Can I use emacs to copy a line from other window to my current one? - emacs

Suppose I have to code files which are supposed to be similar but has some minor changes. For example, file foo:
int a,b,c
and file bar
int a,b,c
I know that I'm better of placing the changes in a properties file but, It is harder to follow that way. Now, suppose that I need to change the files to be (foo) in this example
int a,b,c,d
After I've changed one file, I want to compare the two files, and apply the desired changes to my files. Currently, what I'm doing is open two windows and compare them (M-x compare-windows). When I encounter a line that I want to change, I copy it from foo to bar (adding to kill ring etc.) I'm quite certain there is a better way to do it. Do you know it?

Seems you are looking for M-x ediff-buffers RET, resp. M-x ediff-buffers3 RET


How to view and edit only a small part of a text file in Emacs

I would like to accomplish the following behaviour in Emacs and was wondering if there's an existing package that already does what I want.
I want my buffer to display only lines 30 to 60 in file myfile.txt, and simply hide the rest of the file from me.
When I scroll up to the top, I should be at line 30.
When I scroll down to the bottom, I should be at line 60.
If I edit this region, these edits should be reflected in the original file.
The region should grow/shrink as I insert/delete lines.
I should be able to open multiple regions to the same file in different buffers.
This is very close to my ideal workflow. Thanks very much for your help!
The Narrowing,you can Narrow down to between point and mark with C-x n n,then what you edit will be restricted in this region,after that you just Widen to make the entire buffer accessible again C-x n w.Perhaps this is what you are looking for
Try library Narrow Indirect (narrow-indirect.el)
It provides simple commands to create an indirect buffer that is a clone of the current buffer and that is narrowed to a particular portion of it. By default, it helps you distinguish such indirect buffers from non-indirect buffers, by using a buffer-name prefix (default I-) and by using a different face for the buffer name in the mode line.
To complement the other answers, if you are working on an org file specifically, you also have the following commands :
C-x n s (org-narrow-to-subtree) : Narrow buffer to current subtree.
C-x n w (widen) : Widen buffer to remove narrowing.
And if you are using blocks (‘#+BEGIN’ … ‘#+END) :
C-x n b (org-narrow-to-block) : Narrow buffer to current block.

Retaining tab-to-tab-stop with Emacs replace-regexp

I have a very large text file with nearly 20 columns. Unfortunately the program which produced the file did not properly handle columns which began with a -10 (it only properly spaced data which had a total of 5 characters, not 6). Essentially I ended up with something that looks like this:
I want it to look like:
-10.072 -10.179 -10.219 0.002
and was almost able to do so with:
M-x replace-regexp RET -10\.... RET \&TAB RET
When I use TAB however, it only replaces with a space rather than tab- ideally a tab-to-tab-stop. If I manually go to one of these situations in the file and type TAB it properly does a tab-to-tab-stop to align the data with the proper column. How do I retain the tab-to-stop function within the replace-regexp?
The search and replace certainly ought to be inserting a tab. The apparent size of a tab can vary, of course, which is the only reason I can think of for it appearing to be a space. You could use whitespace-mode to make the difference more obvious.
As for tab-to-tab-stop, that's a dynamic function rather than a special kind of tab character, so you can't do that with a search and replace1. I would suggest using a keyboard macro instead, to get the same dynamic behaviour as manual typing.
M-C-s -10.... RET
M-x tab-to-tab-stop RET
or perhaps just: F3M-C-s -10.... RETTABF4
Then you can run the macro until it fails with C-0F4
(If you only want to run it on a portion of the buffer, you can simply narrow to the relevant region first.)
1 Not strictly true, as Emacs lets you evaluate arbitrary elisp as part of a replacement pattern; but it's not just a case of calling the tab-to-tab-stop function, so the macro is really much simpler.

