escaping single quote sign in PowerShell - powershell

I have a replace statement in my code whereby Band's is being replaced by Cig's. However when I put single quote it took the first sentence... Example 'Band'
I tried to use double quote but it does not work. Do you know how to escape the single quote sign?
-replace 'Band's', 'Cig's'

See Escape characters, Delimiters and Quotes and Get-Help about_Quoting_Rules from the built-in help (as pointed out by as Nacimota).
To include a ' inside a single-quoted string, simply double it up as ''. (Single-quote literals don't support any of the other escape characters.)
> "Band's Toothpaste" -replace 'Band''s', 'Cig''s'
Or, simply switch to double-quotes. (Double-quote literals are required when wishing to use interpolation or escape characters.)
> "Band's Toothpaste" -replace "Band's", "Cig's"
(Don't forget that -replace uses a regular expression)

Escape a single quote with two single quotes:
"Band's Toothpaste" -replace 'Band''s', 'Cig''s'
Also, this is a duplicate of
Can I use a single quote in a Powershell 'string'?

For trivial cases, you can use embedded escape characters. For more complex cases, you can use here-strings.
$Find = [regex]::escape(#'
$Replace = #'
"Band's Toothpaste" -replace $Find,$Replace
Then put the literal text you want to search for and replace in the here-strings.
Normal quoting rules don't apply within the here-string #' - '# delimiters, so you can put whatever kind of quotes you want, wherever you want them without needing any escape characters.
The [regex]::excape() on $Find will take care of doing the backslash escapes on any regex reserved characters that might be in the search pattern.


Powershell escaping quotation marks in a variable that is used in another variable

I've found plenty of post explaining how to literally escape both single and double quotation marks using either """" for one double quotation mark, or '''' for a single quotation mark (or just doing `"). I find myself in a situation where I need to search through a list of names that is input in a different query:
Foreach($Username in $AllMyUsers.Username){
$Filter = "User = '$Username'"
# do some more code here using $Filter
The problem occurs when I reach a username like O'toole or O'brian which contains quotation marks. If the string is literal I could escape it with
But, since it's in a loop I need to escape the quotation mark for each user.
I tried to use [regex]::Escape() but that doesn't escape quotation marks.
I could probably do something like $Username.Replace("'","''") but it feels like there should be a more generic solution than having to manually escape the quotation marks. In other circumstances I might need to escape both single and double, and just tacking on .Replace like so $VariableName.Replace("'","''").Replace('"','""') doesn't feel like it's the most efficient way to code.
Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: This feels exactly like a "how can I avoid SQL injection?" question but for handling strings in Powershell. I guess I'm looking for something like mysqli_real_escape_string but for Powershell.
I could probably do something like $Username.Replace("'","''") but it feels like there should be a more generic solution than having to manually escape the quotation marks
As implied by Mathias R. Jessen's comment, there is no generic solution, given that you're dealing with an embedded '...' string, and the escaping requirements entirely depend on the ultimate target API or utility - which is unlikely to be PowerShell itself (where ' inside a '...' string must be doubled, i.e. represented as '').
In the case at hand, where you're passing the filter string to a System.Data.DataTable's .DataView's .RowFilter property, '' is required as well.
The conceptually cleanest way to handle the required escaping is to use -f, the format operator, combined with a separate string-replacement operation:
$Filter = "User = '{0}'" -f ($UserName -replace "'", "''")
Note how PowerShell's -replace operator - rather than the .NET [string] type's .Replace() method - is used to perform the replacement.
Aside from being more PowerShell-idiomatic (with respect to: syntax, being case-insensitive by default, accepting arrays as input, converting to strings on demand), -replace is regex-based, which also makes performing multiple replacements easier.
To demonstrate with your hypothetical .Replace("'","''").Replace('"','""') example:
I'm "fine".
'# -replace '[''"]', '$0$0'
I''m ""fine"".

