I am creating a new language based on Racket and I don't want certain #x macros to work, such as the syntax-quote #'. How do I remove it so that #' does not do a syntax quote, but does whatever an unbound dispatch macro-char does?
I can do that with single-char macros by doing
(make-readtable (current-readtable)
#\' #\a #f) ; set ' to be the same as a normal character
but I don't know how to do this for dispatch macros.
Assuming you want #' to be treated as ':
Provide a reader-proc that simply calls the normal read-syntax:
#lang racket/base
(define (reader-proc ch in src line col pos)
(read-syntax src in))
(define our-readtable (make-readtable (current-readtable)
;; A `#:wrapper1` for `syntax/module-reader`, i.e. to use in your
;; lang/reader.rkt
(define (wrapper1 thk)
(parameterize ([current-readtable our-readtable])
(provide wrapper1)
;; tests
(module+ test
(require rackunit
(parameterize ([current-readtable our-readtable])
(check-equal? (with-input-from-string "#'foo" read)
(check-equal? (with-input-from-string "#'(foo)" read)
(check-equal? (with-input-from-string "#'(foo #'(bar))" read)
'(foo (bar)))))
A slightly more complicated example of working with 'dispatch-macro is the lambda reader literal support I just recently added to #lang rackjure.
Assuming you want #' to cause a read error, "bad syntax: #'":
#lang racket/base
(require syntax/readerr)
(define (reader-proc ch in src line col pos)
(raise-read-error (format "bad syntax: #~a" ch)
src line col pos 2))
(define our-readtable (make-readtable (current-readtable)
;; A `#:wrapper1` for `syntax/module-reader`, i.e. to use in your
;; lang/reader.rkt
(define (wrapper1 thk)
(parameterize ([current-readtable our-readtable])
(provide wrapper1)
;; tests
(module+ test
(require rackunit
(parameterize ([current-readtable our-readtable])
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (with-input-from-string "#'foo" read)))))
I am trying to define a reader macro that reads the length of a string. The string will be enclosed in vertical bars (pipes). For example:
|yes| -> 3
|| -> 0
|The quick brown fox| -> 19
|\|| -> 1 — The pipe character can be escaped by preceding it with a backslash.
(let ((x |world|)) (+ |hello| x)) -> 10
I managed to write this:
#lang racket
(define (handle-pipe in [count 0])
(define cur-char (read-char in))
(cond [(eqv? cur-char #\|)
(when (and (eqv? cur-char #\\) ; Handle escape ("\|").
(eqv? (peek-char in) #\|))
(read-char in)) ; Consume |.
(handle-pipe in (+ count 1))]))
(parameterize ([current-readtable
(make-readtable (current-readtable)
(lambda (char in src-name line col pos)
(handle-pipe in)))])
(eval (read (open-input-string "(let ((x |world|)) (+ |hello| x))"))
This returns 10, as expected.
The problem now is: I would like to use the reader macro directly in my Racket code instead of having to feed a string into (eval (read (open-input-string ...))). For example, I would like to use the reader macro like this:
#lang racket
(define (handle-pipe in [count 0])
(define cur-char (read-char in))
(cond [(eqv? cur-char #\|)
(when (and (eqv? cur-char #\\) ; Handle escape ("\|").
(eqv? (peek-char in) #\|))
(read-char in)) ; Consume |.
(handle-pipe in (+ count 1))]))
(make-readtable (current-readtable)
(lambda (char in src-name line col pos)
(handle-pipe in))))
(let ((x |world|)) ; Using the reader macro directly in Racket.
(+ |hello| x))
However, there is an error message when I run the program above:
my-program.rkt:20:9: world: unbound identifier
in: world
[repeats 1 more time]
[repeats 3 more times]
What did I do wrong? How do I use the reader macro in my code?
That's not possible. The pipeline of compilation/evaluation in Racket is:
Expand macros
Evaluate expanded program
Your configuration of current-readtable is done in step 3, so it cannot influence things that happened already in step 1.
