How to create enveloped signatures in SOAP with CXF - soap

I have a spec asking for a SOAP body that looks like the example below. Based on my understanding of JAX-RS (see this page) this involves creating an "enveloped signature" of the body, but I'm not finding documentation on created enveloped signatures for JAX-WS.
All my attempts to specify individual parts to sign cause additional xml to appear in the header, but I'm unable determine how to sign a part of the body and have the signature appear within the body. Also please note that the signature is a sub-element of the bodyComponent in the example I've been given.
<soap:Body xmlns:wsu="http://some.xsd" wsu:Id="id-2">
<ns2:requestDef xmlns:ns2="http://some-namespace" xmlns="http://another-namespace" xmlns:ns4="http://yet-another-namespace">
<bodyComponent xmlns = "urn:a:namespace">
<Signature xmlns="">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm=""/>
<SignatureValue>+s1GesY2VzMS8wFAYDVQQD= +d1GesY2VzMS8wFAYDVQQD= +d1GesY2VzMS8wFAYDVQQD= +d1GesY2VzMS8wFAYDVQQD= +d1GesY2VzMS8wFAYDVQQD=</SignatureValue>
<X509SubjectName>CN=A,OU=B,OU=C, OU=D,O=E,C=F</X509SubjectName>
Using WSHandlerConstants.SIGNATURE_PARTS all values are appearing in the Header. Is what I'm trying to do even possible via CXF?


Creating a comment that gets displayed in generated request? WSDL SOAP xml

Im in the process of writing a wsdl file for an existing system. I'd like to add comments to generated requests.
For instance this:
<xsd:simpleType name="coffeetype">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:enumeration value="0" />
<xsd:enumeration value="1" />
<xsd:element name="CoffeeRequestInput" nillable="false" type="tns:coffeetype" />
Should look like this in the generated request: (eg. when loading the WSDL in SoapUI)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsdl="">
I was able to see these comments when opening the WSDL but not when generating a request from that WSDL.
Already looked into annotations but I wasn't able to use them to create the result I wanted. (Probably an error on my side)
In short you cannot create documentation in requests as you would like to. However you can generate documentation from your WSDL that can be be very useful. By using the "xsd:documentation" tag you can add documentation directly to the elements.
For example
<xsd:simpleType name="coffeetype">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:enumeration value="0" />
<xsd:enumeration value="1" />
<xsd:element name="CoffeeRequestInput" nillable="false" type="tns:coffeetype">
This object is the CoffeeRequestInput object is an Enumeration which can be used to determine is the user sending the request likes coffee or not.
Valid values for the enumeration is as follows:
0 = like coffee
1 = does not like coffee (probably a user not a programmer making a request).
Some other things that you need to document goes here.
You can then use software such as Altova StyleForce, LiquidXML and OxyGen to generate PDF, Word documents or HTML pages which shows the SOAP services and operations with all your comments included.
If you feel up to it you can write your own XLST to transform your WSDL and XSD's into a neat HTML page which documents you interfaces as well. The best part about this is that when you update the WSDL with new operations and so on that the documentation is updated as well.

Does ColdFusion support REST API URIs with a dynamic token in the middle of the URI?

I've been playing with ColdFusion 11's REST API support and am wondering if it's possible to have it support a URI with a dynamic token in the middle of the URI instead of only at the end. That is, it very easily supports URIs like:
where the 12345 is dynamic (in this case, the user's userID). But I haven't been able to find a way (without a tremendous amount of URI hacking) to support URIs like:
So, is it possible to do this in ColdFusion (11 or 2016)? If not, is it supported in Taffy (I didn't see where it is but I could be wrong)?
It's been a while and I wanted to provide the answer in case anyone else has this same question...
ColdFusion, when defining a CFC for a REST endpoint, allows you to specify wildcards/variable names in the restpath attribute to both the <cfcomponent> and <cffunction> tags. You would then define <cfargument> tags for each one of these variables so that you can access them within your function. For example:
<cfcomponent rest="true" restpath="/users/{userId}/pets" ... >
<cffunction name="getPets" access="remote" httpMethod="GET">
<cfargument name="userId" type="numeric" required="true" restargsource="Path" />
<!--- Called with a path like /users/123/pets/ --->
<!--- do stuff using the arguments.userId (123) variables --->
<cffunction name="getPet" access="remote" httpMethod="GET" restpath="{petId}">
<cfargument name="userId" type="numeric" required="true" restargsource="Path" />
<cfargument name="petId" type="numeric" required="true" restargsource="Path" />
<!--- Called with a path like /users/123/pets/456/ --->
<!--- do stuff using the arguments.userId (123) and/or arguments.petId (456) variables --->
The keys here are using the restpath attribute with the variable defined as a variable name in curly braces and then defining those variables as arguments to the function with a restargsource attribute set to "Path".
I hope this helps.

