Stop and Wait Link Utilization and Throughput - throughput

Consider the stop-and-wait data link protocol operating over a link whose parameters are as follows: Tprop = d/v where d is the distance between transmitter and receiver in meters and v is signal propagation speed in meters per second, and Tf = L/R where L is the frame length in bits, and R is the link transmission rate in bits per second. Ignoring the Tack and Tproc , it is required to answer the following questions:
a) Plot the link utilization as a function of the link transmission, U(R) for R ϵ [0,∞).
b) Find the quantities lim 'R→ ∞' U(R) and lim 'R→ 0+' U(R).
c) Plot the link throughput in bit per second, Throbps(R) for R ϵ [0,∞).
d) Plot the link throughput in frames per second, Throfps(R) for R ϵ [0,∞).
e) Find the quantities lim 'R→ ∞' Throfps(R) and lim 'R→ 0+' Throfps(R).
The labels for all plots as well as all computed quantities should be in terms of the link parameters.

Actually I could observe how to answer the question
U(R) = (L/R) / ((L/R) + 2 Tprob)
by taking the limit:
lim 'R→ ∞' U(R) = lim 'R→ ∞' (L/R) / ((L/R) + 2 Tprob)
put R = ∞, we get:
(L/∞) / ((L/∞) + 2 Tprob) = 0 / (0+2Tprop) = 0
the same for lim 'R→ 0+'.
Also, the same for the throughput.
After we get the limits, we can plot the graph easily according to the values we get.


Algorithm for vitamin D concentration - problem with writting algorithm based on formulas

I am trying to implement in Matlab an algorithm that calculates the vitamin D concentration in the blood based on some formulas from an article. Main formula is:
- T is the day of the year for which the concentration is measured;
- A is constant for the simplest measurement described in the journal
- E (sun exposure on particular month in a year) is given in the article
- R (vitamin D concentration after single exposure for the sunlight) can be calculated using formula
where F, alpha, beta are constants, t - day.
An Author of the article wrote that after calculating concentration using C(t) formula he added a constant value 33 in every day.
Formula for R(t) is simple and my chart is the same as in the article, but I have a problem with formula for calculating C(t).
This is my code:
function [C] = calculateConcentration(A,E,T,R)
C(1) = E(1)*A*R(1);
for i=2:(T)
for j=1:i
if mod(j,30)==0 && month<12
C(i) = C(i)+E(month)*A*R(T-j+1);
for i=1:T
Here is my chart:
Here is the chart from the article:
So, I have two problems with this chart. First, the biggest values on my chart are smaller than values on the chart from the article and second, my chart is constantly growing.
Thank you very much in advance help.
[EDIT] I attach the values of all constants and a function to calculate R (t).
function [R]= calculateR(T)
R = zeros(1,T);
F = 13;
alpha = 30;
beta = 3;
for i=1:T
R = calculateR(T);
E = [0.03, 0.06, 0.16, 0.25, 0.36, 0.96, 0.87, 0.89, 0.58, 0.24, 0.08, 0.02];
C = calculateConcentration(A,E,T,R);
figure; plot(1:T,C);
Code formatting is horrible in comments so posting this as an answer.
I have stated what I think (!) is the basic problem with your code in the comments.
Cumulative sums can get confusing very quickly, hence it is often better to write them more explicitly.
I would write the function like so:
function C = calculateConcentration(T, E, A, R)
c = zeros(1, T);
% compute contribution of each individual day
for t = 1:T
c(t) = E(mod(floor(t / 30), 12) +1) * A * R(t);
% add offset
c(1) = c(1) + 33;
C = cumsum(c);
Disclaimer: I haven't written any matlab code in years, and don't have it installed on this machine, so make sure to test this.
Not sure if the author is plotting what you say he is plotting.
If you chose A to be 100 (this might be fine with the correct choice of units), apply the offset of c(1) to all values of c (in my implementation), don't actually take the cumulative sum, but return (lowercase) c instead, and then only plot the data from the midpoint in each month, then you get the following plot:
However, it is worth noting that if you plot all data points you get the following.
At face value, I would say whoever came up with this model is full of BS. But a more definitive answer would require a careful read of the paper.

