How BTrace's -classpath param support many jar files? - btrace

Sometimes we need to depend third part jar file when using BTrace.
Maybe i need import a.jar and b.jar to support BTrace script.How could i spell the -classpath param?

I have fixed this problem.
The -classpath param can be multi path of jar file.
In windows like -classpath ./a.jar;./b.jar
And in linux like -classpath ./a.jar:./b.jar


how to run scala .jar with external jar files in terminal

I have my .jar built from scala classes and it has an external dependency with other.jar. Please suggest how should I run my jar files in terminal. The command I tried is
$scala my_scala.jar external.jar
It works same way as running java program. Try this
scala -classpath <your_scala_jar>:<external_jar> <package.MainClass>

Add multiple classpath entries to scala REPL classpath

:cp seems to only accept a single entry
scala> :cp /usr/lib/hadoop/*:/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/*:/usr/lib/hbase/*:/usr/lib/hbase/lib/*:
The path '/usr/lib/hadoop/*:/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/*:/usr/lib/hbase/*:/usr/lib/hbase/lib/*:/home/sboesch/spark-master/lib_managed/jars/*:/home/sboesch/spark-master/lib_managed/bundles/*:'
doesn't seem to exist.
Any thoughts on how to do this when already in the REPL. Yes I know how to set it up from outside the REPL :
/home/sboesch/spark-master/lib_managed/bundles/*: scala
EDIT It seems the intent were not clear. I am working on code in the REPL. Then have a new snippet of code that requires a few classpath entries. It is a ONE OFF affair: so I do not want to add to build.sbt or to the scala/lib dir , etc. I did not receive any answer really satisifying this use case, but awarded the best efforts anyways.
scala -cp "path1:path2" now seems to work.
scala -version Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms512m -Xmx4096m
-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=1024m; support
was removed in 8.0 Scala code runner version 2.11.8 -- Copyright
2002-2016, LAMP/EPFL
The help text for :cp says:
:cp <path> add a jar or directory to the classpath
So I'm guessing there's no exact way for you to get that. I'd use this:
:load <path> interpret lines in a file
I confirmed that it works for REPL commands as well as Scala code.
If you use SBT then all your projects dependencies are in the class-path for the REPL launched by SBT's console task.
A quick and dirty approach, add a link from $SCALA_HOME/lib/ to a folder with additional jar files. Then from REPL you can import packages of interest.

Run junit4 test from cmd

I tried to run junit4 test case from command line using:
java -cp junit-4.8.1.jar;test\Dijkstra;test\Dijkstra\bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Data0PathTest00
but I got the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: graph/shortestgraphpath;
while the test case is working without any problems in eclipse.
Hint: in eclipse, shortestgraphpath was added in Referenced Libraries.
You need to the jar file containing shortestgraphpath to java class path.
java -cp junit-4.8.1.jar;test\Dijkstra; test\Dijkstra\bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Data0PathTest00
The class path is the value that you pass to java with -cp so in your question you just supply junitand your compiled classes.
Try updating it with the jar file with the missing class.
java -cp junit-4.8.1.jar;<path to jar file>;test\Dijkstra;test\Dijkstra\bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Data0PathTest00
You might have to add additional jar files as well. I recommend that you take a look at some build tool to help you build and run your java applications for example Maven, Gradle, Buildr.

How o run a NetBeans-built Scala application jar from command line outside IDE?

A program of mine (written in Scala 2.8) works fine when launched by means of NetBeans IDE. But when I try to run it from outside, with "java- jar", it says "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/ScalaObject...". Putting all the libraries, incl. Scala runtime inside the same dir as the jar to be run doesn't help. If i try to run the jar with scala itself, it complains that it can't decode it as utf-8 (it expects a scala source rather than a jar, I suppose). So how do I run a Scala application at all?
UPDATE: For those who come here later having the same question I'd recommend to read comments under barjak's answer (including those latest ones hidden), the answer is there. VonC also gives some interesting links on the subject.
The -jar and -classpath of the java command are mutually exclusive : you can't do java -jar YourScalaProg.jar -classpath scala-library.jar
If you want to run your application with java -jar, then the full classpath must be specified in the Class-Path section of the jar's manifest.
You can run your application using only -classpath, like that : java -classpath YourScalaProg.jar:scala-library.jar your.package.MainClass.
Are you using scala-library.jar as described in Adventures with Scala blog post?
java -classpath scala-library.jar:. YourClass
java -classpath scala-library.jar:yourApp.jar YourClass
Where YourClass is was your scalac compiled Scala code.
You will find the same scala-library.jar used in the SO question "Creating a jar file from a Scala file" (or in the blog post "the not so elegant way of creating an executable jar from scala code").

Include jar file in Scala interpreter

Is it possible to include a jar file run running the Scala interpreter?
My code is working when I compile from scalac:
scalac script.scala -classpath *.jar
But I would like to be able to include a jar file when running the interpreter.
In scala2.8,you can use
scala>:jar JarName.jar
to add a jar to the classpath.
In Scala 2.8.1, it is not :jar but :cp
And in Scala 2.11.7 it is not :cp but :re(quire)
According to scala executable help all options of scalac are allowed ,
so you can run scala -classpath some.jar, i've just tried and it looks like it works
Include multiple jars int Scala REPL 2.10.0-RC2
scala -classpath my_1st.jar:my_2nd.jar:my_3rd.jar
in my case i am using Scala code runner version 2.9.2. and i had to add quotation marks.
I am using this jar files:
jdom-b10.jar, rome-0.9.jar
and everything goes fine with this:
scala -classpath "*.jar" feedparser.scala
In Scala version 2.11.6 from scala REPL use :require, can best be figured out by using :help from REPL
For example:
$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.6 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_45).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> :require lift-json_2.11-3.0-M5-1.jar
Added '<path to lift json library>/lift-json/lift-json_2.11-3.0-M5-1.jar' to classpath.
Scala version 2.11.5:
Here is an example of adding all jars in your ivy cache:
scala -cp /Users/dbysani/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.spark/spark-streaming_2.10/jars/*
scala> import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext
import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext
You can also create a local folder of all the jars that you need to get added and add it in a similar way.
Hope this helps.
"lib/*.jar" generates a list with blank between items not ":" or ";" as required.
Since Java 6 "lib/*" should work, but sometimes doesn't (classpath is set somewhere else)
I use a script like:
#rem all *.jars in lib subdirectory
#echo off
set clp=.
for %%c in (lib\*.jar) do call :Setclasspath %%c
echo The classpath is %clp%
scala -classpath %clp% script.scala
set clp=%clp%;%~1
exit /B 0
#all *.jars in lib subdirectory
for file in lib/*
echo $clp
scala -classpath $clp script.scala