Yii - creating a record for a related model and populating the parent form - forms

this is my first stack overflow question, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I have a relationship between contracts and customers, expressed in the model as:
'customer' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Customer', 'customer_id'),
Now, this is fine - I can access my related model in the view without a problem.
What I want, however, is:
to add the ability to add a 'New Customer' button from within the Create Contract page (which is fine)
have it fire up the /views/customer/create form (which is also fine)
but then, once it's created, have it capture the new ID, close the window and return to the Create Contract page with the newly-created Customer ID pre-populated. I cannot for the life of me work out how to do this :(
Any help appreciated.

One way is this that when your actionSave() saves the customer you can redirect the page to something like
Now this way you can pass the user ID to the form and have it pre-populated.
With your contract create action being like : -
public function actionCreate($user_id = NULL){
$model = new Contract();
//You can also check here if the user ID is valid or not
$model->user_id = $user_id;
$this->render('create', array(
'model' => $model
Another way is that you can put the user ID in session and redirect the user to Contract Create page and fetch the user ID there and again pass it to the model as above.
Hope it helps with the issue.


How to display just students in users page(Moodle:/admin/user.php)

I want to display just students in moodle users page without manually adding a filter using the web interface. Could anybody help me on how to do?
You can create a link that shows only students but you'll need to post the data. Here's how I did it.
If you install WebDeveloper - http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/
Then go to /admin/user.php and click WebDeveloper, choose the "Forms" tab and "convert POSTS to GETS".
Choose the filter and click add filter. This will display a url with all the form fields. Moodle is expecting a POST rather than a GET though.
So copy and paste the url into a variable and use the single_button function with the post method eg:
$url = '/admin/user.php?sesskey=xxxxxxx&_qf__user_add_filter_form=1&mform_showmore_id_newfilter=1&mform_isexpanded_id_newfilter=1&realname_op=0&realname=&lastname_op=0&lastname=&firstname_op=0&firstname=&email_op=0&email=&city_op=0&city=&country_op=0&confirmed=&suspended=&profile_fld=0&profile_op=0&profile=&courserole_rl=5&courserole_ct=0&courserole=&systemrole=0&cohort_op=2&cohort=&username_op=0&username=&auth=&deleted=&addfilter=Add+filter';
echo $OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('student'), 'post');
Copy and paste your own url rather than the above.
You can probably remove a lot of the parameters. You should also get the roleid for the student and use the moodle_url function, eg:
$studentroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => 'student'));
$params = array('courserole_rl' => $studentroleid, 'courserole_ct' => 0, ... );
$url = new moodle_url('/admin/user.php', $params);
echo $OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('students'), 'post');
This is not possible, as, in Moodle, it is rare for someone to be assigned the role of 'student' at the system level (and if you did, they would have access to every course on the site).
The concept of 'student' in Moodle only makes sense at the course level.

Zend -> ZfcUser create new user after email verification/activation

I am working on a website, which already has a working registration form, using the ZfcUser module.
I need to also be able to create a user via the admin page i've created.
Step by step it goes something like this:
Admin adds user by filling in first name, last name and email.
email gets sent to user.
user clicks validation link and gets redirected to website.
now the user only has to enter his desired password and he is done.
How would i be able to do this, if at all possible?
first of all, im not sure what would be the best aproach, but a few come to my mind.
I think the easier would be to load the register form in your admin, remember you can load it from any controller with the service manager, something like
$form = $sm->get('zfcuser_register_form');
and then you can work with it as you would do with any form, sending it to the view, and so.
You would have the full register form, with all the fields you have set as required in your zfcuser.global.php, including the password. I think it is good to set a temp password, and have the user change it later. also you could have its status as unconfirmed until the first password change.
If you dont want an specific field, you can take it out as you would with any form, by means of
You would want to check the element names at ZfcUser\Form\Register
Also, remember that if you remove any field, you would have to modify the input filter, otherwise the validation will fail. For this, in your module's bootstrap, you should attach an event listener, something like this:
$em = $e->getApplication ()->getEventManager ();
$em->attach ( 'ZfcUser\Form\RegisterFilter', 'init', function ($e) {
$filter = $e->getTarget ();
//now modify the inputfilter as you need
Then, you will have to send the mail to the user. For that i will also use the event manager, at your bootstrap you register a listener for when the user is created, this is by means of
$sm = $e->getApplication ()->getServiceManager ();
$zfcServiceEvents = $sm->get ( 'zfcuser_user_service' )->getEventManager ();
$zfcServiceEvents->attach ( 'register.post', function ($e) {
$form = $e->getParam ( 'form' );
$user = $e->getParam ( 'user' );
//now you have all the info from the form and the already created user, so you can send the mail and whatever you need.
The last step, is to let the user change his password. To do this, i will send him to a module where you show the change password form, that you can retrieve with:
or directly, sending him to the /user/change-password url that is one of the predefined with zfc-user.
I think this will be the cleanest way.
Another approach
If you dont like it that way, you can use another approach where you create your own form, fill it, save the data to a temp table, send the mail and then...when the user comes to set his password, you build a register form, with the fields pre-filled (and hidden, changing the input type to hidden, or by css) and let him send the form, so while he thinks he is sending just the password, actually he is sending all the registration form, and from here everything is like in normal registration.
For this solution you will also have to use the events, but probably you'd have to take a look at the register event,that is triggered when the form is sent, before the user is saved in the database, so you can modify any data you could need.
$zfcServiceEvents->attach ( 'register', function ($e) {
$form = $e->getParam ( 'form' );
And also you should take a look to the already mentioned init event, where you can retrieve the form before you show it to the user, and prefill any data from the temp table.
$events->attach ( 'ZfcUser\Form\Register', 'init', function ($e) {
$form = $e->getTarget ();
//now you set form element values from the temp table
Probably this is so confusing, but i hope you at least get a clue of where start from!

