Actionscript 3.0 - MovieClip using it's own x, y coordinates - coordinates

Basically, my problem is that I spawn a movieclip at coordinates where the mouse is clicked, then the movieclip is set to fall to a certain point, which is about to y=400.
The problem is that it takes the point where it spawned as the 0,0 coordinate and does it's actions using it. For an example, if I'd click at coordinates of 250y, it would fall to 650y. Is there a method where I can take the stage coordinates and use them in the movieclip, locally?
Also, I have another problem, which I haven't gotten around at fixing yet. My movieclips are set to highlight when they're hovered over with the mouse, but they are moving to the right at a constant speed. The problem is that the place where I have to hover over to highlight the movieclip doesn't change.

You would be interested in globalToLocal and localToGlobal methods on display object.
where globalToLocal(point) would transform the point to local coordinates. In your case the point is the stage x and stage y of the mouse event.


Get x and y 'coordinates' from object speed and direction

I have a player object that controls like the ship in Asteroids, using speed and direction. This object is fixed in the middle of the screen, but can rotate. Movement of this object is a visual illusion as other objects move past it.
I need to get x and y coordinates of this player object, from an origin of (0, 0) at room start. x and y do not provide this info as the object does not move. Does anyone know how I can get 'fake coordinates', based on the speed and direction?
One thing to make sure is that you're not just getting x and y on their own, as that will get the current object's x and y position. Instead, make sure to reference the object you're trying to get. For example:
var objectX = myShip.x;
var objectY = myShip.y;
show_debug_message("x: " + string(objectX));
show_debug_message("y: " + string(objectY));
I think you are thinking about it wrong. You do not need "fake coordinates". Real coordinates are fine. Give the ship and asteroids/enemies whatever coordinates and velocity vectors you want; randomly generate them if the game is like Asteroids.
The coordinates do not have to be fake; it is just that when you render in your game loop, you render a particular frame of reference. If the origin is the center of the screen, when you paint an object at (x,y) paint it as though it were at (x - ship_x, y - ship_y) -- including the ship, which will be at (0,0). If you wanted to make rotation relative to the ship too, you could do the same thing with rotation.
Now, you have your question tagged as game-maker. I have no idea if game-maker lets you control how sprites are painted like this. If not then you need to maintain the real coordinates as separate properties of objects and let the official (x,y) coordinates be relative to the ship. The trouble with this is that you will have to update all of the objects everytime the ship moves. But like I said I don't know how GameMaker works -- if it is a problem maybe ask a question more specific to GameMaker.
You'll need to think what you'll use to move the ship around, but then use that code on different variables.
Normally, you'll update the x or y if you want to move the ship, but since you're not going to do that, simply use a custom variable that replaces the x and y value (like posx or posy), and use them on the code that would otherwise be used to move the ship around.

How to smoothly move a node in an ARkit Scene View based off device motion?

Swift beginner struggling with moving a scene node in ARkit in response to the device motion.
What I want to achieve is: First detect the floor plane, then place a sphere on the floor. From that point onwards depending on the movement of the device, I want to move the sphere along its x and z axis to move it around the floor of the room. (The sphere once created needs to be in the center of the device screen and locked to that view)
So far I can detect the floor and place a node no problem. I can use device motion to obtain the device attitude (pitch, roll and yaw) but how to translate these values into meaningful x, y, z positions that I can update my node with?
Are there any formulas or methods that are used to calculate such information or is this the wrong approach? I would appreciate a link to some info or an explanation of how to go about this. Also I am unsure how to ensure the node would be always at the center of the device screen.
so, as far as I understood you want to have a following workflow:
Step 1. You create a sphere on a plane (which is already done)
Step 2. Move the sphere with respect to the camera's horizontal plane (i.e. along its x and z axis to move it around the floor of the room depending on the movement of the device)
Assuming that the Step 1 is done, what you can do:
Get the position of the camera and the sphere
This should be first called within the function that is invoked after sphere creation (be it a tapGestureRecognizer(), touchesBegan(), etc.).
You can do it by calling position property of SCNNode for sphere and for camera position and/or orientation by calling sceneView.session.currentFrame's .camera.transform which contains all necessary parameters about current position of the camera
Move the sphere as camera moves
Having the sphere position on the Scene and the transformation matrix of the camera, you can find the distance relation between them. Here you can find a good explanation of how exactly you can do it
After you get those things you should implement a proper logic within renderer(_:didUpdate:for:) to obtain continuous lock of the ball with respect to the camera position
If you are interested about the math behind it, you can kick off by reading more about transformation matrices which is a big part of Image Processing and many other areas
Hope that this will help!

