MongoDB critical section - mongodb

I need to perform a few operations (read and writes) on my mongodb without having another process interrupting. It's for an online game and when a user sends resources to another the following steps are performed:
Check his resource value
Abort if it's not enough
Insert a resource transaction
Decrement his resource value
Increment the other ones resource value
I'm concerned that while checking if its enough or inserting the resource transaction some other transaction has already been inserted and the values become invalid. How can I make sure that this part is executed in this order?

I can see two ways:
Use client side transactions to hold a "lock":
Or use versioning here whereby you hold a field with a $inc'd version number which gets updated every time you save and must be queried by whenever you go to save. A good example is within Vermongo:
Those seem to be the two most plausible ways I see of getting this done.

Transaction is a almost forbidden word when talking about mongo. But you can perform steps 1,2 and 4 using a atomic uptade with $inc using resource value as condition, and then perform steps 3 and 5. You will not have support for rolling back on step if next steps fails.

I am an engineer at Tokutek
TokuMX is a MongoDB replacement server that uses the same protocol and drivers and supports native multi-statement transactions on non-sharded setups. What you want can be accomplished with a serializable transaction, which will take document-level locks on documents you touch. This would be done something like
> db.beginTransaction("serializable");
> if (resourcesInsufficient()) { db.rollbackTransaction(); }
> // insert and update
> db.commitTransaction()
Again, this is not supported in sharding but may be useful for your application. More details, features and limitations are discussed here.


Handling DB Failure during projection in cqrs

We are creating system using CQRS. Our projections are in mongodb. We are facing some cases. We have an event say OrderCreated. We need to produce a sequential order_no for example #3, #4 etc. We could use a projection and keep a sequence in table then called upsert method. and get a new number. Post a new command : GenerateOrderNumber. now before this post accepted hardware failure occur. If we retry we will have another number. It is not good. How to solve such use case in cqrs.
Our projections are in mongodb <...>
now before this post accepted hardware failure occur
Most likely that described issue is not about CQRS or EventSoucring itself, but related to projection storage, which is MongoDB in question above.
You are trying to perform potential atomic operation without transaction guarantees. Since hardware failure can be caused within random time, database should provide ability for rollbacking failed atomic operations in current transaction.
Best choice is native MongoDB transactions, which are available since 4.0 version - - and your code will look like this:
session.startTransaction( … );
try {
const lastNo = await eventsCollection.findOne( ... )
await eventsCollection.insertOne( …, lastNo +1 )
} catch (error) {
If you have to use older MongoDB versions, transactions still can be used. But instead of using intrinsic operator, you should manually write transaction log, and after reconnect to database perform monitoring for broken transactions and revert them manually via log.
You should do all actions via events, even generating sequence no.
In your case I suggest you using saga:
build a projection for generating order_no
fire new event OrderCreated (after this point you have Order Aggregate with some unique id)
saga, listening to this event, fire event GenerateOrderNo (get next free number from projection)
In that case, any time you ask new order_no after failure it'll be the same.
Correct me please if I understood you wrong.

Mongo transactions and updates

If I've got an environment with multiple instances of the same client connecting to a MongoDB server and I want a simple locking mechanism to ensure single client access for a short time, can I safely use my own lock object?
Say I have one object with a lockState that can be "locked" or "unlocked" and the plan is everyone checks that it is "unlocked" before doing "stuff". To lock the system I say:
db.collection.update( { "lockState": "unlocked" }, { "lockState": "locked" })
(aka UPDATE lockObj SET lockState = 'locked' WHERE lockState = 'unlocked')
If two clients try to lock the system at the same time, is it possible that both clients can end up thinking they "have the lock"?
Both clients find the record by the query parameter of the update
Client 1 updates the record (which is an atomic operation)
update returns success
Client 2 updates the document (it's already found it before client 1 modified it)
update returns success
I realize this is probably a very contrived case that would be very hard to reproduce, but is it possible or does mongo somehow make client 2's update fail?
Alternative approach
Use insert instead of update. insert is atomic and will fail if the document already exists.
To lock the system: db.locks.insert({someId: 27, state: “locked”}).
If the insert succeeds - I've got the lock and since the update was atomic, no one else can have it.
If the insert fails - someone else must have the lock.
If two clients try to lock the system at the same time, is it possible that both clients can end up thinking they "have the lock"?
No, only one client at a time writes to the lock space (Global, Database, Collection or Document depending on your version and configuration) and the operations on that lock space are sequential and one or the other (read or write, not both) per document so that other connections will not mistakenly pick up a document in a inbetween state and think that it is not locked by another client.
All operations on a single document are atomic, whether update or insert.

