How to correctly authorize into Mongo server using Scala? - mongodb

I have added authorization to my Mongo database and now I can't perform any queries whats so ever.
Every time I try I get:
reactivemongo.core.commands.DefaultCommandError: BSONCommandError['command failed because the 'ok' field is missing or equals 0'] with original doc {
ok: BSONDouble(0.0),
errmsg: BSONString(unauthorized)
And my Authorization bit seams to be alright but it is just not doing the job:
private val driver = new MongoDriver(actorSystem)
private val dbName = "myDatabase"
private val userName = "root"
private val password = "pass"
private val credentials = Seq(Authenticate(dbName, userName, password))
private val connection = driver.connection(List(""), credentials)
//connection.authenticate(dbName, userName, password)
private val db = connection(dbName)
The user credentials were created
Any ideas on what is wrong here?

Apparently unauthorized means not that I has not logged in it means that the user does not have sufficient permissions or Roles as they are grouped in Mongo.
Some tutorials about adding authorization have skipped that part er go I get to relearn the lesson of reading an official documentation of any resource again...


"Not authorized on ___ to execute command" with mLab + MongoDB ^3.0

Connects without a hitch, but on insert() throws me this error.
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const assert = require('assert');
var url = 'mongodb://';
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) {
assert.equal(null, err);
db = client.db('temp');
const collection = db.collection('temp');
something: please
I saw some other answers regarding mLab accounts and credentials, but I just created a new admin account for this. Frustrating because it was working previously with v2.3.
When attempting to connect to an mlab database, you have to correctly specify the client. It's located at the end of your connection string, just after the final forward slash.
mlab_url = "mongodb://"
client = MongoClient(url)
db = client["heroku_sd1fp182"]
collection = db["coinHack"]
You may also get the error:
This MongoDB deployment does not support retryable writes. Please add retryWrites=false to your connection string.
Just add "?retryWrites=false" to your connection string, as shown above.

