How to call the elements in jsf page when join is used - eclipse

I have three tables student , result , student_result
In Student entities are Id ,name
In result entities are studentId, marks
In student_result entities is StudentId
In jsf page i have to display name by using studentid in intermediary table.
and i dont know how to pass the value in jsf page . Please help me for that

You can access all the data of student using "Student Id". Just you need to define relationship between the tables and then recapture the database again. Then you can access all other field/properties of students.


Microsoft Master Data Services 2016 Additonal Domain Atrribute Referencing

Is it possible to reference additional columns apart from the 'Code' and 'Name' columns when using a domain attribute in an entity?
E.g. A person entity has a code of '1' and a name of 'Smith' and a Gender of 'Male'
In a customer entity there is a domain value referencing the person entity which displays the following 1 {Smith}. The users would like an additional read only attribute which would copy the Gender value of 'Male' into the customer entity based on the domain value. Can this be done using out of the box MDS UI?
I know this is duplicate data and breaks normal form but for usability this would be useful. It would be the equivalent of referencing additional columns in an MS Access drop down list.
Many thanks in advance for any help
This is not possible with the standard UI. One option would be to develop a custom UI where you can handle these kind of requests.
If you want to stick with the standard product I can see a workaround but this is a bit of a "dirty" one.
You can misuse (abuse) the Name attribute of the Person entity by adding a business rule to the Person entity that generates the content of the Name attribute as a concatenation of multiple attributes. You of course need an additional attribute that serves as a place holder for the original Name. The concatenated field will then show in your customer entity.
One question that does come to mind is why a user would like/need to see the gender of a person in a customer list? As you have a separate Person entity I expect you to have multiple persons per customers. What would the gender of one person - even if it is the main contact - matter?

Adding two non-relation Entities to DbContext that second entity use the first one's Id entity

in code first, When I want to save 2 related entities (for example Country entity and City entity), first, I create an instance of Country and second create an instance of City and put object of Country to navigation of City, at last this process Database, first, create the Country and then put its Id to CountryId field of City entity and save city to database. so now, I want to do the same but with non-related entities. this means I want to send 2 entity (without relationship) to DB, that fist, first one saved and second one get its Id, and use it, at last Save...

Selecting columns from different entities

I don't know whether I should be drawing parallels, but unfortunately, that's the only way I can express my issue.
In SQL, suppose we have two tables:
Employee with columns Employee ID, Employee Name, Dept. ID
Deptartment with columns Dept. ID, Dept Name
The Dept ID. in the Employee table is a foreign key with that in the Department table.
Now suppose I want to fetch the following columns:
Employee ID, Employee Name, Department Name
using a SQL such as:
How would one do this using Core Data in Swift? I guess I'm getting confused by only seeing references to
NSFetchRequest(entityName: entityName)
where the entityName refers to a single entity (table in relational DB lingo)
I'd really appreciate any pointers or examples that can help me clear my doubts.
It is certainly possible to create a fetch request that is equivalent to your SQL query. More complex queries can be difficult if not impossible to achieve with a single fetch request. But I recommend trying NOT to draw parallels between CoreData and SQL, at least until you have got to grips with how it works.
To take your example, in the CoreData view of the world, Employee would be an entity with a relationship to another entity, Department. A fetch request based on the Employee entity will return an array of Employee objects, and (assuming you create subclasses of NSManagedObject for each entity) you can access the attributes with simple dot notation:
let employeeName = myEmployeeObject.employeeName
But you can use the same notation to traverse relationships equally easily:
let departmentName = myEmployeeObject.department.departmentName
You don't need to worry about joins, etc; CoreData handles that for you.
Now, suppose you try to do it "the SQL way". You can construct a fetch request based on the Employee entity, but specify "properties to fetch" which likewise traverse the relationship:
let fetch = NSFetchRequest(entity:"Employee")
fetch.propertiesToFetch = ["employeeID", "employeeName", "department.departmentName"]
For this to work, you would need to specify the "resultType" for the fetch request to be DictionaryResultType:
fetch.resultType = .DictionaryResultType
The results from this query would be an array of dictionaries containing the relevant keys and values. But the link with the underlying objects is lost. If you subsequently want to access any details from the relevant Department (or even the Employee), you would have to run a new fetch to get the object itself.

Zend Framework Doctrine insert one-to-many

Amongst order tables i have a Customers table and Addresses table. A customer can have many addresses so I have setup a one-to-many relationship in a yaml file. The thing is the id for the Customers table is auto generated so I would not know the Customers_id until after the insert however, the Customers_id is a foreign key in the Addresses table.
The information for both tables is captured on the same form although each set of data is in a subform. How do I get Doctrine to insert the data into the Customers table then fetch the Customers_id just entered and use it as the foreign key for the Addresses table.
Hope I have been able to get the essence of the question across.
BTW I am using Zend Framework and Doctrine 1.2.3
Once you do $customer->save(), you may use $customer->id (if "id" is the Customers_id column name of your customer table) to get the Customers_id to put in Addresses table.
Once you do $customer->save(); the following statement $customer->identifier(); should give you the id.
Assuming you are using Doctrine 1.x you could do the following:
$cusomer->Address[] = $address; // Assign multiple addresses in this manner
This will first save the customer details to the db and then store the address data. Since doctrine understands the relationship between customer and address, the ORM will insert the customer id in the address table. Further this will be run within a transaction by Doctrine which ensures that if one of the operations fail the entire transaction will be rolled back.

Entity Framework and Linq to Entities and .Include() few tables, or maybe

i've got a database with a table named PropertyValues where i store every value i need to describe some properties of my database table rows.
For example, table Products which looks like this :
OrderID //Products table is related with Order table
ProductType_ID // ID of PropertyValues table which describes product type (food, parfume, chemicals)
ProductCountry_ID // ID of PropertyValues table which links to country where product came from
ProductStatusID //also ID of PropertyValues table which contains product status(availible, not availible)
with such database model, to get order and all it's products with their type, country and status i'll have to write something like this :
var orders = from o in dbEntities.Order.Include("Products.ProductType")
select o;
and the question is :)
can it be done automatically ( so all related entities will be included )
or maybe there is better approach ?
Thank You !
I think what you are looking for is either "Lazy Loading" or "Eager Loading" as Alex James pointed out.
This blog post explains that "Lazy Loading" is to be implemented in version 4.0 of the Entity Framework.
It can be done automatically, Google "Entity Framework lazy loading" to go about setting it up.