When trying to compile a Xcode project with Apportable I get a fatal error that the file EventKit/EventKit.h is not found. Is this because EventKit is not supported? Is there a workaround for that?
EventKit is not available in the Apportable public SDKs. Currently, the best bet is to stub out the references from the app.
This is a new error...I just recently added a watch target to my ios app and when to build...I was able to silence a myriad of other errors that came up, but this one will not go away:
CoreTelephony is not available when building for watchOS
What does it even mean? It is not referencing an error in my code, but a file in derived data...I tried to clean my build folder several times, but the error just won't go away. Any ideas how to fix?
It turns out this error was due to the incompatibility with Firebase. Once I removed firebase from my files and refactored, everything worked again...kind of a bummer but hopefully firebase will support it one day :/
I followed this tutorial Xcode 6 Tutorial: iOS 8.0 Facebook Login in Swift.
But inside my Bridge-Header.h Xcode gives me an error in the import line (#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>): 'FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h' file not found
What should I do?
Thank you.
I had the same error when moving my project to another location. If you remove the FacebookSDK.framework from your project and add it again, the "file not found" error should disappear. Keep in mind that you must not check "Copy items ..." when adding the Facebook framework.
Hi I keep trying to build my project, but I keep getting 4 errors.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I definitely added the GData code correctly, and I did add the libxml2.dylib in my build phases. & in my other linker flags I have -OBjC, -lxml2, -all_load. Thank you so much!
It looks like you're GData library is only compiling for arm7 and you might be trying to support arm6, try going into your architectures section of your GdataTouchStaticLib and add "armv6" to the release/debug targets.
Do you by any chance import VideosTableViewController.m instead of .h somewhere in your code?
dns_open is found in iPhoneOS5.0 in usr/include dns.h but I get a linker error. I can't seem to find the right framework for it.
on MacOSX this is probably found in System.framework but there is apparently no System.framework in iOS SDK
I'm pretty sure it's in libresolv.dylib. Try adding that from the list of "frameworks" you get when you add one in Xcode.
I get the following error when testing on iOS4:
dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSJSONSerialization
While on iOS5 it's working fine.
Any help will be appreciated.
From the AFNetworking README :
"AFNetworking uses NSJSONSerialization if it is available. If your app targets a platform where this class is not available you can include one of the following JSON libraries to your project for AFNetworking to automatically detect and use."
With that being said, to prevent the following error make sure of two things
that JSONKit / SBJson / YAJL are included
That your "Deployment Target" is lower than iOS5 , that way AFNetworking would realize it can't use NSJSONSerialization and will fall back to one of the included JSON parsing classes.
#hoshi is right. You can't use NSJSONSerialization on devices running older than iOS 5.0.
Here's the documentation from Apple's site. For my own code I also use the SBJson library.
Seems to be that the AFNetworking class is the one that use NSJSONSerialization.