oracle 32 bit client on a windows 7 64 bit computer - windows-7-x64

Trying to install Oracle 9i (32bit) client on a Windows 7 64bit computer. Seems to install fine, but when trying to run anything, such as the Net Configuration Assistant, it doesn't do anything, no errors, and nothing started in the background.
So the question is:
Can the 32 bit client of Oracle be installed on a 64 bit Windows 7 PC? Or does it need to be a 64 bit client?

You can install a 32 bit client, and if your software is 32 bit, you need to install the 32 bit client to use it, even on a 64 bit system.


How to install Oracle Client 32 bit on RHEL 64 bit OS

Would like to install Oracle Client (11g or 12c or 18c) 32 bit version on RHEL 7 64 bit version OS. Came to know that Oracle software 32 bit wont work on 64 bit RHEL verion. This is required for cognos usage. How this can be tackled.

32 bit vs 64 bit MATLAB executable applications

I have a 64 bit MATLAB installed on my computer.
I am not allowed to install a 32 bit MATLAB on my machine.
I wrote a code and converted it to an executable using application compiler.
Now employees with 32 bit operating systems can not run the executable.
The question is:
Is there a way to create a 32 bit application using a 64 bit MATLAB?
(again, I am not allowed to install a 32 bit MATLAB on my machine)

Creating a linked server in SQL Server 2014 SSMS to remote DB2

I am running 64 bit SQL Server 2014 Express and have a 32 bit DB2 Express-C on the same machine.
In the 64 BIT SQL Server can I create an ODBC connection to a remote DB2 system without having to install a local 64 bit version of DB2.
If I could go back and redo everything I would install the 32 BIT SQL Server but it is now to involved and performing an uninstall and reinstall would be to risky.
It should also be noted that I have successfully used the 32 BIT IBM ODBC driver to do a remote connect via 32 BIT version of WINSQL but when I run the 64 BIT version of WINSQL I can not make a connection to the remote DB2 system because no 64 BIT version of the driver is found.
I think the answer is here:
How to install 32-bit ODBC driver on 64-bit system.

Does Apache Tuscany SCA come in a 64 bit version?

Is there a 64 bit version of Apache Tuscany SCA?
Tuscany provides two automated install scripts for Ubuntu. You can start with
a fresh Ubuntu Server 10.10 64-bit system and these scripts will take care of
all the download, build and installation steps for you.

Where is the 64 bit NetBeans Design GUI?

I had to replace jre and jdk 32 versions with 64 bit version since I am developing on a 64 bit machine and needed to get serial IO working.
The 64 bit NetBeans Design GUI seems to have vanished since I upgraded from 32 to 64 bit.
Solved: uninstalled then re-installed NetBeans.