Search replace regular expression variable using sed - sed

This is probably a trivial one:
I have a file (my.file) with these lines:
and I want to change it in place to be:
I thought this ought to do it:
sed -i 's/\(\>\)\(h1\)\(\_\)\(.*\)/\1 \4 \3 \2/g' my.file
sed -i 's/\(\>\)\(h2\)\(\_\)\(.*\)/\1 \4 \3 \2/g' my.file
but it doesn't seem to work. How do I do it?

The obvious sed for your example is:
$ sed -i~ -e 's/^>\(h[0-9]\)_\(c[0-9]\)/>\2_\1/' *.foo
I tested this and it works for your example file.

Try this awk
awk -F">|_" '{print ">"$3"_"$2}' my.file > tmp && mv tmp my.file
awk -F">|_" '{print ">"$3"_"$2}' my.file

You can try this sed,
sed 's/>\(h[1-2]\)_\(.*\)/>\2_\1/' yourfile
sed -r 's/>(h[1-2])_(.*)/>\2_\1/' yourfile

kent$ sed -r 's/>([^_]*)_(.*)/>\2_\1/' f
you add -i if you want it to happen "in-place"


I want to extract specific char by using sed command

I want to extract /battle/result from following the txt file
$ cat sample
user_id=1234 /battle/start
I run following the sed command
$ cat sample | sed 's|.*\(/.*\)|\1|g'
But, result is deleting /battle, so I can't extract it as I want.
What is wrong with it?
You can remove all characters up to last space:
$ sed 's/.* //' <<< "user_id=1234 /battle/start"
or use cut:
$ cut -d' ' -f2 <<< "user_id=1234 /battle/start"
Sed tries to do a greedy (maximal) match, therefore .* matches your whole line up to but not including the second /.
< sample sed 's|.* \(/.*\)|\1|g'
< sample sed 's|[^/]*\(/.*\)|\1|g'
In your RE the .* is greedy and swallows the /battle part, you could try to invert the logic and delete everything in front of /:
cat sample | sed 's/[^/]*//'
Here [^/]* matches everthing that is not a / and replaces it with nothing.
echo user_id=1234 /battle/start |grep -oP '\s\K.*'
echo user_id=1234 /battle/start |sed -r 's/(^.*\s)(.*)/\2/g'

Sed Editor single check

I have a sed command which will append a string on the end of a line. When I re-run the same command again the same content is getting append at the end of the line again and again.
I am looking for a command which will check if the content is already there or not then proceed.
Here is my sed command:
shell: sed -i '/only_from/s/$/ xx.xx.xx.xx\/24/' file.txt
this line works for your needs:
sed -i '/only_from/{/ xx\.xx\.xx\.xx\/24$/!s#$# xx.xx.xx.xx/24#}' file
kent$ cat f
only_from foo bar
kent$ sed -i '/only_from/{/xx\.xx\.xx\.xx\/24$/!s#$# xx.xx.xx.xx/24#}' f
kent$ cat f
only_from foo bar xx.xx.xx.xx/24
kent$ sed -i '/only_from/{/xx\.xx\.xx\.xx\/24$/!s#$# xx.xx.xx.xx/24#}' f
kent$ cat f
only_from foo bar xx.xx.xx.xx/24
You can try this sed:
sed '/only_from/{ / xx\.xx\.xx\.xx\/24/ !s/$/ xx\.xx\.xx\.xx\/24/}' file
This might be a bit naive, but why don't you write something as simple as
sed -i '/only_from$/s/$/ xx.xx.xx.xx\/24/' file.txt

Sed remove matching lines script

I'm requesting help with a very simple script...
#!/usr/bin/sed -f
sed '/11,yahoo/d'
sed '/2506,stackover flow/d'
sed '/2536,reddit/d'
Just need it to remove three matches that account for 18408 in my file, data.csv
% sed -f remove.sed < data.csv
sed: 3: remove.sed: unterminated substitute pattern
Doing these same lines individually is no problem at all, so what am I doing wrong with this?
Using freeBSD 10.1 and its implementation of sed, if that matters.
This, being a sed script, should not have "sed" at each line.
Either change it to:
#!/usr/bin/sed -f
/2506,stackover flow/d
Or to
sed -e /11,yahoo/d \
-e /2506,stackover flow/d \
-e /2536,reddit/d

How to replace a string using Sed?

Suppose I have a string like this
I want to replace values inside <start></start> like this
How do I do this using Sed?
Try this :
sed 's#<start>.*</start>#<start><ab></ab><ab></ab><ab></ab></start>#' file
I get this line with gnu sed :
sed -r 's#(<start>)(.*)(</start>)#echo "\1"$(echo "\2"\|sed "s:a>:ab>:g")"\3"#ge'
see example:
kent$ echo "<start><a></a><a></a><a></a><foo></foo><bar></bar></start>"|sed -r 's#(<start>)(.*)(</start>)#echo "\1"$(echo "\2"\|sed "s:a>:ab>:g")"\3"#ge'
this will replace the tags between <start>s which ending with a . which worked for your example. but if you have <aaa></aaa>:
you could do: (I break it into lines for better reading)
sed -r 's#(<start>)(.*)(</start>)
#echo "\1"$(echo "\2"\|sed "s:<a>:<ab>:g;s:</a>:</ab>:g")"\3"
kent$ echo "<start><a></a><a></a><a></a><aaa></aaa><aba></aba></start>" \
|sed -r 's#(<start>)(.*)(</start>)#echo "\1"$(echo "\2"\|sed "s:<a>:<ab>:g;s:</a>:</ab>:g")"\3"#ge'
sed 's/(\<\/?)a\>/\1ab\>/g' yourfile, though that would get <a></a> that was outside <start> as well...
grep -rl 'abc' a.txt | xargs sed -i 's/abc/def/g'

How can I append the name of a file to end of each line in that file?

I need to do the following for hundreds of files:
Append the name of the file (which may contain spaces) to the end of each line in the file.
It seems to me there should be some way to do this:
sed -e 's/$/FILENAME/' *
where FILENAME represents the name of the current file. Is there a sed variable representing the current filename? Or does anyone have a different solution using bash, awk, etc.?
I'm sure there are other ways to do it, I'd use perl:
perl -p -i -e 's/$/$ARGV/;' *
Some versions of sed support the "--in-place" argument so you can condense Tyler's solution to
for i in * ; do
sed -e "s/\$/$i/" --in-place "$i"
You could do it with a bash script
for i in *
sed -e "s/\$/$i/" "$i"
One-liner version:
for i in * ; do sed -e "s/\$/$i/" "$i" ; done
Edit: If you want to replace the contents of the file with the new, name-appended lines, do this:
for i in *
sed -e "s/\$/$i/" "$i" > $TFILE
cp -f $TFILE "$i"
rm -f $TFILE
awk '{print $0,FILENAME}' > tmpfile
In BASH, I'd do something to the effect of:
for f in *; do echo $f >> $f; done
More or less how Tyler suggested, just with some modifications to allow for spaces in the name. I was hoping for a one-liner though...
for f in *
sed -e "s/\$/$f/" $f > tmpfile
mv tmpfile $f
This might work for you:
printf "%s\n" * | sed 's/.*/sed -i "s|$| &|" &/' | bash