How to make object fall in line with the target when applying wind effect?

I am making a paper toss kind of game in Unity3d. I am implementing wind effect using constant force. I wanted to know how to make object fall in line with the target ie, if the object gets over the target, it should go in or fall in line with the target, not go behind or in front of the target. At present when I swipe applying a constant force, for different angles of swipe the distance moved by the object differs. Help would be much appreciated.
In FixedUpdate, use Physics.Raycast to check to see if the object is over the target. If so, set the x and z values of rigidbody.velocity to be zero (assuming y is the up/down axis in your game world) and disable the ConstantForce component (i.e. gameObject.GetComponent<ConstantForce>().enabled = false). Note that this won't be most realistic of movements, as it will seem like the object suddenly moves straight down when it goes over the target -- but it sounds like that's what you want.

Mouse position not consistent with HTML canvas ondrag

I am trying to drag some shapes in HTML canvas but I am encountering a problem with respect to determining the change in mouse coordinates [dx,dy]
First of all, there is no problem in the coordinates themselves, stored in mousePos as the rollover effects work flawlessly. What I am doing is, upon first entering the shape, saving the mouse coordinates.
pos = {x : mousePos[0] , y : mousePos[1]};
Then, onMotion updates the coordinates everytime the mouse moves as well as recording the current position
pos = {x : mousePos[0] , y : mousePos[1]};
Then I add the dx and dy values to the shapes coordinates (lets take a simple rectangle as an example)
as long as the mouse doesn't move too fast, it works relatively well (not perfect though). If I move the mouse very quickly, without going out of the window, the rectangle does not catch up with the mouse. I can understand if there is a delay catching up to the mouse, but how can the delta values be off? Clearly we know where we started, and even if dozens/hundreds of pixels are skipped in the process, eventually the mouse should stop and the correct delta values should be calculated.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have hit a conceptual wall here.
You might try to get e.layerX-Y when the onMotion is fired to get the real position instead of the delta. This way it can't be "off".
To use this, place your shape into a div with style="padding:0px;margin=0px;" , because the position is relative to the parent block.

iphone cocoa : how to drag an image along a path

I am trying to figure out how can you drag an image while constraining its movement along a certain path.
I tried several tricks including animation along a path, but couldn't get the animation to play and pause and play backwards - so that seems out of the question.
Any ideas ? anyone ?
What you're basically trying to do is match finger movement to a 'translation' transition.
As the user touches down and starts to move their finger you want to use the current touch point value to create a translation transform which you apply to your UIImageView. Here's how you would do it:
On touch down, save the imageview's starting x,y position.
On move, calculate the delta from old point to new one. This is where you can clamp the values. So you can ignore, say, the y change and only use the x deltas. This means that the image will only move left to right. If you ignore the x and use y, then it only moves up and down.
Once you have the 'new' calculated/clamped x,y values, use it to create a new transform using CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(x, y). Assign this transform to the UIImageView. The image moves to that place.
Once the finger lifts, figure out the delta from the original starting x,y, point and the lift-off point, then adjust the ImageView's bounds and reset the transform to CGAffineTransformIdentity. This doesn't move the object, but it sets it so subsequent accesses to the ImageView use the actual position and don't have to keep adjusting for transforms.
Moving along on a grid is easy too. Just round out the x,y values in step 2 so they're a multiple of the grid size (i.e. round out to every 10 pixel) before you pass it on to make the translation transform.
If you want to make it extra smooth, surround the code where you assign the transition with UIView animation blocks. Mess around with the easing and timing settings. The image should drag behind a bit but smoothly 'rubber-band' from one touch point to the next.
See this Sample Code : Move Me