input size error in neural network programming by MATLAB - matlab

This is my code:
p = input1;
t1 = output1;
net = feedforwardnet(10, 'trainrp');
net.trainParam.epochs = 1000;
net.trainParam.goal = 0.0005;
net = train(net, p, t1);
y1 = sim(net, p);
p = input2;
t2 = tar;
y2 = sim(net, p);
However, I get this error:
error using bsxfun
Non-singleton dimensions of the two input arrays must match each other.
Error in nnMATLAB.pc (line 24)
pi = bsxfun(#minus,pi,settings.xoffset);
Error in nncalc.preCalcData (line 20)
data.Pc = calcMode.pc(net,data.X,data.Xi,data.Q,data.TS,calcHints);
Error in nncalc.setup1 (line 118)
calcData =
Error in network/sim (line 283)
[calcMode,calcNet,calcData,calcHints,~,resourceText] = nncalc.setup1(calcMode,net,data);
I want to make a neural network which has input1 as input 310 x 24 matrix and output1 as output, 155 x 24 matrix.
Also, I will train the network with input1 & output1
After this training process, I will use input2 as testing data, and I want to get a simulation result using above network which is trained by input1 & output1 .
In summary, I want to train my own network with input1 and output1, and I want to get my simulation result with input2.
I think these errors are based on input size difference between training section and testing section.
How can I solve this problem? Should I run additional process??
I'm looking for your kind answer.
Thank you.

The number of inputs for training and testing must be the same.
For training: inputs must be an NxQ matrix where N is the number of input elements and M is the number of samples. Target must be an MxQ matrix where M is the number of output elements and Q is the same as for inputs.
Then for testing: the input matrix must be NxQ2, where N is the same as for training, but the number of samples Q2 can be whatever you want. For instance, for a single vector Q2 equals 1. The output will then be MxQ2 where M is the same as the number of outputs used for training and Q2 is the same number of vectors as the test input data.


How to interprete the regression plot obtained at the end of neural network regression for multiple outputs?

