What is the opposite of `mknod`? - command-line

I am learning to write character device drivers from the Kernel Module Programming Guide, and used mknod to create a node in /dev to talk to my driver.
However, I cannot find any obvious way to remove it, after checking the manpage and observing that rmnod is a non-existent command.
What is the correct way to reverse the effect of mknod, and safely remove the node created in /dev?

The correct command is just rm :)
A device node created by mknod is just a file that contains a device major and minor number. When you access that file the first time, Linux looks for a driver that advertises that major/minor and loads it. Your driver then handles all I/O with that file.
When you delete a device node, the usual Un*x file behavior aplies: Linux will wait until there are no more references to the file and then it will be deleted from disk.
Your driver doesn't really notice anything of this. Linux does not automatically unload modules. Your driver wil simply no longer receive requests to do anything. But it will be ready in case anybody recreates the device node.

You are probably looking for a function rather than a command. unlink() is the answer. unlink() will remove the file/special file if no process has the file open. If any processes have the file open, then the file will remain until the last file descriptor referring to it is closed. Read more here: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/unlink.2.html


Take kernel dump on-demand from user-space without kernel debugging (Windows)

What would be the simplest and most portable way (in the sense of only having to copy a few files to the target machine, like procdump is) to generate a kernel dump that has handle information?
procdump has the -mk option which generates a limited dump file pertaining to the specified process. It is reported in WinDbg as:
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available. Most of the commands I try (!handle, !process 0 0) fail to read the data.
Seems that officially, windbg and kd would generate dumps (which would require kernel debugging).
A weird solution I found is using livekd with -ml: Generate live dump using native support (Windows 8.1 and above only).. livekd still looks for kd.exe, but does not use it :) so I can trick it with an empty file, and does not require kernel debugging. Any idea how that works?
LiveKD uses the undocumented NtSystemDebugControl API to capture the memory dump. While you can easily find information about that API online the easiest thing to do is just use LiveKD.

OS Development. Creating bootable iso from files.

I'm studying OS development and I use brokenthorn resource but with a little bit different tool, namely, I use CentOS, NASM and Qemu as a test/dev environment. I've been facing some issues while creating bootable img file with secondary loader.
I've got two files:
1. bootloader.bin which is first stage loader.
2. stage2.bin which is secondary loader.
In order to create bootable img file I do the following:
dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.iso bs=1024 count=1440 -- Creating empty file
mkfs.vfat -F 12 floppy.iso --Creating file system in the file
dd if=../bin/bootloader.bin of=floppy.iso bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc --Writing first loader to the boot sector
sudo mount -o loop floppy.iso /mnt/floppy/ -- Try to mount file system to write secondary loader using previously create FAT-12 files system.
In the last step I'm getting the following error:
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so.
Can you please help me to understand what I'm doing wrong and what other ways I can use to accomplish creating bootable img with file system on board.
I once stumbled upon the similar problem and this answer may be of help to you.
However I would strongly recommend you switching to bootloader like Grub and spend time and effort developing the actual OS of yours. For that I would reccomend grub resque as it's simple to use and allows to to quickly create ISO that you can either burn or feed to virtual machine. Otherwise, you may just drown in all these minor things like enabling protected mode, loading your stages and so on.

