How to update the Embedded Data which is inside of another Embedded Data? - mongodb

I have document like below in MongoDB:
"_id": "test",
"tasks": [
"Name": "Task1",
"Parameter": [
"Name": "para1",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "*****"
"Name": "para2",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "*****"
"Name": "Task2",
"Parameter": [
"Name": "para1",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "*****"
"Name": "para2",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "*****"
There is Embedded Data Structure (Parameter) inside of another Embedded Data Structure (Tasks). Now I want to update the para1 in Task1's Parameter.
I have tried many ways but I can only use query to find the para1 but cannot update it. the example in the doc are using .$. to update the value in a Embedded Data Structure but it doesn't work in my case.
Anyone have any ideas ?

MongoDB currently only supports the positional operator once, and only for the top level array. There is a ticket SERVER-831 to change this behavior for your use case. You can follow the issue there and up vote it.
However, you might be able to change your approach to accomplish what you want to do. One way is to change your schema. Collapse the tasks name into the array so the document looks like this:
Another approach that may work for you is to use $pull and $push. For instance something like this to replace a task (this assumes that tasks.Parameter.Name is unique to an array of Parameters):
db.test2.update({$and: [{"tasks.Name": "Task3"}, {"tasks.Parameter.Name":"para1"}]}, {$pull: {"tasks.$.Parameter": {"Name": "para1"}}})
db.test2.update({"tasks.Name": "Task3"}, {$push: {"tasks.$.Parameter": {"Name": "para3", Type: "String", Value: 1}}})
With this solution you need to be careful with regard to concurrency, as there will be a brief moment where the document doesn't exist.


Which analyzer to use on specific strings?

I have a document in my collection with a property name like this:
name: [{Value: "steel 0.8x1000x2000mm"}]
Now I'm trying to create a search index for it, so far looks like this:
"name": {
"fields": {
"Value": [
"analyzer": "lucene.finnish",
"searchAnalyzer": "lucene.finnish",
"type": "string"
"dynamic": true,
"type": "document"
"type": "document"
And it works pretty fine except for such documents. The issue is that the query 0.8x1000x2000 doesn't match anything, though 0.8x1000x2000mm works fine.
I guess I'm using the wrong analyzer, but can't really figure out which one should I. Or I should make a custom one?

Azure Data Factory Copy Data activity - Use variables/expressions in mapping to dynamically select correct incoming column

I have the below mappings for a Copy activity in ADF:
"translator": {
"type": "TabularTranslator",
"mappings": [
"source": {
"path": "$['id']"
"sink": {
"name": "TicketID"
"source": {
"path": "$['summary']"
"sink": {
"name": "TicketSummary"
"source": {
"path": "$['status']['name']"
"sink": {
"name": "TicketStatus"
"source": {
"path": "$['company']['identifier']"
"sink": {
"name": "CustomerAccountNumber"
"source": {
"path": "$['company']['name']"
"sink": {
"name": "CustomerName"
"source": {
"path": "$['customFields'][74]['value']"
"sink": {
"name": "Landlord"
"source": {
"path": "$['customFields'][75]['value']"
"sink": {
"name": "Building"
"collectionReference": "",
"mapComplexValuesToString": false
The challenge I need to overcome is that the array indexes of the custom fields of the last two sources might change. So I've created an Azure Function which calculates the correct array index. However I can't work out how to use the Azure Function output value in the source path string - I have tried to refer to it using an expression like #activity('Get Building Field Index').output but as it's expecting a JSON path, this doesn't work and produces an error:
JSON path $['customFields'][#activity('Get Building Field Index').outputS]['value'] is invalid.
Is there a different way to achieve what I am trying to do?
Thanks in advance
I have a slightly similar scenario that you might be able to work with.
First, I have a JSON file that is emitted that I then access with Synapse/ADF with Lookup.
I next have a For each activity that runs a copy data activity.
The for each activity receives my Lookup and makes my JSON usable, by setting the following in the For each's Settings like so:
My JSON roughly looks as follows:
{"childItems": [
{"subpath": "path/to/folder",
"filename": "filename.parquet",
"subfolder": "subfolder",
"outfolder": "subfolder",
"origin": "A"}]}
So this means in my copy data activity within the for each activity, I can access the parameters of my JSON like so:
.. etc
Adding some screen caps of the parameterization:

How to filter OData collection where attribute does not exist?

