MongoDB update all fields of array error - mongodb

Im tring to set 0 the items.qty of a document obtains by a id query.
// query
// update
// options
"multi" : true, // update only one document
"upsert" : true // insert a new document, if no existing document match the query
Cannot apply the positional operator without a corresponding query field containing an array.
This is the document that i want to set all items.qty to 0
"_id": { "$oid" : "5322f07e139cdd7e31178b78" },
"items": [
"_id": { "$oid" : "531ed4cae604d3d30df8e2ca" },
"brand": "BJFE",
"color": "GDRNCCD",
"hand": 1,
"model": 0,
"price": 500,
"qty": 0,
"type": 0
"brand": "BJFE",
"color": "GDRNCCD",
"hand": 1,
"id": "23",
"model": 0,
"price": 500,
"qty": 4,
"type": 0
"brand": "BJFE",
"color": "GDRNCCD",
"hand": 1,
"id": "3344",
"model": 0,
"price": 500,
"qty": 6,
"type": 0
"name": "a"

The detail missing from the question was that the required field to update was actually in a sub-document. This changes the answer considerably:
This is a constraint of what you can possibly do with updating array elements. And this is clearly explained in the documentation. Mostly in this paragraph:
The positional $ operator acts as a placeholder for the first element that matches the query document
So here is the thing. Trying to update all of the array elements in a single statement like this will not work. In order to do this you must to the following.
db.warehouses.find({ "items.qty": { "$gt": 0 } }).forEach(function(doc) {
doc.items.forEach(function(item) {
item.qty = 0;
db.warehouses.update({ "_id": doc._id }, doc );
Which is basically the way to update every array element.
The multi setting in .update() means across multiple "documents". It cannot be applied to multiple elements of an array. So presently the best option is to replace the whole thing. Or in this case we may just as well replace the whole document since we need to do that anyway.
For real bulk data, use db.eval(). But please read the documentation first:
db.eval(function() {
db.warehouses.find({ "items.qty": { "$gt": 0 } }).forEach(function(doc) {
doc.items.forEach(function(item) {
item.qty = 0;
db.warehouses.update({ "_id": doc._id }, doc );
Updating all the elements in an array across the whole collection is not simple.
Pretty much exactly what the error says. In order to use a positional operator you need to match something first. As in:
// query
"items.qty": { "$gt": 0 }
// update
// options
"multi" : true,
"upsert" : true
So where the match condition fins the position of the items that are less than 0 then that index is passed to the positional operator.
P.S : When muti is true it means it updates every document. Leave it false if you only mean one. Which is the default.

You can use the $ positional operator only when you specify an array in the first argument (i.e., the query part used to identify the document you want to update).
The positional $ operator identifies an element in an array field to update without explicitly specifying the position of the element in the array.


Update an array item of Mongodb with $and query

Hi I am trying to increment the count of the matching requirement in an array. My sample collection looks like the following:
"_id": ObjectId("60760ba2e870fa518f2ae48b"),
"userId": "6075f7289822d94dca8066b4",
"requirements": [
"searchText": "zee5",
"planType": "basic",
"mode": "PRIVATE",
"count": 32.0
"searchText": "sony",
"planType": "standard",
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"count": 12.0
"searchText": "prime",
"planType": "premium",
"mode": "PRIVATE",
"count": 2
If a user searches for prime, with filter premium and PRIVATE, then the count of the last requirement should be updated. If he searches for prime, with filter standard and PRIVATE, then the new requirement will be inserted with count 1.
I am doing in two steps. First I fire an update with the following query and then if no update, I fire a push query with count 1:
db.getCollection('userProfile').update({ "$and" : [{ "requirements.searchText" : {$eq:"prime"}}, {"requirements.mode" : {$eq: "PUBLIC"}}, {"requirements.planType": {$eq: "standard"}}, { "userId" : "6075f7289822d94dca8066b4"}]}, {$inc: {"requirements.$.count" : 1}})
I was expecting that the above query will not update any requirement, since there is no exact match. Interestingly, it increments the count of the second requirement with (sony, standard, public). What is wrong with the query? How can I get it right?
Demo - with Update -
Demo No update -
Use $elemMatch to make sure all properties are present in the same object inside the array
The $elemMatch operator matches documents that contain an array field with at least one element that matches all the specified query criteria.
"requirements": {
$elemMatch: { "searchText": "prime","mode": "PUBLIC", "planType": "standard" }
"userId": "6075f7289822d94dca8066b4"
{ $inc: { "requirements.$.count": 1 } }
Problem -
Your current query will match any document with all these fields in
requirements array in any object, if they match 1 property in 1 index of the array and another match in the next index query will find the document valid.
"searchText": "prime",
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"planType": "standard"