Multi-collection, multi-document 'transactions' in MongoDB

I realise that MongoDB, by it's very nature, doesn't and probably never will support these kinds of transactions. However, I have found that I do need to use them in a somewhat limited fashion, so I've come up with the following solution, and I'm wondering: is this the best way of doing it, and can it be improved upon? (before I go and implement it in my app!)
Obviously the transaction is controlled via the application (in my case, a Python web app). For each document in this transaction (in any collection), the following fields are added:
'lock_status': bool (true = locked, false = unlocked),
'data_old': dict (of any old values - current values really - that are being changed),
'data_new': dict (of values replacing the old (current) values - should be an identical list to data_old),
'change_complete': bool (true = the update to this specific document has occurred and was successful),
'transaction_id': ObjectId of the parent transaction
In addition, there is a transaction collection which stores documents detailing each transaction in progress. They look like:
'_id': ObjectId,
'date_added': datetime,
'status': bool (true = all changes successful, false = in progress),
'collections': array of collection names involved in the transaction
And here's the logic of the process. Hopefully it works in such a way that if it's interupted, or fails in some other way, it can be rolled back properly.
1: Set up a transaction document
2: For each document that is affected by this transaction:
Set lock_status to true (to 'lock' the document from being modified)
Set data_old and data_new to their old and new values
Set change_complete to false
Set transaction_id to the ObjectId of the transaction document we just made
3: Perform the update. For each document affected:
Replace any affected fields in that document with the data_new values
Set change_complete to true
4: Set the transaction document's status to true (as all data has been modified successfully)
5: For each document affected by the transaction, do some clean up:
remove the data_old and data_new, as they're no longer needed
set lock_status to false (to unlock the document)
6: Remove the transaction document set up in step 1 (or as suggested, mark it as complete)
I think that logically works in such a way that if it fails at any point, all data can be either rolled back or the transaction can be continued (depending on what you want to do). Obviously all rollback/recovery/etc. is performed by the application and not the database, by using the transaction documents and the documents in the other collections with that transaction_id.
Is there any glaring error in this logic that I've missed or overlooked? Is there a more efficient way of going about it (e.g. less writing/reading from the database)?
As a generic response multi-document commits on MongoDB can be performed as two phase commits, which have been somewhat extensively documented in the manual (See:
The pattern suggested by the manual is briefly to following:
Set up a separate transactions collection, that includes target document, source document, value and state (of the transaction)
Create new transaction object with initial as the state
Start making a transaction and update state to pending
Apply transactions to both documents (target, source)
Update transaction state to committed
Use find to determine whether documents reflect the transaction state, if ok, update transaction state to done
In addition:
You need to manually handle failure scenarios (something didn't happen as described below)
You need to manually implement a rollback, basically by introducing a name state value canceling
Some specific notes for your implementation:
I would discourage you from adding fields like lock_status, data_old, data_new into source/target documents. These should be properties of the transactions, not the documents themselves.
To generalize the concept of target/source documents, I think you could use DBrefs:
I don't like the idea of deleting transaction documents when they are done. Setting state to done seems like a better idea since this allows you to later debug and find out what kind of transactions have been performed. I'm pretty sure you won't run out of disk space either (and for this there are solutions as well).
In your model how do you guarantee that everything has been changed as expected? Do you inspect the changes somehow?
MongoDB 4.0 adds support for multi-document ACID transactions.
Java Example:
try (ClientSession clientSession = client.startSession()) {
collection.insertOne(clientSession, docOne);
collection.insertOne(clientSession, docTwo);
Note, it works for replica set. You can still have a replica set with one node and run it on local machine.
MongoDB 4.0 is adding (multi-collection) multi-document transactions: link

