Same facebook key for lite and pro apps - iphone

I have a lite and pro version of my Iphone app, but my lite app rejected by appstore ,they cannot login through facebook. But in development mode i can able to login both pro and lite version through FB.
I have used same FB developer key for both lite and pro.
Is this the issue for rejection?
If i need to use different developer key for lite and pro version of same app?

Please check this SO post. It may help you.
urlSchemeSuffix is a string of lowercase letters that is appended to the base URL scheme used for SSO. For example, if your facebook ID is "350685531728" and you set urlSchemeSuffix to "abcd", the Facebook app will expect your application to bind to the following URL scheme: "fb350685531728abcd". This is useful if your have multiple iOS applications that share a single Facebook application id (for example, if you have a free and a paid version on the same app) and you want to use SSO with both apps. Giving both apps different urlSchemeSuffix values will allow the Facebook app to disambiguate their URL schemes and always redirect the user back to the correct app, even if both the free and the app is installed on the device.
urlSchemeSuffix is supported on version 3.4.1 and above of the Facebook app. If the user has an older version of the Facebook app installed and your app uses urlSchemeSuffix parameter, the SDK will proceed as if the Facebook app isn't installed on the device and redirect the user to Safari.
You can also refer this so post which helps you to understand how prefix works with Facebook.


How to authenticate a person who has facebook but not the facebook app on iOS device?

I am creating an app on iOS and i came across a scenario if a person does not have the facebook app installed but has Facebook. how does the game app handle that. you can only play the game if and only if you have facebook account?
You can use Single Sign On in Facebook.
So that the facebook will authenticate its user through facebook app if its installed otherwise through the safari.
Here is the Link also here.
Happy coding :)
If you targeted the older versions (below ios6) use Graph API.
If you targeted for newer version (ios 6 and above) use the native method

facebook app doesn't auth for my app

I have a problem to connect facebook app with my app.
I don't know much about facebook sdk, so I simply copy & paste from the facebook sample app.
(i only need upload image with some text).
it works well unless facebook app is installed on the device, but if a device has facebook app, it seems like can't get the login information.
I think it is because of facebook app doesn't ask auth for my app unlike safari browser.
What do I have to do?
Please Download the latest version of Facebook app (4.1.1) from app store. The Single Sign On(SSO) only supports in the latest version of Facebook application.

App Store can accept this flow or not

I have integrated Facebook functionality into my applications. By using the link, I have integrated the Facebook. In this application, at the time of login, it's opening Safari and at the same time the application is going to the background and then after login again it's coming back to the application. My intention is that this flow can accept the application store or not.
This is the official Facebook iOS SDK and many apps in App Store already use it. So you can use it inside your app.
Also, the flow in your question is exactly what the documentation of the library describes and is, again, used by apps that are already in App Store:
If the device is running in a version of iOS that supports multitasking, but it doesn't have the Facebook app of version 3.2.3 or greater installed, the SDK will open the authorization dialog in Safari. After the user grants or revokes the authorization, Safari redirects back to the calling app. Similar to the Facebook app based authorization, this allows multiple apps to share the same Facebook user access_token through the Safari cookie.
So, yes, there is nothing wrong with this flow.

How do you get your app to appear on the Facebook Mobile Application? (specifically iPhone)

We have a popular Facebook Application and a version of our App for the iPhone. I was wondering how we can make our Application appear in the "Apps" Section on the new Facebook iPhone app. On my iPhone I currently see links to the App store for Pixable, Badoo, Airbnb, Foursquare and WhoisNear iPhone Application.
I have filled out the Native iOS App settings in the Developer section on Facebook (including adding the Bundle ID and the iPhone app store ID) several weeks ago thinking it took a while to update, but still nothing shows up on my iPhone app.
Any help would be appreciated.
Screenshot of where we want our app to show up:
Edit your Application Settings and on the Basic Settings specify a Mobile Web URL for your Mobile Web integration. You should be able to set the URL to your app's iTunes URL.
Fill out the iOS information within the admin settings of your application, which also means they are using the same application id. You also have to have granted at least the basic permissions via connect on the app, and have the app installed on the phone.

How to connect both Android and Iphone application to the same app in Facebook?

I have used Facebook API to make posts to my wall on Facebook with my Android app. To do this I made an app on the Facebook developer site. I used the key hash from the Android application and the APP_ID from the facebook app to cross match them.
Now I want to connect my Android app to a facebook app which already is connected to an Iphone application. This app has my key hash added, and I tried using its APP_ID instead of my own but it doesn't work.
I am thinking it might be because I'm not using the application secret in my Android app, but it is used in the Iphone app. If this could be the problem, where do I add this application secret? Xcode has such an easy system for adding parameters like this one, but I don't know what the equivalent in Android is.
Per the Facebook Android SDK instructions "make sure that your application has been signed with the same key you registered with Facebook" it sounds like you have a key mismatch issue; the instructions on their site should help find some common problems. Also update your local code to use the latest SDK as Facebook is notorious for breaking older implementations.
The current Facebook iOS SDK only uses the application ID and Android is no different.