MongoDB Program New Database Authentication Fails

I have a remote tenant database application using MongoDB with authentication enabled. During run-time, I have to programmatically create a new tenant database, create a new tenant database user, create a new collection, and write to the new database with user metadata. My problem is that I am not setting up the tenant user authorization correctly. I am able to create the new tenant database and a database user with role credentials "readWrite". I also can correctly write the document to the "users" collection. If I use my admin credentials, I can access the Tenant database and examine the users document with no issue. However, if I try to later access the database with the newly created database user credentials I get an incorrect user credentials exception. Below is my code that creates the new tenant database,
MongoCredential adminCredentials = MongoCredential
.createCredential(adminuid, admindb, adminpw.toCharArray());
ServerAddress adminSA = new ServerAddress(mongoConnectionUri, mongoPort);
// Create the Mongo Password Vault Client & Document Template
MongoClient adminclient = new MongoClient(adminSA, Arrays.asList(adminCredtials)):
MongoClient adminclient MongoClient(adminSA,Arrays.asList(adminCredentials));
DB tenant = adminclient.getDB(tenantdb);
// Create pwvdb user
DBObject pwvdbrole = new BasicDBObject();
pwvdbrole.put("role", pwvrole);
pwvdbrole.put("db", pwvdb);
ArrayList<DBObject> pwvdbroles = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
DBObject pwvaultcmd = new BasicDBObject();
pwvaultcmd.put("createUser", pwvuid);
pwvaultcmd.put("pwd", pwvpw);
pwvaultcmd.put("roles", pwvdbroles);
CommandResult result = tenant.command(pwvaultcmd);
if (result.ok()) {
System.out.println("Tenant Credentials: OK");
} else {
System.out.println("Tenant Credentials Error: " +
// Create users Collection
DBCollection tenantCollection =
// Create user default credentials & update user collection
BasicDBObject userdocument = new BasicDBObject();
userdocument.put("firstname", userfirstname);
userdocument.put("lastname", userlastname);
userdocument.put("email", useremail);
userdocument.put("username", username);
userdocument.put("password", pwencoder.encode(userpassword));
userdocument.put("role", Integer.parseInt(userrole));
// Create admin web portal users uid/pw
Because the client is remote, I use my admin userid, pw, and db for the credentials. However, the MongoDB tenant client is setup using the new tenant database name. This is probably where I am going wrong but I don't know how to remotely access the database with a user I have not created yet. These databases are created at run time and I do not know the name of the tenant user when the application starts.
there are two different places for user permissions to be created, which can be confusing. Both can be done dynamically in your code.
User roles in tenant DB
The easiest option is for you to create the user you want in the tenant DB. You should use the runCommand call with the document structure for the createUser command documented here. You would create this user in the tenant DB. The role should be readWrite or any others documented.
Then later you would authenticate for the user and password for that same DB.
You can also centralize all of your user management in the Admin DB with each createUser call enumerating the roles for each DB/role pair you want. Let me know if you need that explanation. It works basically the same way to create users there and authenticate against that DB also. Then you switch to the DB you want to access on the same MongoClient.
I could not post 2 other helpful links because of strange limitation on posting more than 2 links if I am not an active enough poster (10 reputation).
Here is what I did to get it to work. The two key things I want to point out is the adminops and testops MongoDB templates. Notice that in adminops I used my MongoDB admin credentials but pointed to the testdb. In testops I used my new testdb credentials and point to testdb as well. My error was with adminops. I used the admindb which was incorrect. Also getting the roleobj and cmd was a little tricky but I eventially figured it out.
package com.belcan;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.MongoAutoConfiguration;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.CommandResult;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = {MongoAutoConfiguration.class, MongoDataAutoConfiguration.class})
public class PreConfigTestApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Fire off Spring Boot & Embedded Linux, args);
public void run(String...args) throws Exception {
String testdb = "testdb";
String testuid = "skm";
String testpw = "password";
// Set up credentials
MongoCredential admincredentials = MongoCredential
.createCredential(adminuid, admindb, adminpw.toCharArray());
ServerAddress adminsa = new ServerAddress(mongoConnectionUri, mongoPort);
// Create the Mongo Client & Document Template
MongoClient adminclient = new MongoClient(adminsa,Arrays.asList(admincredentials));
MongoOperations adminops = new MongoTemplate(adminclient, testdb);
// First create new user
DBObject roleobj = new BasicDBObject();
roleobj.put("role", "readWrite");
roleobj.put("db", "testdb");
ArrayList<DBObject> array = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
DBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject();
cmd.put("createUser", testuid);
cmd.put("pwd", testpw);
cmd.put("roles", array);
// Create new User
CommandResult result = (CommandResult) adminops.executeCommand(cmd);
// check to see if command is ok
if (result.ok()) {
System.out.println("createUser Command: OK");
} else {
System.out.println("createUser Error:" + result.getErrorMessage());
// switch to testdb
MongoOperations testops = new MongoTemplate(adminclient, testdb);
// Create the user object
User user = new User();
// Now save it, "users");
// Close Database Connection
// Now see if we can open the file with the new uid/pw
// Set up credentials
MongoCredential testcredentials = MongoCredential
.createCredential(testuid, testdb, testpw.toCharArray());
ServerAddress testsa = new ServerAddress(mongoConnectionUri, mongoPort);
// Create the Mongo Client & Document Template
MongoClient testclient = new MongoClient(testsa,Arrays.asList(testcredentials));
MongoOperations myops = new MongoTemplate(testclient, testdb);
User myuser = new User();
// Now save it,"users");
// Lets print it out
System.out.println("Print Results");
ArrayList<User> userout = (ArrayList<User>) myops.findAll(User.class, "users");
for (int i = 0; i < userout.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("\n\nAll Done....");
// Close the database
// MongoDB Connection URI
private String mongoConnectionUri;
// MongoDB Connection Port
private int mongoPort;
// MongoDB userid
private String admindb;
// MongoDB admin password
private String adminpw;
// MongoDB admin userid
private String adminuid;

