How to set Bamboo variables from Powershell/Other scripts? - powershell

In TeamCity using their Service Message feature, one can set value to TeamCity variables from any script environment:
echo ##teamcity[foo 'booya']
If you run this in batch/Powershell, we can set TeamCity variable foo to booya.
How can I do something similar like this in Bamboo? I would like to format build number in certain way.
Thank you.

this feature is not available in bamboo. It's an open feature request.
I deal with this by outputting an html build info page with build artifacts. This includes bamboo number and our actual number. It also links back to bamboo site.


Reusing PowerShell Scripts in Azure DevOps

I have a PowerShell script that I want to re-use across multiple build pipelines. My question is, is there a way I can "store" or "save" my PowerShell script at the project or organization scope so that I can use it in my other build pipelines? If so, how? I can't seem to find a way to do this. It would be super handy though.
It is now possible to check out multiple repositories in one YAML pipeline. You could place your script in one repository and check it out in a pipeline of any other repository. You could then reference the script directly on the pipeline workspace.
More info here.
Depending on how big theese scripts are you can create Taskgroups that contain powershell-tasks with the script as inline-powershell. But this only works on project-scope..
Another attempt i'd try would be to create a repo containing your powershell-scripts, add this repo as submodule in the repository you are trying to build and then call the scripts from the submodule-folder. But this only works when using git-repos.
Or you could create a custom build-task that contains your script.
From what I have seen, no.
A few different options I have explored are:
If using a non-hosted agent, saving the file onto the build server. Admittedly this doesn't scale well, but it is better than copy/pasting the script all over. I was able to put these scripts into version control and deploy them via their own pipeline so that might be an solution for scaling (if necessary)
Cloning another repository that has these shared scripts during the process.
I've been asking for this feature for a bit, but it seems the Azure DevOps team has higher priorities.
How about putting the powershell in a nuget package and install that in depending projects?
I just discovered YAML templates (
I think it may help you in this case (depending how large it is your file), you can put an inline powershell script in that template yaml, and reuse it on your main yaml.
Documentation is pretty straightforward.

How to manage A LOT of similar configurations in TFS

I have an ASP .Net MVC application with 4 different publishing profiles: dev, test, demo and prod.
These publising profiles are build using the same two steps: NuGet restore followed by an MSBuild. Then, they are deployed to lots of different servers: a few dev servers (one server dev per team), one test server, one demo server and several production servers.
msbuild /p:Configuration="$(Configuration)"
/p:PlatformTarget="any cpu"
Currently I have 4 TFS Build configurations (one for every publishing profile) and a file where I have all the possible values for MSDeployServiceURL parameter.
There are two issues with this approach:
When we had to add a new parameter AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings we had to change it in 4 places instead of one.
We have to have a shared file as the source for the parameters. it is not easy to understand where which value should be copied and people often make mistakes.
So I have two questions:
Is there any way to have a one universal template where I can specify only my parameters Configuration and list of possible MSDeployServiceURLs and have everything else stay the same? Having such a template should fix problem #1.
Is there a way to define a drop-down like variable, where the value could not be typed in by the user, but should be selected from a pre-defined list of values?
Is there any way to have a one universal template where I can specify
only my parameters Configuration and list of possible
MSDeployServiceURLs and have everything else stay the same? Having
such a template should fix problem #1.
You could simplify such that the release configuration creates a templated publish profile. Then using TFS's release management, you could update the publish profile with the appropriate values. Based on your description, it seems like you are trying to combine both the compilation and the release.
For example, in TFS you could have one build (for example, MyApp-Release) that builds the code in the release configuration. As part of that process, it passes in placeholders for things like the deploy URL. For example, /p:MSDeployServiceURL="$(MSDeployServiceURL)" would be /p:MSDeployServiceURL="__MSDeployServiceURL__".
In the TFS release, you'd have a step that the replaces tokens (if you need one, you can use Colin's ALM Corner Custom Build Tasks) in the publish profile. The replace token task would then update the __MSDeployServiceURL__ with the value from an release environment variable with the same name (minus the underscores). So your release would have a dev, test, demo, and prod environment and for each environment, there would be a variable named MSDeployServerURL in each with a different value and a replace tokens step.

Trigger a build in Bamboo from a Jenkins job

Currently all our Regression tests are configured in a Jenkins job.We want once the regression tests are completed,it should trigger a plan in our Bamboo server and also record the tests results in Bamboo using TestNG parser.Is it possible?
Ps : I have already seen Bamboo rest-api but can not seem to find a solution.Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.Thanks
It hasn't been updated for a while and I'm not using it currently, thus can't confirm it is still working as desired (the download statistics suggest it being used though), but given there's not much to it, you should be able to achieve the first part of your use case with the Bamboo Notifier, which allows you to Trigger a Bamboo build upon successful completion of a Jenkins job.
The second part should be covered by the Bamboo TestNG Parser task, though you'll need to push your existing test result files to Bamboo by some means of course, possibly by Using the SCP task in Bamboo.

Teamcity deployment: pass Revision Number to MSBuild

I use TeamCity as a Build Server and want to pass the revision number from
svn to my msbuild script. The reason is that I want to create a directory on
a test / staging server with this number.
I've googled with bing (and google ;)) but couldn't find a solution.
Any ideas?
As far as I know the build number is already passed to msbuild have you tried the retrive it with:
Another option is to use build parameters:
Configuring Build Parameters
From the page above:
.... a convenient way of passing generic or environment-specific settings into the build script.
The build parameters are automaticly append to the msbuild command line, for example:
msbuild.exe test.sln .... /property:foo=bar
The variable %build.vcs.number% contains the svn revision number.
Under command line parameters for an MSBuild runner you can pass this value.
You actually need both of the above answers to achieve what you want. You need to set you teamcity build to use %build.vcs.number% so that when you parameter BUILD_NUMBER is set to that value.

TeamCity: Best Practices to deploy produced installers (artifacts)

We got a TeamCity server which produces nightly deployable builds. We want our beta tester to have access these nightly builds.
What are the best practices to do this? TeamCity Server is not public, it is in our office, so I assume best approach would be pushing artifacts via FTP or something like that.
Also I have no clue how to trigger a script when an artifact created successfully. Does TeamCity provide a way to do that?
I don't know of a way to trigger a script, but I wouldn't worry about that. You can retrieve artifacts via a URL. Depending on what makes sense for your project, you could have a script set up on a scheduler (cron or Windows Scheduling) that pulls the artifact and sends it to the FTP site for the Beta testers. You can configure it to pull only the latest successful artifact. If you set up the naming right, if the build fails they beta testers won't notice because the new build number just won't be there, no bad builds would be pushed to them.
Read the following help page from the documentation. It shows how you send commands from your build script to tell teamCity to publish the artifacts to a given path.
In TeamCity 7.0+ you can use Deployer plugin. Installation steps can be found here. It also allows to upload artifacts via SMB and SSH.
I suggest you start looking at something like (n)Ant to handle your build process. That way you can handle the entire "build artifacts" -> "publish artifacts" chain in an automated manner. These tools are dependency based, so the artifacts would only be published if the build succeeded.