Scala streams tailrecursive construction - scala

Is there a benefit to build a Stream in a tail-recursive way with an accumulator? The #tailrec annotation will turn a recursion into a loop, but the loop would be evaluated strictly.
I can figure out a simple way to add at the head of the stream in a tail-recursive way
def toStream(current:A, f: A => B, next: A => A, previous:Stream[B]):Stream[B]] = {
val newItem = f(current)
val newCurrent = next(a)
toStream(nextCurrent,f,next,Stream cons (newItem, previous) )
And how to add at the end (building a real lazy stream) without tail-recursion
def toStream(current:A, f: A => B, next: A => A):Stream[B] = {
val newItem = f(current)
val newCurrent = next(a)
Stream.cons (newItem, toStream(newCurrent))
How would you code the dual of this function:
Add at the head in non tail-recursive?
Add the end tail-recursive


request timeout from flatMapping over cats.effect.IO

I am attempting to transform some data that is encapsulated in cats.effect.IO with a Map that also is in an IO monad. I'm using http4s with blaze server and when I use the following code the request times out:
def getScoresByUserId(userId: Int): IO[Response[IO]] = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats + ShiftJsonSerializer() + RawShiftSerializer()
implicit val shiftJsonReader = new Reader[ShiftJson] {
def read(value: JValue): ShiftJson = value.extract[ShiftJson]
implicit val shiftJsonDec = jsonOf[IO, ShiftJson]
// get the shifts
var getDbShifts: IO[List[Shift]] = shiftModel.findByUserId(userId)
// use the userRoleId to get the RoleId then get the tasks for this role
val taskMap : IO[Map[String, Double]] = taskModel.findByUserId(userId).flatMap {
case tskLst: List[Task] => IO( Task) => ( -> task.standard)).toMap)
val traversed: IO[List[Shift]] = for {
shifts <- getDbShifts
traversed <- shifts.traverse((shift: Shift) => {
val lstShiftJson: IO[List[ShiftJson]] = read[List[ShiftJson]](shift.roleTasks)
.map((sj: ShiftJson) =>
taskMap.flatMap((tm: Map[String, Double]) =>
IO(ShiftJson(, sj.taskType, sj.label, sj.value.toString.toDouble / tm.get(
//TODO: this flatMap is bricking my request
lstShiftJson.flatMap((sjLst: List[ShiftJson]) => {
IO(Shift(, shift.shiftDate, shift.shiftStart, shift.shiftEnd,
shift.lunchDuration, shift.shiftDuration, shift.breakOffProd, shift.systemDownOffProd,
shift.meetingOffProd, shift.trainingOffProd, shift.projectOffProd, shift.miscOffProd,
write[List[ShiftJson]](sjLst), shift.userRoleId, shift.isApproved, shift.score, shift.comments
} yield traversed
traversed.flatMap((sLst: List[Shift]) => Ok(write[List[Shift]](sLst)))
as you can see the TODO comment. I've narrowed down this method to the flatmap below the TODO comment. If I remove that flatMap and merely return "IO(shift)" to the traversed variable the request does not timeout; However, that doesn't help me much because I need to make use of the lstShiftJson variable which has my transformed json.
My intuition tells me I'm abusing the IO monad somehow, but I'm not quite sure how.
Thank you for your time in reading this!
So with the guidance of Luis's comment I refactored my code to the following. I don't think it is optimal (i.e. the flatMap at the end seems unecessary, but I couldnt' figure out how to remove it. BUT it's the best I've got.
def getScoresByUserId(userId: Int): IO[Response[IO]] = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats + ShiftJsonSerializer() + RawShiftSerializer()
implicit val shiftJsonReader = new Reader[ShiftJson] {
def read(value: JValue): ShiftJson = value.extract[ShiftJson]
implicit val shiftJsonDec = jsonOf[IO, ShiftJson]
// - read the shift.roleTasks into a ShiftJson object
// - divide each task value by the task.standard where =
// - write the list of shiftJson back to a string
val traversed = for {
taskMap <- taskModel.findByUserId(userId).map((tList: List[Task]) => Task) => ( -> task.standard)).toMap)
shifts <- shiftModel.findByUserId(userId)
traversed <- shifts.traverse((shift: Shift) => {
val lstShiftJson: List[ShiftJson] = read[List[ShiftJson]](shift.roleTasks)
.map((sj: ShiftJson) => ShiftJson(, sj.taskType, sj.label, sj.value.toString.toDouble / taskMap.get( ))
shift.roleTasks = write[List[ShiftJson]](lstShiftJson)
} yield traversed
traversed.flatMap((t: List[Shift]) => Ok(write[List[Shift]](t)))
Luis mentioned that mapping my List[Shift] to a Map[String, Double] is a pure operation so we want to use a map instead of flatMap.
He mentioned that I'm wrapping every operation that comes from the database in IO which is causing a great deal of recomputation. (including DB transactions)
To solve this issue I moved all of the database operations inside of my for loop, using the "<-" operator to flatMap each of the return values allows the variables being used to preside within the IO monads, hence preventing the recomputation experienced before.
I do think there must be a better way of returning my return value. flatMapping the "traversed" variable to get back inside of the IO monad seems to be unnecessary recomputation, so please anyone correct me.