The reason your first code works is that eval starts the pipeline again on the datum you provided it to.
Note that the reader macro is actually intended to be used when you create a new #lang. But since you want it to work with #lang racket, it's not applicable.
I'm trying to execute a custom made #lang on a given string (not in a file). Let's call it broccoli.
My lang is defined as so:
(module reader racket/base
(require broccoli/private/reader)
(provide read read-syntax)) ; basically a reprovide
[my-read read]
[my-read-syntax read-syntax]))
(define (my-read in)
(my-read-syntax #f in)))
(define (my-read-syntax src in)
(with-syntax ([parse-tree (parse src (make-tokenizer in src))]) ; brag stuff
#'(module program broccoli/private/expander
(rename-out [module-begin #%module-begin]))
(define-syntax-rule (module-begin expr)
(provide meal)
(define meal (transform 'expr)))) ; some kind of computation
It works fairly well used the classic way :
#lang broccoli
Hello world!
will produce:
(module program broccoli/private/expander
(sentence (word "Hello") (word "world"))))
which will then expand into:
(provide meal)
(define meal (list 42 38)) ; the result is for the sake of the example, don't mind it
But I'm trying to apply it to an arbitrary string I get from a network request, and send back the result.
And this time, it gets more complicated.
Here's what I tried:
Try #1
(define text "Hello world!")
(define evaluator (make-evaluator 'broccoli text)) ; Error: no #%module-begin found
(evaluator 'meal)
Try #2
(define text "Hello world!")
(define module (broccoli-read-syntax #f (open-input-string text)))
(define evaluator (make-module-evaluator #:language 'broccoli/private/expander module))
(evaluator 'meal) ; Error: meal undefined
Try #3
(define text "Hello world!")
(define evaluator (make-module-evaluator (string-append "#lang broccoli " text)))
(evaluator 'meal) ; Error: meal undefined
Try #4 (it works but it's not what I want)
(define text "Hello world!")
(define module (broccoli-read-syntax #f (open-input-string text)))
(define ns (make-base-namespace))
(eval module ns)
(namespace-require ''program ns)
(define result (eval 'meal ns))
This last result works correctly, but it doesn't use a sandbox, and uses eval directly.
I'm sure there's a better way, but I don't get what's going wrong.
I was sooo close!
I had to require the generated module inside the evaluator (which implies providing #%app, #%top, #%top-interaction, require and quote from the expander).
(define evaluator (make-module-evaluator (string-append "#lang broccoli\n" text)))
(evaluator '(require 'program)) ; missing step
(evaluator 'meal)
What I find weird in this solution is that it doesn't behave the same way the documentation says:
> (define base-module-eval
(make-module-evaluator '(module m racket/base
(define (f) later)
(define later 5))))
> (base-module-eval 'later)
I suggest using read-lang-module to turn the string into a syntax object representing a module. And then use make-module-evaluator.
In Gambit Scheme, I can't seem to invoke a macro in the definition of another macro if I compile the file. Here is a contrived example:
;;;; example.scm
(define-macro (w/gensyms gs body)
`(let ,(map (lambda (g) `(,g (gensym ',g)))
(define-macro (compose-macro f g)
(w/gensyms (x)
`(lambda (,x) (,f (,g ,x)))))
(define my-cadr
(lambda (x)
((compose-macro car cdr) x)))
;; $ gsc example.scm
;; *** ERROR IN #<procedure #2> -- Unbound variable: w/gensyms
However, if I load the file with the (include ...) special form in the interpreter, it works
$ gsi
> (include "example.scm")
> (pp my-cadr)
(lambda (x) ((lambda (#:x0) (car (cdr #:x0))) x))
Does anyone know what is going on here? Can I convince Gambit to let me use w/gensyms in the definition of another macro in a compiled file?