Julia vs. MATLAB - Distance Matrix - Run Time Test

I started learning Julia not a long time ago and I decided to do a simple
comparison between Julia and Matlab on a simple code for computing Euclidean
distance matrices from a set of high dimensional points.
The task is simple and can be divided into two cases:
Case 1: Given two datasets in the form of n x d matrices, say X1 and X2, compute the pair wise Euclidean distance between each point in X1 and all the points in X2. If X1 is of size n1 x d, and X2 is of size n2 x d, then the resulting Euclidean distance matrix D will be of size n1 x n2. In the general setting, matrix D is not symmetric, and diagonal elements are not equal to zero.
Case 2: Given one dataset in the form of n x d matrix X, compute the pair wise Euclidean distance between all the n points in X. The resulting Euclidean distance matrix D will be of size n x n, symmetric, with zero elements on the main diagonal.
My implementation of these functions in Matlab and in Julia is given below. Note that none of the implementations rely on loops of any sort, but rather simple linear algebra operations. Also, note that the implementation using both languages is very similar.
My expectations before running any tests for these implementations is that the Julia code will be much faster than the Matlab code, and by a significant margin. To my surprise, this was not the case!
The parameters for my experiments are given below with the code. My machine is a MacBook Pro. (15" Mid 2015) with 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 (Quad Core), and 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3.
Matlab version: R2018a
Julia version: 0.6.3
LAPACK: libopenblas64_
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
The results are given in Table (1) below.
Table 1: Average time in seconds (with standard deviation) over 30 trials for computing Euclidean distance matrices between two different datasets (Col. 1),
and between all pairwise points in one dataset (Col. 2).
Two Datasets || One Dataset
Matlab: 2.68 (0.12) sec. 1.88 (0.04) sec.
Julia V1: 5.38 (0.17) sec. 4.74 (0.05) sec.
Julia V2: 5.2 (0.1) sec.
I was not expecting this significant difference between both languages. I expected Julia to be faster than Matlab, or at least, as fast as Matlab. It was really a surprise to see that Matlab is almost 2.5 times faster than Julia in this particular task. I didn't want to draw any early conclusions based on these results for few reasons.
First, while I think that my Matlab implementation is as good as it can be, I'm wondering whether my Julia implementation is the best one for this task. I'm still learning Julia and I hope there is a more efficient Julia code that can yield faster computation time for this task. In particular, where is the main bottleneck for Julia in this task? Or, why does Matlab have an edge in this case?
Second, my current Julia package is based on the generic and standard BLAS and LAPACK packages for MacOS. I'm wondering whether JuliaPro with BLAS and LAPACK based on Intel MKL will be faster than the current version I'm using. This is why I opted to get some feedback from more knowledgeable people on StackOverflow.
The third reason is that I'm wondering whether the compile time for Julia was
included in the timings shown in Table 1 (2nd and 3rd rows), and whether there is a better way to assess the execution time for a function.
I will appreciate any feedback on my previous three questions.
Thank you!
Hint: This question has been identified as a possible duplicate of another question on StackOverflow. However, this is not entirely true. This question has three aspects as reflected by the answers below. First, yes, one part of the question is related to the comparison of OpenBLAS vs. MKL. Second, it turns out that the implementation as well can be improved as shown by one of the answers. And last, bench-marking the julia code itself can be improved by using BenchmarkTools.jl.
