MongoDB aggregation framework: group query - mongodb

i'm looking to get a specific query using the aggregation framework of mongoDB. I think i need the $group and $addToSet operators but i'm confused about the right query to use.
This is the article collection:
/* 0 */
"_id" : 4,
"author" : "Kevin Vanhove",
"book" : {
"order" : 500,
"title" : "HTML",
"url" : "html"
"chapter" : {
"img" : "navChapter-logo",
"order" : 500,
"title" : "W3C",
"url" : "w3c"
"featured" : 0,
"heading" : [
"title" : "title1",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130fb8b9b9f573a877401d")
"title" : "title2",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130fb8b9b9f573a877401c")
"intro" : "Some intro text",
"title" : "Internet with and without the W3C",
"url" : "internet-with-and-without-the-W3C"
/* 1 */
"_id" : 1,
"author" : "Kevin Vanhove",
"book" : {
"order" : 500,
"title" : "Javascript",
"url" : "javascript"
"chapter" : {
"img" : "navChapter-logo",
"order" : 500,
"title" : "Functions",
"url" : "functions"
"featured" : 1,
"heading" : [
"title" : "Parts of a function",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130e0cd8517b65a614c1ab")
"title" : "Something else",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130e0cd8517b65a614c1aa")
"intro" : "Some intro text",
"title" : "A visual illustration of the JS function",
"url" : "a-visual-illustration-of-the-javascript-function"
/* 2 */
"_id" : 2,
"author" : "Kevin Vanhove",
"book" : {
"order" : 500,
"title" : "Javascript",
"url" : "javascript"
"chapter" : {
"img" : "navChapter-logo",
"order" : 300,
"title" : "Variables",
"url" : "variables"
"featured" : 1,
"heading" : [
"title" : "Global vs local",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130ea8a9dc9c28a77ea28a")
"title" : "Variable hoisting",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130ea8a9dc9c28a77ea289")
"title" : "The scope chain",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130ea8a9dc9c28a77ea288")
"intro" : "Some intro text",
"title" : "How variable scope works in javascript",
"url" : "how-variable-scope-works-in-javascript"
/* 3 */
"__v" : 0,
"_id" : 3,
"author" : "Kevin Vanhove",
"book" : {
"order" : 500,
"title" : "Javascript",
"url" : "javascript"
"chapter" : {
"img" : "navChapter-logo",
"order" : 600,
"title" : "Functions",
"url" : "functions"
"featured" : 0,
"heading" : [
"title" : "title1",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130f60f0de2506a81e2d62")
"title" : "title2",
"_id" : ObjectId("53130f60f0de2506a81e2d61")
"intro" : "Some intro text",
"title" : "Javascript closures, in depth",
"url" : "Javascript-closure-in-depth"
I need to have all the 'unique' books and their 'unique' chapters (no duplicates), so i use this query:
db.articles.aggregate({$group : {_id : "$book.title", chapters:{$addToSet:"$chapter.title"}}})
This gives me this result:
/* 0 */
"result" : [
"_id" : "Javascript",
"chapters" : [
"_id" : "HTML",
"chapters" : [
"ok" : 1
That is almost what i want but not completely. What actually need is this:
/* 0 */
"result" : [
"_id" : "Javascript",
"chapters" : [
"img" : "navChapter-logo",
"order" : 600,
"title" : "Functions",
"url" : "functions"
"img" : "navChapter-logo",
"order" : 300,
"title" : "Variables",
"url" : "variables"
"_id" : "HTML",
"chapters" : [
"img" : "navChapter-logo",
"order" : 500,
"title" : "W3C",
"url" : "w3c"
"ok" : 1
So i need all the unique books with their unique chapters, but i also want the extra fields added like "order" and "url". The query i'm using at the moment only gives me the chapter titles.
I also tried: $addToSet:"$chapter" instead of $addToSet:"$chapter.title"...
But now i get duplicates on the chapter.title field. I should get only 2 distinct chapters in book 'javascript', and now i get 3 chapters (1 duplicate)

You can use $group to aggregate by book and chapter.
{$group : {_id : {t:"$book.title",c:"$chapter.title"},
In case order was important I kept it and added them across the "duplicate" chapters for same book.


