How to separate objects by colour matlab [closed] - matlab

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want the Matlab to recognize colors and analyse the object if it yellow otherwise it would ignore it.
I know how to analyze the objects but I don't know how to eliminate the other non-yellow ones

The most simple approach that I can come up with is this quick and dirty program:
i = imread('school_zone.jpg');
r = i(:,:,1);
g = i(:,:,2);
b = i(:,:,3);
threshold = 100;
isyellow = r > threshold & g > threshold & b < threshold;
(b < threshold to prevent the white to be confused with yellow)


Sum Matlab from 0 to 10000 on function [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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syms k
S1 = symsum(1/((2*k)+1)^2,k,0,1000)
The result is this
It is a number in this form a/b
Why is this happening??
Do you know how to do this in octave too?
k = (0:1000);
k_sum = sum(1./((2*k)+1).^2);
It's interesting that you jumped straight to using syms when the basic matlab functions work perfectly well for this problem. Why is that?

How to covert this specific equation to matlab code [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to represent this equation to matlab code
Like so:
function y = sgn(x)
if x == 0
y = 0;
y = x / abs(x);

How do I integrate a vector in MATLAB [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to perform integration on a vector L but I don't know exactly what to use. I want to obtain a (the integral) as a vector that is the same size as NT.
syms x
for i=1:NT
disp('Longeur de travée')
L(i)=input('L = ');
An easy way would be to use trapz. If you have X and Y such that Y(i) = f(X(i)) (so Y contains the values of some function at the location X) then you simply do
I = trapz(X, Y)
In your case, you can do
I = trapz(L, fa)
I guess, looking at your code.
Note that you could use more advanced techniques, that will, in principle, give you a better result (because they are higher-order). This is just one method, but an easy one.

How can I write this using Matlab with for loop, ones, and zeros? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please help me out with this code:
for i = 1:n
u(t - a_i - td_i);
u: step function
t: time vector with n elements
a_i, tau_i, and td_i: variables that change inside for loop
I guess I need to use zeros and ones, but how can I do this correctly?
Simple function to sum the value inside the loop:
func = #(t) sum(t > a + td)
func(t) will be the sum of the foor loop

How to crop a region in LIDAR point cloud [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have 2 data set point cloud and I want to crop a part of them together.
Because of volume of them is too too large I couldn't crop them with below codes.
Can you help me to how can I crop them?
Used codes are:
selectedl=[];%% last pulse
for i=1:size(indexl)
selectedf=[];%% first pulse
for i=1:size(indexf)
Thank U all.
It is a bit difficult to understand what you want to do, as lr, fr, indexl and indexf are missing.
But assuming something like
lr = rand(5,3) ;
indexl = [2 5] ;
I would advise to allocate selectedl above the loop
selectedl = NaN(length(indexl),size(lr,2)) ;
for i = 1:length(indexl)
selectedl(i,:) = lr(indexl(i),:) ;
This might not be needed for this example, but if the data size becomes larger this will speed up the loop.