Scala Play Framework - Dynamic Forms - scala

I'm currently in the process of trying to define a dynamic form in Play (Scala). What I mean by a "dynamic" form is one which presents different form elements (and POSTs different data) depending on the state of some runtime (specifically database-side) data.
A brief illustrative example: on a to-do list application, how could one create a form which creates a "delete" check box next to each of the list elements? I realize this could be done with GET links or with AJAX/javascript, but I want this to be a standard POST form with a "submit" button.
I'm aware of the repeated mapping form functionality, but is it possible to define an even more dynamically generated form, where the structure is less strict than just single+repeated elements?
Thanks for any suggestions you might have. I realize this might just be more than POST is cut out for.

The closest thing that I have to an answer for this is that POST and any sane web framework supports "array" inputs. Hence, if you can get your data into any regularized format, you can serialize/deserialize via that. You may be able to support semiexotic data patterns by using this method as well.


Creating multiple forms inside a Xform document and traveling between them sequentially and conditionally.

I'm trying to create a form builder that is based on XForms 2.0 standards.
I need to support the feature of creating multiple forms/surveys and connecting them. Allowing the end user developer to control the flow of the travel... Both sequentially and conditionally. Conditionally meaning to make the survey/forms (Some form would not be shown to the user depending on the user input) I'm struggling to find a logical solution to use while creating the XForm 2.0 model. Anyone have some ideas i can use or anything i missed ?
How forms are sequenced isn't covered by the XForms specification. In Orbeon Forms specifically, there are 2 ways to handle the sequencing of distinct forms:
Implement those forms in a single form in Form Builder, and rely on the wizard view to have only one part of the large form shown at any given point in time.
Create separate forms in Form Builder, and write logic that runs when users submit every single form to determine what the "next form" is. This is done in a process tied to a button.

How do I use with existing rows of data?

I have a lot of existing data that I would like to use as training data for a chatbot. The data is stored in a csv file where each row has a statement/question and a response to that statement/question.
I know that requires you to assign intents to comments made and so I'm wondering if there is a way to simply send over the data I have and have the chatbot start learning intents on its own.
Thanks for posting. We know this is not perfect yet but we release an import/export feature a few days ago. Looking at the structure of the json export, one can probably easily feed with existing data. It would require creating one story per statement/question and a response. More info here:
"Teaching" Wit.Ai is not exactly what some might think it is.
You will have to create stories for your User says column. The replies are irrelevant to be honest. You can't "teach" to reply. Replies are defined in the story or in your code.
What might need from your data are keywords and key-phrases which make the entity recognition better for
Here is the simplest example:
Entity color is recognized based on keywords listed. So if you have a lot of data as an example of user input - you can try to break it down first into "which entities which user input should produce" and then keywords from those input.
Using your data for "teaching" - would be a little difficult since it will require you to create a lot of Stories in to cover possible user input and entity identification. But you can still do it like this:
(rough example)
Make one story about user asking the time for example
Mark in the user input which entities should be derived from that input:
Sort your list you have to get all possible way of asking for the time:
How late is it?
Can you tell me the time?
I wonder what's the time now?
Use a script (Python) to "shoot" all these user inputs at your story.
Once done - go to Understanding time of and go through all input correcting\adding the entities you defined.
This process will "teach" entities if they are keywords based or some other algorithm.
That's the best I can think of about how to use your existing data. Wit.Ai is different from other language processing tool-sets and "teaching" it with existing data is somewhat "puzzling" :)

Knockout viewmodel concept

I was not able to find an answer for the following... please gimme an advice.
I have a form that is built dinamically basing on metadata being obtained from server via ajax request. It gets about 20 values for display data and also about 10 fields for user input. Thus, the presentation view model and post view model are different. Filled fields are posted back via ajax as well.
How do i apply Knockout view models concept correctly?
1. I make a single viewmodel for displaying and posting data. In this case AJAX call will post back a lot of redundant data to server. Option: i can send a new object that will contain only input fields, but it doesnt look OK in KO concept.
2. I make a single viewmodel containing only fields for user input. Read-only fields to display stay out of KO view model and populated using common jQuery methods (so we're out of pure KO style again)
3. Or?
I appreciate your ideas.
Knockout provides the ability to apply MVVM pattern to a client-side (HTML5/Javascript) app. Your JavaScript view model should provide all the data and properties necessary to operate the view or views that it is responsible for, both for user input fields and display-only fields.
Once you post something back to the server, you're leaving the MVVM world and reaching into another layer to perform some operation. As a result, I think it's best to formulate JSON that contains only the data that the server needs to complete the request. On the server side, you may have a C# model with validation attributes or whatever, but, again - you're not trying to adhere to MVVM pattern there.
Hopefully this helps. I'm happy to elaborate if needed.