MongoDB unable to lookup docs based on variable parent document property

I want to find products and for each product attach deals to it. A deal is a product from same collection, yet based on some common properties.
So as per my requirement pipeline should return documents, for each document find other products those aren't same as current, but have equal detail.duration. But even though I've many docs with same duration, deals are always []. Could you please figure out the issue with my pipeline?
Following is the aggregation pipeline I'm running:
I've added filter _id $in just for clarity based on shown documents below. This isn't a part of real pipeline $match query.
$match: {
_id: {
$in: [
"detail.duration": { $gt: 0 },
$lookup: {
from: "products",
let: { id: "$_id", duration: "$detail.duration" },
as: "deals",
pipeline: [
$match: {
_id: { $ne: "$id" },
"detail.duration": "$duration",
{ $project: { detail: 1 } },
{ $limit: 1 },
{ $limit: 2 },
{ $project: { deals: 1 } },
This was the result:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc21"), "deals" : [ ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad062"), "deals" : [ ] }
Following are two example documents in the collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad062"),
"book" : "",
"address" : "Rue de Lille, 62bis",
"countryName" : "France",
"cityName" : "Paris",
"location" : {
"lang" : 48.859886,
"lat" : 2.3254821,
"country" : ObjectId("6210fa7746bee3fcbd0aca20"),
"city" : ObjectId("6210fa7746bee3fcbd0aca1c"),
"location" : "Rue de Lille, 62bis",
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad063")
"includes" : [
"value" : "Skip-the-line ticket to Orsay Museum",
"included" : true
"value" : "Skip-the-line ticket to the Musée de l'Orangerie",
"included" : true
"value" : "Detailed description of the Nymphéas from Claude Monet",
"included" : true
"value" : "Interesting stories of many great artists and their lives",
"included" : true
"value" : "An easy walkthrough of the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie and their great collection",
"included" : true
"value" : "Headphones — you should bring your own",
"included" : false
"price" : {
"priceConcession" : null,
"priceChild" : null,
"price" : 57,
"currency" : ObjectId("6210fa7746bee3fcbd0aca2f"),
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad064")
"detail" : {
"isPass" : false,
"features" : [
"key" : "audio_guide",
"value" : "Audio Guide"
"highlights" : [
"Admire the masterpieces by Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cézanne, and many more",
"Discover one of the finest collections of Impressionist art in the world",
"Visit the Nymphéas by Monet, one of the greatest pieces of Impressionism",
"Explore the Guillaume and Walter collection and find out what makes it unique"
"details" : [ ],
"images" : [
"id" : 7270,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 7269,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 7268,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 7267,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 7266,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 7264,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"duration" : 2,
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad065")
"availability" : null,
"subcategory" : [
"id" : 6,
"title" : "Sightseeing Tickets & Passes",
"slug" : "sightseeing-tickets-passes"
"category" : [
"id" : 6,
"title" : "Sightseeing Tickets & Passes",
"slug" : "sightseeing-tickets-passes"
"type" : "Audio Guide",
"description" : "Visit the famous Musee d'Orsay and Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris with this combined self-guided tour! \r\n\r\nNavigate through the maze of exhibition rooms with mobile app and see a collection of works by the Impressionists and Expressionists – Seurat, Cezanne, Gaugin, Monet, Renoir, Manet, Van Gogh, Degas; sculptors like Rodin, Pompon and others. Check out a mini-version of the Statue of Liberty! \r\n\r\nExplore the Nymphéas paintings by Claude Monet, that is called \"the Sistine chapel of Impressionism\". Admire the great works of Picasso, Soutine, Rousseau, Matisse and many others part of the Paul Guillaume and Jean Walter collection. Learn about the style and private life of the artists.\r\n\r\nThe audio-guide will provide you with all the information on the cultural significance of these paintings. Walking through rooms you will understand how revolutionary for those times Manet’s, Cezanne’s and Degas’ creation really was casting doubts on conservative, academic conceptions of 'true art' and offering new techniques and ideas.",
