It is possible to open .html file located in add on resource (data directory)? - firefox-addon-sdk

I want to have something like a 'result page' for an add-on, an own page of the add-on that will be open and display annotations and other result things. Ideally I would use an .html file located in the data directory of the add-on.
Does the window module provide the ability to open extension's own files?

Usually you will want to open a new tab, not a window. There is no problem opening pages from your data directory, you simply have to use the URL returned by
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var self = require("sdk/self");{
inBackground: false, // This can also be: inNewWindow: true
This page won't have any special privileges however. In particular, it won't have any access to your add-on's data and it won't be able to exchange messages with your add-on. For that you need to inject a content script into the newly open tab:{
inBackground: false,
onReady: function(tab)
onMessage: function(message)
// Message from content script, send a response?
See tab.attach() and Communicating with content scripts.


How to Return File from SvelteKit Endpoint

I am trying to serve a PDF file that my SvelteKit app generates and allow a user to download it from an endpoint.
My project structure looks like this:
My [file].ts endpoint looks like this:
import fs from 'fs'
// ----- GET -----
export async function get({ params }){
//console.log(params.file) -> ABC
var pdf = fs.readFileSync('./src/routes/downloads/'+params.file+'.pdf')
headers: {
"Content-type" : "application/pdf",
"Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename="+params.file+".pdf"
body: pdf
So then when I hit http://localhost:3000/downloads/ABC, the PDF file named ABC.pdf downloads.
But my readFileSync path isn't something that's going to work on production. As far as I know, there is no /src/routes folder.
How do I serve my file from a http://localhost:3000 url? Everything I've tried yields a 404 and it can't find the file. I'm also open to a different way of handling this scenario. This is just my best guess of how to do this in SvelteKit.
The recommended way to do this, for adapter-node, is to place your application data in a new folder under your project's root directory (ie. alongside /src and /static). You can then read files with a relative path: fs.readFile('./my-app-data/foo.txt').
For deployment, you just have to make sure to execute node build from the project root, as this guarantees that you have the same working directory during both development and production.
The static folder works, but it is not meant to carry application data—files in this folder represent new routes that are served directly to users, so this is not desirable if your generated files must be protected in any way. Even if they're meant to be public files, it still blurs what is supposed to be production and source data: should a new deploy overwrite all the files in static? If you're not careful, a naming clash could mean overwriting production data.
You can use import.meta.glob for this.
export async function get({ params }){
const file = `./${params.file}.pdf`;
const pdfs = import.meta.glob(('./*.pdf', { as: 'raw' });
const pdf = pdfs[file];
return {
headers: {
"Content-type" : "application/pdf",
"Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename="+params.file+".pdf"
body: pdf
The import.meta.glob in combination with the as: 'raw' option will effectively embed the contents of each file in your resulting code. (this is purely server side so no worries about shipping to much to the client)
Note that this of course means that only files present during build can be served this way.
As #Stephane suggest, put your files under statics folder. This way you can serve directly through a reverse proxy, like Nginx

Intercept and edit multipart form-data POST request body in Browser

I've got a site that accepts file uploads which are sent as multipart/form-data within a POST request. To verify that the upload, which shows the filename afterwards, is secured against XSS I want to upload a file which contains HTML Tags in the filename.
This is actually harder than I expected. I can't create a file containing < on my filesystem (Windows). Also, I don't know a way to change the filename of the file input element inside the DOM before the upload (which is what I would do with normal/hidden inputs). So I thought about editing the POST body before it's uploaded, but I don't know how. Popular extensions (I recall Tamper Data, Tamper Dev) only let me change headers. I guess this is due to the plugin system of Chrome, which is the Browser I use.
So, what's the simplest way of manipulating the POST requests body? I could craft the entire request using cUrl, but I also need state, lots of additional parameters and session data etc. which gets quite complex... A simple way within the Browser would ne nice.
So, while this is not a perfect solution, it is at least a way to recreate and manipulate the form submit using FormData and fetch. It is not as generic as I'd like it to be, but it works in that case. Just use this code in the devtools to submit the form with the altered filename:
let formElement = document.querySelector('#idForm'); // get the form element
let oldForm = new FormData(formElement);
let newForm = new FormData;
// copy the FormData entry by entry
for (var pair of oldForm.entries()) {
console.log(pair[0]+': '+pair[1]);
if(typeof(pair[1]) == 'object' && pair[1].name) {
// alter the filename if it's a file
} else {
// Log the new FormData
for (var pair of newForm.entries()) {
console.log(pair[0]+': ');
// Submit it
fetch(formElement.action, {
method: formElement.method,
body: newForm
I'd still appreciate other approaches.

