How to shift binary number to the left - perl

simple thing, how to print a binary number and shift it to the left?
$num = 0b00000010001;
print sprintf ("%b",$num), "\n";
problem of this code: it doesn't print the 0's before 1! the resoult of print is just "10001", and it doesn't shift the number.
the final output should be:

Just tell the formatter that you need to print exactly N (11) digits in any case, and that 0 should be used as a padding symbol:
my $num = 0b00000010001;
for (0..6) {
printf("%011b\n", $num);
$num <<= 1;
Two sidenotes here
First, it's obviously redundant to do print sprintf: printf will replace it quite well.
Second, in the original code you forgot to assign the result of shifting back to $num. Had you started your script with the use warnings pragma (like in my demo), you'd have been notified about it with Useless use of left bitshift (<<) in void context...


Convert Hex to Binary and keep leading 0's Perl

I have an array of hex numbers that I'd like to convert to binary numbers, the problem is, in my code it removes the leading 0's for things like 0,1,2,3. I need these leading 0's to process in a future section of my code. Is there an easy way to convert Hex to Binary and keep my leading 0's in perl?
use strict;
use warnings;
my #binary;
my #hex = ('ABCD', '0132', '2211');
foreach my $h(#hex){
my $bin = sprintf( "%b", hex($h));
push #binary, $bin;
foreach (#binary){
print "$_\n";
running the code gives me
Edit: Found a similar answer using pack and unpack, replaced
sprint( "%b", hex($h));
unpack( 'B*', pack('H*' ($h))
You can specify the width of the output in sprintf or printf by putting the number between the % and the format character like this.
printf "%16b\n",hex("0132");
and by preceding the number with 0, make it pad the result with 0s like this
printf "%016b\n",hex("0132");
the latter giving the result of
But this is all covered in the documentation for those functions.
This solution uses the length of the hex repesentation to determine the length of the binary representation:
for my $num_hex (#nums_hex) {
my $num = hex($num_hex);
my $num_bin = sprintf('%0*b', length($num_hex)*4, $num);

perl - short factorial calculator returning long strings of 1's

I'm trying to make a program that calculates the factorial of a number. I'm not very familiar with perl, so I think I'm missing some grammar rule.
When I enter 5 the program should return 120. Instead it returns a few dozen 1's. When I try other numbers I still get 1's, but more or less of them depending on if I enter a higher or lower number.
Here's my code:
print"enter a positive # more than 0: \n";
$num = <STDIN>;
$fact = 1;
$fact = $fact x $num;
$num = $num - 1;
print $fact;
This is my first post to stack Overflow, so I hope I obeyed all theposting rules.
The problem is this line:
$fact = $fact x $num;
x is not the multiplication operator in Perl. It is used to repeat things. 1 x 5 will produce "11111".
Instead you want *.
$fact = $fact * $num;
Which can be written using *=.
$fact *= $num;
A few other issues...
Get used to strict and warnings now. By default, Perl will let you use variables without declaring them. They are global, which is bad for reasons you'll learn later. Right now it means if you have a typo in a variable name like $face Perl won't tell you about it.
Looping over a list of numbers is better done with a for loop over a range using ...
# Loop from 1 to $num setting $factor each time.
for my $factor (1..$num) {
$fact *= $factor;
Instead of using a system call to pause the program, use sleep.

Replace binary form 0->1 and 1->0 value - perl

In my script i am dealing with binary value and i need to replace 0->1 and 1->0 at one place.
example :
input digit = 10101001
output digit = 01010110
I tried $string =~ s/1/0/; and reverse function but that is getting fail to give me correct out put.
can some one help me out.
Use tr:
my $str = '10101001';
$s =~ tr/01/10/;
print "$s\n";
If your input string has only those two possibilities 0 and 1, then you can use substitution in a multi-stage approach:
$str =~ s/1/x/g; # all 1's to x
$str =~ s/0/1/g; # all 0's to 1
$str =~ s/x/0/g; # all x's to 0
This is not a bad option for languages that only provide substitutions, but Perl also has an atomic translation feature:
$str =~ tr/01/10/;
which will work just as well (better, really, since it's less code and probably less passes over the data).
You could also go mathy on this and use the bitwise XOR operator ^...
my $input = '10101001';
my $binval = oct( '0b'.$input );
my $result = $binval ^ 0b11111111;
printf "%08b\n", $result;
...which will also give you 01010110.
This of course has the downside of being dependent on the length of the bit input string. The given solution only works for 8-bit values. It wouldn't be hard to generalize for any number of bits, though.
To incorporate Lưu Vĩnh Phúc's comment - you can also use the bitwise NOT operator ~. Again, the implementation is dependent on the number of bits as you need to truncate the result:
my $input = '10101001';
my $binval = oct( '0b'.$input );
print substr( sprintf ( '%b', ~$binval ), -8 )."\n";

perl-how to treat a string as a binary number?