"thumbnail" : "",
"name" : "Musée d'Orsay/Musée de l'Orangerie Combined Admission Ticket & Audio Tour",
"attractionDescription" : "",
"attractionName" : "Musée d'Orsay & Musée de l'Orangerie",
"attraction" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad056"),
"provider" : {
"rating" : {
"count" : 0,
"average" : null,
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad067")
"preview" : "",
"slug" : "muse-d-orsay-and-musee-de-l-orangerie-combined-tour-ticket",
"id" : "1117",
"key" : "1",
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa8746bee3fcbd0ad066")
"__v" : 0
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc21"),
"book" : "",
"address" : "Pujada del Castell, 43",
"countryName" : "Spain",
"cityName" : "Barcelona",
"location" : {
"lang" : 42.26829425831263,
"lat" : 2.95884132385254,
"country" : ObjectId("6210fa7746bee3fcbd0aca3e"),
"city" : ObjectId("6210fa7746bee3fcbd0aca3a"),
"location" : "Pujada del Castell, 43",
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc22")
"includes" : [
"value" : "Recommendations of places to visit to understand the life of Dali better",
"included" : true
"value" : "Skip-the-line ticket to Dali Theatre-Museum",
"included" : true
"value" : "Headphones — you should bring your own",
"included" : false
"price" : {
"priceConcession" : null,
"priceChild" : null,
"price" : 33,
"currency" : ObjectId("6210fa7746bee3fcbd0aca2f"),
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc23")
"detail" : {
"isPass" : false,
"features" : [
"key" : "audio_guide",
"value" : "Audio Guide"
"highlights" : [
"Discover Dali's surrealism starting with the building of the museum — it's definitely one of a kind",
"Inside the museum you'll find the most famous and controversial works of the artist",
"Our tour will provide you with insights and exiting facts about Dali's works"
"details" : [ ],
"images" : [
"id" : 6916,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 6915,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 6914,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 831,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 832,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 833,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"id" : 834,
"description" : "",
"cover" : false,
"preview" : "",
"full" : ""
"duration" : 2,
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc24")
"availability" : null,
"subcategory" : [
"id" : 3,
"title" : "Theme Tours",
"slug" : "theme-tours"
"id" : 1,
"title" : "Culture & History",
"slug" : "culture-and-history"
"id" : 6,
"title" : "Sightseeing Tickets & Passes",
"slug" : "sightseeing-tickets-passes"
"category" : [
"id" : 3,
"title" : "Theme Tours",
"slug" : "theme-tours"
"id" : 1,
"title" : "Culture & History",
"slug" : "culture-and-history"
"id" : 6,
"title" : "Sightseeing Tickets & Passes",
"slug" : "sightseeing-tickets-passes"
"type" : "Audio Guide",
"description" : "The Dalí Theatre and Museum is a museum of the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain. Dalí is buried there in a crypt below the stage. \r\n\r\nImmerse yourself in an exciting journey through the world of the genius of surrealism. Reveal the meaning of his ambiguous creations and learn the history of the artist's life. Enjoy the unique world of Dali in this excursion.",
"thumbnail" : "",
"name" : "The Dali Theatre-Museum: Skip-the-Line & Audio Tour",
"attractionDescription" : "",
"attractionName" : "Dali Theatre and Museum",
"attraction" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc15"),
"provider" : {
"rating" : {
"count" : 0,
"average" : null,
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc26")
"preview" : "",
"slug" : "the-dali-museum-in-figueres",
"id" : "3",
"key" : "1",
"_id" : ObjectId("6210fa7c46bee3fcbd0acc25")
"__v" : 0
Both of the above have detail.duration set to 2 and as per query, these 2 should have each other considered as a deal and found in result docs, but query returns deals: [], an empty array. I'm unable to figure out the problem.
From $match (Restrictions)
The $match query syntax is identical to the read operation query syntax; i.e. $match does not accept raw aggregation expressions. To include aggregation expression in $match, use a $expr query expression.
And you need to use $$ to get the variable value.
To reference variables in pipeline stages, use the "$$" syntax.
Change the $match stage in the pipeline as:
$match: {
_id: {
$ne: "$$id"
$expr: {
$eq: [
Sample Mongo Playground