Mongodb partial index on one of the indexed field

I want to create partial index on one of the indexed field
but I am failing miserably
{ "siteId": 1,
{ { "parent": 1} ,{partialFilterExpression:{parent:{$exists: true}}}},
"updatedDate": 1,
"label": 1 }
how to do that?
the field "parent" is the one I want to index partially
In roboMongo I get the error
Error: Line 3: Unexpected token {
You pass the partialFilterExpression object as a second parameter to createIndex. See the documentation.
{ "siteId": 1, "parent": 1, "updatedDate": 1, "label": 1 },
{ partialFilterExpression: { parent: { $exists: true } }
So don't think of it as partially indexing a field; your partial filter expression defines which documents to include in your index.

update MongoDB document sub object without replacing

So I have this document in my database like below
"_id": {
"$oid": "59a8668f900bea0528b63fdc"
"userId": "KingSlizzard",
"credits": 15,
"settings": {
"music": 1,
"sfx": 0
I have this method for updating just specific fields in a document
function setPlayerDataField(targetUserId, updateObject) {
"userId": targetUserId //Looks for a doc with the userId of the player
}, { $set: updateObject }, //Uses the $set Mongo modifier to set value at a path
false, //Create the document if it does not exist (upsert)
true //This query will only affect a single object (multi)
It works fine if I do a command like
setPlayerDataField("KingSlizzard",{"credits": 20});
It would result in the document like this
"_id": {
"$oid": "59a8668f900bea0528b63fdc"
"userId": "KingSlizzard",
"credits": 20,
"settings": {
"music": 1,
"sfx": 0
The value for credits is now 20 yay! This is desired.
However, if I do this command...
setPlayerDataField("KingSlizzard",{"settings": {"music":0}});
It would result in the document like this
"_id": {
"$oid": "59a8668f900bea0528b63fdc"
"userId": "KingSlizzard",
"credits": 20,
"settings": {
"music": 0
All I wanted to do was set only the settings/music value to 0. This result is NOT desired since we lost the sfx value.
So my question is, how do I update a value in a sub object without replacing the whole sub object itself?
To set a specific property of a child document, use dot notation. In your example, write it as:
setPlayerDataField("KingSlizzard", {"": 0});
See the example in the MongoDB docs.
To specify a <field> in an embedded document or in an array, use dot notation.

mongodb $addToSet to a non-array field when update on upsert

My recent project encountered the same problem as this one: the question
{name:"abc123", "config.a":1 },
{$addToSet:{ config:{a:1,b:2} } },
Will produce such error:
Cannot apply $addToSet to a non-array field
But after changed to:
{name:"abc123", "config.a":{$in:[1]} },
{$addToSet:{ config:{a:1,b:2} } },
It works fine.
Also referenced this link: Answer
Can Any one explain what's going on? "config.a":1 will turn config to be an object? Where "config.a":{$in:[1]} won't?
What you are trying to do here is add a new item to an array only where the item does not exist and also create a new document where it does not exist. You choose $addToSet because you want the items to be unique, but in fact you really want them to be unique by "a" only.
So $addToset will not do that, and you rather need to "test" the element being present. But the real problem here is that it is not possible to both do that and "upsert" at the same time. The logic cannot work as a new document will be created whenever the array element was not found, rather than append to the array element like you want.
The current operation errors by design as $addToSet cannot be used to "create" an array, but only to "add" members to an existing array. But as stated already, you have other problems with achieving the logic.
What you need here is a sequence of update operations that each "try" to perform their expected action. This can only be done with multiple statements:
// attempt "upsert" where document does not exist
// do not alter the document if this is an update
{ "name": "abc" },
{ "$setOnInsert": { "config": [{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }] }},
{ "upsert": true }
// $push the element where "a": 1 does not exist
{ "name": "abc", "config.a": { "$ne": 1 } },
{ "$push": { "config": { "a": 1, "b": 2 } }}
// $set the element where "a": 1 does exist
{ "name": "abc", "config.a": 1 },
{ "$set": { "config.$.b": 2 } }
On a first iteration the first statement will "upsert" the document and create the array with items. The second statement will not match the document because the "a" element has the value that was specified. The third statement will match the document but it will not alter it in a write operation because the values have not changed.
If you now change the input to "b": 3 you get different responses but the desired result:
{ "name": "abc" },
{ "$setOnInsert": { "config": [{ "a": 1, "b": 3 }] }},
{ "upsert": true }
{ "name": "abc", "config.a": { "$ne": 1 } },
{ "$push": { "config": { "a": 1, "b": 3 } }}
{ "name": "abc", "config.a": 1 },
{ "$set": { "config.$.b": 3 } }
So now the first statement matches a document with "name": "abc" but does not do anything since the only valid operations are on "insert". The second statement does not match because "a" matches the condition. The third statment matches the value of "a" and changes "b" in the matched element to the desired value.
Subsequently changing "a" to another value that does not exist in the array allows both 1 and 3 to do nothing but the second statement adds another member to the array keeping the content unique by their "a" keys.
Also submitting a statement with no changes from existing data will of course result in a response that says nothing is changed on all accounts.
That's how you do your operations. You can do this with "ordered" Bulk operations so that there is only a single request and response from the server with the valid response to modified or created.
As explained in this issue on the MongoDB JIRA (, this can be solved in a single query:
The following update fails because we use $addToSet on a field which we have also included in the first argument (the field which accepts the fields and values to query for). As far as I understand it, you can't use upsert: true in this scenario where we $addToSet to the same field we query with.{x : "a"}, {$addToSet: {x: "b"}} , {upsert: true}); // FAILS
The solution is to use $elemMatch: {$eq: field: value}{x: {$elemMatch: {$eq: "a"}}}, {$addToSet: {x: "b"}}, {upsert: true});