I have trained my Neural network model using MATLAB NN Toolbox. My network has multiple inputs and multiple outputs, 6 and 7 respectively, to be precise. I would like to clarify few questions based on it:-
The final regression plot showed at the end of the training shows a very good accuracy, R~0.99. However, since I have multiple outputs, I am confused as to which scatter plot does it represent? Shouldn't we have 7 target vs predicted plots for each of the output variable?
According to my knowledge, R^2 is a better method of commenting upon the accuracy of the model, whereas MATLAB reports R in its plot. Do I treat that R as R^2 or should I square the reported R value to obtain R^2.
I have generated the Matlab Script containing weight, bias and activation functions, as a final Result of the training. So shouldn't I be able to simply give my raw data as input and obtain the corresponding predicted output. I gave the exact same training set using the indices Matlab chose for training (to cross check), and plotted the predicted output vs actual output, but the result is not at all good. Definitely, not along the lines of R~0.99. Am I doing anything wrong?
function [y1] = myNeuralNetworkFunction_2(x1)
%MYNEURALNETWORKFUNCTION neural network simulation function.
% X = [torque T_exh lambda t_Spark N EGR];
% Y = [O2R CO2R HC NOX CO lambda_out T_exh2];
% Generated by Neural Network Toolbox function genFunction, 17-Dec-2018 07:13:04.
% [y1] = myNeuralNetworkFunction(x1) takes these arguments:
% x = Qx6 matrix, input #1
% and returns:
% y = Qx7 matrix, output #1
% where Q is the number of samples.
% Input 1
x1_step1_xoffset = [-24;235.248;0.75;-20.678;550;0.799];
x1_step1_gain = [0.00353982300884956;0.00284355877067267;6.26959247648903;0.0275865874012055;0.000366568914956012;0.0533831576137729];
x1_step1_ymin = -1;
% Layer 1
b1 = [1.3808996210168685;-2.0990163849711894;0.9651733083552595;0.27000953282929346;-1.6781835509820286;-1.5110463684800366;-3.6257438832309905;2.1569498669085361;1.9204156230460485;-0.17704342477904209];
IW1_1 = [-0.032892214008082517 -0.55848270745152429 -0.0063993424771670616 -0.56161004933654057 2.7161844536020197 0.46415317073346513;-0.21395624254052176 -3.1570133640176681 0.71972178875396853 -1.9132557838515238 1.3365248285282931 -3.022721627052706;-1.1026780445896862 0.2324603066452392 0.14552308208231421 0.79194435276493658 -0.66254679969168417 0.070353201192052434;-0.017994515838487352 -0.097682677816992206 0.68844109281256027 -0.001684535122025588 0.013605622123872989 0.05810686279306107;0.5853667840629273 -2.9560683084876329 0.56713425120259764 -2.1854386350040116 1.2930115031659106 -2.7133159265497957;0.64316656469750333 -0.63667017646313084 0.50060179040086761 -0.86827897068177973 2.695456517458648 0.16822164719859456;-0.44666821007466739 4.0993786464616679 -0.89370838440321498 3.0445073606237933 -3.3015566360833453 -4.492874075961689;1.8337574137485424 2.6946232855369989 1.1140472073136622 1.6167763205944321 1.8573696127039145 -0.81922672766933646;-0.12561950922781362 3.0711045035224349 -0.6535751823440773 2.0590707752473199 -1.3267693770634292 2.8782780742777794;-0.013438026967107483 -0.025741311825949621 0.45460734966889638 0.045052447491038108 -0.21794568374100454 0.10667240367191703];
% Layer 2
b2 = [-0.96846557414356171;-0.2454718918618051;-0.7331628718025488;-1.0225195290982099;0.50307202195645395;-0.49497234988401961;-0.21817117469133171];
LW2_1 = [-0.97716474643411022 -0.23883775971686808 0.99238069915206006 0.4147649511973347 0.48504023209224734 -0.071372217431684551 0.054177719330469304 -0.25963474838320832 0.27368380212104881 0.063159321947246799;-0.15570858147605909 -0.18816739764334323 -0.3793600124951475 2.3851961990944681 0.38355142531334563 -0.75308427071748985 -0.1280128732536128 -1.361052031781103 0.6021878865831336 -0.24725687748503239;0.076251356114485525 -0.10178293627600112 0.10151304376762409 -0.46453434441403058 0.12114876632815359 0.062856969143306296 -0.0019628163322658364 -0.067809039768745916 0.071731544062023825 0.65700427778446913;0.17887084584125315 0.29122649575978238 0.37255802759192702 1.3684190468992126 0.60936238465090853 0.21955911453674043 0.28477957899364675 -0.051456306721251184 0.6519451272106177 -0.64479205028051967;0.25743349663436799 2.0668075180209979 0.59610776847961111 -3.2609682919282603 1.8824214917530881 0.33542869933904396 0.03604272669356564 -0.013842766338427388 3.8534510207741826 2.2266745660915586;-0.16136175574939746 0.10407287099228898 -0.13902245286490234 0.87616472446622717 -0.027079111747601223 0.024812287505204988 -0.030101536834009103 0.043168268669541855 0.12172932035587079 -0.27074383434206573;0.18714562505165402 0.35267726325386606 -0.029241400610813449 0.53053853235049087 0.58880054832728757 0.047959541165126809 0.16152268183097709 0.23419456403348898 0.83166785128608967 -0.66765237856750781];
% Output 1
y1_step1_ymin = -1;
y1_step1_gain = [0.114200879346771;0.145581598485951;0.000139011547272197;0.000456244862967996;2.05816254143146e-05;5.27704485488127;0.00284355877067267];
y1_step1_xoffset = [-0.045;1.122;2.706;17.108;493.726;0.75;235.248];
% ===== SIMULATION ========
% Dimensions
Q = size(x1,1); % samples
% Input 1
x1 = x1';
xp1 = mapminmax_apply(x1,x1_step1_gain,x1_step1_xoffset,x1_step1_ymin);
% Layer 1
a1 = tansig_apply(repmat(b1,1,Q) + IW1_1*xp1);
% Layer 2
a2 = repmat(b2,1,Q) + LW2_1*a1;
% Output 1
y1 = mapminmax_reverse(a2,y1_step1_gain,y1_step1_xoffset,y1_step1_ymin);
y1 = y1';
% ===== MODULE FUNCTIONS ========
% Map Minimum and Maximum Input Processing Function
function y = mapminmax_apply(x,settings_gain,settings_xoffset,settings_ymin)
y = bsxfun(#minus,x,settings_xoffset);
y = bsxfun(#times,y,settings_gain);
y = bsxfun(#plus,y,settings_ymin);
% Sigmoid Symmetric Transfer Function
function a = tansig_apply(n)
a = 2 ./ (1 + exp(-2*n)) - 1;
% Map Minimum and Maximum Output Reverse-Processing Function
function x = mapminmax_reverse(y,settings_gain,settings_xoffset,settings_ymin)
x = bsxfun(#minus,y,settings_ymin);
x = bsxfun(#rdivide,x,settings_gain);
x = bsxfun(#plus,x,settings_xoffset);
The above one is the automatically generated code. The plot which I generated to cross-check the first variable is below:-
% X and Y are input and output - same as above
X_train = X(results.info1.train.indices,:);
y_train = Y(results.info1.train.indices,:);
out_train = myNeuralNetworkFunction_2(X_train);
To answer your question about R: Yes, you should square R to get the R^2 value. In this case, they will be very close since R is very close to 1.
The graphs give the correlation between the estimated and real (target) values. So R is the strenght of the correlation. You can square it to find the R-square.
The graph you draw and matlab gave are not the graph of the same variables. The ranges or scales of the axes are very different.
First of all, is the problem you are trying to solve a regression problem? Or is it a classification problem with 7 classes converted to numeric? I assume this is a classification problem, as you are trying to get the success rate for each class.
As for your first question: According to the literature it is recommended to use the value "All: R". If you want to get the success rate of each of your classes, Precision, Recall, F-measure, FP rate, TP Rate, etc., which are valid in classification problems. values ​​you need to reach. There are many matlab documents for this (help ROC) and you can look at the details. All the values ​​I mentioned and which I think you actually want are obtained from the confusion matrix.
There is a good example of this.
[x,t] = simpleclass_dataset;
net = patternnet(10);
net = train(net,x,t);
y = net(x);
[c,cm,ind,per] = confusion(t,y)
I hope you will see what you want from the "nntraintool" window that appears when you run the code.
Your other questions have already been answered. Alternatively, you can consider using a machine learning algorithm with open source software such as Weka.

