IDA- Positive SP has been value found - ida

I'm trying to decompile an old binary of mine since I've lost it's source (formatted my computer). I'm facing the following issue when trying to decompile a function.
Why does it happen and how do I get past it step by step?


What version of Matlab should I install to make dsearch() work?

I have a code in MATLAB that I need to run once to get some quick reference results. This code uses dsearch(), and I relized that this function has become deprecated and has been substituted by dsearchn(). I tried to follow some suggestions to make it work but I didn't succeed (it's my absolute first time with MATLAB) and I just need to run this code once to get some numbers. Which MATLAB versione should I install to make it work?
dsearch was removed in MATLAB R2012a, therefore you may use any version of MATLAB before R2012a.
If you have an active MathWorks account, you may access the documentation archive here.
According to MathWork's release notes, this function started printing a warning on release 2010a. So you should be fine either using it or a previous version.

Find missing but required files for running a script

While deploying packages of Matlab code using Matlab 2015 I encountered the problem of gathering all required files from my repository to run a certain file or set of files. Matlab has a method for simplifying this process, matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts.
However, sometimes some files are missing in the repository (either because I got a package from someone else who was not that careful or because it was not checked in in the repository).
When running the code one would get of course an error:
Undefined function or variable 'XXX'.
However, this may take long to fix (running takes long, you would have to repeat for every missing file). Therefore I thought to use the function above. Unfortunately, it only lists existing files in the output (I tested this). Functions that are called from your code, but that are not present in the current path are omitted by matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts.
My problem: I would like to get a list of all files that are required by running a certain file but are not present in the current path so that I can find them and add them to my collection.
I know that this must be an iterative process because the missing files could themselves call other missing files and I know that there would be false positives, some of these items could be unknown variables instead, and I know that the missing files would only have a name, no path (of course).
My question: What is the easiest way to find a list of potentially missing files of my code in one go?
Please note that function depfun has been removed in recent versions of Matlab.

Embedded Coder not recognizing tokens in default code generation template

I recently obtained a license to use Embedded Coder with an existing Simulink model that we have developed. In attempting to generate C code for the first time from the model, I am working through several errors. At first, we had no code generation templates (.cgt) files defined in the model parameters. After some hunting, I found the default template that comes with MATLAB (matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/ert_code_template.cgt).
The latest is that I get errors on nearly every token in this default code generation template.
Since I'm just trying to get something to build, at first I commented out the offending lines (things like RTWFileVersion, etc), but now I am noticing that it's giving me errors for things that are mandatory (ie. Types). Types is one of several required items that must be in the .cgt file, so what's wrong that causes MATLAB to not recognize these tokens? I'm guessing something may be messed up with my installation, such as a path.
Other details:
Simulink R2013A x32
Target is a Freescale device
Thanks to Matthias W for getting me to check other configuration options. Turns out I had selected a .tlc file that was probably incompatible with Embedded Coder.
In Code Generation for "System target file" I have selected the ert.tlc file and now I am able to build the parts of my model I'm interested in.

Swift 1.2 -> Swift 2 Conversion time

Has anyone converted an app from 1.2 to Swift 2? My app is small - about 1k LOC, and its been converting for >2 hours now. I'm stuck on the following screen:
How long should I expect this to take? Thanks...
The process is long, but it shouldn't take more than several minutes.
The Swift converter is probably having an issue (e.g.: some kind of infinite loop).
You should abort and try to find what happened or maybe migrate manually.
Swift compiler has an issue with arrays. I have commented out all the elements of the array (like 10x UIColor), left only one element and conversion went smoothly.
Here's how you can debug the issue in your project:
Got to the Report navigator (CMD + 8)
Build your app, select the latest build and watch log (select All Messages filter)
The problematic file will be stuck on the compile status.
Navigate to that file and figure out what can hang the compiler (probably arrays/dictionaries).
Why build not convert? Because it's verbose.

