Changing the axis range dynamically doesnt refresh the lineplot but only the axis labels - ilnumerics

I am trying to change the axes Min and Max properties to show only the plot points that lie in a particular range.
say If I have lineplot whose X values are ranging from 0 to 100, I want to display only the values that are greater than 50.However I noticed that the lineplot is drawn using all the position points.Only the x axis ticks got renamed such that they start from 50 and end at 100.
The following is the code I am using
var axes = m_plotCube.First<ILAxisCollection>();
if (axes != null)
ILAxis xAxis = axes.Where<ILAxis>(item => item.Label.Text == "X Axis").First();
xAxis.Min = 50;
xAxis.Max = 100;
Am I missing something ?

Use ILPlotCube.Limits instead:
var pc = ilPanel1.Scene.First<ILPlotCube>();
new Vector3(50, pc.Limits.YMin, pc.Limits.ZMin),
new Vector3(100, pc.Limits.YMax, pc.Limits.ZMax));
BTW: the axes are accessed much easier: plotcube.Axes.XAxis ...


OxyPlot: Display labels for max/min values on LinearColorAxis

I'm trying to display labels for maximum and minimum values on color axis.
I've created and LinearColorAxis object, set max and min values from result array.
Currenty max = 180, min = -180
var colorAxis = new LinearColorAxis();
colorAxis.Palette = result.GetPalette();
colorAxis.Position = AxisPosition.Right;
colorAxis.Maximum = result.Array.Max2D();
colorAxis.Minimum = result.Array.Min2D();
After that I can see the next graph:
But as you can see there are no labels for min and max values. How can I do that? And need to display label for it to see my 180 and -180 values. Step for axis can be changed when I have other result with other min and max values. But I should display labels of min/max values for all cases.

How to disable EChart's auto-adjust which happens on disabling one of the series?

I have an echart with multiple serieses. If user clicks on one of the legends and enable/disable a series, chart auto adusts (zoom in or zoom out) x and y axis to show optimal axis values.
How do I disable this behaviour so that chart do not auto-adjust axis when enabling/disabling serieses? I would like both axis to stay at initial values all the time without any change.
My Reserch: I know we can set min and max values on X and Y axis to keep X and Y axis fixed. But in this case, I have to calculate min/max manually across serieses. Any built-in flag or option will be much simpler to use.
Here is my solution at last:
I ended up setting min and max for each axis. I had to go through every data series, figure out max and min possible values among all serieses and set it on axis. This avoides above behaviour. (Some of the graphs may have multiple axes, so take that in account).
Here is generic function that can be used on chartOptions object to add min and max values based on data. Data is assumed to be part of each series. It only works on first axis incase of multiple axis.
static fixBothAxis(chartOptions) {
const series = chartOptions.series;
let maxXAxis = -Infinity,
minXAxis = Infinity,
maxYAxis = -Infinity,
minYAxis = Infinity;
series.forEach((seriesItem: any) => {
// dont consider serieses that are related to secondary axis
if (seriesItem && {
const xSeries = => item[0]);
const ySeries = => item[1]);
maxXAxis = Math.ceil(Math.max(maxXAxis, ...xSeries));
minXAxis = Math.floor(Math.min(minXAxis, ...xSeries));
if(seriesItem.yAxisIndex !== 1){
maxYAxis = Math.ceil(Math.max(maxYAxis, ...ySeries));
minYAxis = Math.floor(Math.min(minYAxis, ...ySeries));
/* Make both max and min values "stick to nearest sensible value" */
const xAxis = Array.isArray(chartOptions.xAxis)
? chartOptions.xAxis[0]
: chartOptions.xAxis;
const yAxis = Array.isArray(chartOptions.yAxis)
? chartOptions.yAxis[0]
: chartOptions.yAxis;
if (xAxis && !isNaN(minXAxis) && !isNaN(maxXAxis)) {
xAxis.min = minXAxis;
xAxis.max = maxXAxis;
if (yAxis && !isNaN(minYAxis) && !isNaN(maxYAxis)) {
yAxis.min = minYAxis;
yAxis.max = maxYAxis;
return chartOptions;