Find a nested object field inside an array in mongodb aggregate

I have this object as below.
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec80a981e89a84b19934039"),
"status" : "active",
"organizationId" : "1",
"productId" : "1947",
"description" : "This global exclusive Zodiac bookend and paperweight set from Zuny will stand auspiciously on your bookcase and table, spreading good luck and fortune throughout your home just in time for the Year of the Pig.",
"brand" : "ZUNY",
"created" : "2018-09-28 00:00:00",
"updated" : "2020-05-22 09:19:07",
"mainImage" : "https://",
"availableOnline" : true,
"colors" : [
"images" : [
"type" : "studio",
"url" : "https://"
"type" : "studio",
"url" : "https://"
"type" : "studio",
"url" : "https://"
"extraInfo" : [
"type" : "text-tag",
"title" : "CATEGORY",
"tags" : [
"type" : "text-tag",
"title" : "BRAND",
"tags" : [
"type" : "text-tag",
"title" : "COLOUR",
"tags" : [
"type" : "text-tag",
"title" : "SEASON",
"tags" : [
"type" : "text-tag",
"title" : "HASHTAG",
"tags" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec80a981e89a84b1993403a"),
"colorId" : "1",
"color" : "ROSE GOLD",
"status" : "active",
"sizes" : [
"extraInfo" : [
"type" : "text-block",
"title" : "Size And Fit",
"text" : ""
"type" : "text-block",
"title" : "Information",
"text" : "Global exclusive. Colour: Copper/Platinum. Set includes: Zodiac Pig bookend (x 1), Zodiac Pig paperweight (x 1). Metallic copper- and platinum-tone synthetic leather. Pig motif. Iron pellet filling. Handmade"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec80a981e89a84b1993403b"),
"sizeId" : "1",
"neo" : "0210111790664",
"size" : "*",
"originalPrice" : "1060.00",
"sellingPrice" : "1060.00",
"discountPercent" : "0.00",
"url" : "https://",
"status" : "active",
"currency" : "HK$",
"stores" : [
"storeId" : "1",
"quantity" : 70,
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec80a981e89a84b1993403c"),
"available" : 70,
"reserved" : 0,
"name" : "Park Street",
"status" : "active"
"storeId" : "2",
"quantity" : 95,
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec80a981e89a84b1993403d"),
"name" : "Rashbehari",
"status" : "active"
"__v" : 0
I want the output as follows
"name": "Mock Collection",
"collectionId": "92",
"products": [
"imageUrl": "https://",
"productId": "21174",
"currency": "" // This should be this.colors[0].sizes[0].currency
How to get the nested field. I tried using arrayElemAt by which I was able to get to colors[0]. But I am confused how to get inside the nested object of sizes from there. Also the currency node should have the exact value. It comes like currency:{currency: value} which I don't want.
Please help!
Not sure how you've got that output but to extract currency from first object of sizes then you need to try this :
$project: {
currency: {
$arrayElemAt: [
$arrayElemAt: [ "$colors.sizes.currency", 0 ] // gives an array of currency values, in your case since you've only one object just an array of one value
Test : mongoplayground

A query to return a single attribute of a document in mongodb

[ "_id" : ObjectId("59d1f4d0539f772aacf90f61"),
"user_id" : 1222.0,
"user_name" : "jadenn",
"email" : "",
"phone" : 333333333.0,
"image_ref" : "static/image/123IMG_20170917_232813.jpg",
"stories" : [
"title" : "accident",
"description" : "kjsbskns",
"longitude" : 19.2,
"latitude" : 81.4,
"location" : "isl",
"date" : 12.0,
"reactions" : [
"type" : "seen",
"date" : "1234",
"user_id" : 123.0
"type" : "seen",
"date" : "1234",
"user_id" : 123.0
"comments" : [
"comment" : "djksnjknfkjguye",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 123.0
"comment" : "this is the accident case ",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 123.0
"reports" : [
"description" : "uye",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 1232321.0
"catagory_name" : [
"type" : "uye"
Here is my document I want a query which will return only list of stories. Not a complete document of user. I searched but could not find the solution. Every solution return complete document by applying "Where condition as MYSQL"]1
You need to project on stories key from your document as below:
db.youCollection.find({}, {stories:1, _id:0})

How to use MongoDB $group stage to both group and count repeated values?