This is most likely related to phases.
Try this:
Put w/gensyms in a file a.scm and put compose-macro in a file b.scm that imports a.scm.
This is a phasing problem. You want the definition of w/gensyms to be available in the body of subsequent macros. This can be achieved with a for-syntax macro that forces the evaluation of the macro definition at syntax expansion time:
(define-macro (for-syntax . body)
(eval `(begin ,#body))
(define-macro (w/gensyms gs body)
`(let ,(map (lambda (g) `(,g (gensym ',g)))
If you want the macro to be available both from within other macro definitions and within non-macro definition code you can use this instead:
(define-macro (for-syntax . body)
(eval `(begin ,#body))
`(begin ,#body))
For this specific example, since you are using the macro at a single place, you could have done this:
(define-macro (compose-macro f g)
(define-macro (w/gensyms gs body)
`(let ,(map (lambda (g) `(,g (gensym ',g)))
(w/gensyms (x)
`(lambda (,x) (,f (,g ,x)))))
A related approach to address phasing issues is to put the definition of w/gensyms and other macros in the file "macros.scm" and do:
(define-macro (compose-macro f g)
(include "macros.scm")
(w/gensyms (x)
`(lambda (,x) (,f (,g ,x)))))
I want to auto-generate a bunch of test functions from a list. The advantage being I can change the list (e.g. by reading in a CSV data table) and the program will auto-generate different tests on the next program execution.
For example, say I am trying to identify oxyanions in a string containing a chemical formula.
My list may be something like:
(define *oxyanion-tests*
; name cation
(list (list "aluminate" "Al")
(list "borate" "B")
(list "gallate" "Ga")
(list "germanate" "Ge")
(list "phosphate" "P")
(list "sulfate" "S")
(list "silicate" "Si")
(list "titanate" "Ti")
(list "vanadate" "V")
(list "stannate" "Sn")
(list "carbonate" "C")
(list "molybdate" "Mo")
(list "tungstate" "W")))
I'm reasonably confident that the chemical formula contains one of these oxyanions if there is a cation followed by an oxygen within parentheses (e.g. "(C O3)" ), or if the cation is followed by 2 or more oxygens (e.g. "C O3"). Note that this isn't perfect, since it will miss hypochlorite anions (e.g. "Cl O"), but it's good enough for my application.
(define ((*ate? elem) s-formula)
(or (regexp-match? (regexp (string-append "\\(" elem "[0-9.]* O[0-9.]*\\)")) s-formula)
(regexp-match? (regexp (string-append "(^| )" elem "[0-9.]* O[2-9][0-9.]*")) s-formula)))
I think I need a macro to do this, but I don't really understand how they work from reading the documentation. I'm asking here so that I have a good example to look at that is immediately useful to me.
Here is what I kind of think the macro should look like, but it doesn't work and I don't really have a mental model for figuring out how to fix it.
(require (for-syntax racket))
(define-syntax-rule (define-all/ate? oxyanion-tests)
(for ([test oxyanion-tests])
(match test
[(list name cation) (syntax->datum (syntax (define ((string->symbol (string-append name "?")) s-formula)
((*ate? cation) s-formula))))])))
Thanks for any guidance you can give me!
P.S. Here are a few tests that should pass:
(define-all/ate? *oxyanion-tests*)
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-true (borate? "B O3"))
(check-true (carbonate? "C O3"))
(check-true (silicate? "Si O4")))
I see a couple of errors in your code:
Your *oxyanion-tests* is a runtime value, but you need its values to use as function name identifiers, so it must be available at compile time.
The syntax around the result of syntax-rules is implicit. So with syntax-rules, you only get the macro template language (see the docs for syntax for more info). Thus you can't do the datum->syntax that you are trying to do. You have to use syntax-case instead, which allows you to use all of Racket to compute the syntax objects you want.
Here's what I came up with:
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax)) ; for format-id
(define-for-syntax *oxyanion-tests*
; name cation
(list (list "aluminate" "Al")
(list "borate" "B")
(list "gallate" "Ga")
(list "germanate" "Ge")
(list "phosphate" "P")
(list "sulfate" "S")
(list "silicate" "Si")
(list "titanate" "Ti")
(list "vanadate" "V")
(list "stannate" "Sn")
(list "carbonate" "C")
(list "molybdate" "Mo")
(list "tungstate" "W")))
(define ((*ate? elem) s-formula)
(or (regexp-match?
(regexp (string-append "\\(" elem "[0-9.]* O[0-9.]*\\)"))
(regexp (string-append "(^| )" elem "[0-9.]* O[2-9][0-9.]*"))
(define-syntax (define-all/ate? stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(let ([elem->fn-id
(λ (elem-str)
stx "~a?"
(datum->syntax stx (string->symbol elem-str))))])
([((ate? cation) ...)
(λ (elem+cation)
(define elem (car elem+cation))
(define cation (cadr elem+cation))
(list (elem->fn-id elem) cation))
(define (ate? sform) ((*ate? cation) sform))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-true (borate? "B O3"))
(check-true (carbonate? "C O3"))
(check-true (silicate? "Si O4")))
The key is the elem->fn-id function, which turns a string into a function identifier. It uses datum->syntax with stx as the context, meaning the defined function will be available in the context where the macro is invoked.
I have difficulties understanding the new macro system of Scheme. Somewhere along the path I began to write my "macro" as a function first, and then later apply it as a macro.
So my mission is to turn the following structure:
;; highlight-rules: rule id, color and the regexp matches
(define highlight-rules
`((important ,(with-esc "[1;33m") ("foo"
(unimportant ,(with-esc "[1;30m") ("case of unimport"))
(urgent ,(with-esc "[1;31m") ("urgents"))))
Into this kind of cond series with match strings compiled to regexpes:
;; just an example. `line` is an argument bound by the function application
((string-match (regexp ".*sudo:session.*") line)
(with-color *important* line))
(else line))
I have written a function that seems to do the trick:
;; (cdar highlight-rules) -> (colorstring list-of-rules)
(define (parse-highlight-rules rules)
;; aux function to do one 'class' of patterns
(define (class-of-rules colorstr rulelist)
(map (lambda (rule)
`((string-match ,(regexp rule)) (with-color ,colorstr line)))
(define (do-loop accumulator rules)
(let* ((highlight-group (cdar rules))
(colorstr (car highlight-group))
(grouprules (cadr highlight-group))
(acc* (append (class-of-rules colorstr grouprules) accumulator))
(rest (cdr rules)))
(if (null? rest)
(do-loop acc* rest))))
; wrap the list in cond.
`(apply cond ,(do-loop '() rules)))
With given highlight-rules the function returns correct-looking list (well apart from applying the apply -- in clojure one would use splicing):
CSI> (parse-highlight-rules highlight-rules)
(apply cond (((string-match #<regexp>) (with-color "\x1b[1;31m" line))
((string-match #<regexp>) (with-color "\x1b[1;30m" line))
((string-match #<regexp>) (with-color #0="\x1b[1;33m" line))
((string-match #<regexp>) (with-color #0# line))))
But how to proceed with this? I've been stuck with this for a while. Chicken Scheme is my dialect.
The easiest way of transforming your function into a macro is by using Chicken's explicit-renaming macro facility, which works similarly to Clojure's defmacro (except that an explicit-renaming macro takes some additional arguments that can be used to preserve hygiene).
Splicing works basically the same way as it does in Clojure. The syntax is ,#. Therefore, the following should work:
(define-for-syntax (parse-highlight-rules rules)
;; ... insert missing code here ...
`(cond ,#(do-loop '() rules)))
(define-syntax highlight
(lambda (form rename compare)
(parse-highlight-rules (cdr form)))))