How to avoid trailing spaces in T-SQL - tsql

I store data in T-SQL server and use nchar fields to store string values.
The problem is that after selecting element from database I have very long string ended with spaces.
Can I set another field in database to avoid such situation, or have I do it in my ORM?

Rewrite the DB to store string values as nvarchar if it better represents your data.
If rewriting your DB is not possible or practical, then you have to trim the trailing spaces in your ORM.

Adding to the other answer. You can also deal with it in the select
A situation to use char or nchar is to prevent fragmentation.
If value starts null but you are going to later add a value then space is reserved.


PostgreSQL open JSONB column with slashes

How is it possible to open the JSONB column where JSONB string with slashes?
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this real JSONB column
I can not find any example of how to deal with this type of JSONB
Whatever is inserting your data is screwing it up. It is taking the string representation of a JSON object and stuffing that into a JSON string scalar. You need to fix that or it will just keep happening.
To fix what is already there, you need to extract the real PostgreSQL string out of the JSON string, then cast that to JSONB. Extracting a JSON string can be done unintuitively with #>>'{}', or even less intuitively with ->>0.
select (data#>>'{}')::jsonb from table_name.
Of course you should fix it permanently, not just do it on the fly all the time, which is both slow and confusing.
update table_name set data=(data#>>'{}')::jsonb;
Of course fixing the tool which screws this up in the first place, and fixing the historical data, need to be done in a coordinated fashion or you will have a glorious mess on your hands.
I think you have wrong formatted string in jsonb field. You can try fix it in next way:
select trim(both '"' from replace(data::varchar, '\"', '"'))::jsonb data from tbl;
PostgreSQL JSONB online

How to prevent Entity Framework from converting empty strings to null in database-first approach

I have to insert empty strings in a non-nullable varchar field in an oracle db.
The property of the object I'm trying to save is set to empty string, but when I call SaveChanges I get an error because EF converts my empty string to null.
I know that, in code-first approach, there you can use ConvertEmptyStringToNull=false: is there a way to achieve the same behavior with database-first approach?
It appears that in Oracle (at least for now) the empty string is treated as null.
Therefore there is no way to save an empty string in a varchar field.
Note:Oracle Database currently treats a character value with a length of zero as null. However, this may not continue to be true in future releases, and Oracle recommends that you do not treat empty strings the same as nulls.

When do Postgres column or table names need quotes and when don't they?

Let's consider the following postgres query:
WHERE "bool_var"=FALSE
AND "str_var"='something';
The query fails to respond properly when I remove quotes around "str_var" but not when I do the same around "bool_var". Why? What is the proper way to write the query in that case, no quotes around the boolean column and quotes around the text column? Something else?
PostgreSQL converts all names (table name, column names etc) into lowercase if you don't prevent it by double quoting them in create table "My_Table_ABC" ( "My_Very_Upper_and_Lowercasy_Column" numeric,...). If you have names like this, you must always double quote those names in selects and other references.
I would recommend not creating tables like this and also not using chars outside a-z, 0-9 and _. You can not guarantee that every piece of software, library etc ever to be used against your database will support case-sensitivity. It's also tedious to remember and doing this double quoting.
Thanks to #TimBiegeleisen's comment, I was able to pinpoint the problem; I used a reserved keyword ("user") as a column name.
Link to reserved keywords in the doc:
Now I know not to use quotes to query column names, but rather to avoid reserved keywords as column names.

How to return strings that are trimmed automatically by ServiceStack.OrmLite.PostgreSQL?

I've noticed that when my entities are returned, the string values are padded to the number of characters of the field definition in the database, is the a setting to control this behavior?
Thank you,
PostGreSQL 9.3
PostgreSQL only pads strings for fixed-size CHAR(N) columns, if you don't want this behavior you should instead use VARCHAR(N) columns instead - the recommended default for strings.
OrmLite also uses VARCHAR for strings when it's used to generate your table schema's, e.g:
If dealing with legacy DB's, you can get OrmLite to automatically trim padded strings returned from RDBMS's with:
OrmLiteConfig.StringFilter = s => s.TrimEnd();

Parameterized SQL Columns?

I have some code which utilizes parameterized queries to prevent against injection, but I also need to be able to dynamically construct the query regardless of the structure of the table. What is the proper way to do this?
Here's an example, say I have a table with columns Name, Address, Telephone. I have a web page where I run Show Columns and populate a select drop-down with them as options.
Next, I have a textbox called Search. This textbox is used as the parameter.
Currently my code looks something like this:
result = pquery('SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE `' + escape(column) + '`=?', search);
I get an icky feeling from it though. The reason I'm using parameterized queries is to avoid using escape. Also, escape is likely not designed for escaping column names.
How can I make sure this works the way I intend?
The reason I require dynamic queries is that the schema is user-configurable, and I will not be around to fix anything hard-coded.
Instead of passing the column names, just pass an identifier that you code will translate to a column name using a hardcoded table. This means you don't need to worry about malicious data being passed, since all the data is either translated legally, or is known to be invalid. Psudoish code:
#columns = qw/Name Address Telephone/;
if ($columns[$param]) {
$query = "select * from contacts where $columns[$param] = ?";
} else {
die "Invalid column!";
run_sql($query, $search);
The trick is to be confident in your escaping and validating routines. I use my own SQL escape function that is overloaded for literals of different types. Nowhere do I insert expressions (as opposed to quoted literal values) directly from user input.
Still, it can be done, I recommend a separate — and strict — function for validating the column name. Allow it to accept only a single identifier, something like
You'll have to rely on assumptions you can make about your own column names.
I use ADO.NET and the use of SQL Commands and SQLParameters to those commands which take care of the Escape problem. So if you are in a Microsoft-tool environment as well, I can say that I use this very sucesfully to build dynamic SQL and yet protect my parameters
best of luck
Make the column based on the results of another query to a table that enumerates the possible schema values. In that second query you can hardcode the select to the column name that is used to define the schema. if no rows are returned then the entered column is invalid.
In standard SQL, you enclose delimited identifiers in double quotes. This means that:
SELECT * FROM "SomeTable" WHERE "SomeColumn" = ?
will select from a table called SomeTable with the shown capitalization (not a case-converted version of the name), and will apply a condition to a column called SomeColumn with the shown capitalization.
Of itself, that's not very helpful, but...if you can apply the escape() technique with double quotes to the names entered via your web form, then you can build up your query reasonably confidently.
Of course, you said you wanted to avoid using escape - and indeed you don't have to use it on the parameters where you provide the ? place-holders. But where you are putting user-provided data into the query, you need to protect yourself from malicious people.
Different DBMS have different ways of providing delimited identifiers. MS SQL Server, for instance, seems to use square brackets [SomeTable] instead of double quotes.
Column names in some databases can contain spaces, which mean you'd have to quote the column name, but if your database contains no such columns, just run the column name through a regular expression or some sort of check before splicing into the SQL:
if ( $column !~ /^\w+$/ ) {
die "Bad column name [$column]";