Multidimension array in perl - perl

I am working on a short script in which two to three variables are linked with each other.
my #batch;
my #case;
my #type = {
back => "sticker",
front => "no sticker",
for (my $i=0; $i<$#batch; $i++{
for (my $j=0; $j<$#batch; $j++{
if ($batch[$i]=="health" && $case[$i]$j]=="pain"){
$type[$i][$j]->back = "checked";
In this short code I want to use #type as $type[$i][$j]->back & $type[$i][$j]->front, but I am getting error that array referenced not defined . Can anyone help me how to fix this ?

Perl two-dimensional arrays are just arrays of arrays: each element of the top level array contains a (reference to) another array. The best reference for this is perldoc perlreftut
From what I can understand, you want an array of arrays of hashes. $type[$i][$j]->back and $type[$i][$j]->front are method calls in Perl, and what you want is $type[$i][$j]{back} and $type[$i][$j]{front}.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #batch;
my #case;
# Populate #batch and #case
my #type;
for my $i (0 .. $#batch) {
for my $j (0 .. $#{ $batch[$i] } ) {
if ($batch[$i] eq 'health' and $case[$i][$j] eq 'pain') {
$type[$i][$j]{back} = 'checked';
But I am very worried about your design. #type will be full of undefined elements, with only occasional ones set to checked. A proper fix depends entirely on what you need to do with #type once you have built it.
I hope this helps

Perl doesn't have multiple dimension variables. To emulate multidimential arrays, you can use what are called references. A reference is a way of referring to a memory location of another Perl structure such as an array or hash.
References allows you to build up more complex structures. For example, you could have an array and instead of each element in the array having a distinct value, it could point to another array. Using this, I can treat my array of arrays as a two dimensional array. But it's not a two dimensional array.
In a two dimensional array, each column ($j) has the same length. That's guaranteed. In Perl, what you have is each row ($i), pointing to a different array of columns ($j), and each of those column arrays could have a different number of elements (or even none at all! That inner array $j may not even be defined!).
There for, I have to check each column and see exactly how many values it might have:
for my $i ( 0..$#array ) {
if ( ref $array[i] ne "ARRAY" ) {
die qq(There is no sub array! for \$array[$i]!\n);
my #temp_j_array = #{ $array[$i] } { # This is how you dereference a reference
for my $j ( 0..$#temp_j_array ) {
# Here be dragons...
Note that I have to see exactly how many columns are in my inner ($j) array before I can go through it.
By the way, notice how I use .. to index my arrays. It's a lot cleaner than using that three part for loop which is very error prone. For example, should you check $i < $#array or $i <= $#array`? See the difference?
Since you're already dealing with a very complex structure (an array of arrays), I'm going to make it even more complex: (An array of arrays of hashes). This added complexity allows me to get rid of three separate variables. Instead of trying to keep #batch #case and #type in sync with each other, I can make these keys to my inner most hash:
my #structure = ... # Some sort of structure...
for my $i ( 0..$#structure ) {
my #temp = #{ $structure[$i] }; # This is a reference to an array. Dereference it.
for my $j ( 0..$#temp ) {
if ( $structure[$i]->[$j]->{batch} eq "health"
and $structure[$i]->[$j]->{case} eq "pain" ) {
$structure[$i]->[$j]->{back} = "checked";
This is a very common way to use Perl references to build more complex data structures:
my %employees; # Keyed by employee number:
$employees{1001}->{NAME} = "Bob";
$employees{1001}->{JOB} = "Yes man";
$employees{1002}->{NAME} = "Susan";
$employees{1002}->{JOB} = "sycophant";
You had some syntax errors, and were using the wrong boolean operator (==) instead of (ne).