Emacs search and open multiple files and search on all buffers

I'm currently in the beginning of a switching process forwards Emacs. However I'm having two basic problems.
How do I search for multiple files recursively from a specific path? I assume I have to use find/grep/dired but I'm not sure. For instance I would like to find all *.scala files at path C:/src/xxx.When these files are found I would also like to open them all in the buffer at once. The only way I'm currently familiar with is C-xC-f.
When all these files are in the buffer how do I then search across all the buffers, and get some kind of list of the result and/or perhaps able to navigate from result to result? Saying I would like to find all places with the text case Int => occur.
I concur with phimuemue's answer, but I'll point out M-x rgrep as well, which will run the necessary find/grep in order to present all of the matches without actually opening the files. Selecting a match then opens the relevant file at that line number. In some situations, this may be preferable to opening all of those files.
Also see these:
Using Emacs to recursively find and replace in text files not already open
emacs: interactively search open buffers
For Part A, you might look here.
For Part B you might have a look at multi-occur-in-matching-buffers, which let's you specify which buffers you want to take (e.g. all buffers .*.scala to look in all scala files) and what to look for (e.g. case Int =>). This gives you a list of all occurences.
You're trying to find all occurrences of "case Int =>" in *.scala files in C:/src
The easiest way (assuming a default Emacs setup) is to use M-x rgrep. It'll ask you for a search-string, file type and directory (in that order, and the prompts are labeled so there's no confusion). Just type in case Int =>, *.scala and C:/src/xxx.
What you should see is a new buffer with a list of occurrences of "case Int =>" in all .scala files in that directory. If you click on an occurrence, Emacs will open that file and navigate to the line that contains it.
As a note, if you're trying to do search and replace across multiple files, you can do that using dired options. You can find information on that option here.
*For Question A***
In Icicles, C-x C-f is by default a multi-command. That means that when you complete to a set of file names:
You can act on (e.g. visit) multiple candidates, selectively (e.g. C-RET, C-mouse-2).
You can act on all files whose names match your current input -- e.g., visit them all.
The same is true for other Icicles file commands, including those that let you match an absolute file name, meaning that your minibuffer patterns can match not just the non-directory part of the file name but directory parts as well.
For example, C-x C-f with a prefix arg matches absolute file names. And M-x icicle-locate-file does the same thing for all files under a given directory.
(You can always use a multi-command as an ordinary command: C-x C-f acts normally if you use RET or mouse-2. If you don't use the extra key bindings to act on multiple files then you'll never know the difference.)
*For Question B***
What you want is Icicles search.
Command icicle-search-file searches all files of a set you specify.
Command icicle-search-buffer searches all buffers of a set you specify.
Command icicle-search does both: files with a negative prefix arg, buffers with a non-negative prefix arg.
These commands let you specify a regexp to define the search contexts: the parts of the files or buffers that you want to search. For example, .* means search each line.
After you define the search contexts you type some text in the minibuffer, and it narrows the candidate search contexts to those that match your text. You can hit M-SPC to combine multiple such patterns.
Then you can navigate to the selected search hits: C-RET or C-mouse-2 to visit, or cycle/visit using C-down. You can even sort the matching candidates in various ways, to compare them easily or to change the cycle order.
I think you're artificially constraining the answer. You don't need to load all the files into Emacs in order to find those occurrences. And, once you've found the occurrences of the regexp, you can easily jump to the line in the file with a keystroke.
My favorite way to do this is to use M-x igrep-find because I like the igrep interface better than Emacs's grep-find.
You can find the igrep library on emacswiki: igrep.el
And the usage would be
M-x igrep-find case Int => RET
which would populate a buffer with all the matches, and then (like in occur, grep-find, compilation, etc.) you can use C-x ` or M-x next-error to cycle through the matches.

Is there a way to display a macro list similar to displaying your mappings in Vim?