I have an OData collection where the data looks like this:
"#odata.context": "http://localhost:5488/odata/$metadata#folders",
"value": [
"name": "samples",
"_id": "79a91bc9-9083-4442-ac8d-ad30777ac8c8",
"creationDate": "2019-08-05T04:39:00.670Z",
"modificationDate": "2019-08-05T04:39:00.670Z",
"shortid": "18xQnNv"
"name": "Population",
"folder": {
"shortid": "18xQnNv"
"_id": "7406269b-669c-41ce-92f3-f540792df07e",
"creationDate": "2019-08-05T04:39:00.750Z",
"modificationDate": "2019-08-05T04:39:00.750Z",
"shortid": "0ppeLV"
"name": "Invoice",
"folder": {
"shortid": "18xQnNv"
"_id": "525aff6a-6b10-4ad6-93ce-e9c753e8ade0",
"creationDate": "2019-08-05T04:39:00.790Z",
"modificationDate": "2019-08-05T04:39:00.790Z",
"shortid": "G3i2B3"
"name": "Default",
"_id": "58daf5aa-1f13-4ff9-be1f-8cb11a812485",
"creationDate": "2019-08-07T22:56:45.160Z",
"modificationDate": "2019-08-07T22:56:45.160Z",
"shortid": "Sm8LpmP"
I want to exclude the objects which have the attribute "folder". I've tried using a GET request: http://localhost:5488/odata/folders?$filter=folder eq null with no luck. Is this even possible and is there a way to filter my request like this?
You might be able to use the all lambda operator to accomplish this. The operator all will always return true on empty collections. So if you make a condition that no folder attribute that actually exists will ever evaluate to true on, then the result should be a filter of only those objects that have an empty attribute.
This is just a theory. You'll need to test, but it would maybe look something like this on your sample.
http://localhost:5488/odata/folders?$filter=folder/all(f:f/shortid eq 'xxxxxx')
You didn't mention the version of OData your working with but lambda expressions are at least V4 and later. Possibly earlier, not sure.

Filtering nested results an OData Query

I have a OData query returning a bunch of items. The results come back looking like this:
"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "http://dev.sp.swampland.local/_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetPropertiesFor(accountName=#v)",
"uri": "http://dev.sp.swampland.local/_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetPropertiesFor(accountName=#v)",
"type": "SP.UserProfiles.PersonProperties"
"UserProfileProperties": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"type": "SP.KeyValue"
"Key": "UserProfile_GUID",
"Value": "66a0c6c2-cbec-4abb-9e25-cc9e924ad390",
"ValueType": "Edm.String"
"__metadata": {
"type": "SP.KeyValue"
"Key": "ADGuid",
"Value": "System.Byte[]",
"ValueType": "Edm.String"
"__metadata": {
"type": "SP.KeyValue"
"Key": "SID",
"Value": "S-1-5-21-2355771569-1952171574-2825027748-500",
"ValueType": "Edm.String"
In reality, there's a lot of items (100+) coming back in the UserProfileProperties collection however I'm only looking for a few where the KEY matches a few items but I can't figure out exactly what I need my filter to be. I've tried $filter=UserProfileProperties/Key eq 'SID' but that still gives me everything. Also trying to figure out how to pull back multiple items.
I believe you forgot about how each of the results have a key, not the UserProfileProperties so UserProfileProperties/Key doesn't actually exist. Instead because result is an array you must check either a certain position (eq. result(1)) or use the oData functions any or all.
Try $filter=UserProfileProperties/results/any(r: r/Key eq 'SID') if you want all the profiles where just one of the keys is SID or use
$filter=UserProfileProperties/results/all(r: r/Key eq 'SID') if you want the profiles where every result has a key equaling SID.

Remove entry in an array of a MongoDB document

Say I have a document that looks something like this:
"_id": ObjectId("50b6a7416cb035b629000001"),
"businesses": [{
"name": "Biz1",
"id": ObjectId("50b6bc953e47dc923e000001")
}, {
"name": "Biz2",
"id": ObjectId("50b6ccebae0513bf52000001")
}, {
"name": "Biz3",
"id": ObjectId("50b6d015c58b414156000001")
}, {
"name": "Biz4",
"id": ObjectId("50b6d0c8a4cdd5e356000001")
I want to remove
"name": "Biz3",
"id": ObjectId("50b6d015c58b414156000001")
from the array of businesses. I tried this (using business name instead of id for clarity):
but of course it didn't work. I know that the query part is correct because I get the document back when I do this:
db.users.find({'' : 'Biz3'})
So the problem is with the update part.
Just ran a quick lil test and this works
I think trying db.users.update({'':'Biz3'},{$pull:{'businesses':{'name':'Biz3'}}}) should do it