Transactional Replication: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition - sql-server-2008-r2

I have set up a transactionnal replication for some tables.
The Master and the Slave Database are identical.
I used this query and compared the result from master and slave to make sure the table is identical
select * from sys.columns c
join sys.tables t on t.object_id = c.object_id
where = 'customers'
In the Replication Monitor I can find this error:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
If I check the details I get this:
Command attempted:
if ##trancount > 0 rollback tran
(Transaction sequence number: 0x0011775200000105007600000000, Command ID: 1)
So I checked in the destribution database using this query to find the command that is failing.
sp_browsereplcmds #xact_seqno_start = '0x0011775200000105007600000000',
#xact_seqno_end = '0x0011775200000105007600000000'
This is the command (its in 2 lines in that table):
{CALL [sp_MSins_dboCustomers] (0,'575',N'todelete','575',N'todelete',118594,118595,118596,N'10T 3% Sk 30T net.',0,'Deutschland',4,24399158193054E-314,4,24399158193054E-314,4,24399158193054E-314,4,24399158193054E-314,2,54639494915833E-313,'','','','','','TGW',N'Liefern LKW',NULL,NULL,0,0,6,79038653108887E-311,NULL,'',0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,-1,-1,1900-01-01 00:00:00,0,1,{AEB3D911-36D1-4A8A-B713-6B2F2CCA1641},0,0,2,'de-AT',25,NULL,NULL,0,1,NULL,NULL,2014-03-07 08:57:45.727,-1,NULL,0,'','','','','','','','','','','','',
This is what I have in my DB
TypeID CustomerID Name SiteID SiteName AddressID BillAddressID ShipAddressID Terms TaxExempt TaxSchedID TaxPercent TaxPercent1 TaxPercent2 TaxPercent3 TaxPercent4 TaxTitle TaxTitle1 TaxTitle2 TaxTitle3 TaxTitle4 LocationID ShipVia PackingType PackingNoteID CutoffDay UploadAction LeadTime ExpDays Notes SalesPersonID CreditLimit OpenOrders OrderValueScheduleID OAHidePrices DefaultAckType DefaultInvType DefaultPackType UploadEmployee UploadDateTime OAHideImages MfgCustomer CustomerGUID PricingMethod DefaultCustomer EngineeringUnitSetID CurrencyCulture FamilyGroupID InvoiceMinimum InvoiceSurcharge InvoiceGroup InvoiceCopies DeliveryMinimum DeliverySurcharge CreateDate EnteredBy LanguageCulture DropShip UserDef1 UserDef2 UserDef3 UserDef4 UserDef5 UserDef6 UserDef7 UserDef8 UserDef9 UserDef10 UserDef11 UserDef12 UserDef13 UserDef14 UserDef15 UserDef16 UserDef17 UserDef18 UserDef19 UserDef20
0 575 todelete 575 todelete 118594 118595 118596 10T 3% Sk 30T net. 0 Deutschland 0 0 0 0 0 TGW Liefern LKW NULL NULL 0 0 0 NULL 302 NULL NULL NULL 0 0 0 -1 -1 1900-01-01 00:00:00 0 1 AEB3D911-36D1-4A8A-B713-6B2F2CCA1641 0 0 2 de-AT 25 NULL NULL 0 1 NULL NULL 2014-03-07 08:57:45.727 -1 NULL 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
As you can see here, the values for the taxpercent fields (after "Deutschland") are 0 in my DB, in the command they are really weird (4,24399158193054E-314)
The Datatype is "real"
Maybe this is not the issue but this is the only weird thing I could find.

I found my problem.
In fact this 4,24399158193054E-314 is a value for "0" in real, the problem is that it did not use the "." but the "," as decimal separator and therefore the call of the procedure had too much argument.
What I did is to change the statement delivery for insert, update, delete from "Call " to INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement.
I don't know why this is not selected by default, but now it works.


sql code to compare previous row in a series

So I have a table that has an ArticleID (GUID), RevisionNumber (integer), and StatusCode (text).
An Article can have any number of revisions but each time a new revision is created, the StatusCode of the previous revision should be "Revised" and the newest revision's StatusCode could be "Active" or "Draft" or "Canceled". However the data is messed up and I need to identify which records (out of 100's of thousands) do not have the correct status.
Sample data:
Article ID RevisionNumber StatusCode
========== ============== ==========
xx-xxxx-xx 7 Active
xx-xxxx-xx 6 Revised
xx-xxxx-xx 5 Active
xx-xxxx-xx 4 Draft
xx-xxxx-xx 3 Revised
xx-xxxx-xx 2 Active
xx-xxxx-xx 1 Revised
xx-xxxx-xx 0 Revised
xx-yyyy-yy 1 Active
xx-yyyy-yy 0 Active
In the above scenario, I would need to know that xx-xxxx-xx Revision 5, 4, and 2 are not the proper status and xx-yyyy-yy Revision 0 is incorrect. How could I get this information from a sql query using sql server 2012?
To identify any revisions that are not "Revised" if there is a higher number revision.
Then it seems just a matter of knowing what the latest revision is.
A MAX OVER can do that.
SELECT ArticleID, RevisionNumber, StatusCode
SELECT ArticleID, RevisionNumber, StatusCode
, MAX(RevisionNumber) OVER (PARTITION BY ArticleID) AS MaxRevisionNumber
FROM YourTable
) q
WHERE (RevisionNumber < MaxRevisionNumber AND StatusCode != 'Revised')
You can do this with a left join -- for each record we look for one with a greater revision -- like this:
FROM table_you_did_not_name base
LEFT JOIN table_you_did_not_name next ON base.ArticleID = next.ArticleID and base.revisionnumber = next.revisionnumber + 1
WHERE status <> 'Revised' and next.ArticleID is not null