num_trials = 30;
dim = 1000;
n1 = 10000;
n2 = 10000;
T = zeros(num_trials,1);
XX1 = randn(n1,dim);
XX2 = rand(n2,dim);
DD2ds = zeros(n1,n2);
for (i = 1:num_trials)
DD2ds = distmat_euc2ds(XX1,XX2);
T(i) = toc;
mt = mean(T);
st = std(T);
fprintf(1,'\nDifferent Matrices:: dim: %d, n1 x n2: %d x %d -> Avg. Time %f (+- %f) \n',dim,n1,n2,mt,st);
%%% SAME Matrix
T = zeros(num_trials,1);
DD1ds = zeros(n1,n1);
for (i = 1:num_trials)
DD1ds = distmat_euc1ds(XX1);
T(i) = toc;
mt = mean(T);
st = std(T);
fprintf(1,'\nSame Matrix:: dim: %d, n1 x n1 : %d x %d -> Avg. Time %f (+- %f) \n\n',dim,n1,n1,mt,st);
function [DD] = distmat_euc2ds (XX1,XX2)
n1 = size(XX1,1);
n2 = size(XX2,1);
DD = sqrt(ones(n1,1)*sum(XX2.^2.0,2)' + (ones(n2,1)*sum(XX1.^2.0,2)')' - 2.*XX1*XX2');
function [DD] = distmat_euc1ds (XX)
n1 = size(XX,1);
GG = XX*XX';
DD = sqrt(ones(n1,1)*diag(GG)' + diag(GG)*ones(1,n1) - 2.*GG);
num_trials = 30;
dim = 1000;
n1 = 10000;
n2 = 10000;
T = zeros(num_trials);
XX1 = randn(n1,dim)
XX2 = rand(n2,dim)
DD = zeros(n1,n2)
# Euclidean Distance Matrix: Two Different Matrices V1
# ====================================================
for i = 1:num_trials
DD = distmat_eucv1(XX1,XX2)
T[i] = toq();
mt = mean(T)
st = std(T)
println("Different Matrices V1:: dim:$dim, n1 x n2: $n1 x $n2 -> Avg. Time $mt (+- $st)")
# Euclidean Distance Matrix: Two Different Matrices V2
# ====================================================
for i = 1:num_trials
DD = distmat_eucv2(XX1,XX2)
T[i] = toq();
mt = mean(T)
st = std(T)
println("Different Matrices V2:: dim:$dim, n1 x n2: $n1 x $n2 -> Avg. Time $mt (+- $st)")
# Euclidean Distance Matrix: Same Matrix V1
# =========================================
for i = 1:num_trials
DD = distmat_eucv1(XX1)
T[i] = toq();
mt = mean(T)
st = std(T)
println("Same Matrix V1:: dim:$dim, n1 x n2: $n1 x $n2 -> Avg. Time $mt (+- $st)")
function distmat_eucv1(XX1::Array{Float64,2},XX2::Array{Float64,2})
(num1,dim1) = size(XX1)
(num2,dim2) = size(XX2)
if (dim1 != dim2)
error("Matrices' 2nd dimensions must agree!")
DD = sqrt.((ones(num1)*sum(XX2.^2.0,2)') +
(ones(num2)*sum(XX1.^2.0,2)')' - 2.0.*XX1*XX2');
function distmat_eucv2(XX1::Array{Float64,2},XX2::Array{Float64,2})
(num1,dim1) = size(XX1)
(num2,dim2) = size(XX2)
if (dim1 != dim2)
error("Matrices' 2nd dimensions must agree!")
DD = (ones(num1)*sum(Base.FastMath.pow_fast.(XX2,2.0),2)') +
(ones(num2)*sum(Base.FastMath.pow_fast.(XX1,2.0),2)')' -
DD = Base.FastMath.sqrt_fast.(DD)
function distmat_eucv1(XX::Array{Float64,2})
n = size(XX,1)
GG = XX*XX';
DD = sqrt.(ones(n)*diag(GG)' + diag(GG)*ones(1,n) - 2.0.*GG)
First question: If I re-write the julia distance function like so:
function dist2(X1::Matrix, X2::Matrix)
size(X1, 2) != size(X2, 2) && error("Matrices' 2nd dimensions must agree!")
return sqrt.(sum(abs2, X1, 2) .+ sum(abs2, X2, 2)' .- 2 .* (X1 * X2'))
I shave >40% off the execution time.
For a single dataset you can save a bit more, like this:
function dist2(X::Matrix)
G = X * X'
dG = diag(G)
return sqrt.(dG .+ dG' .- 2 .* G)
Third question: You should do your benchmarking with BenchmarkTools.jl, and perform the benchmarking like this (remember $ for variable interpolation):
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> #btime dist2($XX1, $XX2);
Additionally, you should not do powers using floats, like this: X.^2.0. It is faster, and equally correct to write X.^2.
For multiplication there is no speed difference between 2.0 .* X and 2 .* X, but you should still prefer using an integer, because it is more generic. As an example, if X has Float32 elements, multiplying with 2.0 will promote the array to Float64s, while multiplying with 2 will preserve the eltype.
And finally, note that in new versions of Matlab, too, you can get broadcasting behaviour by simply adding Mx1 arrays with 1xN arrays. There is no need to first expand them by multiplying with ones(...).