Queue In Scala using list in scala

We can implement a queue in java simply by using ArrayList but in case of Scala Lists are immutable so how can I implement a queue using List in Scala.Somebody give me some hint about it.
This is from Scala's immutable Queue:
Queue is implemented as a pair of Lists, one containing the in elements and the other the out elements. Elements are added to the in list and removed from the out list. When the out list runs dry, the queue is pivoted by replacing the out list by in.reverse, and in by Nil.
object Queue {
def empty[A]: Queue[A] = new Queue(Nil, Nil)
class Queue[A] private (in: List[A], out: List[A]) {
def isEmpty: Boolean = in.isEmpty && out.isEmpty
def push(elem: A): Queue[A] = new Queue(elem :: in, out)
def pop(): (A, Queue[A]) =
out match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Queue(in, tail))
case Nil =>
val head :: tail = in.reverse // throws exception if empty
(head, new Queue(Nil, tail))
var q = Queue.empty[Int]
(1 to 10).foreach(i => q = q.push(i))
while (!q.isEmpty) { val (i, r) = q.pop(); println(i); q = r }
With immutable Lists, you have to return a new List after any modifying operation. Once you've grasped that, it's straightforward. A minimal (but inefficient) implementation where the Queue is also immutable might be:
class Queue[T](content:List[T]) {
def pop() = new Queue(content.init)
def push(element:T) = new Queue(element::content)
def peek() = content.last
override def toString() = "Queue of:" + content.toString
val q= new Queue(List(1)) //> q : lists.queue.Queue[Int] = Queue of:List(1)
val r = q.push(2) //> r : lists.queue.Queue[Int] = Queue of:List(2, 1)
val s = r.peek() //> s : Int = 1
val t = r.pop() //> t : lists.queue.Queue[Int] = Queue of:List(2)
If we talk about mutable Lists, they wouldn't be an efficient structure for implementing a Queue for the following reason: Adding elements to the beginning of a list works very well (takes constant time), but popping elements off the end is not efficient at all (takes longer the more elements there are in the list).
You do, however, have Arrays in Scala. Accessing any element in an array takes constant time. Unfortunately arrays are not dynamically sized, so they wouldn't make good queues. They cannot grow as your queue grows. However ArrayBuffers do grow as your array grows. So that would be a great place to start.
Also, note that Scala already has a Queue class: scala.collection.mutable.Queue.
The only way to implement a Queue with an immutable List would be to use a var. Good luck!