How to return index of array item in Mongodb?

The document is like below.
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 10,
"date": 2013-06-06,
"score": 21,
The daily active score is intended to increase once the book is opened by a reader. The first solution comes to mind is use "$" to find whether target date has a score or not, and deal with it.
err = bookCollection.Update(
{"title":"Book1", "": 2013-06-06},
{"$inc":{"dailyactivescore.$.score": 1}})
if err == ErrNotFound {
bookCollection.Update({"title":"Book1"}, {"$push":...})
But I cannot help to think is there any way to return the index of an item inside array? If so, I could use one query to do the job rather than two. Like this.
index = bookCollection.Find(
{"title":"Book1", "": 2013-06-06}).Select({"$index"})
if index != -1 {
incTarget = FormatString("dailyactivescore.%d.score", index)
bookCollection.Update(..., {"$inc": {incTarget: 1}})
} else {
//push here
Incrementing a field that's not present isn't the issue as doing $inc:1 on it will just create it and set it to 1 post-increment. The issue is when you don't have an array item corresponding to the date you want to increment.
There are several possible solutions here (that don't involve multiple steps to increment).
One is to pre-create all the dates in the array elements with scores:0 like so:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-01,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-02,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-03,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-04,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-06,
"score": 0
}, { etc ... }
But how far into the future to go? So one option here is to "bucket" - for example, have an activities document "per month" and before the start of a month have a job that creates the new documents for next month. Slightly yucky. But it'll work.
Other options involve slight changes in schema.
You can use a collection with book, date, activity_scores. Then you can use a simple upsert to increment a score:
db.books.update({title:"Book1", date:"2013-06-02", {$inc:{score:1}}, {upsert:true})
This will increment the score or insert new record with score:1 for this book and date and your collection will look like this:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-01,
"score": 10,
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-02,
"score": 1,
}, ...
Depending on how much you simplified your example from your real use case, this might work well.
Another option is to stick with the array but switch to using the date string as a key that you increment:
"title": "Book1",
{ "2013-06-01":10},
{ "2013-06-02":8}
Note it's now a subdocument and not an array and you can do:
db.books.update({title:"Book1"}, {"dailyactivityscores.2013-06-03":{$inc:1}})
and it will add a new date into the subdocument and increment it resulting in:
"title": "Book1",
{ "2013-06-01":10},
{ "2013-06-02":8},
{ "2013-06-03":1}
Note it's now harder to "add-up" the scores for the book so you can atomically also update a "subtotal" in the same update statement whether it's for all time or just for the month.
But here it's once again problematic to keep adding days to this subdocument - what happens when you're still around in a few years and these book documents grow hugely?
I suspect that unless you will only be keeping activity scores for the last N days (which you can do with capped array feature in 2.4) it will be simpler to have a separate collection for book-activity-score tracking where each book-day is a separate document than to embed the scores for each day into the book in a collection of books.
According to the docs:
The $inc operator increments a value of a field by a specified amount.
If the field does not exist, $inc sets the field to the specified
So, if there won't be a score field in the array item, $inc will set it to 1 in your case, like this:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 10,
"date": 2013-06-06,
{"title":"Book1", "": 2013-06-06},
{"$inc":{"dailyactivescore.$.score": 1}})
will result into:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 10,
"date": 2013-06-06,
"score": 1
Hope that helps.