Can Formmule script be set to report cumulative student lates-to-classes? - event-triggers

I am using Formmule to report student lates-to-classes. I'd like the script to flag and report to the student, parents, and school administrators the total number of absences once they reach 3, for example, then 6, 9, etc. Is this possible to do? Thank you very much!


Conditional Statements in Power BI: Help greatly appreciated

I would be very grateful for any assistance on solving the below.
I have a table in Microsoft Power BI Desktop containing 2 types of columns: 1 column containing unique employee IDs (column labeled "Employee ID"), and several other columns marking the date when (if ever) an individual completed a specific task (columns labeled "Task 1," "Task 2," "Task 3," etc.). If an employee completes a given task, s/he receives a bonus.
Using Power BI Desktop, what is the best way to accomplish the following objectives:
(1) Assign a numerical value to the completion of each of these tasks/columns (i.e., the bonus), such that future business users (read: non-developers) can adjust the value/bonus as it changes year to year.
(2) Allow business years to manually enter (a) an employee ID and (b) a fiscal year (e.g., 2021), with the result that Power BI determines whether that employee completed any of the tasks within that fiscal year, and returns the sum total of the values assigned above for all those tasks/columns.
Thank you very much for your assistance! = )
For your second objective:
The easiest way is to prepare a report (visualizations - tables / charts) and add appropriate filters / slicers. The user will then be able to select the year and the employee.
For the first: it depends on what you really mean by assigning a numerical value.
You can prepare a table containing the bonus value for a given task/year. And then a measure referring to it. (e.g. LOOKUPVALUE)

IBM Watson Assistant: Entity overlapping issue in conversation

I am creating a chatbot for students. I am facing a problem in one of my
use cases. Students need to get the subjects in a particular year (Bot give the
subjects only semester wise). But the problem is I have two entity #year
and #semester.
My entity values for #year and #semester is given below. Also I gave some
synonyms for that.
#year values are : 1,2,3
#semester values are :1,2
When the user mention as first year the values of #year:1 and #semester
is also set as 1, but here actually need to take the input from the user
for semester.I already done for ask the semester based on #semester in a
slot, but the value set int #semester is not invoking that.
How can I solve this conflict?
My expected conversation is below
Student -Get me the list of subjects in first year.
Bot - Tell me the course name? `enter code here
student - A
Bot - Tell me the semester?
Student - give semester number
Bot - The subjects in first year first semester of A are "Listing Subjects"
But the output is like this
Student - Get me the list of subjects in first year.
Bot - Tell me the course name?
student - A
Bot - The subjects in first year first semester of A are Listing Subjects
I would recommend to check these tips for working with slots, including those on avoiding slot filling confusion.
You would need to add conditions or clarifications when capturing the data. Another option is to break up the conversation in two dialog steps. First, get the year and course name, next, in a separate dialog node, capture the semester and look up the actual information to respond.

Tableau Username() function to filter Revenue data by SalesRep

How do I filter the Sales Revenue by SalesRep so that each SalesRep should be able to see only the sales volume generated by them using the username() function.
Let's assume John generated $2000 revenue, Jena generated $3000 and Eric generated $5000. Total sales volume combined for all 3 SalesRep is $10000. Employee ID of John is 101, Eric is 102, Jena is 103. I'm the manager and my employee ID is 104. I want to use the username() function in Tableau to filter the data in a such a way that John should see only revenue generated by him i.e. $2000 and he should be able to see the revenue generated by Jena in the bar chart. Similarly, Eric and Jena should be able to check their respective sales revenue. However, I should have the access to the revenue of all 3 as I'm their manager. How do I implement it in Tableau using the USERNAME() function.
One possible solution could be with the help of ISUSERNAME():
Let's say SalesRep is an existing dimension in the datasource which has sales representative's full name or username or empid (Note: In below illustration I am considering that it has username e.g. John, Eric etc. For other options refer here).
Create a calculated field SalesUsersList as below (here list down ALL
members entry):
IF ISUSERNAME("John_Tableu_Username") THEN "John"
ELSEIF ISUSERNAME("Eric_Tableu_Username") THEN "Eric"
ELSEIF ISUSERNAME("Jena_Tableu_Username") THEN "Jena"
ELSEIF ISUSERNAME("Manager_Tableu_Username") THEN "Manager_Username"
Create a calculated field LimitedAccessUsers as below (here list
down ALL sales team's members entry who will have limited access):
([SalesUsersList]="John") or ([SalesUsersList]="Eric") or ([SalesUsersList]="Jena")
Create a calculated field hasLimitedAccess as below. Drag it to
'Filters' section and select True
NOT[LimitedAccessUsers] OR ([SalesUsersList]=[SalesRep])
Don't forget to let us know in case it solved your problem :)

Calculating totals from formulas that represent different groups

I have a Crystal Report that shows different groups(or departments) utilizing the groups in Crystal Reports. I then used some formulas to calculate Attached and Unattached assets in each group. Now I wish to show a total for the column of Attached and Unattached, what is the best and simplest way to do this?
Okay I have been able to use a running total on #countattached that gets me close to what I need, the only problem is that it wants to add the last group total to the next group. The report is set up so the Employee (I.E. Jane Doe) and under that Employees name are Groups that, that Employee adds reports too such as Parks, Water, Streets , Etc. those Groups have a field across from them for Attached and Unattached with a total for both together at the end for each Group. I need a total for each Group under the column of attached and Unattached..
Okay I finally figured it out if you have a series of columns that have sums for individual groups(parks,streets,water) under employees all you need to do to calculate the totals of those groups is right take the formula that has the sum for those groups, , such as (#countAttached). Then do a Running Total in the Running total dialog box, you can then set it to reset after each individual that those groups apply to then you have a those totals for that column. You just repeat this process for any other Columns you have.

crystal reports total of values field

I'm using Crystal Reports 10 right now and I have my report almost finished. I have a group of customers and for each customer, I have multiple lines of customer information. The one thing I'm still trying to figure out though is how can I get a running total of one column's distinct values.
So, for example I have a customer Bob who has 6 different items. For each item, there is a manufacturer. It might be the same for all 6 items, it might be one for 3 of them and another for the other 3, or they might all be different. What I want is to have a field at the bottom of the group for Bob that would say:
Man1 - 3
Man2 - 1
Man3 - 2
with the manufacturer being on the left side and the number of items they make for that customer on the right side.
Is there anything in Crystal Reports that can do this right now? Or can someone give me some advice on where I would get started on a formula to do this? Thanks for any help you guys can give.
Need more information:
What kind of data structure are we talking about? How are the manufacturer and item data found? How are these related to the customer? How many manufacturers/items are typically found per customer?
If the manufacturer and items are two different fields, that might be simple (cross tab in customer group). If they are free form, that might be a problem. If there are separate fields for every manufacturer (I've see it happen), then that might be a problem.
Best scenario:
One field for manufacturer, one field for item, distinct relation to customer.
Possible solution:
Group by customer, sub-group by manufacturer, count of items.
Not best scenario:
Table for customer, separate table for each manufacturer.
Possible solution:
Main report, group by customer. Linked subreport on Manufacturer/items.
Worst scenario:
Free-text entry of manufacturer and items in a memo field.
Possible solution:
Redesign your database (grin).
If you have to, you can do this using logic tests through formulas, but if you have many manufacturers/items, it would get exhaustive.
Best answer: More information.