Delayed Execution of a series of operations

I'm trying to write a class where when you call a function defined in the class, it will store it in an array of functions instead of executing it right away, then user calls exec() to execute it:
class TestA(val a: Int, newAction: Option[ArrayBuffer[(Int) => Int]]) {
val action: ArrayBuffer[(Int) => Int] = if (newAction.isEmpty) ArrayBuffer.empty[(Int) => Int] else newAction.get
def add(b: Int): TestA = {action += (a => a + b); new TestA(a, Some(action))}
def exec(): Int = {
var result = 0
action.foreach(r => result += r.apply(a))
def this(a:Int) = this(a, None)
Then this is my test code:
"delayed action" should "delay action till ready" in {
val test = new TestA(3)
val result = test.add(5).add(5)
This gives me a result of 16 because 3 was passed in twice and got added twice. I guess the easy way for me to solve this problem is to not pass in value for the second round, like change val a: Int to val a: Option[Int]. It helps but it doesn't solve my real problem: letting the second function know the result of the first execution.
Does anyone have a better solution to this?? Or if this is a pattern, can anyone share a tutorial of it?
Just save the result of the action in the 'result' variable (instatiate it with 'a') and use the previous result as input for the current iteration
def exec(): Int = {
var result = a
action.foreach(r => result = r.apply(result))
or use the more functional oriented solution that does the same
def exec(): Int = {
action.foldLeft(a)((r, f) => f.apply(r))

Scala - merging multiple iterators

I have multiple iterators which return items in a sorted manner according to some sorting criterion. Now, I would like to merge (multiplex) the iterators into one, combined iterator. I know how to do it in Java style, with e.g. tree-map, but I was wondering if there is a more functional approach? I want to preserve the laziness of the iterators as much as possible.
You can just do:
val it = iter1 ++ iter2
It creates another iterator and does not evaluate the elements, but wraps the two existing iterators.
It is fully lazy, so you are not supposed to use iter1 or iter2 once you do this.
In general, if you have more iterators to merge, you can use folding:
val iterators: Seq[Iterator[T]] = ???
val it = iterators.foldLeft(Iterator[T]())(_ ++ _)
If you have some ordering on the elements that you would like to maintain in the resulting iterator but you want lazyness, you can convert them to streams:
def merge[T: Ordering](iter1: Iterator[T], iter2: Iterator[T]): Iterator[T] = {
val s1 = iter1.toStream
val s2 = iter2.toStream
def mergeStreams(s1: Stream[T], s2: Stream[T]): Stream[T] = {
if (s1.isEmpty) s2
else if (s2.isEmpty) s1
else if (s1.head < s2.head) s1.head #:: mergeStreams(s1.tail, s2)
else s2.head #:: mergeStreams(s1, s2.tail)
mergeStreams(s1, s2).iterator
Not necessarily faster though, you should microbenchmark this.
A possible alternative is to use buffered iterators to achieve the same effect.
Like #axel22 mentioned, you can do this with BufferedIterators. Here's one Stream-free solution:
def combine[T](rawIterators: List[Iterator[T]])(implicit cmp: Ordering[T]): Iterator[T] = {
new Iterator[T] {
private val iterators: List[BufferedIterator[T]] =
def hasNext: Boolean = iterators.exists(_.hasNext)
def next(): T = if (hasNext) {
iterators.filter(_.hasNext).map(x => (x.head, x)).minBy(_._1)(cmp)
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot call next on an exhausted iterator!")
You could try:
(iterA ++ iterB).toStream.sorted.toIterator
For example:
val i1 = (1 to 100 by 3).toIterator
val i2 = (2 to 100 by 3).toIterator
val i3 = (3 to 100 by 3).toIterator
val merged = (i1 ++ i2 ++ i3).toStream.sorted.toIterator // results in: 1 // results in: 2 // results in: 3

