Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch - matlab

here is the code listing and i got the above mentiond error at line nests(r,c)=nests(r,c)+stepsize.*randn(size(nests(r,c))); please let me now what is wrong with my code as i m new to matlab
for r = 1:numb_of_nest % for each particle
for c = 1:4
% Apply simple bounds/limits
% Apply the upper bounds
% Update this new move

This error happens when you assign a value of some dimension m x n to a subscripted variable of different dimension.
In your case, assuming nests has no third dimension, you're assigning to a scalar (1x1) variable. This only works if the value you're trying to assign also is a scalar. Since you get the error, it probably isn't. The only place where your dimensions can be non-scalar is stepsize, so to fix this error, make sure stepsize is a scalar value.
According to the definition you gave in an earlier comment (stepsize=0.01*step.*(nests(r,c)-best);), this problem translates to make sure best is a scalar value. Possibly by subscripting, I can't tell you exactly how since I don't know what best is.

Here you're assigning a value to the variable step, but then using a different variable called stepsize that hasn't been assigned a value anywhere in this code. Is this intentional? If not, stepsize is probably some leftover variable from previous code which is messing up the dimensions and giving you this error.
In addition to the above, is nests an ordinary two-dimensional matrix in your code? If so, taking size(nests(r,c)) every time is unnecessary - since you're giving two subscripts, the result is only going to be 1 all the time. Or is nests a cell array perhaps? In that case, you might want to index using curly braces { } instead of ordinary parantheses, to get the size of the matrix that's sitting inside the cell.


Appending a row/column of different size to an array.

Recently, I came across this behaviour in Matlab and I am curious as to know why this happens.
a(1,:) = rand(4,1);
a(2,:) = rand(5,1);
This throws me Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch. error whereas
a(1,:) = rand(4,1);
a(2,1:5) = rand(5,1);
adjusts the array to the max column size and appends zero to the shorter ones.
My question is: Why the former code snippet doesn't do what the latter does(which seems very logical to me)? I don't see any reason as to why the former code snippet should work the way it does. Or am I missing something?
With a(2,:) = rand(5,1);, you are attempting to assign a 5x1 vector to a 4x1 matrix column. Hence the error.
With a(2,1:5) = rand(5,1);, you are explicitly referencing a 5th row, which tells the Matlab engine to expand the matrix accordingly before attempting the assignment operation. Hence, this will succeed.
The way I see it, trying to put 5 values into a 4 row vector likely comes from an error in the code, so the user has to explicitly state that this is what he intends to do. Of course, I can only infer on the intent of Mathworks developers when they specifiy the behavior of their language.

Why is the plot coming out empty for this Matlab code?

for Vm=90:5:1000
plot(Vm, P)
Every time I run this code, it comes out with a completely empty plot with just numbers on both axes as the image shown below. I've checked my code a few times, but I still can't find the problem, especially since the code runs with no errors. The result I am supposed to be getting on this plot is the behavior of P as the value of Vm increases.
The result of the code
Additional information about the source of the question
Here's the original question if you're interested (Exercise 1).
The original question (Exercise 1)
Try displaying your variables. You'll see Vm is not an array, rather it's a single-valued scalar. When you loop over Vm it takes one value at a time; it doesn't build an array.
MATLAB can do calculations on multiple values at once, so if you define Vm to be an array and drop the loop I'm guessing it'll work...
Try something like this (replace the for-loop with these lines):
Vm = 90:5:1000
P will then be an array. Notice we use .* rather than * when multiplying by the array Vm since we want to do element-wise multiplication, rather than matrix multiplication. Similarly we use ./ rather than / and .^ rather than ^.
EDIT: If you need to use a for-loop then you could define both P and Vm as arrays, and then work on each element separately within a loop:
Vm = 90:5:1000;
P = NaN(size(Vm));
for i=1:numel(Vm)
Since the above is working on scalar values, it doesn't matter if you use .* or *...

MATLAB struct conversion error

I have 5 different structure and I want to calculate some variables for all of them. To do that, I wrote the following code:
for i=1:5
[StructureI(i), ReqTab(i), jt(i), B(i)]=Checkall(E);
The values StructureI, ReqTab, jt and B are calculated in another function and they are
StructureI= 1X4 matrix,
ReqTab= 4X2 matrix,
jt=2x1 matrix,
B=4x4 matrix
When I run the code it calculates all the varibles in the function Checkall. However, when it turns to the parent code, it gives and error "Conversion to double from struct is not possible."
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
You cannot assign directly from double to struct, instead you have to write the specific field field_name to assign to:
[StructureI(i).field_name, ReqTab(i), jt(i), B(i)] = Checkall(E);
If all of these variables (i.e. also ReqTab, jt, B) are structures, then off course you need to specify the field in each one of them, using the . notation.
However, as mentioned in the comments, all iterations of your loop are just the same (no usage of i within it), so why do you need this loop? just to make 5 copies?

Using a value from a matrix as a multiplier in an equation?

Started using MatLab a couple of weeks ago, I don't know much proper syntax / terminology.
I'm trying to use a value in a 3x1 matrix as a multiplier in an equation later.
This is to draw a circle with radius and centre point defined by values input by the user.
I have a pop-up window, the values are input by the user and stored in this 3x1 cell (labelled answer).
How do I use the second value of that matrix, answer(2), in the following equation:
x = 'answer(2)' * cos(theta) + xCentre;
This error message appears:
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Disks (line 40)
x = 'answer(2)'.* cos(theta) + xCentre;
In MATLAB, apostrophes ('') define a string. If the name of your matrix is answer, you can refer to its second value by the command answer(2) as mentioned by #Schorsch. For more infos on vectors and matrices, you can check this site.
In addition to what the previous answer says, its important to understand what exactly you are doing before you do it. Only add the ('') if you are defining a string, which generally occurs when dealing with variables. In your case, you simply have a matrix, which is not a string, but rather a set of numbers. You can simply do answer(2) as aforementioned, because answer(2) calls up the second value in your matrix while 'answer(2)' has you trying to define some variable that does not exist.
the most important thing is truly understanding what you are doing to avoid the basic syntax errors.

plotting from a loop in matlab

I get some strange problem in my matlab code, this is a part of my code:
for k=1:length(box11)
However, the problem is that I get perc1 fixed in my plot. so I see a straight line in the graph. but I would like to have different numbers which give a curve line to me..
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, any help :( !!!
You should recall that length returns the length of an array. So, in the instruction
the operator sum acts on a scalar (which equals the length of the array find(box11(:,k)>0)), and not on an array. The same holds true for the instruction
So, if the length of find(box11(:,k)>0) does not change with k, then your perc1 will keep constant.