I know there is a way to list mappings via :map (or :imap, :cmap, etc.), but I can't find a way to list macros I have stored in my vimrc file (as in let #a = 'blahblah').
Is there a way to do this without having to manually looking inside it (via :split [myvimrcfile] or whatever way)?
Also, if it is possible, is there a way to attach some sort of documentation that would display with the macro to explain what it is for? I have a handful that I use quite a bit, but about 6 weeks apart. It would be nice to just quickly list them along with a comment that tells me what the macro does (or even just a name so I make sure I use the right one).
In vim, the macros are just stored in registers. You can recall the content of any register and execute it as a macro (which is what the # does). To see a list of what is in your registers, use :reg.
You can see the contents of all the registers using the
command. Or an argument string like this
:reg ahx
will show you the contents of registers a, h, and x.
That way you can at least see what sequence of commands will be run and hopefully that will be clear enough for you to tell one from another.
The registers simply contain text. You can paste the command sequence in as text or you can copy text into a register and then run it as a command, depending on how you access the register.
I have not found any direct way to edit the contents of a register, but you can paste it into the file, edit it, and then save it back to the same register.
As /u/jheddings wrote the macros are stored as registers and what counts is the assignment of the code to the register (usually done in the vimrc files with let #a=blahblah
To ease the way to display the macros you defined in your vimrc file (in my case it is in the ~/.vimrc path) you can use this vim function:
function! ShowMacros()
exe 'r!' . 'grep -B 1 -E "^\s*let #" ~/.vimrc'
call cursor(1,1)
What it does:
10new - open a new vim window with ten lines size
exe ... - execute a command and put in the window
call ... - go to the first line first column
You can execute this function by tipping in the normal mode
:call ShowMacros
You could additionally create a key mapping or a command to fasten the way to call the function:
:cnoremap sm call ShowMacros()<CR>
command! sm call ShowMacros()`
This is the original post where I wrote the function similar to the above.
The OP asked, "is there a way to attach some sort of documentation that would display with the macro to explain what it is for?"
I have found VI / VIM macros extremely obtuse to understand even a week after I've written them, so I heartily support the idea of documentation. I have a suggestion for that, in two parts.
First is the process of documenting the macro in your .vimrc. I've developed the following .vimrc comment format that helps me understand, a week or a year or more later, what a macro is supposed to be doing. E.g.:
"= Yank the entire contents of the file into the clipboard; quit without saving.
"define F2 followed by y to be:
"| Go to line 1.
"| | From there, into the * buffer (system clipboard),
"| | | yank to the end of the file.
"| | | | Go to sleep for 1 second (to allow the clipboard to be updated).
"| | | | | Quit without saving the file.
"| | | | | |
map #2y 1G"*yG1gs:q!<CR>
Second, I am imagining that Jakub's ShowMacros() function above could be modified to grep a specific set of Help lines for each macro that would be in the file along with the definition, much the way the above command-line breakdown is attached to the definition, that would provide the needed User Help.
I've flagged two lines above with "= at the beginning of each, so that they can become the User Help. Then Jakub's grep command would search for "^\"= ". Here's the command I used. I'm not sure if the -E for Extended Regular Expressions is needed and the -B 1 is a nice touch to include one line previous to a matching sequence, so here I have an explicitly empty comment line.
In my vimrc, I only needed one backslash, for the initial parsing of the definitions. Here's the line, replacing the one in Jakub's function definition above:
exe 'r!' . 'grep -B 1 -E "^\"= " ~/.vimrc'
Thanks to Jakub's hint, I now can generate help from my .vimrc in pretty much exactly the way the OP is asking for. I've been using vi since 1983, so I'm pretty stoked.
Thanks Jakub!