Perl: If two elements match print elements, else iterate until match and then print

I'm new to Perl and I'm trying to iterate over two elements of an array with multiple indices in each element and look for a match. If element2 matches element1, I want to print both and move to the next position in element1 and continue the loop looking for the next match. If I don't have a match, loop until I get a match. Here is what I have:
#array = split(',',$row);
foreach $element1(#array[1])
foreach $element2(#array[2])
if($element1 == $element2)
print "1 = $element1 : 2 = $element2 \n";
I'm not getting the the matched output. I've tried multiple iterations with different syntactical changes.
I can get both elements when I do this:
foreach $element1(#array[1])
foreach $element2(#array[2])
print "1 = $element1 : 2 = $element2 \n";
I thought I might not be dereferencing correctly. Any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
There are a number of issues with your script. Briefly:
You should always use strict and warnings.
Array indices start at 0, not 1.
You get an element of an array with $array[0], not #array[0]. This is a common frustration for new Perl programmers. The thing to remember is that the sigil (the symbol preceding a variable name) indicates the type of value being passed (e.g. $scalar, #array, or %hash) to the left-hand side of the expression, not the type of datastructure being accessed on the right-hand side.
As #sp-asic pointed out in the comments on the OP, string comparisons are performed with eq, not ==.
References to datastructures are stored in scalars, and you dereference by prepending the sigil of the original datastructure. If $foo is a reference to an array, #$foo gets you the original array.
You apparently want to break out of your inner loops when you find a match, but you'll want to make it clear (for people who look at this code in the future, which may include yourself) which loop you're breaking out of.
Most critically, #array will be an array of strings after you split another string (the row) on commas, so it's not clear why you expect to be able to treat the strings in the first and second position as arrays that you can loop through. I have a few guesses about what you're actually trying to do, and what your inputs and expected outputs actually look like, but I'll wait for you to provide some additional information and leave the information above as general guidance in the meantime, along with a lightly-reworked version of your code below.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #array = split(',', $row);
foreach my $element1 (#$array[0]) {
foreach my $element2 (#$array[1]) {
if ($element1 eq $element2) {
print "1 = $element1 : 2 = $element2\n";

Hash (Multihash?) Indexing (Perl)

I have a function that counts frequencies of Trigrams in text. No knowledge of Computational Linguistics required, I just need help with Perl code.
This is the Function:
sub extract_frequencies {
for( my $i=0; $i<=$#tag; $i++ ) {
# count Tag-Trigramm-Frequencies
my #start = ("<s>","<s>");
unshift #tag, #start; # korrigiert
push #tag, "<s>";
for( my $i=2; $i<=$#tag; $i++ ) {
The particular code points that I do not understand are the following:
1) $ngramfreq[3]
What does the Index on the hash means here? Do I count for each Tag separately? Is it the length of the key? What is my end key (3 different tag keys?)?
2) $i<=$#tag
What does $# in Perl mean?
Haven't used Perl in a while, so I hope some Perl Monks will help me.
[0] is an array index, nothing to do with a hash. This implies that ngramfreq is actually an array of hashes:
my #ngramfreq = (
{ tag => 1, fish => 3 },
{ anothertag => 4 }
And thus $ngramfreq[0] gets you the first anon hash, and then you can access the tag.
$#tag is the last index in the array #tag. So with 3 elements, it would be 2, because the array indicies are 0,1,2
Data::Dumper is a good way of visualising a structure, to give you an idea of how it's layed out.
perldoc perldsc is worth a read, as it expands on data structures.

Why I can use #list to call an array, but can't use %dict to call a hash in perl? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why do you need $ when accessing array and hash elements in Perl?
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Today I start my perl journey, and now I'm exploring the data type.
My code looks like:
print "$list[0]\n"; # using [ ] to wrap index
print "$dict{1}\n"; # using { } to wrap key
print "#list[2]\n";
print "%dict{2}\n";
it seems $ + var_name works for both array and hash, but # + var_name can be used to call an array, meanwhile % + var_name can't be used to call a hash.
#list[2] works because it is a slice of a list.
In Perl 5, a sigil indicates--in a non-technical sense--the context of your expression. Except from some of the non-standard behavior that slices have in a scalar context, the basic thought is that the sigil represents what you want to get out of the expression.
If you want a scalar out of a hash, it's $hash{key}.
If you want a scalar out of an array, it's $array[0]. However, Perl allows you to get slices of the aggregates. And that allows you to retrieve more than one value in a compact expression. Slices take a list of indexes. So,
#list = #hash{ qw<key1 key2> };
gives you a list of items from the hash. And,
#list2 = #list[0..3];
gives you the first four items from the array. --> For your case, #list[2] still has a "list" of indexes, it's just that list is the special case of a "list of one".
As scalar and list contexts were rather well defined, and there was no "hash context", it stayed pretty stable at $ for scalar and # for "lists" and until recently, Perl did not support addressing any variable with %. So neither %hash{#keys} nor %hash{key} had meaning. Now, however, you can dump out pairs of indexes with values by putting the % sigil on the front.
my %hash = qw<a 1 b 2>;
my #list = %hash{ qw<a b> }; # yields ( 'a', 1, 'b', 2 )
my #l2 = %list[0..2]; # yields ( 0, 'a', 1, '1', 2, 'b' )
So, I guess, if you have an older version of Perl, you can't, but if you have 5.20, you can.
But for a completist's sake, slices have a non-intuitive way that they work in a scalar context. Because the standard behavior of putting a list into a scalar context is to count the list, if a slice worked with that behavior:
( $item = #hash{ #keys } ) == scalar #keys;
Which would make the expression:
$item = #hash{ #keys };
no more valuable than:
scalar #keys;
So, Perl seems to treat it like the expression:
$s = ( $hash{$keys[0]}, $hash{$keys[1]}, ... , $hash{$keys[$#keys]} );
And when a comma-delimited list is evaluated in a scalar context, it assigns the last expression. So it really ends up that
$item = #hash{ #keys };
is no more valuable than:
$item = $hash{ $keys[-1] };
But it makes writing something like this:
$item = $hash{ source1(), source2(), #array3, $banana, ( map { "$_" } source4()};
slightly easier than writing:
$item = $hash{ [source1(), source2(), #array3, $banana, ( map { "$_" } source4()]->[-1] }
But only slightly.
Arrays are interpolated within double quotes, so you see the actual contents of the array printed.
On the other hand, %dict{1} works, but is not interpolated within double quotes. So, something like my %partial_dict = %dict{1,3} is valid and does what you expect i.e. %partial_dict will now have the value (1,2,3,4). But "%dict{1,3}" (in quotes) will still be printed as %dict{1,3}.
Perl Cookbook has some tips on printing hashes.

Perl: Beginner. Which data structure should I use?

