Error when adding plugin to webwroks project - blackberry-webworks

I am new to webworks development..when i add plugin in webwroks projects using command prompt,showing following error
'webwroks' not recognised as internal or external command.
please help me as quick as possible

are you typing "webworks", or "webwroks" like shown above?
To add a plugin you would type
webworks plugin add <plugin-name>
For example...
webworks plugin add


Use .aar file in Ionic application

I have a Java package .aar file. I need to use it in Ionic application. I try to create a Cordova plugin and add an aahe file in it.But don't have proper idea about it.
Do anyone suggest how to do it?
Any link?

Eclipse RCP: Plugin does not start

I wrote a new plugin for my eclipse rcp application and added the plugin to the dependencies of my product. I also tried to set the auto-start value of the new plugin to true but it does not start. It shows up as resolved but not as started.
Basically the only thing that this plugin does is to add a help file (table of contents) via the extension point
Any idea why the plugin code isn't executed?
Also: the plugin adds its content if I execute it from inside eclipse. The problem occures after I export it.
Just to be clear ... you're not expecting 'code' to run, but when you launch the exported RCP application standalone, the help contents does not appear in the TOC, right?
How did you define your RCP product? As a feature or plug-in based product?
If based on plug-in's, did you define all the necessary plug-in's on the product dependencies tab?
If based on features, did you add the new plug-in to the feature?

How to setup the project & workspace for building Androlate; an Eclipse Plugin

Does anyone know how to properly setup an Eclipse project in order to build the Androlate plugin; which can be found at
I need this in order to replace the older Google translation code - which no longer works - with the newer Bing Translation code (see Issue #2 of this plugin for more information).
I've never built an Eclipse plugin before and all my attempts so far for this plugin have failed. However, I'm able to build the plugin examples given by Eclipse and I've also be able to build the complex Motodev plugin (; therefore my environment (Eclipse Juno) should be correct.
First, the source for this plugin is lacking its .project File; so I had to trick Eclipse in order to import this project into the workspace by overwriting a new plugin project over the source files. (BTW, does anyone knows why is it so difficult to simply add an existing project to the current workspace in Eclipse? Why did they have to make such a simple task so difficult?).
Second, when I try to launch this plugin under Debug Mode as an Eclipse application, I first got multiple error messages: Can't find bundle for base name feature, locale en_US.
Finally, when I try the plugin itself, I got the error Logging bundle must not be null at the line 60 of the file; indicating that the call to Platform.getBundle(Activator.PLUGIN_ID) at the previous line (line 59) return a null bundle.
This is because the Plugin Id specified in the activator does not match the plugin id specified in your MANIFEST.MF [Check and correct it to com.cicadalane.androlate]
Old post, but here is an androlate gradle plugin if it helps anyone

Runtime error of NoClassDefFoundError when a eclipse plugin depends on other eclipse plugin

I have an eclipse plugin project com.prosseek.asttest, and I spin off a new plugin project com.prosseek.impactAnalyzer that has one class Now asttest project depends on impactAnalyzer project. I had no choice but to make impactAnalyzer project eclipse plugin as it uses JDT library.
After setting up the build path in com.prosseek.asttest, it builds without a problem.
However, when I execute the plugin, I got an error missing class.
What might be wrong?
If you are running this as an OSGI or Eclipse Application, you need to explicity export packages as available to other plugins as by default they are not. Open your manifest editor in plugin 1. Click on the runtime tab and add the packages as "Exported" then the class loader in blugin 2 will be able to find it.
Also looks like you might be doing the class path configuration wrong. in plugin 2 make sure you add plugin 1 as a dependency in the dependencies tab of the manifest editor. Looks like you are doing a dependency configuration as if it were a regular java application
Based on Duncan's answer, I could fix this issue.
Export packages in impactAnalyzer
Actually I didn't add it manually, but it's already exported, as (I guess) I did it with Quick Assist automatically.
Required Plug-ins
I had to Add com.prosseek.impactAnalyzer in the dependecies.
Run configuration update
I had one more step to do, I had to open run configuration to add required plug-ins.
Export the plugin
When exporting the asttest plugin, I also had to export impactAnalyzer also.

Error in MANIFEST.MF of SWTBot test plugin

I would want to try out SWTBot to test our RCP application's user interface. For that I started with the sample test which worked perfectly as documented here. I wanted to try similarly on our application and for that I checked out our UI plugin and was able to launch it as eclipse application. Then I created a new SWTBot test plugin. Just after creating test plugin, I see error "Bundle 'org.eclipse.swtbot.go' cannot be resolved" in MANIFEST.MF file on line "Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.swtbot.go".
I am not sure why I am getting this error only when I try to create the test plugin for our custom RCP application and not when I am trying out the example provided in the above link. I compared both test plugin MANIFEST.MF file but left with no clue.
Has anyone faced such error while creating the SWTBot test plugin for the custom RCP application?
Thanks in advance !!
Make sure the org.eclipse.swtbot.go is actually the name of the plugin (maybe the plugin is called something else).
Make sure your target platform in PDE contains the SWTBot stuff. You can also use the PDE Plugins view to see if you see the SWTBot plugins.