OSM2PGSQL for CentOS 6 - centos

I am trying to load the data from planet osm files to postgres database installed on CentOS server. Is there any available binary for CentOS which i can be used. I am not well conversant with C and C++ hence cannot build it from source. Need binary which i can use directly for loading data into postgres on CentOS.
Please help.

There is a long and extensive osm2pgsql wiki page in the OSM wiki which also explains how to build it from source. You don't need any C or C++ knowledge to build packages from source, basic Linux knowledge should be enough.


Build a CentOS tile server

In order to build a CentOS 6.5 OSM tiles server I'm looking for some documentation and/or tutorials.
I tried this one as I said in my previous post but it worked on Ubuntu 14.04, not on CentOS 6.5...
Also, I want to be able to connect to my tiles from QGIS via the server URL.
It involves using some special protocols like WMS, WCS or WFS (I don't understand well about this).
If you have ideas you're welcome !
You can try my gist to build and run OSM tile server on CentOS 7 with all up-to-date dependencies, work in progress and will be updated, but it works now.

PostGis Extension Installed in AlFresco PostgreSQL

I am working in a project that uses AlFresco-4.2.c as the main program in Ubuntu 16.04, and also uses geoserver in tomcat configured with PostgreSQL.
The problem is that I have been searching for a week about how to install the postgis extension in the own postgresql of alfresco. I have searched in the official documentation of alfresco(http://docs.alfresco.com/4.0/tasks/postgresql-config.html) and other forums, but I have found nothing about extensions.
Do you know a way of installing it?
I have tried to use apt-get and the installer of DBEnterprises, but none of that worked.
I'm not sure what you've followed, but here is what I would have done.
As quickly read from the PostGis page, it's a separate extension on PostgreSQL.
So you'll need to forget about Alfresco for one second, find your local PostgreSQL installation.
It's mostly bundled by Alfresco in the alfresco folder, so e.g. /opt/alfresco-4.2.c/postgresql and the data resides /opt/alfresco-4.2.c/alf_data/postgresql.
If this doesn't work for you, just do the following:
Create a dump file from the current PostgreSQL
Install a PostgreSQL distro from Ubuntu (check the version numbers)
Install the PostGIS extension
Import the dump file

Building mapnik 3.0 in raspberry pi

I have the latest version of postgis (2.1.8) in my raspberry pi. I could not use the default mapnik version (2.0) available in raspberry pi packages because the newer postgis does not have the functions that the old mapnik looks for.
So, I tried to compile the latest version of mapnik (3.0) . The configure was successful finding all required dependencies. But when I do make, it fails for insufficient memory. Then I increased the swap to 2GB. It still fails for insufficient memory.
I am wondering if there is a way to compile mapnik at smaller steps that do not require so much memory at once.
Legacy PostGIS functions without a ST_ prefix can be loaded on top of any PostGIS database by loading the legacy.sql enabler script that shipped with PostGIS, in the contrib share folder. Run it like this:
psql -d [yourdatabase] -f legacy.sql
Find more on legacy.sql in Chapter 2 of the PostGIS manual.

How to host the OpenStreetMap Locally

I want to host the OSM (OpenStreetMap) locally. I need the basic idea what are required for hosting the OSM and how the task can be done in a step wise manner. I have to host it in Windows7 environment.
Any kind of help will be useful.
switch2osm contains detailed instructions and requirements for setting up a OSM server. If you have a Windows system then better set up a Linux VM inside it.
A bit too old but I will just put it here for someone who is searching for the same thing.
An exact instance of OpenStreetMap can be hosted locally by following the installation guide of OpenStreetMap.
Quoting from the Link:
"These instructions are designed for setting up The Rails Port for development and testing. If you want to deploy the software for your own project, then see the notes at the end.
You can install the software directly on your machine, which is the traditional and probably best-supported approach. However, there is an alternative which may be easier: Vagrant. This installs the software into a virtual machine, which makes it easier to get a consistent development environment and may avoid installation difficulties. For Vagrant instructions, see VAGRANT.md.
These instructions are based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, which is the platform used by the OSMF servers. The instructions also work, with only minor amendments, for all other current Ubuntu releases, Fedora and MacOSX
We don't recommend attempting to develop or deploy this software on Windows. If you need to use Windows, then try developing this software using Ubuntu in a virtual machine, or use Vagrant."

Oracle Driver Installation

I am having Oracle 10g installed on my laptop and have downloaded ojdbc14.jar driver for the same. The problem is, my operating system is Windows 7, and I'm not having option to create a Data Source for Oracle since I m not having oracles driver installed. I m having option to create a Data Source for SQL server 6, but I want to get connected to Oracle. Please Help.
By 'Data Sources', I'm guessing that you mean Data Sources (ODBC), under Control Panel > Administrative Tools. Is this correct?
I've set up ODBC Data Sources that connect to Oracle databases before, but to do that I've needed the Oracle client to be installed. However, if you're having the full database installed on your laptop (as your question suggests), you won't need the client - that's only used to connect to databases running on other machines. I believe the full database contains everything in the client, so you should be able to set up an ODBC Data Source pointing to the database on your laptop once the database has been installed.
The ojdbc14.jar just contains the JDBC classes to talk to an Oracle database, and only programs written in Java (and other languages that run on the JVM such as Scala, Groovy or Clojure) can use it. This jar on its own not enough to be able to set up an ODBC data source.
Oracle currently has 1 version that is certified for windows 7. That version is 11.2. They have indicated that they plan to certify if this happens there will likely be a patch that will be needed.
This is probably why the Data Source does not work, either ODBC or OLEDB.
Another possibility is that you have installed the 32bit version of Oracle and your OS is 64bit then you would need to use the 32bit Data Source administrative tools.
I have figured out the solution for my problem. All that I needed to do is put ojdbc14.jar file in my class path and then I was able to use it. Though by doing so, I needed to make some change in the code. I was no more able to use Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver") instead I needed to use Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver") also instead of using my data source as "jdbc:odbc:somename" I needed to use jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:xe.