Simple Neural Network Example with One Input and One Output in Matlab

I am trying to learn how to use neural networks in MATLAB and I am starting with a simple example that uses four data points that I split into two row vectors. One of them is Input and the other is Temp. The input vector is a vector from 1 to 4.
Next I run some neural network coding I found from examples. Now I would like for the neural network to predict the outcome of a sample input vector which is a row vector [5 6].
clear all
Input = [1,2,3,4];
Temp = [.25,.15,.1,.07];
Smpl = [5,6]
net = newff(minmax(Input),[20,1],{'logsig','purelin','trainlm'})
net.trainparam.epochs = 500;
net.trainparam.goal = 1e-25; = .01;
net = train(net,Input,Temp)
TempPr = net(Input)
error = TempPr - Temp
TempPrSmpl = net(Smpl)
The row vector, TempPr, generated by the neural network exactly matches with the target vector, Temp. However, it seems that I am unable to predict values properly. For example I try to predict temperature values for inputs 5 and 6 which I expect them to be less than .07.
But instead the matlab code is returning:
TempPrSmpl =
0.3560 0.3560
Two questions:
Why is the value being returned from MATLAB greater than .07?
Why are there not two different values being returned from MATLAB (one for 5 and one for 6)?

Strange neural network output

I am programming in MATLAB and I am trying to use the Neural Network Toolbox but I have troubles in calculating the output of a network. I will try to explain my problem: I have defined a very simple ANN with one hidden layer and linear activation functions. So if I have an input x, then I expect the output of the hidden layer to be
h = w * x + b
where w are the weights and b the biases. Then I expect my output to be
o = w' * h + b'
where w' are the weights between the hidden layer and the output and b' the biases.
Now the problem is that if I do
o = net(x)
this doesn't happen. Here is my code:
net = feedforwardnet([layer1], 'traincgp');
net = configure(net, Dtrain, Dtrain);
net.trainParam.epochs = 0;
net.IW{1,1} = weights12;
net.LW{2,1} = my_weights;
net.b{1} = bias12;
for ii=1:size(net.layers, 1)
net.layers{ii}.transferFcn = 'purelin';
net = train(net, Dtrain, Dtrain);
As you can see I am training for 0 epochs since this is just a test and I am also using Dtrain both as input and target since I am training an autoencoder. As I said, the problem is that if I calculate the output as I wrote before I get one result, while if I do
output = net(input)
I get another one. What should I do to have the same result?