MATLAB: How can I create autocorrelated data?

I'm looking to create a vector of autocorrelated data points in MATLAB, with the lag 1 higher than lag 2, and so on.
If I look at the lag 1 data pairs (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), ..., then the correlation is relatively higher, but then at lag 2 it's reduced.
I found a way to do this in R
x <- filter(rnorm(1000), filter=rep(1,3), circular=TRUE)
However, I'm not sure how to do the same thing in MATLAB. Ideally I'd like to be able to fine tune exactly how autocorrelated the data is.
A group of standard models for autocorrelation in stationary time series are so called "auto regressive model" eg. an autoregressive model with 1 term is known as an AR(1) and is:
y_t = a + b*y_{t-1} + e_t
AR(1) sounds simplistic, but it turns it's a quite powerful tooll. Eg. an AR(p) with p autoregressive terms is actually an AR(1) on a p dimensional vector. (Check Wikipedia page.) Note also b=1, gives a non-stationary random walk.
A more intuitive way to write what's going on (in stationary case with |b| < 1) is define u = a / (1 - b) (turns out u is unconditional mean of AR(1)), then with some algebra:
y_t - u = b * ( y_{t-1} - u) + e_t
That is, the difference from the unconditional mean u gets hit with some decay term b and then a shock term e_t gets added. (you want -1<b<1 for stationarity)
Since e_t denotes the shock term, this is super easy to simulate. Eg. to simulate an AR(1):
a = 0; b = .4; sigma = 1; T = 1000;
y0 = a / (1 - b); %eg initialize to unconditional mean of stationary time series
y = zeros(T,1);
y(1) = a + b * y0 + randn() * sigma;
for t = 2:T
y(t) = a + b * y(t-1) + randn() * sigma;
This code isn't mean to be fast, but illustrative. An AR(1) model implies a certain type of correlation structure, but adding AR or MA terms, you can fit some pretty funky stuff. (MA is moving average model)
Can test sample autocorrelation with autocorr(y). For reference, the bible on time series mathematics is Hamilton's book Time Series Analysis.

How to estimate goodness-of-fit using scipy.odr?

