powershell how to remove `{}#` from output. Is there a special command to do it? - powershell

I entered gwmi win32_product | select -property name | select -first 1 and output to a file. My result was #{name=Google Talk Plugin}.
How can I get rid of #{}, and name. I only want it to show Google Talk Plugin?

#{} means your exporting an object with properties. Try the -ExpandProperty parameter in Select-Object. You could also combine both select-object commands, like:
gwmi win32_product | select -expandproperty name -first 1

I ran into a problem similar with
$drive = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $servername | Select-Object DeviceID
$drive comes up as #{DeviceID=C:}, #{DeviceID=D:}, ...
Here is my brute force hack at it.
The second Trim statement was because for some reason if I put it in the first Trim it starts to Trim the letters in the Drive =D: becomes :
enter code here
$Asdrive = #() #declared before to get rid of null pointer issue, also to tell PS this is an array not a string
#Write-Host "Trimming for Get-WmiObject"
for($i=0;$i -lt $drive.length; $i++) {
[string]$sdrive = $drive[$i]
[string]$sdrive1 = $sdrive.Trim("#","{","}","D","e","v","i","c","e","I","D")
[string]$sdrive2 = $sdrive1.Trim("=")
$Asdrive += $sdrive2

If you're running at least Version 3, you can also use the member enumeration feature and then array slicing to take the first one, instead of using select:
(gwmi win32_product).name[0]

I add some code as I found this question with google.
Frode F. solution is the best one.
If you write out something like:
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $OU | Select-Object Name
you get a proper List of all Computers in an OU. You can also pipe that to a CVS/HTML file and its still nice.
| Export-CSV "mylist.csv"
But if you store it into a variable (array) every name will be wrapped in #{}.
In my case I needed computer names in a variable. Here is the solution thanks to Frodo:
$computerList = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $OU | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Hope it helps someone.
(would add it as comment under the right solution, but I don't have enough reputation to do so)


Powershell - Issues to test a value in a list

I have a 2 variables:
$Listgivenname = Get-aduser -filter * | Select-Object givenname
$Usergivenname = "Tom"
Actually, Tom is in $Listgivenname, so I decided to make an if statement like:
If($Listgivenname -contains $Usergivenname) {Write-Host "blablabla"}
But actually this command outputs false, even with $Usergivenname -in $Listgivenname.
The weird part comes when I choose to manually write the list in $Listgivenname, like "Tom", "Jerry". It actually works, so I believe there's a thing that I need to understand about a command witch I assign to a variable.
Get-aduser -filter * | Select-Object givenname doesn't seem to work like a manually written list.
I don't ask for solutions but I'm trying to understand why this happens.
try add -ExpandProperty (to get the values of each object):
$Listgivenname = Get-aduser -filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty givenname

Powershell problems at value adding for the search loop

So I got here something that I cant explain better.
$var = "Admin_Group"
Get-ADGroupMembers $var
Works fine, now the issue that is itching me for some time...
$get_AD_Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter '*' | Select-Object Name
foreach ($item in $get_AD_Groups) {
$get_users = Get-ADGroupMember "$item"| Select-Object Name
Now the Get-ADGroupMember in foreach(...) loop is giving me error that the same given string as on top example does not exist
Get-ADGroupMember : Cannot find an object with identity: '#{Name=Admin_Group}'
Already tried it with '' and with "". Help, thanks :)
So what i found out, and its working it that instead of
Get-ADGroupMember "$item"| Select-Object Name
i use $get_users = $item.Name | Get-ADGroupMember | Select-Object Name
Dont know if this makes sense but it works.

Powershell: How to reference the columns in a select

I'm using PowerShell 5.1 to iterate through a list of computers from active directory, and I'm struggling with something that should be simple.
In the code below, I'm selecting the name and description for each computer in a foreach loop. How should I reference the name and description individually inside the loop?
$computers = $OU | foreach {Get-ADComputer -filter {
Name -notlike 'xxx*'
-and Name -notlike 'yyy*'
} -searchbase $_ -Properties description | Select name, description }
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$computerName = $computer | select -ExpandProperty name
$computerDescription = $computer | select -ExpandProperty description
Write-Host "Host: $computerName [$computerDescription]"
I was able to get it to work using select -ExpandProperty , but this seems unnecessarily complicated. The $computer variable holds key/value pairs like this:
#{name=ABCDE12345; description=Kiosk PC [Domain Separated]}
I tried using dot notation $computer.name $computer.description but the dot was ignored and treated as text.
I have tried googling this, but I'm new to PowerShell and not sure how to phrase my question!
I tried using dot notation $computer.name $computer.description but the dot was ignored and treated as text.
String expansion only applies to simple variable references. If you want to dereference properties inside a string expression, you'll need the subexpression operator $():
"Host: $($computer.name) [$($computer.description)]"
PowerShell will now evaluate the subexpressions separately when resolving the string value

powershell how do I Create/format a dynamic list from a group membership to use in a for each loop

bit of a noob question.
I have the following cmd which grabs the server members of a group which I can copy into a text list. however as the group changes I need to modify the text list manually.
Get-AdGroupMember -identity "Reboot 7pm" | Sort-Object | select name
when I have that output in a text list, the following works fine.
$listpath = "C:\Scripts\servers.txt"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$list = #(Get-content $listpath)
foreach($ComputerName in $list)
Get-Uptime -ComputerName $ComputerName
I want to know if it is possible to use a variable that I can use again in a for each loop. I've tried to do so, however the format of the list is not the same when is goes into a variable, thus the function (get-uptime) against the server doesn't work, anyone know what I can do to format the output so I only get the server name?
$WSUS_7PM = Get-AdGroupMember -identity "Reboot 7pm" | Sort-Object | select name
PS C:\Windows\system32> $WSUS_7PM
PS C:\Windows\system32> foreach($Name in $WSUS_7PM) {Write-Host $Name}
so when I run the same cmds as above modified with the variable instead of the text list, I get the following as the server name is obviously incorrect.
$listpath = $WSUS_7PM
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$list = #(Get-content $WSUS_7PM)
foreach($ComputerName in $list)
Get-Uptime -ComputerName $ComputerName
WARNING: Unable to connect to #{name=AXXXXX003}
WARNING: Unable to connect to #{name=BXXXXX005}
I hope that makes sense to someone, appreciate the help in understanding what the difference is in the object output.
When you use Select-Object name you are creating a list of objects with a name property. You can either expand it ahead of time
$WSUS_7PM = Get-AdGroupMember -identity "Reboot 7pm" | Sort-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
or reference the name property later
foreach($Name in $WSUS_7PM.name) {Write-Host $Name}

Format-Table not displaying a columns data

I am using the powershell command below to read a csv file and match the computer name to the employee name where the last login date is 181 days old. For some reason the Employee_Name column in the output is only displaying {} on each row. Any idea why its not returning the employee name?
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Days = (Get-Date).AddDays(-181)
$Computers = #{}
Import-CSV -Path c:\PS\ComputerNames.CSV | % { $Computers[$_.Computer_Name] = $_.Employee_Name }
Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $Days} -Server servername -Searchbase "OU=US,DC=Domain,DC=net" | ? { $Computers.Keys -contains $_.Computer_Name } | select Name,lastLogonDate,#{n='Employee_Name';e={$Computers[$_.Computer_Name]}} | ft
When you are looking at it in the debugger have you tried piping that field to Get-Member? I suspect that it is the array that Format-Table is not expanding but the debugger is able to unwind when you mouse over it. You are defining $Computers as an array. Maybe you only care about the first element in the array and you can define 'Employee_Name' as the first element of the array instead of the full array (of maybe just one element).