How to generate password policy based password in OIM 11gr2ps2

I am creating a event handler to modify user password using OIM UserManager API. But now I need to consider password policy and then generate new password that is compatible with the password policy defined in OIM.
Can you please point to some APIs and Methods which can help here?
import oracle.idm.common.ipf.api.password.RandomPasswordGenerator;
import oracle.idm.common.ipf.api.password.RandomPasswordGeneratorImpl;
The classes above actually gives handle on the randomly generated password that I was looking for. The code below shows the implementation for the same.
PasswordPolicyInfo passwordPolicyInfo = ((PasswordMgmtService)Platform.getService(PasswordMgmtService.class)).getApplicablePasswordPolicy(entityId, Boolean.valueOf(false));
RandomPasswordGenerator randomPasswordGenerator = new RandomPasswordGeneratorImpl();
OimPasswordPolicy policy = new OimPasswordPolicy(Utils.getIpfPasswordPolicyInfoVO(passwordPolicyInfo));
char[] generatedPassword = randomPasswordGenerator.generatePassword(policy, null);
Alternatively by using below OIM API's,you can generate password and also validate it against any policy in OIM:
import oracle.iam.passwordmgmt.api.PasswordMgmtService;
import oracle.iam.passwordmgmt.domain.generator.RandomPasswordGeneratorImpl;
Here is the snippet:
RandomPasswordGeneratorImpl randomPasswordGenerator = new RandomPasswordGeneratorImpl();
UserRepository userRepository = new DBUserRepository();
UserInfo usrInfo = userRepository.getUserAndManagerInfo(usrLogin);
String generatedPassword = new String(randomPasswordGenerator.generatePassword(Utils.getUser(usrInfo)));
PasswordMgmtService passMgmt = Platform.getService(PasswordMgmtService.class);
ValidationResult result = passMgmt.validatePasswordAgainstPolicy(generatedPassword.toCharArray(), Utils.getUser(usrInfo), Locale.getDefault());
You can use PasswordMgmtService api provided by OIM.
You can use below method in you password generation logic in your event handler code.
PasswordPolicyDescription getApplicablePasswordPolicyDescription(java.lang.String userID)
In the PasswordPolicyDescription object you have all properties which were configured while creating Password Policy.

How can I authenticate any database with given username and password in Mongo Java Driver 2.13.0?

Previously I could use db.authenticate(String username, char[] password) method. With 2.13.0, how can I achieve this?
There is no replacement for db.authenticate(). The driver will use the credentials provided and make sure the connections are authenticated as they are created.
Based on this mongodb-user discussion the Java Driver team is open to discussions on what the real need for the db.authenticate(...) method.
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
MongoCredential mongoCred =
MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential(String username, String
dbName, char[] password);
and create mongoclient using mongocredentials
com.mongodb.MongoClient.MongoClient(List seeds, List
credentialsList, MongoClientOptions options)
We can have user-password based authentication for databases, in that case we need to provide authorization credentials like below for new version.
MongoCredential journaldevAuth = MongoCredential.createPlainCredential("pankaj", "journaldev", "pankaj123".toCharArray());
MongoCredential testAuth = MongoCredential.createPlainCredential("pankaj", "test", "pankaj123".toCharArray());
List<MongoCredential> auths = new ArrayList<MongoCredential>();
ServerAddress serverAddress = new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017);
MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient(serverAddress, auths);
If you are using older versions, you need to provide authentication details after getting the DB object like below
MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
DB db = mongo.getDB("journaldev");
boolean auth = db.authenticate("pankaj", "pankaj123".toCharArray());

Mongodb authentication using MongoCredential

I have a grails application in which Im using db.authenticate for a login page but I understand this method has been deprecated and therefore I would like to upgrade my application to using the MongoCredential object for authentication. However, unlike the db.authenticate which nicely returns a boolean to get authentication done, the MongoCredential doesn't return a boolean so how can I go about accomplishing the code replacement with minimal headache. Ideally, I'd like to derive some kind of a boolean to tell me if authentication was achieved. Thanks for your patience. Im a newbie with Mongodb.
This is part of the code I need to replace which currently makes use of the deprecated method "authenticate":
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
DB db = mongoClient.getDB("twcdb");
def userName = params.username
def passWord = params.password
//deprecated method being used in the line below.
boolean auth = db.authenticate(userName, passWord.toCharArray())
if (auth) {
userloggedin = params.username
render(contentType: 'text/json') {
[success: true, url: createLink(controller: 'admin', action: 'loggedin')]
else {
render(contentType: 'text/json') {
["success": false, "message": 'Login or Password is incorrect.']
Edit: I know that the answer must lie in testing a property of the MongoClient object somehow to see if it contains a valid authenticated connection but I am still stuck on how to do this. Given I knowingly feed the MongoClient constructor with a bogus MongoCredential, it still creates an object that isn't null. I was betting on the null test but no joy. So, how do I replace the deprecated db.authenticate?