How to inject/track editor/document meta-data?

Is there a way to inject custom properties into a document/editor?
For example, I need to edit text from an api endpoint. It's easy to make the api call and display the data in an editor, then edit the text. I cannot seem to find a good way to put the meta-data about the text so a post can be made to update the source. Need to hold information like api-end-point and document id without injecting it into the main editor text.
I have been looking into everything from a CustomDocument/provider to a custome file system provider, but those options seem to be rather complicated for what I need.
api-endpoint: GET /docs
const resp = [{
name: /docs/note1.txt,
id: 12345,
content: 'some text document content'
}, {
name: /notes/othernote.txt
id: 54312,
content: 'special text in another note'
// open a document/editor and display the content of one of the docs from the api reponse
await workspace.openTextDocument({ content: resp[0].content, language: 'text' })
.then( async (doc) => {
await window.showTextDocument( doc, { preview: false });
Now we have an editor displaying the content but no way to link that content back to the api endpoint (with doc id). It seems I need to be looking the file system provider so I can inject additional details in to the file stats.

PWA multiple virtual paths with same backend code does not create separate installs

I have a generic common NodeJS app that multiple users access. The users are identified via the path. For example: can be one path while can be another path.
On the NodeJS server path, I send the same server code by passing the path parameters to the program. The route appears something like this:
app.get('/*', async (req, res) => {
locals.path = req.path;
res.render('index', locals);
In the above index is a template that uses locals data for customisation
What I would like is that for each path there is a separate manifest and its associated icons and that on a single device (phone or desktop) multiple installations be possible. Thus, be one icon and be another icon.
I am having difficulty in the placement and the scoping of the manifest and service worker. It always adds only one icon (the first path installed) to the home screen or desktop. My settings are:
In the public (root) folder I have each manifest viz. abc-manifest.json and def-manifest.json and a common sw.js.
The abc-manifest.json is:
'scope': '/abc',
'start_url': '/abc',
The access to the service-worker from the index.js is:
if (navigator.serviceWorker) {
.then(function (registration) {
console.log('ServiceWorker registration succeeded');
}).catch(function (error) {
console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed:', error);
I have tried changing the paths of scope and start_url to / but it did not work. Since all requests to the public path are common and not within the virtual /abc path, I am unable to figure out how to get this working.
Could that be an option to have a dedicated route that will redirect the user to /abc or /def?
In the manifest:
"start_url": "",
"scope": "",
/login would make sure to redirect to /abc or /def.
This way you could keep one service worker, and one manifest.
And in the Service Worker, maybe try to return the specific icon based on file name.
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => {
// Serve correct icon
let url = new URL(e.request.url)
if (url.pathname.contains('/android-icon-512.png')) {
return respondWith(e, '/android-icon-512-abc.png')
// other ifs…
// Return from cache or fallback to network.
respondWith(e, e.request)
const respondWith = (e, url) =>
.then(response => response || fetch(e.request).then(response => response))
Maybe you’ll need a specific header to do this, or use a URL parameter (icon.png?user=abc) to help query the right icon. I’m throwing idea, because it probably depends a lot on your app back-end and/or front-end architecture.
I once did this: the back-end (PHP / Laravel) handled the correct returning of the icon and manifest (I had one for each use case) based on other stuff.

Show a popup on redirect from old to new domain

I need to show a popup when the old domain is redirected to new domain in the nuxt js.
I have modified the . htaccess file and have a modal in the index.vue.
mounted() {
const modal = document.getElementById('modal')
if (document.referrer.indexOf('') > -1) {
alert('Previous domain redirected') = 'block'
But there is no popup displayed. Is there a better way to do this using nuxt.
You can try the following:
Create a middleware in middleware/popupCheck.js name is up to you..
when you are creating middleware in Nuxt you should export default function, like this:
export default function(context) {
if (context.req.headers['your-custom-header']) {
// Use vuex store to dispatch an action to show a popup or set a cookie
// to listen to. Here the logic should be defined by the implementation.
The point here is to listen for a header in the request, could be a cookie also, that you have to send from your old site for every request, so make sure it's not something generic, but instead something that you cannot hit easily by mistake..
After you create your middleware you can use it on pages or layouts views, and you should add it in the default object you export:
export default {
middleware: 'popupCheck',
Without importing the middleware you just call it by name, this could also be an array if you wish to add multiple middlewares, and the order in that array is important.
There might be a better way to solve this, but this is the first one that came to my mind..