Fourier Transform Of male and female voice

I'm doing fourier transform using matlab R2014a, first I have read two audio files of femal and male, then I initialized the magnitude and phase for each. A Task in my report requires to Mix female speech amplitude with phase spectrum of the other signal-male phase-, or viceversa, So I wrote a code and I keep getting this error:
Error using *
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
out1 = Mag_Male*exp(1i*Phase_Fem);
And even using.*
Error in Untitled9 (line 183)
out1 = Mag_Male.*exp(1i*Phase_Fem);
or .* in both operators
The full error
>> Untitled9
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Untitled9 (line 183)
out1 = Mag_Male.*(exp(1i.*Phase_Fem));
Output of m and f size using size function
maleAudio_row = size(m);
femaleAudio_row = size(f);
maleAudio_row =
119855 2
femaleAudio_row =
119070 1
although my other colleagues worked fine with them :(
This is my Code:
Fs = 11025;
Ts = 1/Fs;
t = 0:Ts:0.1;
[m, Fs]=audioread('hamid1.wav');
[f, Fs]=audioread('myvoice.wav');
player = audioplayer(m,Fs);
player2 = audioplayer(f,Fs);
%---- Frquency Domain Sampling-----%
Fem = fft(f);
Phase_Fem = angle(Fem);
Mag_Fem = abs(Fem);
Male = fft(m);
Mag_Male = abs(Male);
Phase_Male = angle(Male);
out1 = Mag_Male*exp(1i*Phase_Fem); % this step for putting female phase on male mag.
out2 = ifft(out1); % this step is convert the previus step to time domain so i can
%play the audio
Nx = length(out2);
F0 = 1/(Ts*Nx2);
result = audioplayer(out2);
Your 'hamid1.wav' is two-channel wav file whereas 'myvoice.wav' is one-channel wav. As mentioned in Matlab manual (
Audio data in the file, returned as an m-by-n matrix, where m is the number of audio samples read and n is the number of audio channels in the file.
Just convert m to one channel as m = 0.5*(m(:,1)+m(:,2)), adjust other dimension and use .* product (as people suggested in the comments).
clear all;
m = randn(1000,2); %dummy signal
f = randn(999,1); %dummy signal
N = min(size(m,1),size(f,1));
Male = fft(0.5*(m(1:N,1)+m(1:N,2)));
Fem = fft(f(1:N,1));
Mag_Male = abs(Male);
Phase_Male = angle(Male);
Phase_Fem = angle(Fem);
Mag_Fem = abs(Fem);
out1 = Mag_Male.*exp(1i*Phase_Fem);
If you use a * it will try and do matrix multiplication. What you probably want to use is an element by element operator, which is a . before the *. This will multiply the first element in the vector with the first element in the other vector, the second with the second, etc. etc.
out1 = Mag_Male.*exp(1i*Phase_Fem);
This assumes that the result from your FFT is the same length. This will be the case if the original samples are the same length.

Error Backpropagation - Neural network

I am trying to write a code for error back-propagation for neural network but my code is taking really long time to execute. I know that training of Neural network takes long time but it is taking long time for a single iteration as well.
Multi-class classification problem!
Total number of training set = 19978
Number of inputs = 513
Number of hidden units = 345
Number of classes = 10
Below is my entire code:
X=horzcat(ones(19978,1),inputMatrix); %Adding bias
M=floor(0.66*(513+10)); %Taking two-third of imput+output
zj=tanh(aj); %Hidden Layer output
akTranspose = ak';
ykTranspose=softmax(akTranspose); %For multi-class classification
yk=ykTranspose'; %Final output
%Initializing target variables
t = zeros(19978,10);
errorArray=zeros(100000,1); %Stroing error values to keep track of error iteration
for nIterations=1:5
aj=X*Wji; %Forward propagating in each iteration
akTranspose = ak';
%Calculating error
for n=1:19978 %for 19978 training samples
for k=1:10 %for 10 classes
error = error + t(n,k)*log(yk(n,k)); %using cross entropy function
Ediff = error-errorOld;
%Calculating dervative of error wrt weights wji
for i=1:513
for j=1:M;
for k=1:10
for n=1:19978
Calculating derivative of E wrt Wkj%
derEWkj(j,k) = derEWkj(j,k)+(yk(n,k)-t(n,k))*zj(n,j);
for n=1:19978
Calculating derivative of E wrt Wji
derEWji(i,j) = derEWji(i,j)+(1-(zj(n,j)*zj(n,j)))*derErrorTemp;
eta = 0.0001; %learning rate
Wji = Wji - eta.*derEWji; %updating weights
Wkj = Wkj - eta.*derEWkj;
for-loop is very time-consuming in Matlab even with the help of JIT. Try to modify your code by vectorize them rather than organizing them in a 3-loop or even 4-loop. For example,
for n=1:19978 %for 19978 training samples
for k=1:10 %for 10 classes
error = error + t(n,k)*log(yk(n,k)); %using cross entropy function
can be changed to:
error = sum(sum(t.*yk)); % t and yk are both n*k arrays that you construct
You may try to do similar jobs for the rest of your code. Use dot product or multiplication operations on arrays for different cases.