Powershell -replace when replacement string contains $+

I am doing a string replacement in PowerShell. I have no control over the strings that are being replaced, but I can reproduce the issue I'm having this way:
> 'word' -replace 'word','##$+'
When the actual output I need is
> 'word' -replace 'word','##$+'
The string $+ is being expanded to the word being replaced, and there's no way that I can find to stop this from happening. I've tried escaping the $ with \ (as if it was a regex), with backtick ` (as is the normal PowerShell way). For example:
> 'word' -replace 'word',('##$+' -replace '\$','`$')
How can I replace with a literal $+ in PowerShell? For what it's worth I'm running PowerShell Core 6, but this is reproducible on PowerShell 5 as well.
Instead of using the -replace operator, you can use the .Replace() method like so:
PS> 'word'.Replace('word','##$+')
The .Replace() method comes from the .NET String class whereas the -Replace operator is implemented using System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace().
More info here:
I couldn't find it documented but the "Visual Basic" style escaping rule worked, repeat the character.
'word' -replace 'word','##$$+' gives you: ##$+
It's confusing how these codes aren't documented under "about comparison operators". Except I have a closed bug report about them underneath if you look, 'wow, where are all these -replace 2nd argument codes documented?'. That's become my reference. "$+" means "Substitutes the last submatch captured". Doubling up the dollar signs works, 'substitutes a single "$" literal':
'word' -replace 'word','##$$+'
Or use the scriptblock version of the second argument in PS 6 and above (may be slower):
'word' -replace 'word',{'##$+'}
Double the $ in your replacement operand to use it verbatim:
PS> 'word' -replace 'word', '##$$+' # note the doubled '$'
PowerShell's -replace operator:
uses a regex (regular expression) as the search (1st) operand.
If you want to use a search string verbatim, you must escape it:
programmatically: with [regex]::Escape()
or, in string literals, you can alternatively \-escape individual characters that would otherwise be interpreted as regex metacharacters.
uses a non-literal string that can refer to what the regex matched as the replacement (2nd) operand, via $-prefixed tokens such as $& or $+ (see link above or Substitutions in Regular Expressions).
To use a replacement string verbatim, double any $ chars. in it, which is programmatically most easily done with .Replace('$', '$$') (see below).
If both your search string and your replacement string are to be used verbatim, consider using the [string] type's .Replace() method instead, as shown in Brandon Olin's helpful answer.
Caveat: .Replace() is case-sensitive by default, whereas -replace is case-insensitive (as PowerShell generally is); use a different .Replace() overload for case-insensitivity, or, conversely, use the -creplace variant in PowerShell to get case-sensitivity.
[PowerShell (Core) 7+ only] Case-insensitive .Replace() example:
'FOO'.Replace('o', '#', 'CurrentCultureIgnoreCase')
.Replace() only accepts a single string as input, whereas -replace accepts an array of strings as the LHS; e.g.:
'hi', 'ho' -replace 'h', 'f' # -> 'fi', 'fo'
.Replace() is faster than -replace, though that will only matter in loops with high iteration counts.
If you were to stick with the -replace operator in your case:
As stated, doubling the $ in your replacement operand ensures that they're treated verbatim in the replacement:
PS> 'word' -replace 'word', '##$$+' # note the doubled '$$'
To do this simple escaping programmatically, you can leverage the .Replace() method:
'word' -replace 'word', '##$+'.Replace('$', '$$')
You could also do it with a nested -replace operation, but that gets unwieldy (\$ escapes a $ in the regex; $$ represent a single $ in the replacement string):
# Same as above.
'word' -replace 'word', ('##$+' -replace '\$', '$$$$')
To put it differently: The equivalent of:
'word'.Replace('word', '##$+')
is (note the use of the case-sensitive variant of the -replace operator, -creplace):
'word' -creplace [regex]::Escape('word'), '##$+'.Replace('$', '$$')
However, as stated, if both the search string and the replacement operand are to be used verbatim, using .Replace() is preferable, both for concision and performance.

Can I use a single quote in a PowerShell 'string'?

I want to include an apostrophe in my string. Is it possible to do without using double quotes?
'This is a quote. Can`'t I just include a single quote in it?'
'This is another quote that doesn\'t work'
'Escape a single quote '' using a double single quote'
See the help for the quoting rules.
You can check out the help in the powershell command line by typing:
Get-Help about_Quoting_Rules
It explains that backticks are interpreted literally in single-quoted strings.
Because the contents of single-quoted strings are interpreted literally, you cannot use the backtick character to force a literal character interpretation in a single-quoted string.

When using Powershell Get-Content, how do you replace a string with a backslash

In powershell if you have a string such as
how to you replace it with
I have tried escaping with ' and using single quotes but that doesn't seem to work
There is the -replace operator, but it takes a regular expression (so you have to escape backslashes):
$s -replace 'Server\\MyName', 'MyOtherServer\AnotherName'
Of course, the necessary escaping only applies to the regex, not the replacement.
You can also use the Replace method, it doesn't require you to escape slashes:

Perl string sub

I want to replace something with a path like C:\foo, so I:
But that is invalid.
Do I need to escape some chars?
Two problems that I can see.
Your first problem is that your s/// replacement is not terminated:
s/hello/c:\foo # fatal syntax error: "Substitution replacement not terminated"
s/hello/c:\foo/ # syntactically okay
s!hello!c:\foo! # also okay, and more readable with backslashes (IMHO)
Your second problem, the one you asked about, is that the \f is taken as a form feed escape sequence (ASCII 0x0C), just as it would be in double quotes, which is not what you want.
You may either escape the backslash, or let variable interpolation "hide" the problem:
s!hello!c:\\foo! # This will do what you want. Note double backslash.
my $replacement = 'c:\foo' # N.B.: Using single quotes here, not double quotes
s!hello!$replacement!; # This also works
Take a look at the treatment of Quote and Quote-like Operators in perlop for more information.
If I understand what you're asking, then this might be something like what you're after:
$path = "hello/there";
$path =~ s/hello/c:\\foo/;
print "$path\n";
To answer your question, yes you do need to double the backslash because \f is an escape sequence for "form feed" in a Perl string.
The problem is that you are not escaping special characters:
would solve your problem. \ is a special character so you need to escape it. {}[]()^$.|*+?\ are meta (special) characterss which you need to escape.
Additional reference: