Facebook OauthException Code 2 - facebook

I'm trying to query for page data and posts data using graph api. Suddenly, I'm getting OauthException error code 2. I'm using fbGraph module for nodejs. Does anyone know what is wrong? Here is my code:
var fbGraph = require('fbgraph');
var params = {
access_token: userToken,
limit: 500,
since: moment(startDate).format(constants.DATE_FORMAT),
until: moment(startDate).clone().add('months', 1).format(constants.DATE_FORMAT),
fields: 'id,message,description,call_to_action,shares,likes,comments.limit(1000000).fields(id),application.fields(name)'
var url = '/' + facebookPageId + '/posts';
fbGraph.get(url, params, callback);


Google Script post to facebook

Did anyone used google scripts to post a message to a facebook profile?
I found this code but can't find a way to get the graph id...
function updateStatus(){
var myId="";
var myAppAccess_token="APP-ID|APP-SECRET";
var graphUrl="https://graph.facebook.com/"+myId+"/feed";
var theDate=new Date().toString();
message:"foo\n" + theDate,

Facebook API stops at 25 photos

I have tried using the limit parameter for selecting photos from albums on my facebook page. The javascript api just ignores the parameter and according to
This endpoint does not have any parameters. So I am trying to figure out how to return more than 25 photos for albums that contain more. Here is the part of my code that returns the photos
function(response) {
for ( var i = 0; i < response.data.length; i++) {
$(location).append('<li><img src="'+response.data[i].source+'"/></li>');
If anyone can help me figure out why and or how to get more than 25 results using the photos graph api that would be great!

Moodle get course information + all lessons through Api

I am trying to collect all information related to Moodle course (course + lessons) Using Moodle Api I got the course information, but gets only some basic information, I want course details and its lessons (created under course)
Eg : var domainname = 'http://<server URL>/moodle';
var token = 'df337369637c692303d903f8cacf1eb0';
var functionname = 'core_course_get_courses';
var serverurl = domainname + '/webservice/rest/server.php' ;
var data = {
wstoken: token,
wsfunction: functionname,
moodlewsrestformat: 'json'
} var response = $.ajax(
{ type: 'GET',
data: data,
url: serverurl
And the output looks like
{"id":2,"shortname":"IV Support Queries","categoryid":1,"categorysortorder":10001,"fullname":"IV Support Queries","displayname":"IV Support Queries","idnumber":"","summary":"<p>IV Support Queries Desc<br \/><\/p>","summaryformat":1,"format":"topics","showgrades":1,"newsitems":5,"startdate":1479168000,"numsections":5,"maxbytes":0,"showreports":0,"visible":1,"hiddensections":1,"groupmode":0,"groupmodeforce":0,"defaultgroupingid":0,"timecreated":1479127227,"timemodified":1479198758,"enablecompletion":0,"completionnotify":0,"lang":"","forcetheme":"","courseformatoptions":[{"name":"numsections","value":5},{"name":"hiddensections","value":1},{"name":"coursedisplay","value":1}]}
I want the lesson details created under course .How can i get the information through Api . Thanks
Using function
getting all the informations related with course.
var domainname = 'http://<server URL>/moodle';
var token = 'df337369637c692303d903f8cacf1eb0';
var functionname = 'core_course_get_contents';
var serverurl = domainname + '/webservice/rest/server.php' ;
var data = {
wstoken: token,
wsfunction: functionname,
moodlewsrestformat: 'json' ,
courseid: 2 //Retrieve results based on course Id 2
var response = $.ajax(
{ type: 'GET',
data: data,
url: serverurl

Google URL Shortener API - Getting started

I'm trying to run the sample from Google's API sample here in Script.google.com.
Sample Code:
function getClicks(shortUrl) {
var url = UrlShortener.Url.get(shortUrl, {
projection: 'ANALYTICS_CLICKS'
Logger.log('The URL received %s clicks this week.', url.analytics.week.shortUrlClicks);
Required parameter: shortUrl (line 2, file "Code")
What am I missing?

Delete Wall Post on page as page C# SDK

I want to delete the post as page.
I already have access token of the admin user and access token from the page.
My Code:
var fbClient = new FacebookClient { AccessToken = getPageAccessToken() };
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.id = postId;
fbClient.Delete(m_GroupId + "/feed",parameters);
I get the following error:
"message":"Invalid token: \"PAGE_ID\". An ID has already been specified."
I replaced the page id above with PAGE_ID
use the page access token and pass the post id as the path for Delete method.
var fb = new FacebookClient("pageAccessToken");
I don't know the C# SDK, but from the look of it you're setting the ID twice, once with parameters.id and again with m_GroupID