I have 3 matrices x, y and z of order 3*3. I want to create a new matrix k with value = 1./(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2) if (x.^2+y.^2+z.^2 > 1) and value = 0 otherwise.
I am trying to use this :
k(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2>1)= 1./(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2)
but it gives error : In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Can anyone provide a simple solution in a single line where I don't need to use for loops
I am not sure why you'd want to do this as opposed to splitting it up into two operations. This way, you save the cost of computing the sum of squares twice.
x = rand(3,3);
y = rand(3,3);
z = rand(3,3);
k = 1./(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2);
In any case, another way to do it would be using principles of Functional Programming:
x = rand(3,3);
y = rand(3,3);
z = rand(3,3);
myfun = #(x,y,z) 1/(x^2+y^2+z^2) * (x^2+y^2+z^2>1);
k = arrayfun(myfun, x, y, z);
Alternately, you can mix everything into one line as:
k = arrayfun(#(x,y,z) 1/(x^2+y^2+z^2) * (x^2+y^2+z^2>1), x, y, z);
What this code does is maps the function myfun to each of the data elements. The function myfun is quite simple. It computes the required quantity but multiplies it with the binding condition. However, you might want to beware.
EDIT: To address the comment.
If you don't want to compute the quantity at all, we can use conditional anonymous functions. For more details, you can refer to this guide.
iif = #(varargin) varargin{2 * find([varargin{1:2:end}], 1, 'first')}();
myfun = #(x,y,z) iif( x^2+y^2+z^2 <= 1, #() 0, x^2+y^2+z^2>1 ,#() 1/(x^2+y^2+z^2));
k = arrayfun(myfun, x, y, z);
How about
k = x.^2+y.^2+z.^2;
k(k < 1) = 0;
k(k~= 0) = 1 ./ k(k~=0);
If you are trying to save some processing time (i.e. do not compute at all the sum of squares for those cases when it is less than one) then pretty much the only solution is a table lookup
Otherwise the following code should work
you can cut some time (assuming x, y and z could be greater than 1)
idx0=x<1 & y<1 & z<1
Your original solution will work if you change it to use an indexer (I haven't profiled it, but I am pretty sure it will take longer, than mine :) )
I want to find the maximum value using the second derivative of the the expression when x is between 0 and 1. In other words I am taking the derivative of cox(x^2) twice to get the second derivative resulting in - 2*sin(x^2) - 4*x^2*cos(x^2), then I want to evaluate this second derivative at x = 0 to x = 1, and display the maximum value of the populated values.
I have:
syms x
f = cos(x^2);
secondD = diff(diff(f));
for i = 0:1
y = max(secondD(i))
Can someone help?
You can do it easily by subs and double:
syms x
f = cos(x^2);
secondD = diff(diff(f));
% instead of the for loop
epsilon = 0.01;
specified_range = 0:epsilon:1;
[max_val, max_ind] = max(double(subs(secondD, specified_range)));
Please note that it is a numerical approach to find the maximum and the returned answer is not completely correct all the time. However, by increasing the epsilon, you can expect a better result in general (again in some cases it is not completely correct).
I have a .csv file with data on each line in the format (x,y,z,t,f), where f is the value of some function at location (x,y,z) at time t. So each new line in the .csv gives a new set of coordinates (x,y,z,t), with accompanying value f. The .csv is not sorted.
I want to use imagesc to create a video of this data in the xy-plane, as time progresses. The way I've done this is by reformatting M into something more easily usable by imagesc. I'm doing three nested loops, roughly like this
M = csvread('file.csv');
uniqueX = unique(M(:,1));
uniqueY = unique(M(:,2));
uniqueT = unique(M(:,4));
M_reformatted = zeros(length(uniqueX), length(uniqueY), length(uniqueT));
for i = 1:length(uniqueX)
for j = 1:length(uniqueY)
for k = 1:length(uniqueT)
M_reformatted(i,j,k) = M( ...
M(:,1)==uniqueX(i) & ...
M(:,2)==uniqueY(j) & ...
M(:,4)==uniqueT(k), ...
5 ...
once I have M_reformatted, I can loop through timesteps k and use imagesc on M_reformatted(:,:,k). But doing the above nested loops is very slow. Is it possible to vectorize the above? If so, an outline of the approach would be very helpful.
edit: as noted in answers/comments below, I made a mistake in that there are several possible z-values, which I haven't taken into account. If only a single z-value, the above would be ok.
This vectorized solution allows for negative values of x and y and is many times faster than the non-vectorized solution (close to 20x times for the test case at the bottom).
The idea is to sort the x, y, and t values in lexicographical order using sortrows and then using reshape to build the time slices of M_reformatted.
The code:
idx = find(M(:,3)==0); %// find rows where z==0
M2 = M(idx,:); %// M2 has only the rows where z==0
M2(:,3) = []; %// delete z coordinate in M2
M2(:,[1 2 3]) = M2(:,[3 1 2]); %// change from (x,y,t,f) to (t,x,y,f)
M2 = sortrows(M2); %// sort rows by t, then x, then y
numT = numel(unique(M2(:,1))); %// number of unique t values
numX = numel(unique(M2(:,2))); %// number of unique x values
numY = numel(unique(M2(:,3))); %// number of unique y values
%// fill the time slice matrix with data
M_reformatted = reshape(M2(:,4), numY, numX, numT);
Note: I am assuming y refers to the columns of the image and x refers to the rows. If you want these flipped, use M_reformatted = permute(M_reformatted,[2 1 3]) at the end of the code.
