Debugging JavaFx project with Eclipse - eclipse

I'm running Eclipse Kepler, JRE 1.7, with the e(fx)clipse plugin. Whenever I try to debug a JavaFx project, I receive the "source not found" stating the systemproperties class belong to the JavaFX sdk and doesn't allow modifications. I have tried to add this class to the step filter in eclipse with no luck. I have been unable I can find source code for JavaFX from Oracle. Is there any way to get past this and debug JavaFX in Eclipse?

There's never been a source zip of JavaFX2.2 released by Oracle because it was opensourced only partially.
I'd advice to use JDK8 which comes with the source code.


Eclipse Add Perspective to Runtime

I'm creating a content analysis plugin for Eclipse and I'm testing it in Eclipse by running Eclipse Application.
This worked well (since my plugin only had to work with a plain text editor), but now my company has stepped over to using oXygen as XML plugin in Eclipse for our technical writers. To test whether my plugin also works with oXygen in use, I need to have the oXygen XML Author plugin working in the Runtime.
I have oXygen working in my main Eclipse, but that is not what I want: I need it in my Runtime Environment.
So my question is: how can I add this oXygen plugin to the Eclipse Runtime Environment?
Go to your debug/run configuration -> Select the configuration in question.
Go to plug ins tab. Check if the Oxygen plugin is in the list. If not then add it explicitly and launch the runtime again.
Hope it helps.

javafx Eclipse Mars install

I have just installed eclipse Mars (4.5) and I have a problem with one old JavaFx project. Before installing Mars, I was using Luna and got no problem with my JavaFx projects, now I have the following problem with one project, all the javafx code are underlined with a similar error:
Access restriction: The type 'LineChart' is not API (restriction on required library 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar')
I do not know what it means, I tried to refresh the project and reboot Eclipse but the errors do not disappear, I can run my application without any problem though. I have other JavaFx project but none got this error.
I am using the latest JDK 1.8 update 45.
I solved my problem by removing JavaFX SDK from the build path and adding it again. I don't understand why it did not work the first time.

Update Eclipse plugin from 2.x style to 4.x style (plugin.xml to bundle)

I have an Eclipse plugin that was originally written (not by me, and I don't have access to the original developer) that I'm trying to update for Eclipse Luna, because it stopped working when my team updated to Eclipse 4.4.
I downloaded the Luna Plugin development version, cleared a few warnings, updated some broken code, fixed a few bugs, and tested with "Run As -> Eclipse Application
This worked fine: all the views showed up, the preferences pages, etc.
So then I tried to export the plugin so I could test on a fresh installation of vanilla Eclipse Luna. I did that by using the Export Wizard:
And generated a deployable set of jars with said wizard:
I copied the generated folder (which contains all the jars appropriately) into the dropins folder of my fresh vanilla Eclipse Luna and started it up.
Unfortunately, I got the following error:
Which led me to this SO question and this Eclipse bug report, which explains that I have a 2.x style plugin that uses the plugin.xml instead of an OSGi style Continuing my search, I found this SO question, which was directed at a 3.x version of Eclipse, but I used the 4.x equivalent:
Which I used with the following options checked:
And I accepted all the changes in the previous pane after the (long-running) changeset. However, upon deploying to my vanilla install, I got the same error about the plugin converter. That led me back to this SO question, which recommending installing the Eclipse 2.0 plugin support package. I did so and restarted Eclipse. The error in my error log did stop showing up, however the view/preferences/etc for my plugin are still not showing up. The plugin does show up under Help -> Installation Details -> Plug-ins, but doesn't seem to be interacting at all.
The text of the plugin.xml can be found here at Pastebin. The text of the MANIFEST.MF can by found at this other Pastebin link
Any suggestions for getting my plugin to work through the manual export so the other developers on my team can test my changes before I try releasing the update to the world?

jsuml is working with my eclipse IDE

I downloaded jsuml-eclipse-0.8.4 from
I put all the plugin jars in eclipse plugin folder and start eclipse in clean mode. Still i am unable to see the plugin in plugin installed in eclipse --> preferences --> plugin.
I am using eclipse helios on mac with snowlapord OS.
If any one know some good code to UML diagram in javascript please suggest.
At least you should ensure you use Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo). Newer versions wont work so far since some incompatibilites have brought in but the plugin was never adapted to that.
I managed it to get jsuml working, although I'm still not able to parse my .js files in.

AbstractUIPlugin error and Missing tabs in plugin.xml from eclipse

I checked in eclipse/java plugin project from svn repository.
Eclipse automatically builds the code to show hundreds of errors.
It seems like that eclipse doesn't properly link to the plugin libraries. Googling to find this site that I need dependencies and other tabs in plugin.xml.
What might be wrong? I use Indogo(3.7) on Mac OS X 10.7.4
I used Indigo (3.7) for my Mac, but it happened so that the plugin was built on Helios (3.6). When I run the plugin using Helios, I got the project compiled without errors.
It seems like that some of the plugins are (heavily) version dependent.
Looks like you got the base XML editor instead of the plugin.xml editor.
This is probably caused by your not having the eclipse plugin development environment (PDE) enabled in a new workspace.
Try creating a new plugin project (this will enable the necessary plugin tools), or go to the preferences and enable the "correct" capability. Since the capabilities seem to change from release to release, I always use the first method and then delete the new project.