I am having trouble with the $group stage in my aggregation. I want to group all the "recentPlays.quiz" values together and count the repeated values, so the end result I want from the aggregation is two fields: the quiz object and the total. In this case it would be something like:
"recentPlays" : [
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester1",
"title" : "Asdffff Dfasdf"
"count": 1
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Creation Test 2"
"count": 1
"quiz" : {
"author" : "blue-tester1",
"title" : "Finky Fink"
"count": 4
Here is the aggregation I have so far:
{$match: { "": {$gte:twentyFourHrsAgo}}},
{$project: {"recentPlays.quiz":1, _id:0}}
Here is that aggregation's output:
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.1
connecting to: videoQuiz
"recentPlays" : [
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester1",
"title" : "Asdffff Dfasdf"
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Creation Test 2"
"quiz" : {
"author" : "blue-tester1",
"title" : "Finky Fink"
"quiz" : {
"author" : "blue-tester1",
"title" : "Finky Fink"
"quiz" : {
"author" : "blue-tester1",
"title" : "Finky Fink"
"quiz" : {
"author" : "blue-tester1",
"title" : "Finky Fink"
Here is the entire collection:
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.1
connecting to: videoQuiz
"_id" : ObjectId("580f7be62c6fd3c8065577f5"),
"user" : "blue-tester1",
"email" : "",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-10-25T15:36:06.933Z"),
"recentPlays" : [
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester1",
"title" : "Asdffff Dfasdf"
"score" : "0",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-25T15:36:27.546Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Creation Test 2"
"score" : "100",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-25T15:37:09.142Z")
"mostRecentQuiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Creation Test 2"
"mostRecentQuizTime" : ISODate("2016-10-25T15:37:09.142Z"),
"plays" : 2
"_id" : ObjectId("580a5dea650296d808082e65"),
"user" : "red-tester3",
"email" : "",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:26:50.870Z"),
"recentPlays" : [
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester2",
"title" : "TOP PLAYED QUIZ - Today"
"score" : "0",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:27:16.292Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester2",
"title" : "TOP LIKED QUIZ - TODAY"
"score" : "100",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:27:32.788Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester2",
"title" : "TOP LIKED QUIZ - TODAY"
"score" : "100",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:27:44.497Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "Bertram",
"title" : "frfrf"
"score" : "100",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:28:43.893Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "Bertram",
"title" : "Here We Go With the New Thing"
"score" : "0",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:43:51.205Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Presidents of the United States"
"score" : "0",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-23T00:53:29.167Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Presidents of the United States"
"score" : "0",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-23T00:53:44.815Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Creation Test 1"
"score" : "100",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-23T23:50:55.355Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Creation Test 2"
"score" : "100",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-23T23:52:33.210Z")
"quiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Here Is a New Title"
"score" : "100",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-23T23:58:53.683Z")
"mostRecentQuiz" : {
"author" : "red-tester3",
"title" : "Here Is a New Title"
"mostRecentQuizTime" : ISODate("2016-10-23T23:58:53.683Z"),
"plays" : 10,
"likedQuizzes" : [
"title" : "TOP LIKED QUIZ - TODAY",
"author" : "red-tester2",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:27:34.893Z")
"title" : "frfrf",
"author" : "Bertram",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:28:45.863Z")
"title" : "Here We Go With the New Thing",
"author" : "Bertram",
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-21T18:43:53.148Z")
"createdQuizzes" : [
"title" : "Yeah Here We Go",
"id" : ObjectId("580a63f274b9a89c061f973e")
"title" : "Z Alpha",
"id" : ObjectId("580a641474b9a89c061f973f")
"title" : "Tags Limit Test",
"id" : ObjectId("580a6bda8d8049ac0bc1df2e")
"title" : "Tags Limit test2",
"id" : ObjectId("580a6bf98d8049ac0bc1df2f")
"title" : "Presidents of the United States",
"id" : ObjectId("580c09d28d8049ac0bc1df30")
"title" : "Creation Test 1",
"id" : ObjectId("580d4cca8d8049ac0bc1df31")
"title" : "Creation Test 2",
"id" : ObjectId("580d4d2d8d8049ac0bc1df32")
"title" : "Here Is a New Title",
"id" : ObjectId("580d4ead8d8049ac0bc1df33")
Thanks in advance for any guidance. Please excuse the dummy text in these documents, it is for testing purposes only.
This will be a two step process. The first step is to $unwind the "recentPlays" array. The second step is to $group by "recentPlays.quiz".
For example:
{ "$match" : { "": { "$gte" : twentyFourHrsAgo}}},
{ "$project" : {"recentPlays.quiz":1, _id:0}},
{ "$unwind" : "$recentPlays" },
{ "$group" : { "_id" : "$recentPlays.quiz", "total" : { "$sum" : 1 } } }

