mongodb query in 2 collections - mongodb

I have define 2 reconds in 2 collections separately in one mongo db like this
"_id" : ObjectId("53142f58c781abdd1d836fcd"),
"number" : "order1",
"user" : ObjectId("53159bd7d941aba0621073e3")
"_id" : ObjectId("53159bd7d941aba0621073e3"),
"name" : "user1",
"gender" : "male"
when I use this command in console, it can not execute
db.orders.find({user: db.user['_id']}) or db.orders.find({user: user['_id']}),
is there anything wrong? Thanks!

Another way is to:
> var user = db.users.findOne({name: 'user1'});
> db.orders.find({user: user._id});
This way can be a bit more flexible especially if you want to return orders for multiple users etc.
Taking your comment:
Thanks, but actually, I want to search all the orders of all users, not only one user. So what would I do? Thanks
printJson(db.orders.find({user: doc._id}));

I think you want:
All you need to do is to make a query and check the output before inserting it into the query.
i.e. check that:
has the output:
If you want to run larger queries, you're going to have to change your structure. Remember that Mongodb doesn't do joins so you'll need to do create a user document that looks like this:
You can then update this using:
db.user.update({'_id':ObjectId('blah')}, {'orders':{$push:{'number':'order2'}})
This will then start you with order tracking.
Mongo will be able to find using the following:
returning the full user record

Maybe you can help this solution:
use orders


Mongo query condition using IN?

I wonder if there's anything similar to mysql IN? Like this "where id in (1,3,5)"?
I have this in my group by condition and i want to do filter only certain ids and those ids are like the above case where using gte/lt once will be able to do the job.
Maybe not just for group by but find. Any help will be great. Thanks.
{"time" : {"$gte" : "2015-12-16", "$lt" : "2015-12-16"}}
You mean, like:
{ field: { $in: [1,3,5] } }
No. There's nothing like that in mongodb. Trust me. Nothing like that.

Need Help on Mongo DB query

There is an existing person collection in the system which is like:
"_id" : ObjectId("536378bcc9ecd7046700001f"),
"5407357013875b9727000111" : {
"5407357013875b9727000222" : {
"role" : "DEVELOPER",
So that multiple user objects can have the same engagement with a specific role, I need to fire a query in this hierarchy where I can get all the persons which have a specific engagement in the engagements property of person collection.
I want to get all the persons which have
5407357013875b9727000222 in the engagements.
I know $in operator could be used but the problem is that I need to compare the keys of the sub Json engagements.
I think it's as simple as this:
db.users.find({'engagements.5407357013875b9727000222': {$exists: true}})
If you want to match against multiple engagement ids, then you'll have to use $or. Sorry, no $in for you here.
Note, however, that you need to restructure your data, as this one can't be indexed to help this concrete query. Here I assume you care about performance and this query is used often enough to have impact on the database.

Composition in mongo query (SQL sub query equivalent)

I have a couple of collections, for example;
//other fields we don't care about
//other fields we don't care about
I want to delete the email for a given member. In SQL I could use a nested query, something like;
delete emails
where memberid in (select id from members where name = "evanmcdonnal")
In mongo I'm trying something like this;
db.emails.remove( {"memberid":db.members.find( {"name":"evanmcdonnal"}, {id:1, _id:0} ) )
But it returns no results. So I took the nested query and ran it on it's own. The issue I believe is that it returns;
Which - assuming inner queries execute first - gives me a query of;
db.emails.remove( {"memberid":{ "id""myMadeUpId"} )
When really I just want the value of id. I've tried using dictionary and dot notation to access the value of id with no luck. Is there a way to do this that is similar to my attempted query above?
Let's see how you'd roughly translate
delete emails where memberid in (select id from members where name = "evanmcdonnal")
into a set of mongo shell operations. You can use:
db.members.find({ "name" : "evanmcdonnal" }, { "id" : 1 }).forEach(function(doc) {
db.emails.remove({ "memberid" : });
However, this does one remove query for each result document from members. You could push the members result ids into an array and use $in:
var plzDeleteIds = db.members.find({ "name" : "evanmcdonnal" }, { "id" : 1 }).toArray();
db.emails.remove({ "memberid" : { "$in" : plzDeleteIds } });
but that could be a problem if plzDeleteIds gets very, very large. You could batch. In all cases we need to do multiple requests to the database because we are querying multiple collections, which always requires multiple operations in MongoDB (as of 2.6, anyway).
The more idiomatic way to do this type of thing in MongoDB is to store the member information you need in the email collection on the email documents, possibly as a subdocument. I couldn't say exactly if and how you should do this since you've given only a bit of your data model that has, apparently, been idealized.
As forEach() way didn't work for me i solved this using:
var plzDeleteIds = db.members.find({ "name" : "evanmcdonnal" }, { "id" : 1 }).toArray();
var aux = plzDeleteIds["0"];
var aux2 = { return; } );
db.emails.remove({ "memberid" : { "$in" : aux2 } });
i hope it help!
I do not believe what you are asking for is possible. MongoDB queries talk to just one collection -- there is no syntax to go cross-collection.
However, what about the following:
The name in members does not seem to be unique. If you were to delete emails from the "emails' collection using name as the search attribute, you might have a problem. Why not store the actual email address in the email collection? And store email address again in the members collection. When your user logs in, you will have retrieved his member record -- including the email address. When you want to delete his emails, you already have his email and you can do:
db.emails.remove({emailAddress: theActualAddress))
Does that work?