Yesod forms with page flow

Certain forms are too complicated to have them fit on one page. If, for example, a form involves large amounts of structured data, such as picking locations on a map, scheduling events in a calendar widget, or having certain parts of a form change depending on earlier input, it is of value to be able to break up a certain form over multiple pages.
This is easy to do with dynamic web pages and Javascript, as one would simply create a tab widget with different pages, and the actual submitted form would contain the whole tab widget and all of its input fields, yielding a single POST request for the entire operation.
Sometimes, however, it takes a long time to generate certain input fields; they might even be computationally intensive even after the page has been generated, taxing the low-end computer user's browser. Additionally, it becomes difficult or impossible to create forms that adapt themselves based on earlier input.
It therefore becomes necessary to split up a certain form over multiple full page requests.
This can prove to be difficult, especially since the first page of a form will POST to /location/a, which will issue a redirect to /location/b and requested as GET by the client. Passing the stored form data from POST /location/a to GET /location/b is where the difficulty lies.
Erwin Vervaet, the creator of Spring Web Flow (A subproject of the Spring framework, mostly known for its dependency injection capabilities) once wrote a blog article demonstrating this functionality in said framework, and also comparing it to the Lift Web Framework which implemented similar functionality. He then presents a challenge to other web frameworks, which is further described in a later article.
How would Yesod face this problem, especially considering its stateless REST-based nature?
Firstly, there's no pre-built solution to this in existence yet (that I'm aware of at least). And I'm not familiar with how the other frameworks mentioned solve the problem. So what I say here is pretty much conjecture. I'm fairly certain it would work, however.
The crux of the issue here is encoding page A's POST parameters into the GET request for page B. The simplest way to do that would be to stick page A's POST parameters into a session variable. However, doing so would break navigation pretty thoroughly: back/forward wouldn't work at all as described.
So we come back to REST: we need to encode the POST parameters into the request itself. That really means putting the information in either the requested path, or the query string. And the query string probably makes the most sense.
I'd be concerned about putting the raw POST parameters into the query string, as that would allow any proxy server to easily snoop the contents. So I'd like to leverage the existing cryptography from clientsession. In other words, we'll stick a signed, encrypted version of the previous form submission in a query string parameter.
To make it a bit more concrete:
User goes to page A via GET.
User submits page A via POST.
Server validates form submission, gets a value, serializes it, encrypts/hashes it.
User is redirected to page B as a GET, with a query string parameter containing the encrypted/hashed value from page A.
Continue this process as many times as desired.
On the final page, you can decrypt the query string parameter and have all of the form submissions.
This looks like it would be a fun add-on package to write if anyone's interested.

How do you handle multiple files in a form submission using Apache2::Upload?

I'm writing a small web application using Perl, HTML::Mason and Apache.
I've been using Mason's usual <%args> method for receiving 'normal' form parameters, and Apache2::Upload for receiving files.
However, I want to write a page that allows a user to upload multiple files, and I'd like to take advantage of HTML5's multiple attribute to input fields. This will look to the server as though there were multiple file inputs in the form with the same name.
The interface for Apache2::Upload doesn't seem to directly support this, allowing you instead to just get the data for a file with a particular parameter name. The documentation alludes to using APR::Request::Param::Table, but I can't find any documentation for doing that.
Please note that I'm not interested in answers that involve adding extra file input fields with different names. This is trivial to handle on the server, and my question doesn't involve front-end scripting at all.
Use the multiple attribute (in the form as you described) and then, after submission, call the Apache request object's upload method. That will give you a list of Apache2::Upload instances.
Good luck!