I am fitting data with weights using scipy.odr but I don't know how to obtain a measure of goodness-of-fit or an R squared. Does anyone have suggestions for how to obtain this measure using the output stored by the function?
The res_var attribute of the Output is the so-called reduced Chi-square value for the fit, a popular choice of goodness-of-fit statistic. It is somewhat problematic for non-linear fitting, though. You can look at the residuals directly ( for the X residuals and out.eps for the Y residuals). Implementing a cross-validation or bootstrap method for determining goodness-of-fit, as suggested in the linked paper, is left as an exercise for the reader.
The output of ODR gives both the estimated parameters beta as well as the standard deviation of those parameters sd_beta. Following p. 76 of the ODRPACK documentation, you can convert these values into a t-statistic with (beta - beta_0) / sd_beta, where beta_0 is the number that you're testing significance with respect to (often zero). From there, you can use the t-distribution to get the p-value.
Here's a working example:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, odr
def linear_func(B, x):
Linear function y = m*x + b
# B is a vector of the parameters.
# x is an array of the current x values.
# x is in the same format as the x passed to Data or RealData.
# Return an array in the same format as y passed to Data or RealData.
return B[0] * x + B[1]
sigma_x = .1
sigma_y = .15
N = 100
x_star = np.linspace(0, 10, N)
x = np.random.normal(x_star, sigma_x, N)
# the true underlying function is y = 2*x_star + 1
y = np.random.normal(2*x_star + 1, sigma_y, N)
linear = odr.Model(linear_func)
dat = odr.Data(x, y, wd=1./sigma_x**2, we=1./sigma_y**2)
this_odr = odr.ODR(dat, linear, beta0=[1., 0.])
odr_out =
# degrees of freedom are n_samples - n_parameters
df = N - 2 # equivalently, df = odr_out.iwork[10]
beta_0 = 0 # test if slope is significantly different from zero
t_stat = (odr_out.beta[0] - beta_0) / odr_out.sd_beta[0] # t statistic for the slope parameter
p_val = stats.t.sf(np.abs(t_stat), df) * 2
print('Recovered equation: y={:3.2f}x + {:3.2f}, t={:3.2f}, p={:.2e}'.format(odr_out.beta[0], odr_out.beta[1], t_stat, p_val))
Recovered equation: y=2.00x + 1.01, t=239.63, p=1.76e-137
One note of caution in using this approach on nonlinear problems, from the same ODRPACK docs:
"Note that for nonlinear ordinary least squares, the linearized confidence regions and intervals are asymptotically correct as n → ∞ [Jennrich, 1969]. For the orthogonal distance regression problem, they have been shown to be asymptotically correct as σ∗ → 0 [Fuller, 1987]. The difference between the conditions of asymptotic correctness can be explained by the fact that, as the number of observations increases in the orthogonal distance regression problem one does not obtain additional information for ∆. Note also that Vˆ is dependent upon the weight matrix Ω, which must be assumed to be correct, and cannot be confirmed from the orthogonal distance regression results. Errors in the values of wǫi and wδi that form Ω will have an adverse affect on the accuracy of Vˆ and its component parts. The results of a Monte Carlo experiment examining the accuracy
of the linearized confidence intervals for four different measurement error models is presented in [Boggs and Rogers, 1990b]. Those results indicate that the confidence regions and intervals for ∆ are not as accurate as those for β.
Despite its potential inaccuracy, the covariance matrix is frequently used to construct confidence regions and intervals for both nonlinear ordinary least squares and measurement error models because the resulting regions and intervals are inexpensive to compute, often adequate, and familiar to practitioners. Caution must be exercised when using such regions and intervals, however, since the validity of the approximation will depend on the nonlinearity of the model, the variance and distribution of the errors, and the data itself. When more reliable intervals and regions are required, other more accurate methods should be used. (See, e.g., [Bates and Watts, 1988], [Donaldson and Schnabel, 1987], and [Efron, 1985].)"
As mentioned by R. Ken, chi-square or variance of the residuals is one of the more
commonly used tests of goodness of fit. ODR stores the sum of squared
residuals in out.sum_square and you can verify yourself
that out.res_var = out.sum_square/degrees_freedom corresponds to what is commonly called reduced chi-square: i.e. the chi-square test result divided by its expected value.
As for the other very popular estimator of goodness of fit in linear regression, R squared and its adjusted version, we can define the functions
import numpy as np
def R_squared(observed, predicted, uncertainty=1):
""" Returns R square measure of goodness of fit for predicted model. """
weight = 1./uncertainty
return 1. - (np.var((observed - predicted)*weight) / np.var(observed*weight))
def adjusted_R(x, y, model, popt, unc=1):
Returns adjusted R squared test for optimal parameters popt calculated
according to W-MN formula, other forms have different coefficients:
Wherry/McNemar : (n - 1)/(n - p - 1)
Wherry : (n - 1)/(n - p)
Lord : (n + p - 1)/(n - p - 1)
Stein : (n - 1)/(n - p - 1) * (n - 2)/(n - p - 2) * (n + 1)/n
# Assuming you have a model with ODR argument order f(beta, x)
# otherwise if model is of the form f(x, a, b, c..) you could use
# R = R_squared(y, model(x, *popt), uncertainty=unc)
R = R_squared(y, model(popt, x), uncertainty=unc)
n, p = len(y), len(popt)
coefficient = (n - 1)/(n - p - 1)
adj = 1 - (1 - R) * coefficient
return adj, R
From the output of your ODR run you can find the optimal values for your model's parameters in out.beta and at this point we have everything we need for computing R squared.
from scipy import odr
def lin_model(beta, x):
Linear function y = m*x + q
slope m, constant term/y-intercept q
return beta[0] * x + beta[1]
linear = odr.Model(lin_model)
data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=sigma_x, sy=sigma_y)
init = odr.ODR(data, linear, beta0=[1, 1])
out =
adjusted_Rsq, Rsq = adjusted_R(x, y, lin_model, popt=out.beta)