Attempt to access remote folder mounted with CIFS hangs when disconnected

This question is an extension for that question.
Yet again: I'm working under CentOS 6.0 and I have a remote win7 folder, mounted with:
mount -t cifs //PC128/mnt /media/net -o "username=WORKGROUP\user,password=pwd,rw,noexec,soft,uid=user,gid=user"
When remote folder is not available (e.g. network cable is pulled out) an attempt to access the remote folder locks an application I'm working on. At first I detected that QDir::exists() caused locking for 20-90 seconds (I still can't find out why such difference), further I detected that any call to stat() function leads to application lock.
I followed an advice provided in topic above, I moved QDir::exists() call (and later - call to the stat() function) to another thread and this didn't solve the problem. The application still hangs when connection is suddenly lost. Qt trace shows that lock is somewhere in the kernel:
0 __kernel_vsyscall
1 __xstat64#GLIBC_2.1 /lib/libc.so.6
2 QFSFileEnginePrivate::doStat stat.h
I did also tried to check if remote share is still mounted before trying to access folder itself, but it didn't help. Approaches such as:
mount | grep /media/net
show that shared folder is still mounted even is there is no active connection to the network.
Checking folder status differences such as:
stat -fc%t:%T /media/net/ != stat -fc%t:%T /media/net/..
also hangs for ~20 seconds.
So I have several questions:
Is there any way to change CIFS timeouts? I did try to find out but it seems that there is no appropriate parameters and no CIFS config.
How can I check if remote folder is still mounted and not get locked?
How can I check is folder exists and also not get locked?
Your problem: "An unreachable network filesystem" is a very well known example which trigger linux hung task which isn't the same of zombies process at all(killing the parent PID won't do anything)
An hung task, is task which triggered a system call that cause problem in the kernel, so that the system call never return.
The major particularity is that the task is declared in the "D" state by the scheduler which mean the program is in an uninterruptible state. This mean that you can do nothing to stop you program: You can trigger all signal to the task, it would not respond. Launching hundreds of SIGTERM/SIGKILL does nothing!
This the case whith my old kernel: when my nfs server crash, I need to reboot the client to kill the tasks using the filesystem. I compiled it a long time ago (I have still the build tree on my hdd) and during the configuration I saw this in lib/Kconfig.debug:
bool "Detect Hung Tasks"
depends on DEBUG_KERNEL
Say Y here to enable the kernel to detect "hung tasks",
which are bugs that cause the task to be stuck in
uninterruptible "D" state indefinitiley.
When a hung task is detected, the kernel will print the
current stack trace (which you should report), but the
task will stay in uninterruptible state. If lockdep is
enabled then all held locks will also be reported. This
feature has negligible overhead.
It was only proposing to detect such tash or panic on detection: I don't checked if recent kernel actually can solve the problem (It seems to be the case with your question), but I think it didn't worth enabling it.
There is second problem : normally, the detection occur after 120 seconds, but I saw also a Konfig option for this:
int "Default timeout for hung task detection (in seconds)"
default 120
This option controls the default timeout (in seconds) used
to determine when a task has become non-responsive and should
be considered hung.
It can be adjusted at runtime via the kernel.hung_task_timeout_secs
sysctl or by writing a value to
A timeout of 0 disables the check. The default is two minutes.
Keeping the default should be fine in most cases.
This also works with kernel threads: example: make a loop device to a file on a fuse filesystem. Then crash the userspace program controlling the fuse filesystem!
You should a get a Ktread which name is in the form loopX (X correspond normally to your loopback device number) HUNGing!
https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/5642/what-if-kill-9-does-not-work (look at the answer written by ultrasawblade)
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel.cifs/7674 (This is a case similar to yours)
In your case of the three question: you have the answer: This probably due to what is probably a well known bug in the vfs linux kernel layer! (There is no CIFS timeouts)
After much trial & error I found a solution that persists.
# vim /etc/fstab
// /mnt/share cifs username=user,password=password,_netdev 0 0
The _netdev option is important since we are mounting a network device. Clients may hang during the boot process if the system encounters any difficulties with the network.

Is there a perl function similar to lsof command in linux?

I have a shell script which archives log files based on the whether the process is running or not. If the log file is not used by the process then I archive it. Until now, I'm using lsof to get the log file being used but in future, I have decided to use perl to do this function.
Is there a perl module similar to what lsof in linux can perform ?
There is a perl module, which wraps around lsof. See Unix::Lsof.
As I see it, the big problem with not using lsof is that one would need to work in a way that is independent of the operating system. Using lsof allows the perl programmer to work with a consistent application allowing for operating system independence.
To have a perl module developer to write lsof would, in effect, be writing lsof as a library and then link that into perl - which is much more work than just using the existing binary.
One could also use the fuser command, which shows the process IDs with the file handle. There is also a module which seeks to implement the same functionality. Note from the perldoc:
The way that this works is highly unlikely to work on any other OS
other than Linux and even then it may not work on other than 2.2.*
One might try walking /proc/*/fd and looking at the file descriptors in there to see if any are pointing to the file in question. If it is known what the process ID of a running process that would be opening the log file, it would be just as easy to look at that process. Note, that this is how the fuser module works.
That said, it should be asked "why do you want to move away from lsof"?

Need an opinion on a method for pull data from a file with Perl

I am having a conflict of ideas with a script I am working on. The conflict is I have to read a bunch of lines of code from a VMware file. As of now I just use SSH to probe every file for each virtual machine while the file stays on the server. The reason I am now thinking this is a problem is because I have 10 virtual machines and about 4 files that I probe for filepaths and such. This opens a new SSH channel every time I refer to the ssh object I have created using Net::OpenSSH. When all is said and done I have probably opened about 16-20 ssh objects. Would it just be easier in a lot of ways if I SCP'd the files over to the machine that needs to process them and then have most of the work done on the local side. The script I am making is a backup script for ESXi and it will end up storing the files anyway, the ones that I need to read from.
Any opinion would be most helpful.
If the VM's do the work locally, it's probably better in the long run.
In the short term, the ~equal amount of resources will be used, but if you were to migrate these instances to other hardware, then of course you'd see gains from the processing distribution.
Also from a maintenance perspective, it's probably more convenient for each VM to host the local process, since I'd imagine that if you need to tweak it for a specific box, it would make more sense to keep it there.
Aside from the scalability benefits, there isn't really any other pros/cons.