How to join on JDV and not to push down join to data source

Problem: I am trying to create a wide view (~5000 columns), which works across data sources fine JDV. However, when I try to create the view with a join on 2+ table from data source, the optimizer pushes down the join to the source. The current source cannot handle more then 1600 columns.
Example: When trying to join Member_DX1 and Member_DX2 at client, JDV pushes the enter code herecombined join to postgres as one getting the too max column error.
/* TABLE 1 */
MEMB_BID Integer
, DX130402000000 Integer
, DX180608000000 Integer
, DX20401070000 Integer
.... /* 1000 more */
SELECT dx.memb_bid
, case dx.EPI_1_DX4 when 130402000000 then 1 else 0 END as DX130402000000
, case dx.EPI_1_DX4 when 180608000000 then 1 else 0 END as DX180608000000
, case dx.EPI_1_DX4 when 20401070000 then 1 else 0 END as DX20401070000
/* TABLE 2 */
MEMB_BID Integer
, DX200102010000 Integer
, DX90125000000 Integer
, DX160603070000 Integer
... /* 1000 more ...
SELECT dx.memb_bid /* FOREIGN TABLE */
, case dx.EPI_1_DX4 when 200102010000 then 1 else 0 END as DX200102010000
, case dx.EPI_1_DX4 when 90125000000 then 1 else 0 END as DX90125000000
, case dx.EPI_1_DX4 when 160603070000 then 1 else 0 END as DX160603070000
...`enter code here`
then my query in (e.g. dBeaver) looks like this:
SELECT * from Member_DX1 dx1
join Member_DX2 dx2
on dx1.MEMB_BID = dx2.MEMB_BID
The current source cannot handle more then 1600 columns.
Can you capture that as an issue for Teiid? Then we can take appropriate compensating action automatically.
then my query in (e.g. dBeaver) looks like this:
If you see this issue affecting all of your user queries, then you can turn join support off at the translator level via translator overrides - SupportsInnerJoin, SupportsOuterJoins, etc.. If there is a pk/fk relationship and you can modify the metadata, you can add an extension property allow-join as false to prevent the pushdown - see Join Compensation

Full text search with Postgres

How do I do a full text search in Postgres of all columns without preprocessing? I found I'm not exactly sure what I need to do.
My initial impression is I need to auto concatenate each column (how do I do that? Can't find via Googling) put it in a WHERE and do ## to_tsquery
This is for I'm not concerned with bad performance
I tried starting with
select array_to_string(translate(string_to_array(r::text, ',')::text, '()', '')::text[], ' ')::tsvector FROM seattle_police_govqa_audit_trails as r LIMIT 1
But get:
{"readyState":4,"responseText":"{\"error\":[\"syntax error in tsvector: \\\"1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 3 3500 5 7007 198 1264 NULL NULL \\\"Answer created by staff\\\" NULL NULL \\\"9/24/2015 16:01\\\" A000198-092415\\\"\"]}","responseJSON":{"error":["syntax error in tsvector: \"1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 3 3500 5 7007 198 1264 NULL NULL \"Answer created by staff\" NULL NULL \"9/24/2015 16:01\" A000198-092415\""]},"status":400,"statusText":"Bad Request"}
select * FROM seattle_police_govqa_audit_trails as r WHERE regexp_replace(array_to_string(translate(string_to_array(r::text, ',')::text, '()', '')::text[], ' '), '[^a-zA-Z\s]', '', 'g')::tsvector ## 'created'::tsquery = true LIMIT 10

Checking if column contains meaningful data in SQL Server

I have a SQL Server 2005 table which contains several columns which I need to check if they have data using
case when MyColumn <> '' then 1 else 0 END
My problem is that I need something to work on all datatypes, as the above wouldn't work on 0 values
case when MyColumn <> '' then 1 else 0 END
will return false if the value is 0, which I require otherwise.
I tried to trim, convert, cast, using len and datalength to no avail.
Anyone have any suggestion please?
Put check for 0 and null as well. some thing like:
case when MyColumn <> '' or MyColumn <>'0' Or MyColumn IS NOT NULL or MyColumn <>0 then 1 else 0 END

need to translate specific t-sql case in pl/sql

Can anyone tell me how to translate the following T-SQL statement:
SELECT fileld1 = CASE
WHEN T.option1 THEN -1
CASE WHEN T.option2 THEN 0
FROM Table1 AS T
The point is I need to validate two different options from the table for a single field in the select statement..
I have tried to do somthing with an IF statement in pl/sql, but it just doesnt work for me:
SELECT IF T.option1 THEN -1
ELSE IF T.option2 THEN 0
FROM Table1 AS T
I am not actually sure how to write IF statement inside the SELECT statement..
And also, I need to do it INSIDE the select statement because I am constructing a view.
WHEN T.option1 = ? THEN -1
WHEN T.option2 = ? THEN 0
END AS field1
FROM Table1 AS T
I can't get your original TSQL to work - I get:
Msg 4145, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'THEN'.
...because there's no value evaluation. If you're checking if the columns are null, you'll need to use:
WHEN T.option1 IS NULL THEN -1
END AS field1
FROM Table1 AS T
...or if you need when they are not null:
END AS field1
FROM Table1 AS T
CASE expressions shortcircuit - if the first WHEN matches, it returns the value & exits handling for that row - so the options afterwards aren't considered.
If I remember correctly, PL/SQL also supports the case. You just would have to move the column alias from "field1=" before the expression to "AS filed1" after the expression.