How can I change the location of the compiled scala files. Currently the files are stored in $GATLING_HOME/target/classes.
I thought the option "--simulations-binaries-folder" would do this.
"--simulations-binaries-folder" is used for forcing Gatling to search there for pre-compiled classes.
Check out gatling.conf file for the property named "". You can either override it directly in the file, or pass a System property with this name.
Is beanio can support more stream format other than csv, fixedLength, delimited, json and xml? I have created a new module from beanio to add new format, But the used by StreamCompiler to map the format is resides in the beanio parent project, how will I add a new format to it?
I don't know if you can extend BeanIO this way, but it would be great if this works for you.
See Section 8 of the reference documentation on how to provide your custom file
8.0. Configuration
In some cases, BeanIO behavior can be controlled by setting optional property values. Properties can be set using System properties or a property file. BeanIO will load configuration setting in the following order of priority:
System properties.
A property file named The file will be looked for first in the application's working directory, and then on the classpath.
The name and location of can be overridden using the System property org.beanio.configuration. In the following example, configuration settings will be loaded from the file named config/, first relative to the application's working directory, and if not found, then from the root of the application's classpath.
java -Dorg.beanio.configuration=config/ example.Main
Please let us know if you can extend the formats supported this way.
Let us assume, I want to use a foreign Matlab library with a structure like this:
If I simply add folderName to my Matlab path variable, it will easily yield name conflicts. I don't want to rename the files, to be able to obtain new releases of the example library (the package concept is not used in the example library). Renaming would need to modify the code as well, if there are calls from one library function to the other.
How do I write local wrappers, which wrap the functions from that example library? My wrappers could then have my desired names and input parameters.
Clarification: How do I use an external library (toolbox) without name conflicts, without renaming and without modifying each function?
Rename files: Makes it hard to update the external library.
Simply put them in a package folder: This will break internal library function calls.
You want to use a package, which will establish a namespace, such that things in the package, are then qualified with the package name. You can find more information here:
I have a properties file used for building in Ant containing variables that I want to add to Eclipse classpath. Is there a way to do this automatically?
Ideally I'd like to be able to add an argument to the command line and automatically import the values in the file.
Acceptable solutions also include the usage of a plugin that adds this functionality.
I'm trying to get the constants (ConstantsWithLookup) stored in the client side in my server side, but it can't figure out how to do it. I have my constants interface and my constants properties in the same folder.
I've tried tips of other similar threads with no success.
I tried Hermes, gwt-i18n-server, gwt-dmesg, GTWI18N, using a ResourceBundle, trying to get source file properties.
For the first two, it seems that the main reason is the outdated support for the newest GWT version. As for the ResourceBundle, it cannot find the properties file because at deployment, there isn't a properties file, just a Constants.class.
I'm trying to avoid changing my properties file to another location (like /WEB-INF/constants).
I'm using Hermes with GWT 2.5.0.rc1, and it works fine. Usage:
put hermes-1.2.0.jar into war/WEB-INF/lib
Then on the server side write something like
MyConstantsWithLookup my = Hermes.get(MyConstantsWithLookup.class, "de");
String string = my.getString(key);
A properties file must exist in the same package as, even if that properties file is empty (which might be the case if you're using #DefaultStringValue etc.)
Also add etc.
Make sure, that these properties files are copied next to your classes when compiling. Javac doesn't do that, so it must be done in an additional build step (Eclipse usually does this automatically, but it won't happen by itself when you build e.g. with Ant)
Many build setups will skip the java and properties files from the "client" package when compiling the server side. In that case, put your constants files in the "shared" package (if you have one).
In my custom Eclipse plugin, I have the fully qualified class name of a Java class as a String, and want to know its actual file path. In fact, I want to know the name of the source folder it resides in.
The class could be from any of the Java projects in the Workspace. The source folder names are arbitrary.
I use Eclipse 3.6.
You will have to use the search engine API. See
You can see that there are various static functions you can call, each with their own options. You will need to create an appropriate and then pass it to the search engine along with a scope (the workspace) and a requestor (something that gathers all of the results).
Typically, you will get a bunch of stuff back, like ITypes, which are the public API for accessing types in the Java model. You can call IType.getResource().getLocation() to get the filesystem location of any type. The getResource method may return null, so you need to check for that.
You will need to use the JDT API stuff to get to the IResource of the Java class. From there you can use the Resource API to get the containing folders and whatever else you need.