How to guard against repeated request?

we have a button in a web game for the users to collect reward. That should only be clicked once, and upon receiving the request, we'll mark it collected in DB.
we've already blocked the buttons in the client from repeated clicking. But that won't help if people resend the package multiple times to our server in short period of time.
what I want is a method to block this from server side.
we're using Playframework 2 (2.0.3-RC2) for server side and so far it's stateless, I'm tempted to use a Set to guard like this:
if processingSet has userId then BadRequest
else put userId in processingSet and handle request
after that remove userId from that Set
but then I'd have to face problem like Updating Scala collections thread-safely and still fail to block the user once we have more than one server behind load balancing.
one possibility I'm thinking about is to have a table in DB in place of the processingSet above, but that would incur 1+ DB operation per request, are there any better solution~?
Additional DB operation is relatively 'cheap' solution in that case. You should use it if you'e planning to save the buttons state permanently.
If the button is disabled only for some period of time (for an example until the game is over) you can also consider using the cache API however keep in mind that's not dedicated for solutions which should be stored for long time (it should not be considered as DB alternative).
Given that you're using Mongo and so don't have transactions spanning separate collections, I think you can probably implement this guard using an atomic operation - namely "Update if current", which is effectively CompareAndSwap.
Assuming you've got a collection like "rewards" which has a "collected" attribute, you can update the collected flag to true only if it is currently false and if that operation doesn't fail you can proceed to apply the reward knowing that for any other requests the same operation will fail.

How to get list of aggregates using JOliviers's CommonDomain and EventStore?

The repository in the CommonDomain only exposes the "GetById()". So what to do if my Handler needs a list of Customers for example?
On face value of your question, if you needed to perform operations on multiple aggregates, you would just provide the ID's of each aggregate in your command (which the client would obtain from the query side), then you get each aggregate from the repository.
However, looking at one of your comments in response to another answer I see what you are actually referring to is set based validation.
This very question has raised quite a lot debate about how to do this, and Greg Young has written an blog post on it.
The classic question is 'how do I check that the username hasn't already been used when processing my 'CreateUserCommand'. I believe the suggested approach is to assume that the client has already done this check by asking the query side before issuing the command. When the user aggregate is created the UserCreatedEvent will be raised and handled by the query side. Here, the insert query will fail (either because of a check or unique constraint in the DB), and a compensating command would be issued, which would delete the newly created aggregate and perhaps email the user telling them the username is already taken.
The main point is, you assume that the client has done the check. I know this is approach is difficult to grasp at first - but it's the nature of eventual consistency.
Also you might want to read this other question which is similar, and contains some wise words from Udi Dahan.
In the classic event sourcing model, queries like get all customers would be carried out by a separate query handler which listens to all events in the domain and builds a query model to satisfy the relevant questions.
If you need to query customers by last name, for instance, you could listen to all customer created and customer name change events and just update one table of last-name to customer-id pairs. You could hold other information relevant to the UI that is showing the data, or you could simply hold IDs and go to the repository for the relevant customers in order to work further with them.
You don't need list of customers in your handler. Each aggregate MUST be processed in its own transaction. If you want to show this list to user - just build appropriate view.
Your command needs to contain the id of the aggregate root it should operate on.
This id will be looked up by the client sending the command using a view in your readmodel. This view will be populated with data from the events that your AR emits.