Finding local maximum between two peak or points using MATLAB

I have intensity points which is marked as pink in above plot, and these are stored in variable and is given as
intensity_info =[ 35.9349
34.2310 ];
I also have information of point A, B and C which is calculated by :
[maxtab, mintab] = peakdet(intensity_info, 1); % maxtab has A and B information and
% mintab has C information
peakdet.m matlab code can be found here: ( I want to calculate point D (where there is sight increase in intensity value i.e. if we come down from point A intensity decreases but at point D there is slight increase in intensity). As seen from graph below point C can also lie in the left of point D and in this case if we come down from point B intensity decrease and at D there is slight increase in intensity. Intensity values for below graph below is given as:
intensity_info =[29.3424
and Point A ,B and C calculated in same manner as above.
How can I calculate point D in these cases?
I'm not MATLAB literate, but if the 'tabs' are subtables, then perhaps you can manipulate them to create other subtables... something like (I repeat, illiterate)
left_of_graph = part of graph from A to C
right_of_graph = part of graph from C to B
left_delta = some fraction of the difference between A's y-value and C's y-value
right_delta = some fraction of the difference between C's y-value and B's y-value
[left_maxtab,left_mintab] = peakdet(left_of_graph,left_delta)
[right_maxtab,right_mintab] = peakdet(right_of_graph,right_delta)
I do have some experience with peak analysis, so I will say this will help, not answer, the problem. You can find all the peaks you want, but that doesn't mean the data is worth squinting at. Noise and imperfect resolution are real. Happy hunting!
PS You might also scan for all points higher than both neighbors in the whole band. That is gauranteed to miss none of the 'true' maxima, but to give you more 'false' maxima than you can count (although your data looks pretty smooth!).
The solution your looking for is a numerical method based on iterations,in your particular case bisection is the one who best suits cause others like uniform sequential search do not take an interval as an input.
This is the implementation for bisection:
function [ a, b, L ] = Bisection( f, a, b, e, d )
%[a,b] is the interval for your local maxima; e is the error for the result and d is the step(dx).
L = b - a;
while(L > e)
xa = ((a + b)/2) - d/2;
xb = ((a + b)/2) + d/2;
ya = subs(f,xa);
yb = subs(f,xb);
if(ya < yb)
a = xa;
b = xb;
L = b - a;
The method before is pretty efficient and straightforward to use, although there are others even better(in performance) like Fibonacci and Gold Section methods.
I have found the alternative solution. The extrema.m helped in finding Point D in above two garphs. The extrema.m can be downloaded from ( and used in following way to find point D:
[ymax,imax,ymin,imin] = extrema(intensity_info);