Using matlab code in Octave - Bayes Net Toolbox

I am trying to run Kevin Murphy's Bayes Net Toolbox in Octave and encountering some problems. It doesn't help that I'm a novice at Bayesian networks, Matlab and Octave.
This toolbox was originally written for Matlab. There is a large test file called test_BNT.m which runs through all the functionality in the toolbox. Most of the error messages relate to the difference between & and && in Matlab and Octave. This is easy to fix. However, I've now come across a new problem and I don't know what to do about it.
For instance, the qmr1.m script creates an instance of the pearl_inf_engine class, sets some of the member member variables and passes the instance of the class to another function. Later on, the member variables are accessed again in a different script (parallel_protocol.m). But when this happens, the following message appears:
error: invalid index for class
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
It seems that from one script to another, it has forgotten that the class has any member variables and gives the invalid index message when you try to access them.
Is this a common error with an easy solution? Is something wrong with the path or working directory? Maybe someone else has already converted the BNT to octave and knows what to do?
I was able to get past this error message. The trick was to read the installation instructions (haha) and run addpath(genpathKPM(<BNT base directory)). genpathKPM.m is a script includes in BNT which adds all the required directories to the path.
After doing this, run test_BNT.m and change & to && and | to || at each line where it gives a warning. This will clear up most of the errors.
However, I'm still unable to run mpe1.m, mp2.m, mildew1.m and some others. The new error message I'm stuck on is:
error: invalid empty index list
error: called from:
error: C:\FullBNT-1.0.7\bnt\BNT\inference\static\#var_elim_inf_engine\find_mpe
.m at line 63, column 5
on this line of code:
eval(['sCPT.T(', sargs, num2str(jj), ')=0;']);
If I can get all the scripts to work, I'll post an answer here with the steps I took to do it.
Edit 2
I was able to get past the problem in the previous edit. Replace
eval(['sCPT.T(', sargs, num2str(jj), ')=0;']);
eval(['sCPT.T(', sargs, sprintf('%d',jj), ')=0;']);
The next problem is identical. Just replace num2str in the same way.
This file was apparently contributed by a user of BNT, and not written by the original author. Using eval kind of a hack, I think. A better fix would be to just rewrite the code so it doesn't use eval at all.
There is one more error in draw_graph.m, which was apparently also an outside contribution to the project. I just commented out the call to that function since I'm not interested in drawing graphs right now. After doing this, and continuing to fix shortcircuit operators, all of the tests in test_BNT.m will run.
Still, I won't create an answer for this until I can get draw_graph.m to run, too.
As a significant amount of time has passed, and the answer to the core problem was provided in the question, I will post it here so it will not stay listed as unanswered:
tl;dr: Change a few operators, solve the remaining bugs specified below, and everything works except the drawing of graphs.
I was able to get past this error message. The trick was to read the
installation instructions (haha) and run addpath(genpathKPM(<BNT base
directory)). genpathKPM.m is a script includes in BNT which adds
all the required directories to the path.
After doing this, run test_BNT.m and change & to && and | to
|| at each line where it gives a warning. This will clear up most of
the errors.
However, I'm still unable to run mpe1.m, mp2.m, mildew1.m and
some others. The new error message I'm stuck on is:
error: invalid empty index list
error: called from:
error: C:\FullBNT-1.0.7\bnt\BNT\inference\static\#var_elim_inf_engine\find_mpe
.m at line 63, column 5
on this line of code:
eval(['sCPT.T(', sargs, num2str(jj), ')=0;']);
If I can get all the scripts to work, I'll post an answer here with
the steps I took to do it.
Edit 2
I was able to get past the problem in the previous edit. Replace
eval(['sCPT.T(', sargs, num2str(jj), ')=0;']); with
eval(['sCPT.T(', sargs, sprintf('%d',jj), ')=0;']);
The next problem is identical. Just replace num2str in the same way.
This file was apparently contributed by a user of BNT, and not written
by the original author. Using eval kind of a hack, I think. A better
fix would be to just rewrite the code so it doesn't use eval at all.
There is one more error in draw_graph.m, which was apparently also
an outside contribution to the project. I just commented out the call
to that function since I'm not interested in drawing graphs right now.
After doing this, and continuing to fix shortcircuit operators, all of
the tests in test_BNT.m will run.