How to render dates on x axis prior to 1900 with d3 .js scatter plot

My d3 scatter plot uses historic date data in a range from 1600 to present. I can plot my dots successfully but can't display the dates prior to 1900 I the x axis.
I am using this example to make a scatterplot in d3 but my data has historic dates prior to 1900. I have tried to implement this solution but this returns a single date repeated for each tick mark
If I try to implement d3.axisBottom(x) this returns the dates from my data, but dates prior to 1900 are not formatted correctly.
I have made a plunker with full code
Here is my relevant scale and axis code (from the plunkr):
var x = d3.scaleTime().range([0, width]);
var y = d3.scaleLinear().range([height, 0]);
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(x).ticks(10).tickFormat(function(d){return timeFormat(d);});
var yAxis = d3.axisLeft(y).ticks(10);
var x = d3.scaleTime()
.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) {return (d.dates);}))
.range([ 0, width ]);
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
//.call(xAxis, function (d){return (d);});
//.call(xAxis, function (d){return (d.dates);}); // returns just a single date for all tick marks
.call(d3.axisBottom(x)); // partially correct dates but not formatting dates prior to 1900
My scatter plot is fine and the dots are as expected. What I want to see on the x axis is the dates prior to 1900, eg 1750.
Very grateful for help.
The referenced answer is correct, you have other issues in your code. I've also updated that answer a bit to clean the code and include a generic example with an axis from 1600-2000.
The first problem is that you define your x scale:
var x = d3.scaleTime().range([0, width]);
Then pretty much immediately define your axis:
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(x)
Then you define the x domain, while redefining x as well with:
var x = d3.scaleTime()
.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) {return (d.dates);}))
.range([ 0, width ]);
If we use, this means that the axis is using the first x scales domain, which defaults to [January 1 2000, January 2 2000], which is why every tick will have the same year if you apply the axis with only a default domain.
Your code has .call(d3.axisBottom(x) rather than .call(xAxis), which creates a new axis again, but without the formatting needed to render pre 1900 dates
Instead, determine the scale's domain first, then create the axis:
var x = d3.scaleTime()
.range([0, width])
.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) {return (d.dates);}))
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(x)
And now you can just apply the axis:
Here's an updated plunkr

How do I rotate a 3D spectrum-Image in Digital Micrograph by scripting?

