Import a table from oracle 11g to create ER diagram using ERWIN tool - oracle-sqldeveloper

I am trying to import the table from the oracle database into the Erwin tool in order to create the ER diagram. can anyone please let me know how i can do this???

The best way is to reverse engineer the Oracle database (assuming you have a valid ERwin license.
In ERwin, go to tools / Reverse engineer / and then choose to reverse engineer directly to a database or a script, the DBMS Type and version you are connecting to.
The next dialog box with prompt you to specify what database object you need to get information from and the granularity of the properties of metadata for each object chosen. There are other option to choose relating to owners, tablespace options as well as ability to infer primary key via index / names.
Finally, The next dialog box will prompt you to connect to your Oracle instance and depending on you rights to the object (schema), etc., Erwin will generate a new diagram for you in ERwin version R9, a Main Subject area stored display in R7 and R8 (this is the same as a diagram in R9).
If you are trying to just reverse engineer 1 or "n" number of tables it might be best to generate the script from Oracle and then use Erwin R/E (reverse engineer) using the script option. Or try complete compare against a blank model.. This is another functionality and is more complex and should be treated as another subject matter for another discussion but I just wanted to make mention that this is a known practice.


how to quickly locate which sheets/dashboards contain a field?

I am creating a data dictionary and I am supposed to track the location of any used field in a workbook. For example (superstore sample data), I need to specify which sheets/dashboards have the [sub-category] field.
My dataset has hundreds of measures/dimensions/calc fields, so it's incredibly time exhaustive to click into every single sheet/dashboard just to see if a field exists in there, so is there a quicker way to do this?
One robust, but not free, approach is to use Tableau's Data Catalog which is part of the Tableau Server Data Management Add-On
Another option is to build your own cross reference - You could start with Chris Gerrard's ruby libraries described in the article

How to export an oracle table along with PK & FK constraints

i'm trying to export a table using sql developer, but in that case i can able to get only "pk" but not "fk", so how can i export along with "FK" constraints.
Is It possible are not..?
As far as I can tell, there's no such option in SQL Developer.
Consider using appropriate utilities, i.e. Data Pump or the original export and import. True - those require some reading, but - at the end - you'll actually know what you are doing, instead of clicking here & clicking there, hoping for the best.
Hopefully, Jeff Smith (or someone else) will know how to do it in a tool you use. Jeff suggested the DDL command in the Worksheet, so - have a look, maybe you'll find it useful.

Change Properties of multiple diagrams in Enterprise Architect

I would like to change the properties of multiple diagrams together rather than clicking on them one by one. Does anyone know how this can be achieved?
You can use the scripting facility of Enterprise Architect to loop the diagrams you would like to change and update them.
See this section of the manual to get help.
There is a bunch of example scripts included with EA, either from the local scripts, or from the EAScriptLib MDG.
Another source of examples is my Github repository:
You could write a SQL to manipulate your database. t_diagram.PDATA holds a long cryptic string where one part is ScalePI=0; (which is the default for no scaling). You can alter that to be ScalePI=1; (meaning scale to one page).
String manipulations vary from database to database. So you need to write your own which you can execute in a script using
Repository.Execute("UPDATE t_diagram ...")
Note that you should test this in a sandbox first since invalid SQLs can easily disrupt your whole repository.

Crystal Reporting From AX Database

I am having an issue finding links within Crystal Reporting. I am trying to link 2 tables. However this seems to be a long task as I battle to find any links.
Is there a method that should be followed, as the most that have the same names to not link the tables correctly.
You should take a look on AX Data Dictionary Tables for the involved tables, then check the Relations node of the table. Any direct relation is usually on the child table. This of cause requires developer rights to the target AX system.
Remember to join on DataAreaId and PartitionId as well. Always check if any appropriate index exist.
Also the Reverse Engineering Tool may be of help.

Eclipse Birt Reports, Creating report from SQL database, (user key?)

I'm fairly new to using the Birt Report Designer and need to figure out how to generate a report from a SQLite database. I have suceeded in getting it to connect to the DB but am now unsure how to generate a report and the tutorials that I have found aren't of much help so far.
I have a template that was given to me by my employer that has a few fields, I'm wondering if these fieldnames (in the template) are supposed to match field names in the DB.
Also, when I go to Run->View Report-> As PDF I am unsure what I am supposed to enter for the field "User Key", does this correspond to a table name in the DB or something along these lines?
As of now, I have tried entering a table name but just a blank report is generated.
If anyone can point me to a good resource or help with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
There are two books i could really advice:
BIRT - A Field Guide to Reporting
Integrating and Extending BIRT
and the Eclipse Help containing BIRT documentation.
I suppose the User Key could be report parameter (listed in Data Explorer window), which is passed to Data Set to select appropriate data. If I'm guessing right, check within a Data Set editor ("Parameters" tab and "Query" tab) where the User Key parameter goes in - probably to one of the table field in a WHERE clause. Parameters in a query are represented by question marks: SELECT * FROM fooTable WHERE barColumn = ?. Hope tracking this would lead to find out, what to enter to the parameter.
Additionally, ensure if your Data Set(s) is(are) connected correctly to your SQLite Data Source ("Data Source" tab in a Data Set editor).
Being as new as you are to BIRT, I would suggest building a couple of reports with the sample DB (Classic Models). There are many, many samples out there for you to use as a guide. Additionally, most tutorials will use the Classic Models data so you can follow right along. After you create a couple of practice reports (this should not take more than 30-45 minutes) the template you have been given will likely make A LOT more sense and allow you to make progress almost immediately.
If you are looking for a nice collection of tutorials and samples, be sure to check out Birt Exchange for Dev Share (samples) & tutorials.
As for the "User Key" this is almost certainly a report-level parameter used to filter the data set (as the previous answer points out).
Good Luck!