Using Emacs to recursively find and replace in text files not already open

As a follow-up to this question, it's trying to find out how to do something like this which should be easy, that especially stops me from getting more used to using Emacs and instead starting up the editor I'm already familiar with. I use the example here fairly often in editing multiple files.
In Ultraedit I'd do Alt+s then p to display a dialog box with the options: Find (includes using regular expressions across multiple lines), Replace with, In Files/Types, Directory, Match Case, Match Whole Word Only, List Changed Files and Search Sub Directories. Usually I'll first use the mouse to click-drag select the text that I want to replace.
Using only Emacs itself (on Windows XP), without calling any external utility, how to replace all foo\nbar with bar\nbaz in *.c and *.h files in some folder and all folders beneath it. Maybe Emacs is not the best tool to do this with, but how can it be done easily with a minimal command?
M-x find-name-dired: you will be prompted for a root directory and a filename pattern.
Press t to "toggle mark" for all files found.
Press Q for "Query-Replace in Files...": you will be prompted for query/substitution regexps.
Proceed as with query-replace-regexp: SPACE to replace and move to next match, n to skip a match, etc.
Press C-x s to save buffers. (You can then press y for yes, n for no, or ! for yes for all)
M-x find-name-dired RET
it may take some time for all the files to appear in the list, scroll to bottom (M->) until "find finished" appears to make sure they all have loaded
Press t to "toggle mark" for all files found
Press Q for "Query-Replace in Files...": you will be prompted for query/substitution regexps.
Proceed as with query-replace-regexp: SPACE or y to replace and move to next match, n to skip a match, etc.
Type ! to replace all occurrences in current file without asking, N to skip all possible replacement for rest of the current file. (N is emacs 23+ only)
To do the replacement on all files without further asking, type Y.
Call “ibuffer” (C-x C-b if bound to ibuffer, or M-x ibuffer RET) to list all opened files.
Type * u to mark all unsaved files, type S to save all marked files
* * RET to unmark all marks, or type D to close all marked files
This answer is combined from this answer, from this site, and from my own notes. Using Emacs 23+.
Projectile is really nice:
C-c p r runs the command projectile-replace
The answers provided are great, however I thought I'd add a slightly different approach.
It's a more interactive method, and requires wgrep, rgrep and iedit. Both iedit and wgrep must be installed via MELPA or Marmalade (using M-x package-list-packages)
First run M-x rgrep to find the string you're looking for.
You'll be able to specify file types/pattern and the folder to recurse.
Next you'll need to run wgrep start it with C-s C-p.
Wgrep will let you edit the rgrep results, so set a region on the string to match and start iedit-mode with C-; (depending on your terminal you may need to re-bind this)
All occurrences will be editable at once. C-x C-s to commit wgrep. Then C-x s ! to save the changed files.
The main benefit of this method is that you can use iedit-mode to toggle off certain matches M-;. You can also use the results in rgrep to jump into the files, for example if you have an unexpected match.
I find it very useful for doing source edits and renaming symbols (variables, function names etc.) across a project.
If you don't already know/use iedit mode it's a very handy tool, I strongly recommend you give it a look.
I generally use other tools to perform this task, and it seems like many of the approaches mentioned at EmacsWiki's Find and Replace Across Files entry shell out, but the Findr Package looks very promising.
Stealing part of the source file:
(defun findr-query-replace (from to name dir)
"Do `query-replace-regexp' of FROM with TO, on each file found by findr.
Source of information: 1
For emacs pro users:
Call dired to list files in dir, or call find-dired if you need all subdirectories.
Mark the files you want. You can mark by regex by typing 【% m】.
Type Q to call dired-do-query-replace-regexp.
Type your find regex and replace string. 〔☛ common elisp regex pattern〕
For each occurrence, type y to replace, n to skip. Type 【Ctrl+g】 to abort the whole operation.
Type ! to replace all occurrences in current file without asking, N to skip all possible replacement for rest of the current file. (N is emacs 23 only)
To do the replacement on all files without further asking, type Y. (Emacs 23 only)
Call ibuffer to list all opened files. Type 【* u】 to mark all unsaved files, type S to save all marked files, type D to close them all.
