high:Int): List[Int] = {
if(low == high)
I tried creating a new variable but that did not work. Any ideas on how to make that last digit not be part of the list?
Think about your base case. What happens if you call fromTo(a,a) for some integer a.
Maybe a bit off topic, but you're also assuming that low <= high might want to look into that as well.
I'm not sure if you are specifically trying to do this with a recursive call but if all you really want is the list of numbers from X to Y excluding Y, you can just do the following:
scala> (2 until 5).toList
res3: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4)

Terminal function for collections in scala

Suppose we have a list of some int values(positive and negative) and we have a task to double only positive values. Here is a snippet that produces the desired result:
val list: List[Int] = ....
list.filter(_ > 0).map(_ * 2)
So far so good, but what if the list is very large of size N. Does the program iterates N times on filter function and then N times on map function?
How does scala know when it's time to go through the list in cycle and apply all the filtering and mapping stuff? What will be result(in terms of list traversing) if we group the original list by identity function for instance(to get rid of duplicates) and the apply map function?
Does the program iterates N times on filter function and then N times on map function?
Yes. Use a view to make operations on collections lazy. For example:
val list: List[Int] = ...
list.view.filter(_ > 0).map(_ * 2)
How does scala know when it's time to go through the list in cycle and apply all the filtering and mapping stuff?
When using a view, it will calculate the value when you actually go to use a materialized value:
val x = list.view.filter(_ > 0).map(_ * 2)
println(x.head * 2)
This only applies the filter and the map when head is called.
Does the program iterates N times on filter function and then N times
on map function?
Yes, for a List you should use withFilter instead. From withFilter doc:
Note: the difference between `c filter p` and `c withFilter p` is that
the former creates a new collection, whereas the latter only
restricts the domain of subsequent `map`, `flatMap`, `foreach`,
and `withFilter` operations.
If there is a map after filter, you can always using collect instead:
list.collect{ case x if x > 0 => 2*x }