saving perspectives when an emacs session is saved - emacs

I have been using perspectives package in emacs (from Nathan Weizenbaum, I save my emacs session on exit so that it saves the existing buffers and loads them up on next start. The line added in .emacs file to achieve this is : (desktop-save-mode 1). But it doesn't save perspectives, so that all the saved buffers open under a single perspective, when emacs is started. Is there any implementation that will achieve the saving of perspectives between emacs sessions?

desktop-save-mode is provided by package desktop which comes with emacs, it is not provided by perspective.el. Desktop mode can save and restore your buffers (with emacs 24.4 it can also save your windows and frames) but does not provide 'named window configurations'. Perhaps you can use bookmarks+ for this as #Drew suggests but I have never tried it.
The package perspectives does not provide a way save and load perspectives. See this issue. As an alternative I would like to suggest you the package workgroups2, it similar to perpective.el (it calls perspectives workgroups) and provides that feature you want.

This might be an alternative for you, depending on what you are looking for:
Starting with Emacs 24.4 (which will be released soon, and for which development snapshots are available), when you save an Emacs desktop (see desktop-save-mode and Bookmark+ desktop bookmarks), you can optionally save frame, window, and buffer states. Restoring a desktop then restores these as well (as far as possible).


How do I store a persistent history?

Im fairly new to Emacs (I'm using emacs now since 1 month) and migrated from vim. One "feature" of vim I really miss in Emacs, is the persistent history.
When I am starting vim I can easily open files I recently had open via the command history. But in Emacs when im in dired (or executing commands via M-x) and then pressing M-p I can only browse through the sessions history, and cannot open i.e. files I had opened in a previous session. So, now my question: Is it possible to store the Emacs-history persistent on my system, that when I re-open Emacs I can access my complete history?
(Btw. my Emacs Version is 24.3.1)
Thanks in regards,
You can put (savehist-mode 1) in your .emacs to save your minibuffer history over several sessions. (You will need to restart for this to work)
For M-x specifically, look at the SMex package. It enhances M-x with a history, flex matching, better ordering, etc.

Save Frames for future sessions

Is there a way to save frames and their relative positions in emacs?
I know that we could save windows using desktop.el ... this works fine
but I also want to save the frames.
I have tried various options including frame-restore.el and desktopaid.el but they don't seem to work with various errors. Either they do not byte compile or give other errors.
Does some have nice clean way to save frames + desktop sessions in emacs?
Emacs 24.4 (which is not yet released) extends the Desktop feature of saving and restoring desktops (Emacs session state), to include frames and their positions, buffers (sometimes), etc.
You can obtain MS Windows executable builds of the development version of Emacs (what will become 24.4) here.
If you have an Emacs build that supports this, consult the Emacs manual, node Saving Emacs Sessions for more information.

Emacs inside of gedit?

After years of experimentation with editors, the fact is I prefer them as minimal as possible. I never use fancy features and the full-feature IDE's become bloated, heavy, and slow. Of course, when I do something that pretty much requires a specific IDE (like Android dev and Eclipse) I have no problems using it. But most of the time, I use gedit for programming.
However, I like many Emacs commands, and I want to use them occasionally. Is there a way to embed Emacs inside of gedit? For instance, I envision pressing alt-q (or whatever combo) and Emacs mode is enabled, and from then on all my key presses in the current tab do Emacs commands. I press alt-q again, and it turns off. This would allow me the best of both worlds. Anything like this exist, or do I need to write this plugin myself?
I've seen discussion of embedding of Emacs in other applications in the past, and the consensus is that even that's not feasible, let alone what you're suggesting.
You'd be better off identifying what gedit does that makes you want to use it instead of Emacs, and extending Emacs to make it do that, too. (There can't be that much --- gedit doesn't do much.) The extra features can just sit there and wait for you, and you'll find it easier to locate and use them if you're comfortable in Emacs-mode already.
(On top of all the other advantages of Emacs, you gain the ability to use the same editor you use in a windowed environment on the terminal --- a huge advantage.)
Or maybe yes . . .
You can use the External Tools plugin of gedit (look for it in Preferences). Add a new command, bind it to the key you want, and use this script:
emacs $FILE_NAME
If you want it to open in the currently-running Emacs, replace emacs with emacsclient, and add the following to your .emacs:
This is kind of backward. Why don't you just use Emacs and stay away from all the extra bells and whistles? It'd probably be easier to coax emacs to emulate gedit than the other way around.
If gedit (a) can be scripted to launch another application with the current file as an argument, and (b) will notice if the file is modified on disk and offer to reload it, then you would have a workaround.

Change the initial directory on emacs, and also some tips for a starter

How can I change the initial directory on emacs? I started using it today and there are a lot of things to learn!
Right now I'm using M-X cd and then I change the directory that I use for C-x C-f, but in a daily work I'm going to heavily use one particular directory so I need to make the change permanent.
Also if you have some tips for a starter it will be nice.
To set a default directory, simply put
(cd "/default/path/")
in your ~/.emacs file.
Emacs has a steep learning curve, but with constant use the most common commands will soon become second nature. As you discover more, emacs may become your favorite text editor, file manager, and email reader :)
To learn emacs, I'd start by pressing C-h t to start plowing through the excellent tutorial. Have a pad of paper beside you and write down the commands as you learn them. You'll use the crib sheet at first, but after a while, as I mentioned before, your fingers will learn the key combinations without your brain conciously intervening.
Good luck and have fun!
Default directory is determined by:
(setq default-directory "~/")
in this case, set to the users home dir, but it could be somewhere else.
If this variable is not set, the initial load point for find-file will be the directory where the emacs executable lives.
EDIT: on windows, a global HOME environment variable can be defined (HOME=c:\path\to\user\home\directory), ensuring that Emacs translates ~ to the correct value. This makes the Emacs settings usable across platforms.
Start up emacs only after changing to that "initial directory", effectively setting the current directory for emacs.
This is a solution specific to Windows.
Create a shortcut to emacs.exe" called GNU Emacs
Open Properties on the GNU Emacs shortcut
Set Start in to %USERPROFILE%\Documents
This solution works for multi-user workstations whether they are on or off Active Directory.
This shortcut will start Emacs in the current user's Documents folder.
Print out the Gnu Emacs Reference card and keep it by the desk.

Saving Window Configurations in Emacs

I'm wondering if there's a way to save window configurations across emacs sessions. I know desktop-save is fantastic for preserving buffers and whatnot and the emacs manual demonstrates storing a window configuration into a register but this doesn't persist across sessions.
Of course this doesn't seem like it would be too hard to implement myself...
EmacsWiki is a great resource: EmacsWiki: Session Management
Looks like Windows Mode, or more specifically revive.el, is what you want.
A lot has changed since 2008, and desktop-save-mode now also restores frames across sessions. Emacs 24.4 and higher.