Step-by-Step Guide for Emacs Beginners
Select Target Files
Start emacs by typing “emacs” in the command line interface prompt. (Or, double click the Emacs icon if you are in a Graphics User Interface environment)
Selecting Files in a Directory
First you need to select the files you want to do the replace. Use the graphical menu 〖File ▸ Open Directory〗. Emacs will ask you for a directory path. Type the directory path, then press Enter.
Now, you will be shown the list of files, and now you need to mark the files you want the regex find/replace to work on. You mark a file by moving the cursor to the file you want, then press m. Unmark it by pressing u. (To list subdirectories, move your cursor to the directory and press i. The sub-directory's content will be listed at the bottom.) To mark all files by a regex, type 【% m】, then type your regex pattern. For example, if you want to mark all HTML files, then type 【% m】 then .html$. (You can find a list of the mark commands in the graphical menu “Mark” (this menu appears when you are in the dired mode).)
Selecting Files in a Directory and All Its Sub-Directories
If you want to do find/replace on files inside a directory, including hundreds of subdirectories, here's a method to select all these files.
Call find-dired. (you call a command by pressing 【Alt+x】) Then, type a directory name, ⁖ /Users/mary/myfiles
Note: if you are using emacs on a unix non-graphical text terminal, and if 【Alt+x】 does not work, the equivalent key stroke is 【Esc x】.
Emacs will ask you with the prompt “Run find (with args): ”. If you need to do the replacement on all HTML files, then type -name "*html". If you don't care about what kind of file but simply all files under that dir, then give “-type f”.
Now, mark the files as described above.
Interactive Find/Replace
Now, you are ready to do the interactive find replace. For simplicity, let's say you just want to replace the word “quick” by “super”. Now, call dired-do-query-replace-regexp. It will prompt you for the regex string and the replacement string. Type “quick”, enter, then “super”.
Now, emacs will use your pattern and check the files, and stop and show you whenever a match occurred. When this happens, emacs will prompt you, and you have a choice of making the change or skip the change. To make the change, type y. To skip, type n. If you simply want emacs to go ahead and make all such changes to the current file, type !.
If you want to cancel the whole operation without saving any changes you've made, type 【Ctrl+g】, then exit emacs using the menu 〖File ▸ Exit Emacs〗.
Saving the Changed Files
Now, after you went through the above ordeal, there is one more step you need to do, and that is saving the changed files.
If you are using emacs version 22 or later, then call ibuffer to go into a buffer listing mode, then type 【* u】 to mark all unsaved files, then type S to save them all. (that's shift-s)
If you are using a emacs version 21, then you can do this: call list-buffers, then move the cursor to the file you want to save and type s. It will mark the file for later save action. Type u to unmark. Once you are done, type x to execute the saving of all files marked for save. (in emacs, opened file is called “buffer”. Disregard other things there.)
Alternative to the above options, you can also call save-some-buffers 【Ctrl+x s】. Then emacs will display each unsaved file and ask if you want it saved.
Note: emacs's regex is not the same as Perl or Python's, but similar. For a summary and common patterns, see: Emacs Regex.
Using dired to recurse down a deep directory tree is going to be a bit slow for this task. You might consider using tags-query-replace. This does mean shelling out to create a tags table, but that is often useful anyway, and it's quick.
For open buffers, this is what I do :
(defun px-query-replace-in-open-buffers (arg1 arg2)
"query-replace in all open files"
(interactive "sRegexp:\nsReplace with:")
(lambda (x)
(find-file x)
(goto-char (point-min))
(query-replace-regexp arg1 arg2)))
(lambda (x)
(buffer-file-name x))
M-X Dired, and t to mark all files, and Q to query replace text in all of them.
You can expand a sub directory by using the i command before the query-replace.
They key info I'm adding is that if you give a prefix (control-u) to the i command,
it will prompt you for arg, and -R argument will recursively expand all subdirs
into the dired buffer. So now you can query-search every file in an entire directory.
Another option is to use Icicles search. This is a different kind of incremental search that uses completion of your minibuffer input against search hits. As you modify your current input the set of matching hits is updated in buffer *Completions*.