Okay, not sure where to ask this, but I'm a beginner programmer, using Perl. I need to create an array of an array, but I'm not sure if it would be better use array/hash references, or array of hashes or hash of arrays etc.
I need an array of matches: #totalmatches
Each match contains 6 elements(strings):
#matches = ($chapternumber, $sentencenumber, $sentence, $grammar_relation, $argument1, $argument2)
I need to push each of these elements into the #matches array/hash/reference, and then push that array/hash/reference into the #totalmatches array.
The matches are found based on searching a file and selecting the strings based on meeting the criteria.
Which data structure would you use?
Can you push an array into another array, as you would push an element into an array? Is this an efficient method?
Can you push all 6 elements simultaneously, or have to do 6 separate pushes?
When working with 2-D, to loop through would you use:
foreach (#totalmatches) {
foreach (#matches) {
Thanks for any advice.
Which data structure would you use?
An array for a ordered set of things. A hash for a set of named things.
Can you push an array into another array, as you would push an element into an array? Is this an efficient method?
If you try to push an array (1) into an array (2), you'll end up pushing all the elements of 1 into 2. That is why you would push an array ref in instead.
Can you push all 6 elements simultaneously, or have to do 6 separate pushes?
Look at perldoc -f push
You can push a list of things in.
When working with 2-D, to loop through would you use:
Nested foreach is fine, but that syntax wouldn't work. You have to access the values you are dealing with.
for my $arrayref (#outer) {
for my $item (#$arrayref) {
$item ...
Do not push one array into another array.
Lists just join with each other into a new list.
Use list of references.
#create an anonymous hash ref for each match
$one_match_ref = {
chapternumber => $chapternumber_value,
sentencenumber => $sentencenumber_value,
sentence => $sentence_value,
grammar_relation => $grammar_relation_value,
arg1 => $argument1,
arg2 => $argument2
# add the reference of match into array.
push #all_matches, $one_match_ref;
# list of keys of interest
#keys = qw(chapternumber sentencenumber sentence grammer_relation arg1 arg2);
# walk through all the matches.
foreach $ref (#all_matches) {
foreach $key (#keys) {
$val = $$ref{$key};
# or pick up some specific keys
my $arg1 = $$ref{arg1};
Which data structure would you use?
An array... I can't really justify that choice, but I can't imagine what you would use as keys if you used a hash.
Can you push an array into another array, as you would push an element into an array? Is this an efficient method?
Here's the thing; in Perl, arrays can only contain scalar variables - the ones which start with $. Something like...
#matrix = ();
#row = ();
$arr[0] = #row; # FAIL!
... wont't work. You will have to instead use a reference to the array:
#matrix = ();
#row = ();
$arr[0] = \#row;
Or equally:
push(#matrix, \#row);
Can you push all 6 elements simultaneously, or have to do 6 separate pushes?
If you use references, you need only push once... and since you don't want to concatenate arrays (you need an array of arrays) you're stuck with no alternatives ;)
When working with 2-D, to loop through would you use:
I'd use something like:
for($i=0; $i<#matrix; $i++) {
#row = #{$matrix[$i]}; # de-reference
for($j=0; $j<#row; $j++) {
print "| "$row[$j];
print "|\n";
Which data structure would you use?
Some fundamental container properties:
An array is a container for ordered scalars.
A hash is a container for scalars obtained by a unique key (there can be no duplicate keys in the hash). The order of values added later is not available anymore.
I would use the same structure like ZhangChn proposed.
Use a hash for each match.
The details of the match then can be accessed by descriptive names instead of plain numerical indices. i.e. $ref->{'chapternumber'} instead of $matches[0].
Take references of these anonymous hashes (which are scalars) and push them into an array in order to preserve the order of the matches.
To dereference items from the data structure
get an item from the array which is a hash reference
retrieve any matching detail you need from the hash reference

How can I create multidimensional arrays in Perl?

I am a bit new to Perl, but here is what I want to do:
my #array2d;
push(#array2d[$i], $_);
It doesn't compile since #array2d[$i] is not an array but a scalar value.
How should I declare #array2d as an array of array?
Of course, I have no idea of how many rows I have.
To make an array of arrays, or more accurately an array of arrayrefs, try something like this:
my #array = ();
foreach my $i ( 0 .. 10 ) {
foreach my $j ( 0 .. 10 ) {
push #{ $array[$i] }, $j;
It pushes the value onto a dereferenced arrayref for you. You should be able to access an entry like this:
print $array[3][2];
Change your "push" line to this:
push(#{$array2d[$i]}, $_);
You are basically making $array2d[$i] an array by surrounding it by the #{}... You are then able to push elements onto this array of array references.
Have a look at perlref and perldsc to see how to make nested data structures, like arrays of arrays and hashes of hashes. Very useful stuff when you're doing Perl.
There's really no difference between what you wrote and this:
#{$array2d[$i]} = <FILE>;
I can only assume you're iterating through files.
To avoid keeping track of a counter, you could do this:
push #array2d, [ <FILE> ];
That says 1) create a reference to an empty array, 2) storing all lines in FILE, 3) push it onto #array2d.
Another simple way is to use a hash table and use the two array indices to make a hash key:
$two_dimensional_array{"$i $j"} = $val;
If you're just trying to store a file in an array you can also do this:
#array = <FILE>;
close (FILE);