DBI->connect using 'old-style' syntax is deprecated and will be an error in future versions - perl

I've found this error message. What makes it especially interesting, is that in ActivePerl-5.18 I don't get this. I've got this only with the perl-5.14 version in cygwin.
I get this message for the following command:
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dbname","$login","$password");
What is the exact cause, and the current syntax? Why hasn't ActivePerl-5.18 with this command?

You shouldn't be getting that error from the code that you've posted. That error is triggered when DBI::connect() is given four arguments and the fourth one isn't a reference. The "old-style" connect that the error refers to allowed you to pass the name of the database driver as the fourth argument. This is described in the last paragraph of the documentation for connect().
You wouldn't be getting that error from your code as it only passes three arguments to connect(). Well, unless the parser is getting really confused :-/
Perhaps we need to see more of your code.


Is there a way to show the faulty code line instead of the memory address when a runtime error occurs in VSCode?

See the Question in the title:
Runtime error 201 at $0000000100001D42 $0000000100001D42
Is there a way to show the faulty code line instead of the memory address?
Thanks for the Help
Normally, when a run-time error occurs, you are presented with a list of addresses that represent the call stack backtrace, i.e. the addresses of all procedures that were invoked when the run-time error occurred.
This list is not very informative, so there exists a unit that generates the file names and line numbers of the called procedures using the addresses of the stack backtrace. This unit is called lineinfo.
You can use this unit by giving the -gl option to the compiler. The unit will be automatically included. It is also possible to use the unit explicitly in your uses clause, but you must make sure that you compile your program with debug info.
When compiled with -gl, the following output is generated:
Runtime error 255 at 0x0040BDE5
0x0040BDE5 GENERATEERROR255, line 6 of testline.pp
0x0040BDF0 GENERATEANERROR, line 13 of testline.pp
0x0040BE0C main, line 17 of testline.pp
This is more understandable than the normal message. Make sure that all units you use are compiled with debug info, because if they are not, no line number and filename can be found.

Silence "unknown OID 17227: failed to recognize type of 'geography'. It will be treated as String."

I'm using columns of type "geography" for some few "point within polygon" queries. They are too few and too simple to bundle a GIS gem, I handle it all on the SQL level.
However, every time Rails boots (rake tasks, console etc), the following warning is spit:
unknown OID 17227: failed to recognize type of 'geography'. It will be treated as String.
I'm fine with "geography" being treated as "String", but the warning triggers warning mails every time a cronjob executes any rake task.
Any idea how I can silence this warning?
Thanks for your hints!
Looking at the source of ActiveRecord, I can answer the question myself:
The warning is hardcoded and therefore can't be silenced by AR configuration. However, RUBYOPT=-W0 gets rid of warnings altogether. This is a big chopper of course, but since I'm still getting those warnings in local development, I can live with a totally warning-less production system.
Since this is the first question/answer that appears given that the title is the error, I would recommend following this answer to fix it: What is the source of "unknown OID" errors in Rails?

Skipping error in eval{} statement

I am trying to extract data from website using Perl API. I am using a list of URIs to get the data from the website.
Initially the problem was that if there was no data available for the URI it would die and I wanted it to skip that particular URI and go to the next available URI. I used next unless ....; to come over this problem.
Now the problem is I am trying to extract specific data from the web by calling a specific method (called as identifiers()) from the API. Now the data is available for the URI but the specific data (the identifiers), what I am looking for, is not available and it dies.
I tried to use eval{} like this
eval {
for $bar ($foo->identifiers()){
#do something
When I use eval{} I think it skips the error and moves ahead but I am not sure. Because the error it gives is Invalid content type in response:text/plain.
Whereas I checked the URI manually, though it doesn't have the identifiers it has rest of the data. I want this to skip and move to next URI. How can I do that?
OK, I think I understand your question, but a little more code would have helped, as would specifying which Perl API -- not that it seems to matter to the answer, but it is a big part of your question. Having said that, the problem seems very simple.
When Perl hits an error, like most languages, it runs out through the calling contexts in order until it finds a place where it can handle the error. Perl's most basic error handling is eval{} (but I'd use Try::Tiny if you can, as it is then clearer that you're doing error handling instead of some of the other strange things eval can do).
Anyway, when Perl hits eval{}, the whole of eval{} exits, and $& is set to the error. So, having the eval{} outside the loop means errors will leave the loop. If you put the eval{} inside the loop, when an error occurs, eval{} will exit, but you will carry on to the next iteration. It's that simple.
I also detect signs that maybe you're not using use strict; and use warnings;. Please do, as they help you find many bugs quicker.