You can search any number of files, buffers, or bookmarked locations, which you can choose using minibuffer pattern (e.g. regexp) matching.
When you visit a search hit you can replace on demand either the entire hit or just the part of it that matches your current minibuffer input. Replacement on demand means you are not queried about each search hit in turn; you access the hits you want directly, in any order. This approach can be more effective than query-replace if you have a limited number of replacements to make: you skip the exhaustive y/n prompting.
Search is over search contexts that you define -- you are not limited to searching all of the text in the target files (e.g., you can skip comments or particular kinds of program sections). A simple example of a search context is a line, as in grep, but a context can be any pattern-matched block of text you like. Typically you define the search contexts using a regexp, but you can instead use a function. In addition to defining your own, there are predefined Icicles search commands for different kinds of contexts: blocks of text properties or overlay properties, thing-at-point things, etc.
You can also sort the search hits in various sort orders for easier access/navigation.
find-name-dired is OK, but:
All of the files you get match the same, single regexp.
find-dired is more flexible in that regard, but it too is made for using general rules (even if they can be arbitrarily complex). And of course find has its own, complex language.
if you then want to act on only some of the files whose names were collected in the find(-name)-dired buffer, you need to either mark them or delete/omit the lines of those you do not want to act on.
An alternative is to use Dired+ commands that act on (a) the marked files and (b) all marked files (or all files, if none are marked) in the marked subdirectories ... found recursively. This gives you both generality and easy control over file choice. These "here-and-below" commands are all on prefix key M-+ in Dired mode.
For example, M-+ Q is the same as Q --- query-replace, but the target files are all of those marked in the current dir and in any marked subdirs, down, down, down...
Yes, an alternative to using such here-and-below commands is to insert all subdirs and their subdirs, recursively, and then use a top-level command such as Q. But it can often be convenient not to bother with inserted subdirs.
And to do that you anyway need a quick way to insert all such subdirs recursively. Here too, Dired+ can help. M-+ M-i inserts all marked subdirs and their own marked subdirs, recursively. That is, it is like M-i (which inserts the marked subdirs in Dired+), but it acts recursively on subdirs.
(All such "here-and-below" Dired+ commands are on menu Multiple > Marked Here and Below.)
You can also perform Dired operations on an Emacs fileset, which is a saved set of names of files located anywhere. And if you use Icicles then you can open a Dired buffer for just the files in a fileset or other types of saved file lists.
You can also bookmark any Dired buffer, including one that you create using find(-name)-dired. This gives you a quick way to return to such a set (e.g. a project set) later. And if you use Bookmark+ then bookmarking a Dired buffer records (a) its ls switches, (b) which files are marked, (c) which subdirectories are inserted, and (d) which (sub)directories are hidden. All of that is restored when you "jump" to the bookmark. Bookmark+ also lets you bookmark an entire tree of Dired buffers --- jumping to the bookmark restores all of the buffers in the tree.
M-x project-query-replace-regexp RET (make sure your files are saved!).
M-x rgrep RET then query-replace within each buffer. Nice because you can keep track of all occurrences, and because it let's you limit search to certain extensions.
I would like to suggest one more great tool which has not been mentioned yet, namely Helm.
It is a great replacement for many standard Emacs operations involving completion, searching etc. In particular, helm-find-files allows for performing query replace (including regexp) within multiple selected files.
Just open helm-find-files, mark the relevant files with M-SPC and then use F6 or F7 to run query replace or query replace regexp in the selected files.
It's not Emacs, but xxdiff comes with a tool called xx-rename which will do that for multiple strings at a time (e.g. From To from to FROM TO), with interactive prompting, save backups of all the modified files, and produce a short log of changes made with context. That's what I tend to use when I do large/global renamings.