Entity framework - Avoid circular Relationship in serialization

I have two tables : Users & Profiles. A user has one profile (1:1), a profile can be affected to many users, each profile has many modules, each module has many actions.
I'm sending this object from an asmx to a aspx page using a direct service call.
I got an error because of lazy loading ... so I disabled the lazy loading.
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
this works fine, I got my user, with the profile null.
To build the menu tree I have to retrieve the profile. I included It :
User user = new User();
using (cduContext db = new cduContext())
// get the user
string encryptedPassword = Encryption.Encrypt(password);
user = (from u in db.Users
where u.UserName.Equals(login) &&
select u).FirstOrDefault();
// Include the users profile
user = db.Users.Include("Profile").FirstOrDefault();
return user;
I got this error in the javascript call function :
A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type 'CDU.Entities.Models.User'.
When I made a quick watch on the user object, in asmx ( before sending it ) , I found, that the profile has included the list of the users who had this pofile, each user has his profile loaded ... etc
Any idea please ?
Note, your code should look like this:
using (cduContext db = new cduContext())
// get the user
string encryptedPassword = Encryption.Encrypt(password);
var user = from u in db.Users
where u.UserName.Equals(login) &&
select u;
// Include the users profile
return user.Include("Profile").FirstOrDefault();
In your code, you were throwing away the first query by overwriting it with the second. And there was no valid reason to create a blank user.
To address your problem, you're going to have make a decision on what you don't want to serialize. In your case, you probably don't want to serialize Profile.Users
You don't mention what serializer you're using. I'm assuming you're using the DataContract serializer?
You would mark your Profile.Users object with the [IgnoreDataMember] Attribute.

Cake PHP pass parameter with form to controller

I don´t know how to securely pass a parameter via form with Cake.
The method I use now is as follows:
$this->Form->create('Post', array('label' => '', 'action' => '', 'url' => 'inseratAngenommen/'.$postId));
In the controller there stands:
function inseratAngenommen($id = null, $bs = null){
The poblem is that the user can modify the output number of $postId in the browser:
For that case I want to pass the parameter invisible in the HTML. Is that possible?
I thought of a method like the Form->PostLink provides. I couldn´t find anything.
Thanks in advance.
It is not possible to send an parameter securely over a website as the data is sent by the user.
Use the validation methods of cakephp to make sure the data is correct.
1] method one: add obscurity: hide the $id into a posted field by:
$this->Form-field('id'); // even this one will do as cake hides ids by default
2] method two: keep the id on the server for instance in a session
$this->Session->write('current-edited-post-id', $id); // upon form display
$id = $this->Session->read('current-edited-post-id'); // upon form submission
but be warned thou, that method 2 doesn't behave well, if the user opens multiple tabs and operates one session from both of them :(

move from one action (signup) to confirm action (show the data submited) and success page Zend Framework

I am a newbie to Zend and creating a simple signup form but which has many fields. So I want to create a confirm page after the user signup action.
this is how my flow goes:
signup -> confirm ->success/error
My main reason for having a separate confirm form page is the data fields are so many so the user must go through to make sure they are all correctly filled.
using forms signup and confirm (with field disabled), I want to know if there is a way to pass the data from the signup form to confirm form?
Please any helpful ideas and suggestions welcomed
public function signupAction()
$users = new Application_Model_Users();
$form = new Application_Form_RegistrationForm();
$data = $form->getValues();
//some checks before sending data to confirm page
//not sure how the data can be passed to the confirm page from here
public function confirmsignupAction()
$users = new Application_Model_Users();
$form = new Application_Form_ConfirmRegistrationForm();
$data = $form->getValues();
//some checks before
When redirecting, you will lose the POST data, unless:
You store it in session in signup and then read in confirmsignup
You don't redirect at all. Instead, after first submit check for existence of special data in your form, it may be a random token like hash of session id etc., but not easily guessable like "confirm=1". If the token does not exist, add a hidden field with this token to your form and show it to the user again in the same action, with data filled in - this will be the confirmation phase. If you have a POST in signup again, you will receive the token and by checking it exists, you will know this is the second submit with confirmation and you may proceed with the signup. I hope I didn't overcomplicate this.