I want to find the equivalent of the rotate(image, degree) script command to rotate around the x or y axis (I only need 90ยบ rotations). I know I can do it using the tool menu but it would be much faster if I could find a command or a function to do it using a script.
Thank you in advance!
Using the Slice command can be confusing at first, so here is a
detailed explanation on using the command for a rotation around the
This example shows how one would rotate a 3D data clockwise around its X axis (viewing along X) using the Slice3 command.
The Slice3 command specifies a new view onto an existing data array.
It first specifies the origin pixel, i.e. the coordinates (in the original data) which will be represented by (0,0,0) in the new view.
It then specifes the sampling direction, length and stepsize for each of its new three axes. The first triplet specifies how the coordinates (in the original data) change along the new image's x-direction, the second triplet for the new images's y-direction and the last triplet for the new image's z-direction.
So a rotation around the x-axis can be imagined as:
For the "resampled" data:
The new (rotated) data has it's origin at the original's data point (0,0,SZ-1).
Its X-direction remains the same, i.e. one step in X in the new data, would increment the coordinate triplet in the original's data also by (1,0,0).And one goes SX steps with a step-size of 1.
Its Y-direction is essentially the negative Z-direction from before, i.e. one step in Y in the new data, would increment the coordinate triplet in the original's data also by (0,0,-1).So one goes SZ steps with a step-size of -1.
Its Z-direction is essentially the Y-direction from before, i.e. one step in Z in the new data, would increment the coordinate triplet in the original's data by (0,1,0).So one goes SY steps with a step-size of 1.
So, for a clockwise rotation around the X-axis, the command is:
img.Slice3( 0,0,SZ-1, 0,SX,1, 2,SZ,-1, 1,SY,1 )
This command will just create a new view onto the same data (i.e. no addtional memory is used.) So to get the rotated image as a new image (with data values aligned as they should be in memory), one would clone this view into a new image usign ImageClone()
In total, the following script shows this as an example:
// Demo of rotating 3D data orthogonally around the X axis
// This is done by resampling the data using the Slice3 command
// Creation of test image with regcognizeable pattern
number SX = 100
number SY = 30
number SZ = 50
image img := RealImage("Test",4, SX,SY,SZ)
// trig. modulated linear increase in X
img = icol/iwidth* sin( icol/(iwidth-1) * 5 * Pi() ) **2
// Simple linear increase in Y
img += (irow/iheight) * 2
// Modulation of values in Z
// (doubling values for index 0,1, 3, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49)
img *= (SQRT(iplane) == trunc(SQRT(iplane)) ? 2 : 1 )
// Show captions. Image coordinate system is
// Origin (0,0,0) in top-left-front most pixel
// X axis goes left to right
// Y axis goes top to down
// Z axis goes front to back
img.ImageSetDimensionCalibration(0,0,1,"orig X",0)
img.ImageSetDimensionCalibration(1,0,1,"orig Y",0)
img.ImageSetDimensionCalibration(2,0,1,"orig Z",0)
// Rotation around X axis, clockwise looking along X
// X --> X` (unchanged)
// Y --> Z'
// Z --> -Y'
// old origin moves to bottom-left-front most
// This means for "new" sampling:
// Specify sampling starting point:
// New origin (0,0,0)' will be value which was at (0,0,SZ-1)
// Going one step in X' in the new data, will be like going one step in X
// Going one step in Y' in the new data, will be like going one step backwards in Z
// Going one step in Z' in the new data, will be like going one step in Y
image rotXCW := img.Slice3( 0,0,SZ-1, 0,SX,1, 2,SZ,-1, 1,SY,1 ).ImageClone()
rotXCW.SetName("rotated X, CW")
The following methods perform 90degree rotations:
// Functions for 90degree rotations of data
image RotateXCW( image input )
number SX,SY,SZ
return input.Slice3( 0,0,SZ-1, 0,SX,1, 2,SZ,-1, 1,SY,1 ).ImageClone()
image RotateXCCW( image input )
number SX,SY,SZ
return input.Slice3( 0,SY-1,0, 0,SX,1, 2,SZ,1, 1,SY,-1 ).ImageClone()
image RotateYCW( image input )
number SX,SY,SZ
return input.Slice3( SX-1,0,0, 2,SZ,1, 1,SY,1, 0,SX,-1 ).ImageClone()
image RotateYCCW( image input )
number SX,SY,SZ
return input.Slice3( 0,0,SZ-1, 2,SZ,-1, 1,SY,1, 0,SX,1 ).ImageClone()
image RotateZCW( image input )
number SX,SY,SZ
return input.Slice3( 0,SY-1,0, 1,SY,-1, 0,SX,1, 2,SZ,1 ).ImageClone()
image RotateZCCW( image input )
number SX,SY,SZ
return input.Slice3( SX-1,0,0, 1,SY,1, 0,SX,-1, 2,SZ,1 ).ImageClone()
Rotations around the z-axis could als be done with RotateRight() and RotateLeft(). Note, however, that these commands will not adapt the images' dimension calibrations, while the Slice3 command will.
For pure orthogonal rotation the easiest (and fastest) way is to use the'slice' commands, i.e. 'slice3' for 3D images.
It turns out that the latest version of GMS has an example of it in the help documention, so I'm just copy-pasting the code here:
number sx = 10
number sy = 10
number sz = 10
number csx, csy, csz
image img3D := RealImage( "3D", 4, sx, sy, sz )
img3D = 1000 + sin( 2*PI() * iplane/(idepth-1) ) * 100 + icol * 10 + irow
// Rotate existing image
if ( OKCancelDialog( "Rotate clockwise (each plane)\n= Rotate block around z-axis" ) )
if ( OKCancelDialog( "Rotate counter-clockwise (each plane)\n= Rotate block around z-axis" ) )
if ( OKCancelDialog( "Rotate block counter-clockwise around X-axis" ) )
// Equivalent of sampling the data anew
// x-axis remains
// y- and z-axis change their role
img3D.Get3DSize( csx, csy, csz ) // current size along axes
img3D = img3D.Slice3( 0,0,0, 0,csx,1, 2,csz,1, 1,csy,1 )
if ( OKCancelDialog( "Rotate block clockwise around X-axis" ) )
// Equivalent of sampling the data anew
// x-axis remains
// y- and z-axis change their role
img3D.Get3DSize( csx, csy, csz ) // current size along axes
img3D = img3D.Slice3( 0,csy-1,csz-1, 0,csx,1, 2,csz,-1, 1,csy,-1 )
if ( OKCancelDialog( "Rotate 30 degree (each plane)\n= Rotate block around z-axis" ) )
number aDeg = 30
number interpolMeth = 2
number keepSize = 1
image rotImg := img3D.Rotate( 2*Pi()/360 * aDeg, interpolMeth, keepSize )
You may also want to look at this answer for some more info on subsampling and creating differnt views on data.

Dynamically update the ylimits to fit data for horizontal-only zoom

Lets consider a simple example of a plot
y_axis = [randi([0,20],1,100) randi([20,40],1,100) randi([0,20],1,100)];
x_axis = 1:300;
ax = subplot(1,1,1)
zoom on
axis tight
Here the y-axis limit depends on the area I zoom in for example in the middle the minimum value of y is 20 but on the sides of the plot it is 0 , I have limited the zoom to the x axis only , now what i want is when i zoom in for example in the middle the y-axis limits resets itself to the minimum and maximum value of y axis currently visible. I have tried setting the axis to 'tight' and 'auto', is there any property or function which in MATLAB which does that ?
You could use the zoom object and set the ActionPostCallback to a function which will call axis auto y to automatically re-calculate the ylimits to fit the visible data.
y_axis = [randi([0,20],1,100) randi([20,40],1,100) randi([0,20],1,100)];
x_axis = 1:300;
ax = subplot(1,1,1)
hplot = plot(x_axis,y_axis);
hzoom = zoom(ax);
hzoom.Motion = 'horizontal';
hzoom.ActionPostCallback = #(fig,e)axis(e.Axes, 'auto y');