Print fields being browsed on the screen - filemaker

I need to write a FM script which print one field of the records being browsed on the screen and separated by commas.However, I do not know how to select the records being currently browsed and am not able to find it in the documentation (the lack of the good keyword could be the problem).
Thank you!

It sounds like you're trying to create a list of all values for one field in the Found Set. FileMaker 13 introduced the List of Summary type, which makes this pretty easy:
First, create a Summary field, say FoundAddresses. Make it a List of your e-mail address field. This field will contain a return-delimited list of the e-mail addresses in the Found Set.
Second, create a Calculation field, say FoundAddressesCommaDelimited. Make it the following text Calculation:
Substitute (
GetSummary ( FoundAddresses ; FoundAddresses ) ;
¶ ; ", "
This will substitute all of the returns in FoundAddresses for comma-space.


Regular expression: retrieve one or more numbers after certain text

I'm trying to parse HTML code and extra some data from with using regular expressions. The website that provides the data has no API and I want to show this data in an iOS app build using Swift. The HTML looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var years = ['2020','2021','2022'];
var currentView = 0;
var amounts = [1269.2358,1456.557,1546.8768];
var balances = [3484626,3683646,3683070];
rest of the html code
What I'm trying to extract is the years, amounts and balances.
So I would like to have an array with the year in in [2020,2021,2022] same for amount and balances. In this example there are 3 years, but it could be more or less. I'm able to extra all the numbers but then I'm unable to link them to the years or amounts or balances. See this example:, using this pattern (\d|\[(\d|,\s*)*])
Any help would be really appreciated.
Firstly I think there are some errors in your expression. To capture the whole number you have to use \d+ (which matches 1 or more consecutive numbers e.g. 2020). If you need to include . as a separator the expression then would look like \d+\.\d+.
In addition using non-capturing group, (?:) and non-greedy matches .*? the regular-expression that gives the desired result for years is
This can also be modified for the amount field which would look like this:
You can try it here:
Edited: in the previous Version my proposed regex was non functional and only captured the last match.
You can continue with this regex:
^var (years \= (?'year'.*)|balances \= (?'balances'.*)|amounts \= (?'amounts'.*));$
It searches for lines with either years, balances or amount entries and names the matches acordingly. It matches the whole string within the brackets.

regexp_extract is getting spaces

I have this sample data to test regexp_extract function.
message_txt="test 9341Come Products Preferred*TEST*TEST, the mfg SYSTEM, paid18.26 toward the"
message_txt="mfg of TR tt 100 test, paid $861.82 toward your "
message_txt="TEST 0.015% , paid $1119.00toward your "
I need to extract the numeric value between "paid" and "toward", i.e. 18.26, 861.82 and 1119.00. I execute the below statement
... but getting only spaces.
I don't know regexp_extract() but it looks to me like...
You don't want $ in your results, so you need to move that outside of the capture group.
There aren't always spaces before/after the target, so \\s needs to be optional.
There's no point in having a 2nd (?i).
It's usually better to describe exactly what's permitted in the capture group.
Try something like: "(?i)paid\\s*\\$?([\\d.]+)\\s*toward"

Combining rows from multiple sources in Virtual list Filemaker

I am trying to make an Excel-like 'pivot table' in Filemaker using a Virtual List as the source of the data. The issue is I want to be able to have 'categories' down the first column that aren't fixed. The field names won't work.
My current thought is to have a table with a field of the layout name and the categories, that I would combine with the rest of the data via a ExecuteSQL (or other function).
I can get it to work with two ExecuteSQL statements, one for the categories and one for the 'bulk' of the data, using text for the WHERE in the categories eSQL, then I combine them into one and I'm set.
My issue is that I'd like to be able to get the categories using a get(LayoutName) function, making the script more flexible. Whenever I use the get(LayoutName) in the WHERE line of the SQL I get a ? for the result. I have also tried putting the layout name in a field using a get(LayoutName), then using that field as in the WHERE statement, but that also returns an error.
I admit I am a bit of a newbie at this, so the problem is likely between the keyboard and the chair with a simple syntax error. I have tried a bunch of different ways with quotes, no quotes, single quotes, etc.
Here is what I am using for pulling the categories...
Substitute ( ExecuteSQL ( "SELECT Category_List
FROM Categories_VL
WHERE Layout_Name = Get(LayoutName)" ; "" ; "") ; ", " ; $$delim )
All of the field names are correct, and if I change the LayoutName to a text that matches the Layout_Name field I want, it works fine.
I apologize if I have been too wordy, but I figure more info is better than answering a bunch of questions because I forgot something!
I am struggling to understand your question. I hope I am addressing the correct issue.
You cannot use Filemaker functions inside an SQL query. To find records where the Layout_Name field is equal to the current layout's name, your query should be:
SELECT Category_List
FROM Categories_VL
WHERE Layout_Name = ?
and then you would supply the current layout's name as an argument:
ExecuteSQL ( "SELECT Category_List FROM Categories_VL WHERE Layout_Name = ?" ; "" ; "" ; Get ( LayoutName ) )
Note that instead of substituting the default delimiter, you can specify your own field and row separators within the ExecuteSQL() function itself, for example:
ExecuteSQL ( "SELECT Category_List FROM Categories_VL WHERE Layout_Name = ?" ; $$delim ; "" ; Get ( LayoutName ) )

