Buildbot running sequential builders after they're finished - buildbot

Are there any triggers or anyway to set up buildbot to run builds after another have finished? Right now I have multiple builders set up to turn on a machine, build, and turn off a machine. I've set it up in a nightly schedule where it turns on the machine then 15 minutes after it would run a build then shuts off the machine about an hour after it started building.
I'd rather have 1 builder that does all 3 steps automatically. Run builder1, waits X minutes, run builder2, waits Y minutes, run builder3.

I think you either want to make the machine into a Latent Slave so that you don't need separate builders.
Or you can use Triggering schedulers to trigger from one builder to the next.


Bluemix Workload Scheduler trigger does not start

I tried to create a job to call a REST API every 10 minutes using the Application Lab UI of the Workload Scheduler.
The task works fine, if I push Run Now.
This is the configuration of my trigger:
I left out valid to intentionally to have this task running infinitely.
Looking the trigger you created seems to be right: your step will run every 10 minutes every days.
If not, could you specify what is not working?

Chronos + Mesosphere. How to execute tasks in parallel?

Good day everyone.
I have single server for Chronos, Mesos and Zookeeper, and i want to use Chronos as something, what will run my scripts daily. Some scripts today, some tomorrow and so on..
The problem is when i'm trying to launch tasks one after another, only first one executes correctly, another one is lost somewhere. If i launch first then take a pause of 3-4 seconds and launch another - they both are launched, but sequentially.
And i need to run them in parallel.
Can someone provide a hint on this? Maybe there is some settings that i must change?
You should set a time in UTC time for both tasks to be launched with a repeating period of 24 hours. In this case, there is no reason why your tasks should not execute in parallel. Check the chronos logs and the tasks logs in sandbox on mesos for errors.
You can certainly run all of these components (Chronos, master, slave, and ZK) on the same machine, although ZK really becomes valuable once you have HA with multiple masters.
As user4103259 suggested, check the master and slave logs for that LOST/failed taskId to see what exactly happened to it. A task could go LOST/failed for numerous reasons, anywhere along the task launch/running/completing process.

How to catch how long Jenkins node is running up

I have to write script on bash linux where i can see how long my nodes were running and if it more than one hour and build run on it i will stay it in up status. If it lower than 50 minutes an no builds than turn it off. So at first step i can't get time, how long node is running up. Is in Jenkins plugins or any env. variables which show node run time?
Take a look at this thread, you could get the data from the statistics.

Jenkins trigger job by another which are running on offline node

Is there any way to do the following:
I have 2 jobs. One job on offline node has to trigger the second one. Are there any plugins in Jenkins that can do this. I know that TeamCity has a way of achieving this, but I think that Jenkins is more constrictive
When you configure your node, you can set Availability to Take this slave on-line when in demand and off-line when idle.
Set Usage as Leave this machine for tied jobs only
Finally, configure the job to be executed only on that node.
This way, when the job goes to queue and cannot execute (because the node is offline), Jenkins will try to bring this node online. After the job is finished, the node will go back to offline.
This of course relies on the fact that Jenkins is configured to be able to start this node.
One instance will always be turn on, on which the main job can be run. And have created the job which will look in DB and if in the DB no running instances, it will prepare one node. And the third job after running tests will clean up my environment.

Running parallel jobs in Jenkins

I'm using Jenkins for my builds, and I wrote some test scripts that I need to run after the compilation of the build.
I want to save some time, so I have to run the test scripts parallel. How can I do that?
EDIT: ok, I understand know that I need a separate Job for each test (for 4 tests I need 4 jobs, right?)
So, I did that, and via the parent job I ran this jobs. (using "build other projects" plugin).
But I didn't managed to aggregate the results (using aggregate downstream test results). The parent job exits before the downstream jobs were finished.
What shall I do?
You can use multi-job plugin. This would allow you to run multiple jobs in parallel and the parent job would wait for the sub jobs to be completed. The parent jobs status can be determined by the sub jobs status.
Jenkins doesn't really allow you to run things in parallel. You can however split your build into different jobs to achieve this. It would look like this.
Job to compile the source runs.
Jobs that run the tests are triggered by the completion of the compilation and start running. They copy compilation results from the previous job into their workspaces.
This is a big kludgy though. The better alternative would be to parallelise within the scripts that run the tests, i.e. you run a single script and this then runs the tests in parallel. If this is not possible, you'll have to split into different jobs though.
Have you looked at the Jenkins JOIN Plugin? I have not used it but I believe it is what you are attempting to accomplish.
- Mike
Actually you can but you will need some coding behind.
In my case, I have parallel test execution on jenkins.
1) Create a small job with parameters that is supposed to do a test run with a small suite
2) Edit this job to run on a list of slaves (where you have the proper environment)
3) Edit this build to allow concurrent builds
And now the hard part.
4) Create a small java program for computing the list of parameters for each job to run.
5) Iterate trough the list and launch a new Jenkins job on a new thread.
Put a Thread.sleep(5000) between runs in order to avoid communication errors
6) Join the threads
At the end of each job, I send the results to a shared location in order to perform some reporting at the end of all tests.
For starting a jenkins job with parameters use CLI
I intend to make my code as generic as possible and publish it if anyone else will need it.
You can use with code like this
parallel (
// job 1, 2 and 3 will be scheduled in parallel.
{ build("job1") },
{ build("job2") },
{ build("job3") }
You can use any one of the followings:
Multijob plugin
Build Flow plugin