Monodb database migration with embedded query

Currently in my database I have messages objects set up as the following.
"name" : "System",
"message" : "Sean Callahan has entered the room.",
"time" : 1406479167270,
"type" : "system_message",
"room" : "helloroom",
"_id" : "4yeHzhHAQmGJNtHww"
I want to basically migrate my data so that every message has a roomId that point it at the appropriate room. Currently this is done by the with the room attribute, which I know see the fault in my ways for various reasons.
My room objects are setup something like this.
"_id:" xxxxxxxxx
"room_name:" "testingroom"
So I was hoping there was a way to run a one-liner that would just add the correct roomId to every current message based on the current room attribute that is set
I was thinking something along the lines of..
db.messages.update({}, {$set: {roomId: db.rooms.findOne({room_name: room})._id}})
As of now, I am getting room is not defined, which makes perfect sense. But I can't seem to get it right, and this may just not be possible in a one-line query.
As you discovered, this isn't possible in a one-line query since you need to join data from two collections.
Here's an example of how to add the missing field in the mongo shell:
{ roomId: { $exists: false} }
).forEach(function(room) {
var roomId = db.rooms.findOne({room_name:});
if (roomId._id) {
{ _id: room._id },
{ $set: { roomId: roomId._id }}
You could tidy this up with some error checking, and for updates on a large collection consider using the Bulk Update API (only available in MongoDB 2.6+).

mongoDB select from collection with relation

I need to select users for corresponding data from query.
I have this collection in my DB (two or more rows are output of my query as well)
> db.Friends.find()
{ "userId" : "k3XCWdN5M2pbzBiFD", "followeeId" : "3MTmHcJNEzaaS8hrd","_id" : "aiRD.." }
{ "userId" : "k3XCWdN5M2pbzBiFD", "followeeId" : "SoTozuZ4nWooRBeFz","_id" : "QingX.." }
When it would be just one result as findOne(...) the second query would looks like this:
users.findOne({ _id: firstQueryResult.followeeId })
But now the problem is... how can i select the users from users collection when i dont have only one followeeId but more of them?
Please someone show me an example of code.
My research:
Is this a good solution?
friendsData.forEach(function(relationShip) {
Ok i finalllly figure out the problem.For next readers:
Check if autopublish is enabled or disabled.
If is disabled you need to publish the collection from the DB
Meteor.publish("userData", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({},
{fields: {'username': 1}});
PS: i want to publish only username field and thats all!
You need to subscribe the data as well!
Now you can access other users data this way:
users= Meteor.users.findOne({username: "Nolifer"});
To my original problem ... i will probably use this function for iterate over more then one row result(its more a SQL term but i am not sure what term use in mongoDb maybe a document? whatever):
users.forEach(function(user) {
Thats it!
P.S.: I think there is nothing wrong on this but what i know right? :) So if someone know a better way please leave a comment. If not give me know if it was useful for you :)
According to the mongo manual, use the $in operand:
db.inventory.find( { qty: { $in: [ 5, 15 ] } } )