How do I add this value to an Array and it stays in the script - perl

I want to add a command that adds numbers to the array.
This is what i have exactly:
my $ownerids = ('374867065');
Then later in the script i have this:
if($ownerids == $spl2[0]){
if (index($message, "!adduser") != -1) {
$msg = $spl[1];
$send = "<m t=\"User Added $msg\" u=\"$botid\" />\0";
push (my $ownerids, "$msg");
I am on a chatbox and this is a chatbot, i want to make it when i say !adduser (thereid) it adds them to a list and they can use the bot commands, and also i want a Delete User, If you can help this will be MUCH appretiated.

If you want ownerids to be an array, then you must prefix it with a #
my #ownerids = ('374867065');
Then to add an element, you can push
push #ownerids, "$msg";
However, you're going to need to fix your other references to #ownerids so it's treated like an array. For example, your first if looks like it's intending to see if $spl2[0] is an owner. If that's the case, then you'll need to grep the array:
if(grep {$_ == $spl2[0]} #ownerids) {


evaluate condition assigned to a variable

i am using module Excel::Writer::XLSX and i need to evaluate this condition to check if the sheet was created or not (i need to only execute certain actions if the sheet already exists)
my $sheet = $workbook->add_worksheet($filters{$filter}{description});
how can i do that please ?
knowing that if the sheet already exists, the add_worksheet method "dies" with an error like :
Worksheet name 'All Users', with case ignored, is already used. at ./ line 203.
naturlly, doing something like this doesn't work as i believe it evaluates the variable assignment :
if (my $sheet = $workbook->add_worksheet($filters{$filter}{description});) {
# good, sheet doesn't already exists and was created
# i can place my code here to insert header rows etc./ colors
} else {
# program fires a message like :
# Worksheet name 'XXXXXX', with case ignored, is already used. at XXX
# no need to place code for column headers etc., sheet already exists
You could use
my $name = $filters{$filter}{description};
my $sheet =
$workbook->get_worksheet_by_name( $name ) ||
$workbook->add_worksheet( $name );
nvm, i used a hash and i'm checking the hash
if (!$sheets{$filter}) {
$sheets{$filter} = $workbook->add_worksheet($filters{$filter}{description});
works nicely

How would I match the correct hash pair based on a specific string?

I have a simple page hit tracking script that allows for the output to display friendly names instead of urls by using a hash.
UPDATE: I used php to generate the hash below, but used the wrong dynamic page name of item.html. When changed to the correct name, the script returns the desired results. Sorry for wasting anyone's time.
my %LocalAddressTitlePairs = (
'' => 'HOME',
'' => 'GALLERY',
'' => 'Island Life',
'' => 'Castaways',
'' => 'Pelicans',
and so on..
The code for returning the page hits:
sub url_format {
local $_ = $_[0] || '';
if ((m!$PREF{'My_Web_Address'}!i) and (m!^https://(.*)!i) ) {
if ($UseLocalAddressTitlePairs == 1) {
foreach my $Address (keys %LocalAddressTitlePairs) {
return "<a title=\"$Address\" href=\"$_\">$LocalAddressTitlePairs{$Address}</A>" if (m!$_$! eq m!$Address$!);
my $stub =$1;
return $stub;
Displaying the log hits will show
HOME with the correct link, GALLERY with the correct url link, but
will display a random name instead of what it should be, Island Life for this page.. it has the correct link,-- a different name displays every time the page is loaded.
And, the output for all pages with query strings will display the exact same name. I know the links are correct by clicking thru site pages and checking the log script for my own page visits.
I tried -
while (my($mykey, $Value) = each %LocalAddressTitlePairs) {
return "<a title=\"$mykey\" href=\"$_\">$Value</a>" if(m!$_$! eq m!$mykey$!);
but again, the link is correct but the mykey/Value associated is random too. Way too new to perl to figure this out but I'm doing a lot of online research.
m!$Address$! does not work as expected, because the expression contains special characters such as ?
You need to add escape sequences \Q and \E
it’s even better to add a check at the beginning of the line, otherwise
my $url = ""
my $bad_url = ""
$bad_url =~ m!\Q$url\E$! ? 1 : 0 # 1, pass
$bad_url =~ m!^\Q$url\E$! ? 1 : 0 # 0, fail

Extracting Single from huge Archive using Perl

I'm trying a single from a large ".tgz" file. I'm using Archive::Tar::Streamed module.
Here is the sample code.
my $tar2 = Archive::Tar::Streamed->new($filename);
$fil = $tar2->next;
while($fil) {
$_ = $fil->name;
if(m/abc\.txt/g) {
$fil = $tar2->next;
But the iterator is not working. It is looping the first file in the archive not moving to the next file.
Can someone tell me what mistake i've done here???
You put the call to next inside your if, so it's only executed if you extracted the file. There's nothing that modifies $fil inside the loop if the file is not extracted.
You can simplify your code quite a bit by just calling the iterator in the condition of the while loop. Also, you can use the =~ binding operator instead of storing the name in $_. And you do not want the /g regex modifier here. In scalar context, you use /g to loop through multiple matches in a string. Here, all you want is to know whether the string contains a match.
my $tar2 = Archive::Tar::Streamed->new($filename);
while(my $fil = $tar2->next) {
if($fil->name =~ m/abc\.txt/) {

How to keep the first parameter value only?

In my Perl Catalyst application, I get the value of a URL parameter like this, typically:
my $val = $c->request->params->{arg} || '';
But the URL could contain multiple arg=$Val. I only want to keep the first value of arg=. I could add this throughout my code:
my $val = $c->request->params->{arg} || '';
$val = $val->[0] if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY');
That is rather ugly. Is there a way to pick up the first value or a url parameter in a better way?
Does your app actually expect multiple values for parameter arg? If not, all you need is
my $val = $c->request->params->{arg} || '';
Sure, it will be garbage if the user provides you with a garbage url, but there's nothing you can do to prevent the user from giving you garbage.
If it's actually valid to have more than one value for parameter arg, why would you want just the first value? You'd actually want all the values.
sub param_vals {
my ($params, $name) = #_;
return () if !exists($params->{name});
return $params->{$name} if !ref($params->{name});
return #{ $params->{$name} };
my #args = param_vals($c->request->{params}, 'arg');
I just read the code to Catalyst::Request but I don't see anything to always pull out a single value. Too bad Cat doesn't use something like Hash::MultiValue!

WWW::Mechanize::Firefox looping though links

I am using a foreach to loop through links. Do I need a $mech->back(); to continue the loop or is that implicit.
Furthermore do I need a separate $mech2 object for nested for each loops?
The code I currently have gets stuck (it does not complete) and ends on the first page where td#tabcolor3 is not found.
foreach my $sector ($mech->selector('a.link2'))
foreach my $place ($mech->selector('td#tabcolor3'))
if (($mech->selector('td#tabcolor3', all=>1)) >= 1)
print $_->{innerHTML}, '\n'
for $mech->selector('td.dataCell');
You cannot access information from a page when it is no longer on display. However, the way foreach works is to build the list first before it is iterated through, so the code you have written should be fine.
There is no need for the call to back as the links are absolute. If you had used click then there must be a link in the page to click on, but with follow_link all you are doing is going to a new URL.
There is also no need to check the number of links to follow, as a for loop over an empty list will simply not be executed.
To make things clearer I suggest that you assign the results of selector to an array before the loop.
Like this
my #sectors = $mech->selector('a.link2');
for my $sector (#sectors) {
my #places = $mech->selector('td#tabcolor3');
for my $place (#places) {
print $_->{innerHTML}, '\n' for $mech->selector('td.dataCell');
My apologies. It seems that follow_link is finicky and needs to follow a link on the current page.
I suggest that you extract the href attribute from each link and use get instead of follow_link.
my #selectors = map $_->{href}, $mech->selector('a.link2');
for my $selector (#selectors) {
my #places = map $_->{href}, $mech->selector('td#tabcolor3');
for my $place (#places) {
print $_->{innerHTML}, '\n' for $mech->selector('td.dataCell');
Please let me know whether this works on the site you are connecting to.
I recommend to use separate $mech object for this:
foreach my $sector ($mech->selector('a.link2'))
my $mech = $mech->clone();
foreach my $place ($mech->selector('td#tabcolor3'))
if (($mech->selector('td#tabcolor3', all=>1)) >= 1)
my $mech = $mech->clone();
print $_->{innerHTML}, '\n'
for $mech->selector('td.dataCell');
# else
# {
# $mech->back();
# }
I am using WWW:Mechanize::Firefox to loop over a bunch of URLs with loads of Javascript. The page does not render immediately so need test if a particular page element is visible (similar to suggestion in Mechanize::Firefox documentation except 2 xpaths in the test) before deciding next action.
The page eventually renders a xpath to 'no info' or some wanted stuff after about 2-3 seconds. If no info we go to next URL. I think there is some sort of race condition with both xpaths not existing at once causing the MozRepl::RemoteObject: TypeError: can't access dead object error intermittently (at the sleep 1 in the loop oddly enough).
My solution that seems to work/improve reliability is to enclose all the $mech->getand$mech->is_visible in an eval{}; like this:
$retries = 15; #test to see if element visible = page complete
while ($retries-- and ! $mech->is_visible( xpath => $xpath_btn ) and ! $mech->is_visible( xpath => $xpath_no_info )){
sleep 1;
last if($mech->is_visible( xpath => $xpath_no_info) ); #skip rest if no info page
Others might suggest improvements on this.