Use Microsoft Dynamics CRM web service to get customized option set values

The CRM has some customized option sets, for example, Salutation option set is defined for Contact entity. I need to get values of this option set when creating or updating contacts. I tried to use RetrieveOptionSet request to get the option set values as below:
SOAP action to use
SOAP request body
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<Execute xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
<request i:type="a:RetrieveOptionSetRequest" xmlns:a="">
<a:Parameters xmlns:b="">
<b:value i:type="c:guid" xmlns:c="">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</b:value>
<b:value i:type="c:boolean" xmlns:c="">true</b:value>
<b:value i:type="c:string" xmlns:c="">my_type</b:value>
<a:RequestId i:nil="true" />
The problem is that I can only use this request to get global option sets, but for customized option sets, this request just returns a not found error.
Does anyone knows how to get customized option set values?
EDIT: I'm using Java client to access Dynamics CRM web service. This is the final SOAP request body I used to successfully get option set values.
<request i:type="a:RetrieveAttributeRequest">
<b:value i:type="c:guid">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</b:value>
<b:value i:type="c:boolean">true</b:value>
<b:value i:type="c:string">contact</b:value>
<b:value i:type="c:string">my_type</b:value>
<a:RequestId i:nil="true"/>
The sample code in this page gave me useful information.
You need to use the RetrieveAttributeRequest, not the RetrieveOptionSetRequest.
The metadata for non-global(local) optionsets are defined as a part of the attribute on the entity itself, rather than as an entirely different structure. ie. if you delete your local optionset attribute from your entity, you lose all of the entire option set definition. But if it's a global optionset, deleting an attribute on a entity the references doesn't result in any loss of data for the option set
I think your question was answered a couple of months ago in this link:
Dynamics CRM - Accessing Custom Product Option Value
Please let me know if it is not the same, and we will try to find another way ;)
But thinking about you requirement again, and if I have understand it properly, how often is that option set going to change? Why don't you just retrieve the optionsets with the crmsvcutil.exe from the SDK?

Wikipedia API: how to retrieve multiple titles AND resolve redirects in 1 call?

It appears from the MediaWiki API:Query page that you can only resolve a redirect one at a time.
The document even says "The example below isn't really useful because it doesn't use any query modules, but shows how the redirects parameter works."
But how can you get the redirect information -- using a query module that does return multiple results?
If you have any result that returns pages, then you can just append redirects to the query and it resolves the redirects. If you don't have results that returns pages, you can usually convert it to that by using a generator.
For example, the query
returns something like (shortened)
<cm pageid="648" ns="0" title="Actress" />
<cm pageid="19887132" ns="0" title="Administratrix" />
If you convert that into a generator
you get
<page pageid="648" ns="0" title="Actress" />
<page pageid="19887132" ns="0" title="Administratrix" />
And if you now add redirects
you get
<r from="Actress" to="Actor" />
<r from="Administratrix" to="Administrator (law)" />
<page pageid="21504235" ns="0" title="Actor" />
<page pageid="6676496" ns="0" title="Administrator (law)" />
You can also use prop=redirects with any generator, e.g. generator=allpages. This is a new feature since MW-1.23, fixing bug T59057.
When using generator=allpages with max limits (gaplimit=max and rdlimit=max) and apihighlimits right is available, all redirects on ArchWiki are resolved in a single query ;)|title|fragment&rdlimit=max

Word 2007, Open XML - embedding an image

Do you know what basic information MUST include a paragraph (<w:p/>) in document.xml inside a *.docx document, that specifies an image? I do know there must be:
<a:blip r:embed="rId4" />
specifing the relationship id, but what else?
It's very hard to find it in Google and experimenting with cutting out tags from a ready document or reading the specification takes a lot of time.
An example with all the required tags would be greatly appreciated.
Word is rather picky concerning the input XML provided. To embed an image, you have to provide quite some information. Here is a simple example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<w:document xmlns:r=""
<wp:inline distT="0" distB="0" distL="0" distR="0">
<wp:extent cx="5943600" cy="3717290"/>
<wp:docPr id="1" name="Picture 0" descr="vlcsnap-325726.png"/>
<a:graphic xmlns:a="">
<a:graphicData uri="">
<pic:pic xmlns:pic="">
<pic:cNvPr id="0" name="myImage.png"/>
<a:blip r:embed="rId4"/>
<a:off x="0" y="0"/>
<a:ext cx="5943600" cy="3717290"/>
<a:prstGeom prst="rect">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Relationships xmlns="">
<!-- other relationships go here -->
<Relationship Id="rId4" Type="" Target="media/image1.png"/>
And of course the image must be added to the package at the correct location (media/image1.png)
Since all this is rather complicated I would recommend you to use the OpenXML SDK 2.0 provided by Microsoft or another library, e.g. OpenXML4J. These libraries, especially the one from Microsoft can make your work a lot easier.