Get document based on multiple criteria of embedded collection

I have the following document, I need to search for multiple items from the embedded collection"items".
Here's an example of a single SKU
"_id" : NumberLong(1192),
"description" : "Uploaded via CSV",
"items" : [
"_id" : NumberLong(2),
"category" : DBRef("category", NumberLong(1)),
"description" : "840 tag visual",
"name" : "840 Visual Mini Round",
"version" : NumberLong(0)
"_id" : NumberLong(7),
"category" : DBRef("category", NumberLong(2)),
"description" : "Maxi",
"name" : "Maxi",
"version" : NumberLong(0)
"_id" : NumberLong(11),
"category" : DBRef("category", NumberLong(3)),
"description" : "Button",
"name" : "Button",
"version" : NumberLong(0)
"_id" : NumberLong(16),
"category" : DBRef("category", NumberLong(4)),
"customizationFields" : [
"_class" : "CustomizationField",
"_id" : NumberLong(1),
"displayText" : "Custom Print 1",
"fieldName" : "customPrint1",
"listOrder" : 1,
"maxInputLength" : 12,
"required" : false,
"version" : NumberLong(0)
"_class" : "CustomizationField",
"_id" : NumberLong(2),
"displayText" : "Custom Print 2",
"fieldName" : "customPrint2",
"listOrder" : 2,
"maxInputLength" : 17,
"required" : false,
"version" : NumberLong(0)
"description" : "2 custom lines of farm print",
"name" : "Custom 2",
"version" : NumberLong(2)
"_id" : NumberLong(20),
"category" : DBRef("category", NumberLong(5)),
"description" : "Color Red",
"name" : "Red",
"version" : NumberLong(0)
"skuCode" : "NF-USDA-XC2/SM-BC-R",
"version" : 0,
"webCowOptions" : "840miniwithcust2"
There are repeat throughout the embedded collection. Each Sku is made up of multiple items, all combinations are unique, but one item will be part of many Skus.
I'm struggling with the query structure to get what I'm looking for.
Here are a few things I have tried:
That one only returns items with the id of 7
That one doesn't return anything, but it came up when looking for solutions. I found about it in the MongoDB manual
Here's an example of a expected result:
sku:{ "_id" : NumberLong(1013),
"items" : [ { "_id" : NumberLong(5) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(7) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(12) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(16) },
{ "_id" :NumberLong(2) } ] },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(1014),
"items" : [ { "_id" : NumberLong(5) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(7) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(2) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(16) },
{ "_id" :NumberLong(24) } ] },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(1015),
"items" : [ { "_id" : NumberLong(5) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(7) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(12) },
{ "_id" : NumberLong(2) },
{ "_id" :NumberLong(5) } ] }
Each Sku that comes back has both a item of id:7, and id:2, with any other items they have.
To further clarify, my purpose is to determine how many remaining combinations exist after entering the first couple of items.
Basically a customer will start specifying items, and we'll weed it down to the remaining valid combinations. So Sku.items[0].id=5 can only be combined with items[1].id=7 or items[1].id=10 …. Then items[1].id=7 can only be combined with items[2].id=20 … and so forth
The goal was to simplify my rules for purchase, and drive it all from the Sku codes. I don't know if I dug a deeper hole instead.
Thank you,
On the part of extracting the sku with item IDs 2 and 7, when I recall correctly, you have to use $elemMatch:
db.sku.find({'items' :{ '$all' :[{ '$elemMatch':{ '_id' : 2 }},{'$elemMatch': { '_id' : 7 }}]}} )
which selects all sku where there is each an item with _id 2 and 7.
You can use aggregation pipelines
{"$unwind": "$sku.items"},
{"$group": {"_id": "$_id", "items": {"$addToSet":{"_id": "$items._id"}}}},
{"$match": {"items._id": {$all:[2,7]}}}