error handling vs exception handling in objective c

I am not able to understand the places where an error handling or where an exception handling should be used. I assume this, if it is an existing framework class there are delegate methods which will facilitate the programmer to send an error object reference and handle the error after that. Exception handling is for cases where an operation of a programmer using some framework classes throws an error and i cannot get an fix on the error object's reference.
Is this assumption valid ? or how should i understand them ?
You should use exceptions for errors that would never appear if the programmer would have checked the parameters to the method that throws the exception. E.g. divide by 0 or the well known "out of bounds"-exception you get from NSArrays.
NSErrors are for errors that the programmer could do nothing about. E.g. parsing a plist file. It would be a waste of resources if the program would check if the file is a valid plist before it tries to read its content. For the validity check the program must parse the whole file. And parsing a file to report that it is valid so you can parse it again would be a total waste. So the method returns a NSError (or just nil, which tells you that something went wrong) if the file can't be parsed.
The parsing for validity is the "programmer should have checked the parameters" part. It's not applicable for this type of errors, so you don't throw a exception.
In theory you could replace the out of bounds exception with a return nil. But this would lead to very bad programming.
Apple says:
Important: In many environments, use of exceptions is fairly commonplace. For example, you might throw an exception to signal that a routine could not execute normally—such as when a file is missing or data could not be parsed correctly. Exceptions are resource-intensive in Objective-C. You should not use exceptions for general flow-control, or simply to signify errors. Instead you should use the return value of a method or function to indicate that an error has occurred, and provide information about the problem in an error object.
I think you are absolutely right with your assumption for Errors and for it framework provide a set of methods (UIWebView error handling ), But your assumption for Exception partially right because the exception only occurred if we do something wrong which is not allowed by the framework and can be fixed. (for example accessing a member from an array beyond its limit).
and will result in application crash.

How can I get Perl's Jabber::SimpleSend to work with Gmail chat?

I'm trying to write a simple Perl script to send an Instant Message. Jabber seemed like it might be the most conducive protocol. But the following script fails:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Jabber::SimpleSend qw(send_jabber_message);
'subject test',
"body test");
It says:
Can't call method "can_read" on an undefined value at
/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/XML/Stream.pm line 1421.
As cartman's answer points out, the code should actually be
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Jabber::SimpleSend qw(send_jabber_message);
'subject test',
"body test");
But that fails with the following error:
No SASL mechanism found
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/Authen/SASL.pm line 74
I do have the Authen::SASL cpan module installed.
Jabber::SimpleSend is the easier way to interact with a standard Jabber server but don't let the module name mislead you: gtalk is indeed a bit different, requiring TLS encryption (that Jabber::SimpleSend won't do) and a hostname change. You will get better results using Net::XMPP and dealing directly with its API.
See http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/Nagios_jabber_notification for a well-commented, fully working implementation in 75 lines of perl using Net::XMPP. It's inteded to send nagios notifications but it does exactly what you need.
I'm not familiar with the code, but that line in XML::Stream is where the module begins a select() loop. Line 523-524 is where is passes IO::Select a socket to the destination server, and IO::Select itself passes a blessed reference, which should never be undef the way XML::Stream uses it.
Something is probably modifying the "SELECT" element of the XML::Stream object in the Jabber modules, possibly in a misguided attempt to correct a server connection error. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific.
In response to the update:
These are odd errors, and I've been meaning to look inside the Jabber modules anyway, so I took at look at the source. The following is based on looking at the latest versions of the modules used available from CPAN. This is probably not very useful unless you want to start subclassing these modules and adding code to see where something unexpected happens. (You can skip the next paragraph if you're not interested in the Jabber modules' internals.)
From the updated information, I've traced it to the point where Authen::SASL::Perl croaks on line 41. It needs a result from $parent->mechanism, and there are two possible causes, assuming Authen::SASL isn't broken. Either it's being called incorrectly with no arguments from Net::XMPP::Protocol (line 2968), which seems unlikely, or the "mechanisms" it set in the constructor for Authen::SASL don't exist. Net::XMPP::Protocol defines the "mechanisms" (GetStreamFeature called, line 2958; that method defined around line 3340) with return $self->{STREAM}->GetStreamFeature($self->GetStreamID(),$feature);, where $feature is just a string passed from the callee and the id part of the XML::Stream object's session.
Based on the original XML error and the possibility of the session id going bad, it appears that the server either sends bad data at some point unexpected to XML::Stream and unaccounted for by the modules using it. I'm not convinced that foo%40gmail.com#talk.google.com is the right user name format, but I don't know how that could be causing these errors without the Jabber server doing something wrong.
I would start fresh with different user names on a different server and see if Jabber::SimpleSend works at all, then try to capture the server's output somehow to see what XML::Stream is choking on.
Update: For what it's worth, I installed the module and I'm getting the exact same errors. Authen::SASL::Perl::PLAIN and all other prerequisites do exist. And when I set the user name to gmailaccountname#talk.google.com and enabled global warnings (eg, #!/usr/bin/perl -w or perl -w filename.pl), XML::Stream reveals a bunch of undefined value problems, and SimpleSend actually spits out the warning "Could not connect to Jabber server"! (No, I don't know what that really means :().
Update: I was trying to install Net::Jabber::Bot (I gave up after some ssl module errors) to see if it would solve anything, and I noticed its constructor has this option and note:
gtalk => 0 # Default to off, 1 for on. needed now due to gtalk differences from std jabber server.
which reinforces the idea that the server's doing something unusual, which XML::Stream doesn't bother to throw an exception for.
Your username should be me#gmail.com but the server name is talk.google.com. So the first parameter should be me#gmail.com#talk.google.com, but I am not sure if Perl can grok that double # signs. You may try to escape first # with %40 so that the first parameter is me%40gmail.com#talk.google.com .
Update I:
About the second error, looks like you are missing SASL authentication modules. GMail uses SASL Plain authentication. So do you have /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/Authen/SASL/Perl/PLAIN.pm file ?
Looks like you require Authen::SASL::Cyrus (the C implementation) or Authen::SASL::Perl (the Perl implementation) to be installed as well as Authen::SASL (which simply tries to find the best option installed on your machine, and, for you, finds neither).
Check to see if you have one of them installed.
That's my reading of the source and the manual - I've not tested this, ymmv.