Read a file that contains an address and a data, like below:
#0, 12345678
#1, 5a5a5a5a
My aim is to read the address and the data. Consider the data I read is in hex format, and then I need to unpack them to binary number.
So 12345678 would become 00010010001101000101011001111000
Then, I need to further unpack the transferred binary number to another level.
So it becomes, 00000000000000010000000000010000000000000001000100000001000000000000000100000001000000010001000000000001000100010001000000000000
They way I did is like below
while(<STDIN>) {
if (/\#(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$addr = $1;
$data = $2;
$mem{$addr} = ${data};
foreach $key (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %mem)) {
my $str = unpack ('B*', pack ('H*',$mem{$key}));
my $str2 = unpack ('B*', pack ('H*', $str));
printf ("#%x ", $key);
printf ("%s",$str2);
printf ("\n");
It works, however, my next step is to do some numeric operation on the transferred bits.
Such as bitwise or and shifting. I tried << and | operator, both are for numbers, not strings. So I don't know how to solve this.
Please leave your comments if you have better ideas. Thanks.
You can employ Bit::Vector module from metaCPAN
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bit::Vector;
my $str = "1111000011011001010101000111001100010000001111001010101000111010001011";
printf "orig str: %72s\n", $str;
#only 72 bits for better view
my $vec = Bit::Vector->new_Bin(72,$str);
printf "vec : %72s\n", $vec->to_Bin();
printf "left 2 : %72s\n", $vec->to_Bin();
printf "right 4 : %72s\n", $vec->to_Bin();
orig str: 1111000011011001010101000111001100010000001111001010101000111010001011
vec : 001111000011011001010101000111001100010000001111001010101000111010001011
left 2 : 111100001101100101010100011100110001000000111100101010100011101000101100
right 4 : 000011110000110110010101010001110011000100000011110010101010001110100010
If you need do some math with arbitrary precision, you can also use Math::BigInt or use bigint (
Hex and binary are text representation of numbers. Shifting and bit manipulations are numerical operations. You want a number, not text.
my $hex = '5a5a5a5a';
$num = hex($hex); # Convert to number.
$num >>= 1; # Manipulate the number.
$hex = sprintf('%08X', $num); # Convert back to hex.
In a comment, you mention you want to deal with 256 bit numbers. The native numbers don't support that, but you can use Math::BigInt.
My final solution of this is forget about treat them as numbers, just treat them as string . I use substring and string concentration instead of shift. Then for the or operation , I just add each bit of the string, if it's 0 the result is 0, else is 1.
It may not be the best way to solve this problem. But that's the way I finally used.

How to convert hex to string of hex

I have a problem understanding and using the 'vec' keyword.
I am reading a logpacket in which values are stored in little endian hexadecimal. In my code, I have to unpack the different bytes into scalars using the unpack keyword.
Here's an example of my problem:
my #hexData1 = qw(50 65);
my $data = pack ('C*', #hexData1);
my $x = unpack("H4",$data); # At which point the hexadecimal number became a number
print $x."\n";
#my $foo = sprintf("%x", $foo);
print "$_-> " . vec("\x65\x50", $_, 1) . ", " for (0..15); # This works.
print "\n";
But I want to use the above statement in the way below. I don't want to send a string of hexadecimal in quotes. I want to use the scalar array of hex $x. But it won't work. How do I convert my $x to a hexadecimal string. This is my requirement.
print "$_-> " . vec($x, $_, 1).", " for (0..15); # This doesn't work.
print "\n";
My final objective is to read the third bit from the right of the two byte hexadecimal number.
How do I use the 'vec' command for that?
You are making the mistake of unpacking $data into $x before using it in a call to vec. vec expects a string, so if you supply a number it will be converted to a string before being used. Here's your code
my #hexData1 = qw(50 65);
my $data= pack ('C*', #hexData1);
The C pack format uses each value in the source list as a character code. It is the same as calling chr on each value and concatenating them. Unfortunately your values look like decimal, so you are getting chr(50).chr(65) or "2A". Since your values are little-endian, what you want is chr(0x65).chr(0x50) or "\x65\x50", so you must write
my $data= pack ('(H2)*', reverse #hexData1);
which reverses the list of data (to account for it being little-endian) and packs it as if it was a list of two-digit hex strings (which, fortunately, it is).
Now you have done enough. As I say, vec expects a string so you can write
print join ' ', map vec($data, $_, 1), 0 .. 15;
print "\n";
and it will show you the bits you expect. To extract the the 3rd bit from the right (assuming you mean bit 13, where the last bit is bit 15) you want
print vec $data, 13, 1;
First, get the number the bytes represent.
If you start with "\x50\x65",
my $num = unpack('v', "\x50\x65");
If you start with "5065",
my $num = unpack('v', pack('H*', "5065"));
If you start with "50","65",
my $num = unpack('v', pack('H*', join('', "50","65"));
Then, extract the bit you want.
If you want bit 10,
my $bit = ($num >> 10) & 1;
If you want bit 2,
my $bit = ($num >> 2) & 1;
(I'm listing a few possibilities because it's not clear to me what you want.)