The test case I used for M (to compare the result to other solutions) has a NxNxN space with T times slices:
N = 10;
T = 10;
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(-N:N,-N:N,-N:N);
numPoints = numel(x);
x=x(:); y=y(:); z=z(:);
s = repmat([x,y,z],T,1);
t = repmat(1:T,numPoints,1);
M = [s, t(:), rand(numPoints*T,1)];
M = M( randperm(size(M,1)), : );
I don't think you need to vectorize. I think you change your algorithm.
You only need one loop to step through the lines of the CSV file. For every line, you have (x,y,z,t,f) so just store it in M_reformatted where it belongs. Something like this:
M_reformatted = zeros(max(M(:,1)), max(M(:,2)), max(M(:,4)));
for line = 1:size(M,2)
z = M(line, 3);
if z ~= 0, continue; end;
x = M(line, 1);
y = M(line, 2);
t = M(line, 4);
f = M(line, 5);
M_reformatted(x, y, t) = f;
Also note that pre-allocating M_reformatted is a very good idea, but your code may have been getting the size wrong (depending on the data). I think using max like I did will always do the right thing.
I want to use the y value corresponding to the given x value from the table (my current table has 1000 values with 10-4 decimal points so I use :
load question_table.mat
eta_p = %assign a value
F12_p=find( (eta <eta_p+0.01) & (eta > eta_p-0.01), 1, 'first' )
what is missing ?
Here is how I have created the table, run this program.
i = 1;
etaspan = -500:0.001:500;
y = zeros(length(etaspan),1);
f = #(x,eta) (x.^(1/2))./(1+exp(x-eta));
for eta = etaspan
g = #(x) f(x,eta);
y(i) = integral(g,0,500);
i = i + 1;
save question_table.mat eta f
Just have MATLAB do the interpolation for you:
y_p = interp1(eta, y, eta_p);
interp1 uses linear interpolation by default, but can instead use higher order interpolation methods. Even with linear, your table seems much denser than necessary.
I'm trying to write a Non-Local Means filter for an assignment. I've written the code in two ways, but the method I'd expect to be quicker is much slower than the other method.
Method 1: (This method is slower)
for i = 1:size(I,1)
for j = 1:size(I,2)
w = exp((-abs(I-I(i,j))^2)/(h^2));
Z = sum(sum(w));
w = w/Z;
sumV = w .* I;
NL(i,j) = sum(sum(sumV));
Method 2: (This method is faster)
for i = 1:size(I,1)
for j = 1:size(I,2)
Z = 0;
for k = 1:size(I,1)
for l = 1:size(I,2)
w = exp((-abs(I(i,j)-I(k,l))^2)/(h^2));
Z = Z + w;
sumV = 0;
for k = 1:size(I,1)
for l = 1:size(I,2)
w = exp((-abs(I(i,j)-I(k,l))^2)/(h^2));
w = w/Z;
sumV = sumV + w * I(k,l);
NL(i,j) = sumV;
I really thought that MATLAB would be optimized for Matrix operations. Is there reason it isn't in this code? The difference is pretty large. For a 512x512 image, with h = 0.05, one iteration of the outer loop takes 24-28 seconds for Method 1 and 10-12 seconds for Method 2.
The two methods are not doing the same thing. In Method 2, the term abs(I(i,j)-I(k,l)) in the w= expression is being squared, which is fine because the term is just a single numeric value.
However, in Method 1, the term abs(I-I(i,j)) is actually a matrix (The numeric value I(i,j) is being subtracted from every element in the matrix I, returning a matrix again). So, when this term is squared with the ^ operator, matrix multiplication is happening. My guess, based on Method 2, is that this is not what you intended. If instead, you want to square each element in that matrix, then use the .^ operator, as in abs(I-I(i,j)).^2
Matrix multiplication is a much more computation intensive operation, which is likely why Method 1 takes so much longer.
My guess is that you have not preassigned NL, that both methods are in the same function (or are scripts and you didn't clear NL between function runs). This would have slowed the first method by quite a bit.
Try the following: Create a function for both methods. Run each method once. Then use the profiler to see where each function spends most of its time.
A much faster implementation (Vectorized) could be achieved using im2col:
Create a Vector out of each neighborhood.
Using predefined indices calculate the distance between each patch.
Sum over the values and the weights using sum function.
This method will work with no loop at all.
I have a square matrix that represents the frequency counts of co-occurrences in a data set. In other words, the rows represent all possible observations of feature 1, and the columns are the possible observations of feature 2. The number in cell (x, y) is the number of times feature 1 was observed to be x at the same time feature 2 was y.
I want to calculate the mutual information contained in this matrix. MATLAB has a built-in information function, but it takes 2 arguments, one for x and one for y. How would I manipulate this matrix to get the arguments it expects?
Alternatively, I wrote my own mutual information function that takes a matrix, but I'm unsure about its accuracy. Does it look right?
function [mutualinfo] = mutualInformation(counts)
total = sum(counts(:));
pX = sum(counts, 1) ./ total;
pY = sum(counts) ./ total;
pXY = counts ./ total;
[h, w] = size(counts);
mutualinfo = 0;
for row = 1:h
for col = 1:w
mutualinfo = mutualinfo + pXY(row, col) * log(pXY(row, col) / (pX(row)*pY(col)));
I don't know of any built-in mutual information functions in MATLAB. Perhaps you got a hold of one of the submissions from the MathWorks File Exchange or some other third-party developer code?
I think there may be something wrong with how you are computing pX and pY. Plus, you can vectorize your operations instead of using for loops. Here's another version of your function to try out:
function mutualInfo = mutualInformation(counts)
pXY = counts./sum(counts(:));
pX = sum(pXY,2);
pY = sum(pXY,1);
mutualInfo = pXY.*log(pXY./(pX*pY));
mutualInfo = sum(mutualInfo(:));