Scala extending while loops to do-until expressions

I'm trying to do some experiment with Scala. I'd like to repeat this experiment (randomized) until the expected result comes out and get that result. If I do this with either while or do-while loop, then I need to write (suppose 'body' represents the experiment and 'cond' indicates if it's expected):
do {
val result = body
} while(!cond(result))
It does not work, however, since the last condition cannot refer to local variables from the loop body. We need to modify this control abstraction a little bit like this:
def repeat[A](body: => A)(cond: A => Boolean): A = {
val result = body
if (cond(result)) result else repeat(body)(cond)
It works somehow but is not perfect for me since I need to call this method by passing two parameters, e.g.:
val result = repeat(body)(a => ...)
I'm wondering whether there is a more efficient and natural way to do this so that it looks more like a built-in structure:
val result = do { body } until (a => ...)
One excellent solution for body without a return value is found in this post: How Does One Make Scala Control Abstraction in Repeat Until?, the last one-liner answer. Its body part in that answer does not return a value, so the until can be a method of the new AnyRef object, but that trick does not apply here, since we want to return A rather than AnyRef. Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks.
You're mixing programming styles and getting in trouble because of it.
Your loop is only good for heating up your processor unless you do some sort of side effect within it.
do {
val result = bodyThatPrintsOrSomething
} until (!cond(result))
So, if you're going with side-effecting code, just put the condition into a var:
var result: Whatever = _
do {
result = bodyThatPrintsOrSomething
} until (!cond(result))
or the equivalent:
var result = bodyThatPrintsOrSomething
while (!cond(result)) result = bodyThatPrintsOrSomething
Alternatively, if you take a functional approach, you're going to have to return the result of the computation anyway. Then use something like:
Iterator.continually{ bodyThatGivesAResult }.takeWhile(cond)
(there is a known annoyance of Iterator not doing a great job at taking all the good ones plus the first bad one in a list).
Or you can use your repeat method, which is tail-recursive. If you don't trust that it is, check the bytecode (with javap -c), add the #annotation.tailrec annotation so the compiler will throw an error if it is not tail-recursive, or write it as a while loop using the var method:
def repeat[A](body: => A)(cond: A => Boolean): A = {
var a = body
while (cond(a)) { a = body }
With a minor modification you can turn your current approach in a kind of mini fluent API, which results in a syntax that is close to what you want:
class run[A](body: => A) {
def until(cond: A => Boolean): A = {
val result = body
if (cond(result)) result else until(cond)
object run {
def apply[A](body: => A) = new run(body)
Since do is a reserved word, we have to go with run. The result would now look like this:
run {
// body with a result type A
} until (a => ...)
I just realized that I almost reinvented what was already proposed in the linked question. One possibility to extend that approach to return a type A instead of Unit would be:
def repeat[A](body: => A) = new {
def until(condition: A => Boolean): A = {
var a = body
while (!condition(a)) { a = body }
Just to document a derivative of the suggestions made earlier, I went with a tail-recursive implementation of repeat { ... } until(...) that also included a limit to the number of iterations:
def repeat[A](body: => A) = new {
def until(condition: A => Boolean, attempts: Int = 10): Option[A] = {
if (attempts <= 0) None
else {
val a = body
if (condition(a)) Some(a)
else until(condition, attempts - 1)
This allows the loop to bail out after attempts executions of the body:
scala> import java.util.Random
import java.util.Random
scala> val r = new Random()
r: java.util.Random = java.util.Random#cb51256
scala> repeat { r.nextInt(100) } until(_ > 90, 4)
res0: Option[Int] = Some(98)
scala> repeat { r.nextInt(100) } until(_ > 90, 4)
res1: Option[Int] = Some(98)
scala> repeat { r.nextInt(100) } until(_ > 90, 4)
res2: Option[Int] = None
scala> repeat { r.nextInt(100) } until(_ > 90, 4)
res3: Option[Int] = None
scala> repeat { r.nextInt(100) } until(_ > 90, 4)
res4: Option[Int] = Some(94)