Microsoft graph Mail Search Strict value

I have an issue with the search parameters. I want to pass a phrase in my query. For exemple i'm looking for emails where the subject is "Test 1".
For this i'm doing a get on this ressource.$search="subject:Test 1"
But the behaviour of this query is : Looking for mails that contains "Test" in the subject OR 1 in any other fields.
Refering to the KQL Syntax
A phrase (includes two or more words together, separated by spaces; however, the words must be enclosed in double quotation marks)
So, to do what i want i have to put double quotes (") around my phrase to do a strict value search. Like below
subject:"Test 1"
The problem it's at this point. Microsoft graph api already use double quotes (") after the parameters $search.
?$search="Key words"
So I can't do what is mentioned in the KQL doc.$search="subject:"Test 1""
It's throwing an error :
"Syntax error: character '1' is not valid at position 15 in '\"subject:\"test 1\"\"'.",
It's an expected behaviour. I was pretty sure it will not work.
If someone has any suggestions for a solution or a workaround, I'm a buyer.
What I've already tried so far :
Use simple quote
Remove the quotes right after $select=
Remove the subject part $select="Test 1", same behaviour as the first request mentioned in this post. It will looks for emails that contain "test" or "1".
Best regards.
After sasfrog's anwser :
I used $filter : It works well with simple operator AND, OR.I have some errors by using the Not Operator. And btw you have to use the orderby parameter to show the result by date and add the field in filter parameters.
Exemple 1 (working, what I asked for first) :$orderby=receivedDateTime desc &$filter=receivedDateTime ge 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z AND contains(subject,'test 1')
Exemple 2 (not working)$orderby=receivedDateTime desc &$filter=(receivedDateTime ge 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z AND contains(subject,'test 1')) NOT(contains(from/EmailAddress/address,[specific address]))
After some test with the filter parameters.
The NOT operator is still not working so to workaround use "ne" (non-equals)
the example 2 becomes :$orderby=receivedDateTime desc&$filter=(receivedDateTime ge 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z AND contains(subject,'test 1')) AND (from/EmailAddress/address ne [specific address])
Using $filter is great but it looks like it was sometimes pretty slow. So I found a workaround aboutmy issue.
It's to use AND operator between all terms.
Exemple 4 :
I'm looking for the mails where the subject is test 1;
Let value = "test 1". So you have to splice it by using space separator. And after write some code to manipulate this array, to obtain something like below.
$search="(subject:test AND subject:1)"
The brackets can be important if you use a multiple fields search. And Voilà.
Not sure if it's sufficient for what you're doing, but how about using the contains function within a filter query instead:$filter=contains(subject,'Test 1')
Sounds like you're already looking at the doco but here it is just in case.
Update also, this worked for me using the search method:$search="subject:'Test 1'"

How to show several fields values in one textField

Can nay one help to add multiple DB field values in one field.
Say i have 3 DB fields:
I want to display all 3 fields in the same field:
John Peter 28.
I tried doing 3 fields next to each other and it did work but when i wrap text. It looks really bad:
hn te
My requirement is show data in one text field, for example: John.Peter.26
If you want to put them in one line (which i guess is the case), its straight forward.
Put this as a text box $F{Name} + "." + $F{Address} + "." + $F{Age}.toString()
Or you can use string concatenation (I dont personally like the syntax, take more effort to understand) $F{Name}.concat(".").concat($F{Address}).concat(".").concat($F{Age})
The SQL Method
Why not concatenate all the 3 fields you need in the query you use itself like (Assuming you are with Postgres.),
select (name || address|| to_char(age)) as data from my_table
In Ireport
As suggested,
$F{Name} + "." + $F{Address} + "." + $F{Age}.toString()
too works if needed to make it work from the report.
Make sure that all your fields are of same data type.